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Name: Vinz Matthew Yosef T.

Kintanar Subject: Science 10

Year & Section: Grade 10 – St. Dominic Teacher: Mrs. Alde N. Sespeñe

How can Earth’s magnetic reversal be used to support seafloor spreading theory
and continental drift theory?

Earth's magnetic reversal, also known as geomagnetic reversal, is a

phenomenon where the Earth's magnetic field flips its polarity, changing from a normal
to a reversed direction and vice versa. This phenomenon has played a crucial role in
supporting the theories of seafloor spreading and continental drift.
Seafloor spreading theory posits that new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean
ridges, where tectonic plates are moving away from each other. As magma rises from
the mantle and solidifies at these ridges, it creates new crust. Over time, the seafloor
spreads as more material is added, leading to the widening of ocean basins. When
Earth's magnetic field reverses, it leaves a record of these reversals in the form of
magnetic stripes on the ocean floor. These magnetic stripes are parallel to the mid-
ocean ridges and provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading. During periods of
normal polarity, magnetic minerals in the newly formed crust align with the existing
magnetic field, creating a magnetic stripe of normal polarity. Conversely, during periods
of reversed polarity, the magnetic minerals align in the opposite direction, forming a
magnetic stripe of reversed polarity. By studying these magnetic stripes, scientists can
determine the age of the oceanic crust and the rate at which it is spreading.
Continental drift theory, on the other hand, suggests that continents were once
connected as a supercontinent called Pangaea and have since drifted apart. Earth's
magnetic reversal provides supporting evidence for this theory as well. When rocks on
continents are formed, they may contain magnetic minerals that align with the
contemporary magnetic field. As continents drift and move over time, these rocks
preserve the magnetic information of the era in which they were formed. By studying the
magnetic orientations of rocks on different continents, scientists can trace the
movement of these landmasses over millions of years. Matching magnetic patterns on
rocks from different continents provides compelling evidence for the theory of
continental drift.
In summary, Earth's magnetic reversal provides a critical link between seafloor
spreading and continental drift theories. The magnetic stripes on the ocean floor and the
preserved magnetic orientations in continental rocks offer tangible evidence supporting
the dynamic processes of plate tectonics, seafloor spreading, and the movement of
continents over geological time scales.
Name: Vinz Matthew Yosef T. Kintanar Subject: Science 10
Year & Section: Grade 10 – St. Dominic Teacher: Mrs. Alde N. Sespeñe

Research evidences that support plate movement through:

A. Continental Plate Theory

There is abundant scientific evidence supporting the movement of tectonic plates
through the theory of continental drift. One key line of evidence comes from the study of
**fossil records**. Similar fossils of plants and animals have been found on continents
that are now widely separated by oceans. For example, fossils of the extinct reptile
Mesosaurus have been discovered in both South America and Africa. This suggests that
these continents were once connected and later drifted apart.
Additionally, the **geological similarities** between continents provide evidence for
continental drift. Matching geological features, such as rock formations, mountain
ranges, and structures, have been identified on continents that are now far apart. The
Appalachian Mountains in North America align with the Caledonian Mountains in
Scotland and Scandinavia, indicating that these regions were once part of the same
Furthermore, **paleoclimatic evidence** supports the theory of continental drift.
Glacial deposits and evidence of past climates, such as coal beds in Antarctica and
glacial striations in South America and Africa, suggest that these continents were once
located closer to the South Pole, supporting the idea that continents have moved over
The discovery of **paleomagnetic data** also provides compelling evidence for
continental drift. Magnetic minerals in rocks preserve the direction and strength of the
Earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation. By studying the magnetic
orientations of ancient rocks, scientists have found that the magnetic patterns on
continents match when the continents are repositioned to their pre-drift positions,
indicating past movement.
Additionally, advancements in **modern technology** such as GPS measurements,
satellite imagery, and the ability to monitor earthquakes and volcanic activity in real-time
provide ongoing evidence of plate movement. GPS measurements, for instance, show
that continents are still moving at measurable rates today.
These pieces of evidence, among others, strongly support the theory of continental
drift and provide a comprehensive understanding of the movement of tectonic plates
over geological time scales.

B. Seafloor Spreading Theory

There is substantial research evidence supporting the theory of seafloor spreading.
One of the key pieces of evidence comes from **magnetic striping on the ocean floor**.
As new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, it records the Earth's magnetic
field at that time. When the Earth's magnetic field reverses, the new crust preserves
these magnetic reversals in the form of alternating magnetic stripes on the ocean floor.
This phenomenon was first observed in the 1960s by researchers like Frederick Vine
and Drummond Matthews, providing strong evidence for the process of seafloor
**Age dating of oceanic crust** also supports seafloor spreading. By studying the
age of the ocean floor rocks, scientists have found that the rocks closest to the mid-
ocean ridges are much younger than those farther away. This pattern aligns with the
concept of seafloor spreading, where new crust is continuously created at the ridges
and then moves away from the source.

**Direct measurements of seafloor spreading rates** using various techniques,

including satellite-based technologies and deep-sea drilling, have provided valuable
data. These measurements have demonstrated that the rates of seafloor spreading
match the rates at which tectonic plates are moving, providing further confirmation of
the theory.
The discovery of **hydrothermal vent systems** along mid-ocean ridges also
supports seafloor spreading. These vents are associated with volcanic activity and are
found in regions where new oceanic crust is forming. They provide crucial insights into
the geothermal and chemical processes occurring within the Earth's crust at spreading
Additionally, **studies of earthquake patterns and the distribution of seismic activity**
align with the boundaries of tectonic plates and further confirm the presence of active
spreading centers.
Overall, these research findings and many others provide robust evidence
supporting the theory of seafloor spreading and the movement of tectonic plates. The
convergence of data from various scientific disciplines continues to reinforce our
understanding of this fundamental geological process.

C. Magnetic Reversal
The phenomenon of **magnetic reversal**, also known as geomagnetic reversal,
provides compelling evidence for plate movement and the theory of plate tectonics.
Here's how:
1. **Magnetic Striping on Ocean Floors:** One of the most significant pieces of
evidence supporting plate movement through magnetic reversal is the presence of
**magnetic striping on the ocean floor**. As new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean
ridges, it records the prevailing direction of Earth's magnetic field. When the Earth's
magnetic field reverses, it leaves a record in the form of alternating magnetic stripes on
the ocean floor. This pattern was first discovered by scientists studying the ocean floor
in the 1960s. These stripes provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading and the
movement of tectonic plates.

2. **Paleomagnetic Studies:** Paleomagnetic studies involve measuring the magnetic

properties of ancient rocks. These studies have been crucial in determining the past
positions and movements of tectonic plates. By analyzing the magnetic orientation of
rocks, scientists can reconstruct the positions of continents and understand their
movement over millions of years. This method has been used extensively to provide
evidence for the theory of plate tectonics.

3. **Magnetic Reversal Chronologies:** Scientists have developed precise chronologies

of magnetic reversals over geological time scales. By studying the sequence of
magnetic reversals recorded in rocks, researchers can establish the ages of various
geological formations. This chronological data has been instrumental in understanding
the timing and rates of plate movements.

4. **Global Correlation of Magnetic Reversals:** Magnetic reversal patterns are found

globally and can be correlated across continents and oceans. This global consistency
provides strong support for the idea that Earth's magnetic field has undergone multiple
reversals over millions of years, influencing the movement of tectonic plates on a
planetary scale.

5. **Magnetic Anomalies:** Magnetic anomalies, variations in the Earth's magnetic field

strength, have been mapped extensively on the ocean floor. These anomalies correlate
with the ages of the oceanic crust and provide direct evidence for seafloor spreading.
The systematic pattern of these anomalies supports the movement of tectonic plates
and the occurrence of magnetic reversals.

In summary, the consistent patterns of magnetic reversals recorded in rocks,

especially on the ocean floor, provide compelling research evidence supporting the
movement of tectonic plates and the theory of plate tectonics. These findings have
greatly enhanced our understanding of the dynamic processes shaping the Earth's

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