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I. Read the following story, and identify the adjectives from the list below by circling each adjective.
Write the translation of the adjective which best suits the context of each sentence.

Bad Early Hard Low Only Social

Good Easy High New Unique Strong
Certain Full Large Old Recent True
Clear Empty Late Young Right False

In a certain distant galaxy, a unique and recent event unfolded – the invasion of Earth by a certain

species of young and powerful aliens. These aliens had advanced technology that made conquering

other planets look easy. Their mission: to establish their own social order on Earth, turning the planet

into an outpost of their empire.

The invasion began on a recent and clear morning. Enormous spacecraft, unlike anything anyone

had seen before, descended from the sky. Their arrival was sudden, catching humanity by surprise.

As the world watched in fear, the aliens made their intentions clear. They had a certain agenda – to

establish their dominance at any cost. Their technology was so high that Earth's defenses appeared

feeble in comparison.

Despite the odds stacked against them, humanity's spirit remained strong. People from all walks of

life joined together to form a good and united resistance. They believed in the strength of their

collective will. A group of scientists devised a unique strategy to fight back. They realized that the

aliens had a certain vulnerability. Their shields were good at deflecting attacks from the front but weak

from the sides. The plan seemed just right.

The early stages of the battle were tough. It seemed like the aliens were the only ones with the upper

hand. Their weapons were hard to counter, and their numbers were large. But as time passed,

humanity adapted. They modified old weapons and tactics to suit the true needs of the battle. The

aliens, for all their technology, couldn't understand Earth's history and resilience.
One day, a certain codebreaker discovered a false message sent by the aliens. It seemed that they

had been hiding their true intentions. Their plan for Earth was bad and not what they claimed. With

this revelation, the resistance fought with renewed determination. They realized that the aliens'

promises of a better future were empty. The battle raged on, and Earth's fate hung in the balance.

In a climactic battle, humanity managed to destroy the aliens' mothership. The invaders fled, and

Earth was saved. The experience had left the planet scarred but also full of a new sense of unity. The

invasion was a defining moment in Earth's history. It showed that even in the face of seemingly

insurmountable odds, human determination and a good cause could prevail. The recent threat had

just passed, leaving Earth stronger, wiser, and more certain of its place in the universe.

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