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Safety Management System (SMS) 

Functional Requirements

Presentation Learning Objective
Explain the purpose of the
Safety Management
System as part of the
Safety management
objectives of the Company.
Purpose of ISM Code (International Safety
Management Code)
◦ The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide an
international standard for the safe management
and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

◦ The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at

sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and
avoidance of damage to the environment, in
particular, to the marine environment, and to
SMS (Safety Management System) on Ships
◦ SMS is an important aspect of
the International safety
management (ISM) code and it
details all the important
policies, practices, and
procedures that are to be
followed in order to ensure the
safe functioning of ships at the
◦ All commercial vessels are
required to establish safe ship
management procedures. SMS
forms one of the important
parts of the ISM code.
SMS (Safety Management System) on Ships
◦ The safety management system (SMS)
therefore ensures that each and every
ship comply with the mandatory safety
rules and regulations, and follow the
codes, guidelines, and standards
recommended by the IMO, classification
societies, and concerned maritime
Functional Requirements for SMS
1. A Safety and Environmental protection policy
• To prevent loss of human life and personal injury.
• To prevent damage of the ship, her cargo and environment.
• To continuously improve Safety Management skills of personnel
ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies
related to safety of human life, property and environment.
Functional Requirements for SMS
1. A Safety and Environmental protection policy
• Senior Officers and shore management set a good example to
ship’s crew by wearing PPE and complying with safety practices
and procedures while all Company’s employees, shore based and
sea going, are responsible for implementing the Company’s H.S.E.
Policy. In this respect the policy should be understood,
implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization.
• Continuously monitors all safety aspects of the vessels.
• Provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental
and other objectives and targets.
Functional Requirements for SMS
2. Instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships
and protection of the environment in compliance with relevant
international and Flag State legislation.
• ISM Code – Article 15 of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly
in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime
safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from

Functional Requirements for SMS
• Resolution A.680(17) - by which it invited Member
Governments to encourage those responsible for the
management and operation of ships to take appropriate
steps to develop, implement and assess safety and pollution
prevention management in accordance with the IMO
Guidelines on management for the safe operation of ships
and for pollution prevention.
• Every Company should develop, implement and maintain
instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships
and protection of the environment in compliance with
relevant international and flag State legislation;

Functional Requirements for SMS
3. Defined level of authority and lines of communication between,
and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel.
• The Company should ensure that the ship's personnel are able
to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties
related to the SMS.
• The Company should define and document the responsibility,
authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform
and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution
Functional Requirements for SMS
3. Defined level of authority and lines of communication between,
and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel.
• To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link
between the company and those on board, every company, as
appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having
direct access to the highest level of management. The
responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons
should include monitoring the safety and pollution prevention
aspects of the operation of each ship and to ensure that adequate
resources and shore based support are applied, as required.
Functional Requirements for SMS
4. Procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with
the provisions of this Code.
• The SMS should include procedures ensuring that non-
conformities, accidents and hazardous situations are reported to
the Company, investigated and analyzed with the objective of
improving safety and pollution prevention.
• The Company should establish procedures for the
implementation of corrective action, including measures intended
to prevent recurrence.
Functional Requirements for SMS
5. Procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations.
• The preparedness of emergency equipment, such as emergency
power sources and fire pumps of ships, and the ability of the crew
in responding to emergency situations, are critical factors in
saving human lives, protecting the marine environment and
minimizing damage to ships.
• Continuous training and practical drills onboard are vital.
Functional Requirements for SMS
5. Procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations.
• The emergency equipment of ships should be regularly
maintained to ensure immediate use in emergency and
hazardous situations, and their performance should always be
• Familiarization of seafarers with the emergency systems and
procedures is also essential.
Functional Requirements for SMS
6. Procedures for internal audits and management reviews.
• The ISM code requires shipping companies to carry out internal
and external audits for each vessel they are managing.
• Audits are conducted periodically either by company
representatives (internal) or by third parties (external) with the
aim to check SMS deficiencies and non-conformities.
• Carrying out internal and external audits verify that ships and
shore organizations follow the responsibilities and objectives
detailed in the Safety Management System.
Functional Requirements for SMS
6. Procedures for internal audits and management reviews.
• A periodic review of the SMS should be undertaken by the
Company’s management. Procedures and instructions for carrying
out internal audits should be incorporated into the SMS and the
audits should be conducted according to these procedures. Internal
auditors should be independent of the operation being audited.
• Also, it is important that the results of the audits are brought to
the attention of the personnel responsible for the area. In order to
improve the SMS, the results of the Company’s internal audits and
reviews are disseminated to all persons having responsibility for
the SMS.

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