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Lets speak up

English course daily assignment

Subjec recturer : Rinta Ratnawati .M,PD

Name : Moh Nurul Jalaluddin

Study program : management of education Islam

Nim. : 23381041060

Class. : C

No . Telp. : +6281999536059

Hallo everyone, let me introduce my self to you . (Ok) my complete name is Moh Nurul Jalaluddin
you can call me Jalall . I from madura island , Pamekasan regancy , larangan subdistric and larangan
village . Iam as a student of IAIN MADURA (state islamic institute of Madura) . Iam taking
Management pendidikan Islam (MPI) program , Now iam in the one semester . Well , my hobby is
playying fottball , my ambition is teacher . My favorite food is smashed chicken , and I have
advantages in the field of tambourine music, I can play all the instruments, and my weakness is that
I am lazy to read both textbooks and other books.

If you want to know me more , kindly ger me via my social media .well , my Facebook account is
@Aktor Muda my Instagram is @razerr_boyy . Well everyone , thanks you very much for being so
attentive , i do love knowing you and i do hope that we can be best friend forever, feel free to greet
me anytime you meet me orget me via my social media . Klopefully we can collaborate for better life
; don’t for get me . Ok...bye...

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