Page 31 Task 1 Report

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The bar chart depicts a comparison between the total number of minutes of telephone calls in the UK in

three categories between 1995 and 2002. In general, the total number of minutes of mobiles on the
national and international lines rose significantly over the period, except for mobiles, which slightly
fluctuated. In addition, the local line had the most minutes throughout the whole period.

As the graph shows, the national and international lines rose slightly from approximately 40 billion
minutes in 1995 to around 60 billion minutes in 2002. Regarding mobiles, in 1995, roughly 5 billion
minutes were made. Following this, there was a slight increase to about 45 billion minutes, which
reached a peak in 2002.

By contrast, local line calls experienced a slight rise during the four-year period, from around 70 billion
minutes in 1995 to nearly 90 billion minutes in 1998. In 1999, 90 billion minutes were made, but this
number fell to about 70 billion minutes in 2002. From this point, calls rose gradually to a high of 70
billion minutes in 2002, which was slightly higher than national and international lines and considered
greater than mobiles.

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