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STUDENT QUESTIONNAIREINSFAS Questions: 1. Fullnames. 2. Identity number (obtain copy)” 3. Contact celiphone no 4 Email address. nswers: Lisk AMBRE MPAA COCK25 03 uy. OST Sst Twaagye leaamanie2s @gmail. com ¥ ee : |SB conse PLACE J GHEN MARS 5. Residential address (copy ot proct of adress) PARAL , ea os GAUTENG 6. Are you currently enrolled at a TVET College? (or indicate when ae you left the lege): Aipites 7 Name of the TVET College: 8 Study Course registered for: | 9. Student number (obtain copy of student card) “al “10 Study address during your studies andior TVET College or private accommodation: jo tee Gallege im zoze | (etre Wer Coulee : Pusuc MANPGEMENT 120200205 4/_ 2 kesTeec oTREET WeST ee ens \ "¥- Address of private accommodation (obtain copy of proof of address— lease contract): NIA 12.Name and contact numbers of the landlord at the study address: N/a "13. Your marital status (obtain copy of manage certificate) | mv 5 14, Name and surname of spouse 5 N [a a 15. Spouse's . Persal no/employee no. z ial wr - 16 Address and contact details of spouse. Bs nla "17 Were you staying together with your spouse during your 7 studies? NIA ioe as ————e a { a= 18. Place of employment and position of spouse: W, /n 19. Name/s ang ID numbers of parent/s or guardian/s: 20. Contact numbers of parent/s or quardian/s Pirumuan PTA _S8t ars AZ IMS4 24084 | 21.What was your parent's employment status at the time of your | > — —— | NST Srrlcoyves 22. Whal was your parent’s salary income at the time of your a in | application? NONe | 23. Are you parents aware oF your application for 2 NSFAS | ae ; ; | bursary? vee | 24. Did anyone assist you with your NSFAS application? Iso who mans a = = | and how? I 0 © of applying for NSFAS were you aware of the] a = re “cer | aa compliance with the R350 000 thresholds? Ls 25 Do foi hsre = as 75s ee ae | 27. Marital status of parent/s and guardian/s: | MARRlED | 28. Residential addresses of parent/s or guardian/s 2 LESTKEL STREET J WEST BEANE, LWT | 29 Place of Employment and contact no's (parents or guardians), Sin 30. Do your parents/quardians have any other source of income? = io ee @ NOT THA (EWOW of { | ee s oe =e = a 31. Date of registration meee es 32. Which other years were you funded by NSFAS? 34. Date of completion of studies on your behalf apply? 37 What type of funding have you transport, personal care etc.) applied for 38. How was your application to NSFAS done. Manually/online? 38. Which documents did you provide in support ofthe application? “40 Is the signature on the app 41. Can you confirm that the attachments to your application forms _were submitted by you (ie confirmation of banking details, 38. Have you applied for NSFAS funding, # not did someone else TY 202) OnUivE FATHER'S ID RESUS MES — NOVEMBER 2022 tie © Prof of Address allowance application form, physical address etc 42.Do you bear knowledge of any alleged unlawful conduct | | Committed at the TVET College or NSFAS? = = ee ae | 43. Have you completed a previous qualification? 44.Did you apply for an approved funded post graduate qualification? IE es aes a 45. Have you passed all your modules? NO YES No Proof of results, confirmation of [aot SP TESUIES evel COvtFivmackon woe sere by me | NO, sailed one module of phppicell addrtas » INTRODUCTORY TO gucness STUDIES "48. Are you a South African citizen and a permanent resident? | yes y iy ae 1 | 47 Are you or your parenis/quardians a SASSA NO nae + [ees es si ee ee | TT was on Fe Ree REND | IS WEIL aS NE (Semester enced vn 1622). t only Feceirec) | | 48. | hereby prefer to add the following additional information Pn eae “he yeor ees a a! Beak | WsFrom Duly 2021 ss acse! == ———— z = |My Rene Was the ‘Oni pevene awore OF re Weth Wim at thot tire [Fer nostas as Luas ledun kuments to apply Jancl needed touse his ol | ---(Fullnames and Sumame), is questionnaire is true and \d by anyone. | !at the information supplied in thi | Correct and | was not prejudiced/influence: Notes taken by: | toner | | Signature of student

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