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 Scrambled eggs or omelette with vegetables (spinach, bell peppers,

mushrooms, etc.)
 Whole grain toast or a small serving of oatmeal
 Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with berries
 A glass of milk or a small glass of 100% fruit juice


 Grilled chicken or turkey breast

 Quinoa or brown rice
 Steamed or roasted vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, etc.)
 A mixed green salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing
 A piece of fruit (e.g., orange, grapes)


 Baked or grilled salmon or lean beef

 Sweet potatoes or whole wheat pasta
 Steamed or stir-fried mixed vegetables (green beans, zucchini, bell peppers,
 Side salad with a variety of vegetables
 A glass of milk or water

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