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Critical Control Management – ICMM presentation

29 June 2022
Table Of Content
Material Unwanted Events

• Moral License to practice

• Safety management quality circle
• People, Process / Systems & Environment
• Risk Management
• Organisational readiness
• Critical control management programme
• Control Effectiveness

I care for my own safety and those of my Brothers & Sisters

Moral License to Practice (BS 8800)
3.4.2 Responsibilities Management responsibilities Ultimate responsibility for OH&S rests with the managing director, board of directors or
management board as appropriate (see HSE Directors’ responsibilities for health and safety [6] for further information). In very
small organizations the responsibility lies with the owner or senior partner. Good practice is to appoint a person at the top
management level (e.g. in a large organization, a board or executive committee member) who has particular responsibility,
accountability and authority for:

a) Ensuring that the OH&S management system is properly developed, implemented and performing to expectations in all
locations and spheres of operation within the organization (see Annex C);
b) Ensuring that where necessary one or more competent persons are appointed to help undertake the measures needed;
c) The achievement of all OH&S objectives;
d) The management review (see 3.9.3) and evaluation of the OH&S management system; and
e) The periodic and comprehensive reporting to the top management on the OH&S management performance. Top
management should demonstrate, by example, their commitment by being actively involved in the continual improvement
of OH&S performance.

Safety. If we cannot mine safely, we will not mine.

ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 4

Safety Management Quality Circle
1. Statutory
Legal & Other Requirements /
Risk Management, Codes of
Practice, Process Re-engineering

5. Continuous Improvement Act Plan 2. Governance

Performance Analysis, Appointments, Safety,
Benchmarking, New Technology, Procedures, Safe Work Practices,
Coaching and Training Permits, PTO & SBO

Check Do

3. Implementation And
4. Monitoring And Review Awareness
Safety System, Inspections, MUE Roll out, SLAMM
Audits, Investigations Assessment, CCM & ‘In your
hands Campaign’.

ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 5

The highest peak provides the best view


✓ People alignment / competence
✓ Management of Change maturity / capacity
✓ Risk management Processes & Systems

✓ Base Line Risk Assessments
✓ Bowtie Assessments

Focus Areas
✓ Business capacity resilience
✓ Effectiveness Assessments
✓ Activation Schedule
✓ Communication Plan

ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 7

Resetting Our Safety Performance

Every Person Returns to his Loved Ones Safely
Serious Injury and Fatality Elimination
Our People’s Skills
• CSL - Courageous Safety Leadership Training
• Safe-up programme Training
• MQA Safety Learnership Courses
• Working at height training
• DITLMS training
Process & Systems
• ISO 45001 Certification
• Review the Base Line Risk Assessment
• Bowtie Analysis
• Improved Accident Investigations (ICAM)
• Critical Control Management

Environment / Landscape (Campaigns)

• In Your hand campaign
• Safety behaviour Roll out
• Emergency Preparedness9& Response
ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 9
Focus Areas
People Practices Environment Simple Systems &
•Offices, Change
•Physical Fitness,
House Plant ,
Medical Exams,
Workshop, Water &
Simple Effective Design Occupational
Electrical Tailings
People are Engaged systems Health & Hygiene
Solutions PEOPLE
Training & PRACTICES
Safety Ownership, Equipment (Conditions)
Workplace MINING •Land & water
Communication •Mine & blast design,
biodiversity, Air
(dust other
Motivation & rock handling, access
pollutants) &
Participation, Biodiversity ramp design, drilling,
Policies & Guidelines loading, hauling
HUMAN RESOURCES management .
GHG Control
Monitoring •Recruitment, Talent
Attitudes & Operating Mgt, IR Climate,
Procedures & Stakeholder
Teamwork Controls engagement
Standards Training, Housing
ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 10
ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management

• Clause 4 – Context of the Organisation

• Clause 5 – Leadership and Worker Participation

• Clause 6 - Planning

• Clause 7 - Support

• Clause 8 - Operation

• Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation

Plan: Recognize an opportunity and plan a change.
• Clause 10 - Improvement Do: Test the change. Carry out a small-scale study.
Check: Review the test, analyze the results, and identify what you've learned.
Act: Act based on what you learned in the study step
ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 11
Risk Management
I care for my own safety and those of my Brothers & Sisters

SD Integrated Risk Management Process Flow
•Internal business risks
•External business risks
•Insurable risks
Corporate •Business risks
risk register •Baseline top ten risk
•Bench marking
•Best practices

Operational •Geographical/functional areas

risk register •Processes
•Tools / equipment / machinery

•In depth study about specific issue /
detailed risk assessment
•Change management
•New process / machinery / equipment
Issue based •New legislation

Critical task •Step
inventory • Safety officer reports
and analysis •SBO
•Pre-start risk assessment
•Inspections (log books)
•Safety officer reports
Accident •Pre-work risk assessment
reporting and •Inspections (log books)
•ISO 31000 investigation
•King III
•ISO 14001
•MHS Act of 1996
Corporate governance & best •Minerals act
ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques •ISO 45001
practicesErasmus| June 2022 Compliance 13
System Overview
Risk Management Module – Bowtie Analysis Tool

System Overview
Pre-work Risk Assessment

ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022

Processes & Systems
I care for my own safety and those of my Brothers & Sisters

Digital Platforms
To achieve a sustained improvement in safety a holistic systemic operationalised approach is required. Generally, safety must be
fully integrated with business management practices and common processes adopted. Safety systems are managed on digital
platforms that are developed to effectively manage safety. Isometix & Syncromine, digital platforms that were purposefully
developed and implemented by mapping the internal incident management processes and enhancing them to sustainably improve
action registration and monitoring. The naming convention of the working places was established and digitised. Thereafter, the
responsible persons were linked. Escalation routes were identified that was coupled to the appointed line and management
structure. To ensure good governance (quality of actions as well as tacking of action close-outs) Responsible Managers / Engineers
and Heads of Departments industry leading practice reporting procedures were adopted. Many dashboards were enacted to
improve communication and alignment amongst the teams. To date 1960 good quality actions have been closed out successfully.
During the recent ISO 45001 surveillance audit many observations and compliments were made by the various auditors. Isometrix
incidents, action close outs and tracking are now used in many areas of business, such as:-
• Incident reporting and inspection findings
• Business improvement and review findings
• Accident and incident investigations actions
• Internal and 3rd Party audits and inspections findings
• DMRE instructions and findings
• 3rd party camera surveillance findings

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Reporting And Analysis
Reporting Strategy Framework

Functional Areas

Reporting Streams

Performance Reviews

Monthly PDR Review

Performance measures
Support decision making
Same KPI’s as tactical but in a
more strategic way (Time, Hierarchy)

Weekly MOS Review

Tactical War Room

Analytical and traditional information (Control Graphs)

Monitoring Trends / Frequencies.
Key driver relationship architecture.

Control Room

< Governance > Data from individual system transactions
Point of business application origin
< Complexity > Spread to the lowest level of granularity (Workplace | Operator | Check Sheet)
< Scope >
< Data Users >

Organisational Information Types

Safety And Risk Management Solution| Jacques Erasmus| February 2022 18

Innovative South Deep Integrated Solutions
Safety & Risk Management Inspections
• Incidents & PVFL
• Rock Engineering Inspections • ICAM Investigation / Why Analysis
Risk • Baseline • Safety Inspections Incident • DMRE Aligned – SAMRASS Reporting
Management • BowTie Management
Module • Task Planned Risk Module
Integration (external systems)

OCR Platform

Permit to Work • SLAMM


Integrated Data Layer

Integrated Action & API Workflow Managers
• ConsMart
• Short Term Planning • PowerBI Dashboards
• Pre-Planning | Startups & Reporting
• Daily Bookings
• Work Notes
Ventilation Survey &
Module Sampling
ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 19
MUE Motivation
Building South Deeps Future

Material Unwanted Event Journey
Operational KPI’s

Our Material Unwanted Events (MUE’s) programme is fully functional.

As South Deep, we are equally excited to have embarked upon the
Critical Control Management journey and to have made such
remarkable progress, sustainably. It is being strictly rolled out
according to both ICMM Guideline documents. The disciplined
execution delivers importance benefits for South Deep Gold Mine and
offers significant long term value for our shareholders, employees,
stakeholders and community members.

Our MUE programme is in line with our stated strategy and we have
continued to deliver on our existing “In Our hands” processes and
systems. The tangible opportunities, within our reach, are to unlock
our peoples potential, growing safety leadership wrt value and quality
of delivery, thereby eliminate serious injuries and fatalities from our

ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 21

I care for my own safety and those of my Brothers & Sisters

Critical Control Management Assurances
Critical Mass needs to be achieved (Step 1 to Step 3)
Step 4: Select the critical controls - clarity on those controls that
really matter

Step 5: Defining the performance – what the critical control has

to do to prevent the MUE occurring

Step 6: Assigning accountability – who is responsible for

implementing the critical control and making it work?

Step 7: Site implementation - how the CCM process will be

implemented at South Deep

Step 8: Verification and reporting – assuring and reporting on

the performance and effectiveness of the critical controls

The Journey We Want To Take People On
Enables safe production by educating employees at all levels on how to better identify hazards, assess and manage risks

4 Know the four things we can do to

Eliminate Fatalities: Plan, Report,
Act to Fix and Recognise 5 Improve how we plan, think ahead and
set work up for success
3 Know and understand South
Deep’s MUE’s and the Critical
Controls to eliminate/mitigate
7 Feel confident and able to report
problems and opportunities

2 Recognise it’s vital to work

together to make that
happen 8 Take ownership and action on fixing
things– starting small to build big

1 Understand that to Eliminate Fatalities we 9 Recognise and value ourselves and others for
need to make safe, responsible production making it easier to work safely, responsibly and
a reality wherever we work productively

1 2 3 4
Conduct Baseline Risk Identification and selection of Developing the critical control Managing the effectiveness of
Assessment critical controls standard the critical control framework

Step 1 - Identify processes within the system Step 1 - Identify critical controls Step 1 – Identify key performance
Step 2 - Determine the inherent and residual Step 2 – Prioritise critical controls requirements for each control Monitor and review of the
risks Step 3 – Determine behaviours and actions Step 2 – Develop performance criteria framework
Step 3 - Identify the material unwanted events Step 4 – Allocate critical control owners Step 3 – Determine assurance requirements • SHE legal and regulatory compliance
Step 4 - Conduct a bowtie analysis Step 4 – Assign owners to assurance • Environmental monitoring
A. Understand the hazards requirements • Conformance to procedures
B. Identify the unwanted events Step 5 – Frequency of assurance • Inspections and logbooks
C. Analyse and evaluate the risk & assign Step 6 – Assign level of assurance (Level 1 – 3)
control owner Governance and Assurance process
D. Establish the control/barriers
(Level 1 – 3)
• 1st Level – Internal control and self-
MUE Owner Roelof Niehaus Ref. Code
Fall of Ground
Revision Date: Next Revision Date
• 2nd Level – Management Overview
• 3rd Level – Governance Review
Intent To prevent exposure of the workforce to uncontrolled sceismic and gravity induced falls of ground including roof, side walls and face ejections
Exposure of the workforce to uncontrolled fall of ground includes, but not limited to:
Description of Roof or sidewall failure;
MUE Face ejections;
Roof falls in roadways
All primary and secondary support in u/g excevatios
Ore passes, inside current longhole stopes
Monitoring adverse geological conditions
Geothechnical support standard Scalling and barring Support correctly installed e) The integrity of the excavation being
Lines and grades (pillar sizes) Pre-conditioning Strong operational control and monitoring Underground working place inspections
Leads and lags Responsiveness to changing ground conditions

Critical Controls Key Performance Requirements /Activities Performance Criteria Reference Assurance Requirements Owner Frequency Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
Mul ti -ti ered ground s upport res pons e
The devel opment of a Ground Control pl a n , revi ewed a nd pl a n or Tri gger Acti on Res pons e Pl a n Da i l y (s ta rt
Entery exa mi na ti on (Comp. A pers on) Mi ner x
a pproved by a competent pers on, a nd s i gned off by the mos t Adhera nce to TARP proces s (s ta nda rds of s hi ft)
s eni or ma na ger of the opera ti on. for wi thdra wel ) s i gned weekl y

Forma l proces s i n pl a ce to i ntegra te the geotechni ca l da ta

col l ecti on, model l i ng, a na l ys i s , ri s k a s s es s ments , ground Compl i i a nce wi th GRB s peci fi ca ti ons
Supervi s or over-i ns pecti ons Supervi s or Da i l y x
control a nd s ta bi l i ty i s s ues i nto the mi ne pl a nni ng, des i gn a nd a nd recommenda ti ons
Geothechnical Support Standard s chedul i ng s ys tem.
Once a week

Critical control identification and

Compl i a nce to pres cri bed s upport s ta nda rd for ha ngi ng a nd % Compl i a nce to s upport cri teri a not
s i de wa l l s , s econda ry s upport a nd fa ce s upport, i n-l i ne wi th the Adhera nce to TARP proces s (s ta nda rds Tra vel wa y i ns pecti ons Supervi s or x
exceedi ng 10
Rock Engi neer's pl a ns a nd a d hoc recommenda ti ons for wi thdra wel ) s i gned weekl y da ys
Achi eves geotechni ca l des i gn goa l s
Compl i a nce wi th a l l Mi ne-s peci fi c procedures rel a ted to the Qua l i ty control a nd a s s ura nce of a l l Tra i ni ng
Competent B qua l i fi ed dri l l ri g opera tor Annul l y (refres h) x
i ns ta l l a ti on, tra i ni ng competency of empl oyees for equi pment, fa ctors mus t be compl eted wi thi n Ma na ger

selection unders ta ndi ng ground condi ti ons , etc. des i gna ted tol era nce l i mi ts .
Producti on
Mi ni ng error Fa ctor (%)
Lines and grades (pillar sizes) QA/QC Over-i ns pecti ons Engi neeri n Weekl y X
Compl i a nce to a pproved Mi ne des i gn Mi ni ng Di mens i on Fa ctor (%)
ca l
Pre-conditioning Compl i a nce to precondi ti oni ng s ta nda rd a s per Rock % Compl i a nce to pre-condi ti oni ng Rock-engi neeri ng a udi t a nd vi s ua l s Weekl y x
Engi neeri n
engi neeri ng pl a n or a d hoc recommenda ti on s ta nda rd (s i gned off weekl y)
g Ma na ger
Appropri a te purpos e des i gned a nd bui l t equi pment s houl d be Chi ef
us ed to a cces s the ba cks a nd upper a rea s of the wa l l s a nd fa ce Sa fety a udi ts Sa fety Monthl y x
for s ca l l i ng purpos es Offi cer

Bowtie analysis Scalling and barring

Exca va ti ons s houl d be s ca l ed a nd s upported progres s i vel y i n a
s ys tema ti c ma nner ha vi ng due rega rd for the preva i l i ng ground
condi ti ons .
Pers ons performi ng s ca l l i ng a nd ba ri ng work i n the mi ni ng a rea
s ha l l be provi ded wi th routi ne ground a wa renes s a nd control
GRB Des i gn Revi ew
Hea d:
Techni ca l
Servi ces
Annua l l y X

Performance dashboard
Pi l l a r compl i a nce report RE Monthl y x
tra i ni ng, a s requi red by l a w a nd a nd a s a ppropri a te to s a fel y
execute the requi rements .
Rock-engi neeri ng a udi t a nd vi s ua l s Mi chea l Weekl y x
De-s tres s l ea ds a nd l a gs compl i a nce reporti ng Mi chea l Monthl y x
Spa ti a l compl i a nce report Chi ef Surveyor
Monthl y (mi ni mum) X

Critical control standard

Learn, correct and improve 25

How will it work in practice?

Engagement 1 Engagement 2 Engagement 3

60 min Production
Supervisor session

Safe Safe
Production Production
Share Share

• Watch and discuss video simulation

• Work through supporting activity sheet • Showcasing improvements
• Plan team session and insights gained
• Assess own and teams strengths/ • Recognising people for being
improvement opportunities proactive, reporting issues,
taking action and fixing issues
• Opportunity to share/input to
• Shares used to plans for fixing tricky or
recognise and inspire common issues listening and
• Individuals collaboration
recognised for
Frontline Team 30 mins • Confirming next steps on the
improving how they safe & responsible production
Session Plan, Report, Act to journey
Fix and Recognise
• Watch and discuss video simulation others (can link with
• Work through supporting activity sheet Applaud)
• Review strengths/improvement • New improvement
opportunities opportunities
Critical Control Effectiveness Criteria
Individual effectiveness Overall effectiveness
Individual critical control effectiveness criteria Overall health of critical control effectiveness criteria

Score Criteria Score Criteria

0% effective -
Expected effectiveness not achieved – No
0 Critical controls do not address MUE at all. Major exposures exist and
Control is working unsatisfactorily, and urgent attention is required. compliance
stop all associated work and fix.
Expected effectiveness achieved inconsistently – 1 – 25% effective -
1 Control effectiveness decreased, and actions required to be completed to move Starting compliance Not used, not known, not reliable, not readily available, waste of
to green. time using, and must be improved.
26 – 50% effective -
Expected effectiveness consistently matches actual performance – Control is
2 Used occasionally, doesn’t work all the time, known by only a small
effective, and actions required have been completed. Limited compliance
percentage on – site, would use if available, must implement
improvement plan.
51 – 79% effective -
Critical controls known of, works majority of the time, normal
Developing compliance
Sum of individual critical expectation that critical controls are available, used regularly and
tested occasionally. Improvement plan required.
control ratings for the MUE 80 – 94% effective -
translate into an overall Near Critical control known by 80%, and personnel, reliable and used
compliance frequently, available for large percentage of situations, verified
health rating for the MUE regularly.
95 – 100% effective -
Full Best practice, difficult to improve, well supported by all personnel,
compliance works every time, backups available, not subject to being overridden,
tested and verified frequently.
Critical Control Effectiveness Compliance
Critical Control 71%
Only trained and competent persons with valid COF allowed to work at heights
1 Developing Compliance

Critical Control 44%

Working at Height Permit and Emergency plan for working at heights >2 m
2 Limited Compliance

Critical Control 88%

Fall protection for working on a ladders at heights >2 m
3 Near Compliance

Critical Control Fall Protection and Restraint systems (Harness, fall protection, restraint systems, 48%
4 anchoring points, barriers and signage) Limited Compliance

Critical Control Adequate platforms and scaffolding which is inspected and well maintained 50%
5 (Temporary and Permanent) Limited Compliance

Critical Control 73%

Mobile platforms equipped with safety devices
6 Developing Compliance

Overall Compliance
Developing Compliance

Critical control information summary
Critical control name Fall Protection and Restraint systems (Harness, fall protection, restraint systems, anchoring points, barriers and signage) Effectiveness 48% Limited Compliance CC4
Critical control owner Peter Makaleng

Critical Control
Prevent people from approaching and/ or falling off an edge/elevated/excavated position higher than 2 meters (fixed and temporary), by using fall protection and restraint systems.
What are the activities What activities can be checked to verify the critical control performance? What is the critical performance
What is the target performance for the critical Score Score Score
that support or enable trigger for shutdown, critical
Activities required By Whom Frequency control? 0 1 2
the critical control? control review or investigation?

1. Over inspections and audits conducted by Safety Department Safety Officer(s) Ad-hoc • Verify only approved safety harnesses used (mine Default on any of the 2
and reports submitted to legal appointees. standard and SABS) requirements for the critical
2. Regular mine wide audits and PVFL sessions. Safety Manager Ad-hoc • Verify if harnesses inspected by competent person control 2
3. Critical Safe Behavior Analysis & report on findings from audits. Safety Manager Monthly and updated register kept with system working 2
System and process that 1. Competent persons conduct pre-use inspections on harness Employee (user) When used • Daily inspection prior to use and harness compliant Default on any of the 2
ensures that only prior to use. • Monthly inspection, tagging and record keeping and requirements for the critical
inspected and approved 2. Shift Boss/ Foreman to submit safety harnesses used in his Shift Bosses/ Monthly removing default equipment by Rigger control 1
safety harnesses are in use section to rigger monthly for inspection. Foreman • Rigger completing Logbook and keeping record
at the mine 3. Rigger conduct harness inspections, complete Logbook and Rigger Monthly • Quarterly over-inspection to monitor system 1
submit “job card” to PM Department. compliance
4. Rigger/ Shift Boss / Foreman inspect validity of license issued to Rigger/ Shift Boss Monthly 1
employee by Training Centre. & Foreman
5. Quarterly analysis & report on findings from PM Department. F vd Walt Quarterly 0

Fall protection and 1. Competent persons conduct pre-use inspections on fall restraint Employee (user) When used • Daily inspection prior to use Default on any of the 2
restraint systems in place and protection equipment prior to use. • Monthly inspection, tagging and record keeping requirements for the critical
where no proper barriers 2. Rigger inspect and tag fall protection and restraint systems, Rigger Monthly • Rigger completing Logbook and keeping record control 1
or guards are available complete logbook and submit “job card” to PM Department. • Quarterly over-inspection to monitor system
(Sala blocks etc.) 3. Quarterly analysis & report on findings from PM Department. F vd Walt Quarterly compliance 0

Provision of anchoring 1. Design and approval of anchoring points. Engineer @ installation • Safely designed, manufactured & installed anchoring Default on any of the 1
points where no proper 2. Rigger/ Artisan conduct inspections on anchoring points and log Rigger/ Artisan Monthly points requirements for the critical 1
barriers or guards are results in logbook. Submit “job card” to PM Department. • Safe working load displayed; Color tagging for control
available, and employees 3. Load testing by LMI, submit report to PM Department. LMI Half yearly inspections installed; No loose & worn out parts 0
can be stationary when 4. NDT testing by competent person, submit report to PM NDT inspector Annual • Passed load test with certificates; safe working load 0
performing work Department. displayed; No loose & worn parts
5. Quarterly analysis & report on findings from PM Department. F vd Walt Quarterly • Passed NDT test 0

Provision of lifelines 1. Design and approval of lifelines (permanent and temporary). Engineer @ installation • Rigid & no loose clamps; Life line not damaged or Default on any of the 2
(permanent & temporary) 2. Rigger/ Artisan conduct monthly inspections on anchoring Rigger/Artisan Monthly worn out; Number of people displayed to use the requirements for the critical
where employees need to points and log results in Logbook, submit “job card” to PM lifeline control 1
move around when Department.
performing work 3. Quarterly analysis & report on findings from PM Department. F vd Walt Quarterly 0
Provision of barriers and 1. Rigger/ Artisan/ Supervisor conduct monthly inspections on Rigger / Artisan As installed & • Rigid & no loose clamps; Life line not damaged or Default on any of the 1
notices where employees barriers and notices, log results in Logbook and submit “job Supervisor before use worn out; Number of people to use lifeline specified requirements for the critical
may enter areas without card” to PM Department on the risk assessment control 29
barriers o guards when 2. Quarterly analysis & report on findings from PM Department F vd Walt Quarterly 0
Clause 8 – Operation

Changing behaviour (Material Unwanted Events - Critical Control Management)


ICMM – MUE (Critical Controls)| Jacques Erasmus| June 2022 30



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