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Chester Byron A.

Year/Section: BSED English-3C
Subject: Survey of Philippine Literature (Eng 14)

Module 2

Definitions of Literature, Literary Standards, Divisions of Literature, and Literary


Engaging Activities

A. Create your own definition of literature.

Literature is an art that expresses the idea, thoughts and feelings of a writer, it is also
informative about issues in life and other experiences that can may be beneficial to other

Performance Tasks

PT 1

Directions: Is the vision and mission of LSPU considered literary. Why or why not? Defend your

Yes, I do believe that the vision and mission of LSPU is a literary works, given the style of how
it’s written and the content of the text is a literary piece, it has the thought, emotions and the
character that is needed to be a literary piece.


A. Supply the answer for each question.
1. This is sometimes called the hero of the story. Protagonist
2. This element is the central idea or message of the story. Theme
3. This conflict is the struggle between one character to another character in the story.
Character vs character
4. This simply means conversation. Dialogue
5. This point of view is when he/she knows everything. Omniscient
6. This is a conversation between two or more characters. Dialogue
7. This plot ends where it started. Circular Plot
8. This is the most exciting part of the story. Climax
9. This is the time and place in which the story happened. Setting
10. This point of view uses the pronoun I. First-person POV
B. Determine which figure of speech is present in the following statements below.

1. I cried a river when he left me. - Hyperbole

2. "How nice!" she said, when I told her I had to work all weekend. - Irony
3. The world is a stage- Metaphor
4. Jumbo shrimp .- Oxymoron
5. The snowflakes danced-Personification
6. As slippery as an eel - Simile
7. Louisiana is the Mecca of witches. Allusion
8. I'll bring my wheels tomorrow - Synecdoche
9. The wind howled. - Personification
10 Free market-Oxymoron
11. I've told you to stop a thousand times - Hyperbole
12. Money talks-Personification
13. I'm so mad I could chew nails - Hyperbole
14. She is as tall as a mountain. - Simile
15. You're the Aphrodite of the class. - Allusion

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