Ravage 2011

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Third International Conference on

Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards

13 - 15 December 2011 Malaysia

ORGANISED BY: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia SPONSORED BY: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment



The success of the two previous International Conferences on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards (Ravage of the Planet), held in Bariloche, Argentina (2006) and in Gordons Bay, South Africa (2009), has led the organisers to reconvene the meeting in Malaysia. The conference has always been well attended by a substantial group of scientists from all over the world, which underlines the concern of the international community regarding the state of the planet. The basic premise of the meeting is the need to determine urgent solutions before we reach a point of irreversibility. Our current civilisation has fallen into a self-destructive process by which natural resources are consumed at an increasing rate. This process has now spread across the planet in search of further sources of energy and materials. The aggressiveness of this quest is such that the future of our planet is in the balance. The process is compounded by the pernicious effects of the resulting pollution. The conference will discuss the objective of reaching sustainability in the framework of all different disciplines in order to arrive at optimal solutions. Hence this meeting is essentially transdisciplinary in order to nd appropriate sustainable solutions, i.e. those involving collaboration across a wide range of disciplines. Like the rst two, the aim of this conference is to take stock of our situation and try to facilitate constructive principles and policies for a way forward.

C A Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK S S Zubir, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

Conference papers are peer-reviewed by members of the International Scientic Advisory Committee and other colleagues. Papers are rapidly processed for publication in hard-cover and digital book form. The books are available to delegates at registration and are also widely distributed throughout the world by WITPress. Papers presented at Ravage of the Planet will be published by WIT Press in a volume of WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (ISSN: 1743-3541). Papers are also available in digital format to the international scientic community through the Wessex Institute eLibrary http://library.witpress. com Papers presented at Wessex Institute conferences are referenced by Crossref and regularly appear in notable reviews, publications and databases, including referencing and abstract services - Scopus, Compendex, ISI Web of Knowledge, Index to Scientic and Technical Proceedings, ProQuest and Scitech Book news. All conference books are archived in the British Library and American Library of Congress. WIT Press is committed to Open-Access and offers authors the option to make their work freely accessible to their colleagues through the Wessex Institute eLibrary. Delegates attending Ravage of the Planet III will be invited to submit an expanded version of their paper for publication in the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning associated with the Wessex Institute of Technology.


A Bejan, Duke University, USA M C Cunha, University of Coimbra, Portugal G Gambolati, Universit degli Studi di Padova, Italy J Garcia Navarro, Technical University of Madrid, Spain N Jovanovic, CSIR, South Africa J Kasum, Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia N Kgabi, Polytechnic of Namibia, Namibia A Mammoli, University of New Mexico, USA U Mander, University of Tartu, Estonia V Niccolucci, University of Siena, Italy G Passerini, Universit Politecnica delle Marche, Italy R M Pulselli, University of Siena, Italy M Quintero Nuez, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexico U Suursaar, University of Tartu, Estonia


The conference aims to attract researchers and professionals involved in ecosystems and environmental problems, as well as technologists, policy makers, social and political scientists, and experts on a wide variety of topics. The emphasis is on initiating trans-disciplinary discussions.

Participants who opt to have their paper permanently and openly accessible in the Wessex Institute eLibrary will receive a USB Flash Drive containing all the papers presented at previous conferences in this series. WIT Press is committed to Open-Access. We strongly believe that removing barriers to research published online will greatly aid progress in many scientic and technical disciplines.

View Transactions of the Wessex Institute collection at: http://library.witpress.com

Science and humanities Arts and sciences Science and ethics

Water, air and soil problems Radiation elds Food contamination Housing and health Occupational health Social and economic issues Exposure and epidemiology

Renewable energy Nuclear energy Hydrocarbons Production of new energy Economics and political issues Energy conservation


Social and sociological issues Environmental legislation and policy International agreements Crimes against nature

The impact of new technologies Energy-efcient technologies Eco-architecture

Water management and planning River basin and watershed management Sustainable water use Arid region problems Pollution monitoring and control


City planning Regional planning and economics Spatial planning Sustainable transport Resource management Tourism and the environment Waste management


Design in nature Nature and architecture Solutions from nature Evolutionary studies

Air quality management Global and regional studies Climatology

Risk analysis, assessment and management Information and communication issues Transportation problems Emergency response Disaster prevention, control management and protection Protection of cultural and historical heritage

Natural resources management Biodiversity Sustainability indicators Environmental risk Recovery of damaged areas Ecosystems modelling Agricultural and forestation issues Landscape

Agricultural issues Contamination Underground resources Remediation


Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the nal paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.

Online Submission

Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms) .............................................................. Initials ................ Surname ............................................................ Organisation ..................................................................................

Email Submission Email: bcopland@wessex.ac.uk Please submit your abstract with Ravage of the Planet 2011 in the subject line. Include your name, full address and conference topics. Fax or Mail Submission Fax or mail a copy of your abstract with this completed Enquiry Form to; Beverley Copland, Conference Secretariat Ravage of the Planet 2011 Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK.
Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853 Telephone: 44 (0) 238 029 3223

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Please indicate which category you intend to submit an abstract for. A full list of conference topics can be found on the preceeding page. The Re-Encounter Political and Social Issues Planning and Development Safety Health Risks New Technologies Learning from Nature Ecology Energy Water Resources Air Soil

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Located between Kuala Lumpur and the west coast of Malaysia, the city of Shah Alam is capital of the State of Selangor. Although a relatively new city, Shah Alam is home not only to the regions administrative activities and striking Assembly building but also the Selangor State Museum and Selangor Islamic Arts Complex, which contains ne examples of traditional calligraphy. Standing tall above the city is the Blue Mosque, thought to be one of the largest in Asia, whose uniquely designed domed roof reects thousands of points of light to emulate a desert sky at night.


The Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT) is an International Centre for Knowledge Transfer that fosters a number of key programmes within the research community. The excellent reputation of the WIT Conference Programme held in different parts of the world continues to grow. This is just one of the initiatives offered by the Institute. Other activities include: Graduate Programmes at Masters and PhD level. Advanced research. Publications, including books and journals. E-Publishing comprising the Transactions and Journals of Wessex Institute. Services to industry.

Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia, is served by a major international airport with ights arriving daily from across Asia, North and South America, Africa and Europe. The conference venue in Shah Alam is approximately 50km from the airport, and can be reached direct by regular bus services, as well as readily available taxis and hire cars. Further details about local attractions, accommodation, and travel will be available nearer to the time of the conference.

Ravage of the Planet 2011 will take place at the Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam, a bustling city located only 30km west of Kuala Lumpur in the Klang valley. The university focuses on building links between academia and industry, and has branch campuses in every Malaysian state, totalling 120,000 students engaged in a wide variety of studies. The Shah Alam campus is situated close to the city centre, ideal for visiting the citys many attractions.



The city has many green spaces: the Lake Park, which is popular with families as well as cyclists, contains several man-made lakes interspersed with parkland as well as an art gallery complex. Soon to become Malaysias National Botanic Gardens, the Agricultural Park contains many specimen trees and shrubs native to tropical south-east Asia in addition to cultural exhibits and traditional buildings. A short distance away by rail, bus or road, Kuala Lumpur contains a wealth of shopping and cultural districts, cuisine from countries across southern Asia, and landmarks including the iconic Petronas towers and Kuala Lumpur tower. Equatorial Malaysia in December is warm with daytime temperatures between 20-30C and showers most days.

Beverley Copland Conference Secretariat

Abstract (300 words): Submit to Conference Secretariat as indicated on the Abstract Submission Form. Paper Submission: Date to be advised after submission of abstracts.

WESSEX INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst Southampton SO40 7AA, UK Tel: + 44 (0) 238 029 3223 Fax: + 44 (0) 238 029 2853 Email: bcopland@wessex.ac.uk


The second International Conference on the Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards (Ravage of the Planet) took place in December 2009 in the Western Cape area of South Africa, in the town of Gordons Bay. Like the rst conference held in Patagonia, Argentina, the meeting was prompted by the need to take stock of the continued destruction of our planet to formulate a constructive programme and policies for the immediate future. The success of this rst conference led to the reconvening of the meeting in Africa, a vibrant continent of invaluable human related resources. In striving for sustainable development, Africa faces challenges that include water scarcity, sanitation, energy supplies, transfer of renewable technologies, food security, health issues with a particular focus on children, rapid urbanisation, losses of biodiversity, and vulnerability to climate change. However, thanks to its geographical position spanning two hemispheres, low carbon emissions, pristine ecosystems and endemic biodiversity systems, Africa provides excellent opportunities for environmental research, earth and space observations, as well as socioeconomic aspects of sustainability science. Ravage of the Planet 2009 attracted researchers and professionals involved in ecosystems and environmental problems as well as policy makers, social and political scientists and experts in a wide variety of topics. This interaction is essential to incentivize trans-disciplinary discussion with a view to nding solutions that benet society as a whole. The conference was opened with several addresses, including a welcome address by Professor Carlos A Brebbia of the Wessex Institute of Technology, who explained the importance of this conference for the type of collaboration work being carried out at his Insitution, and keynote speaker Dr Joy Leaner, Head of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning at the Council for Scientic and Industrial Research in South Africa. Her lecture dealt with Environmental Management in the Western Cape, and discussed the direction and aims of the work of the Department where she specialises in water pollution. The conference also included a number of invited presentations by well-known colleagues dealing with important ecological and sustainable development issues. These included: Non-prot Organisations for sustainable development at country, regional and civil society level by Ulo Mander, University of Tartu, Estonia Modelling the saltwater intrusion in the low-lying catchment of the southern Venice Lagoon, Italy by G Gambolati, Universit degli Studi di Padova, Italy Global distributed energy systems by A Bejan, Duke University, USA Approach to Lithuanian energy supply state assessment by A Augustis, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania The Ecological Footprint Depth: preliminary consideration for national accounting by Enzo Tiezzi, University of Siena, Italy, presented by the co-author Valentina Niccolucci For more information, please see: www.wessex.ac.uk/09-conferences/ravage-of-theplanet-2009.html A special session was organised dealing with water problems related to South Africa, including those specic to the area where the conference took place. The conference also offered delegates many opportunities to get to know each other better including welcome drinks and a conference dinner in a unique restaurant. A technical excursion took place with the excellent guided tour of a Hydroelectric Power Plant, with the opportunity of seeing both an interesting project but also one located in an area of outstanding beauty. The reservoir is located at the top of a mountain range and generates power for Cape Town and the national grid while preserving the natural ecosystem.

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