ANOVA Discussion

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Department of Physical Sciences

ANSWER KEY / Report Format Sample

Exercise 1: Parametric One Way or One Factor Independent ANOVA


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Excel Run:

Anova: Single

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Democratic 5 459 91.8 5.7
Semi-Autocratic 5 419 83.8 6.7
Autocratic 5 385 77 2.5

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 548.8 2 274.400 55.248 0.000 3.885
Within Groups 59.6 12 4.967

Total 608.4 14

SPSS Runs:

95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Mean
N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Democratic 5 91.80 2.387 1.068 88.84 94.76 89 95
Semi-autocratic 5 83.80 2.588 1.158 80.59 87.01 80 87
Autocratic 5 77.00 1.581 .707 75.04 78.96 75 79
Total 15 84.20 6.592 1.702 80.55 87.85 75 95

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Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Rating Based on Mean .442 2 12 .653
Based on Median .353 2 12 .710
Based on Median and with .353 2 9.751 .711
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .439 2 12 .655

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 548.800 2 274.400 55.248 .000
Within Groups 59.600 12 4.967
Total 608.400 14

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Rating
Tukey HSD
Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) group (J) group (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Democratic Semi-autocratic 8.000* 1.409 .000 4.24 11.76
Autocratic 14.800* 1.409 .000 11.04 18.56
Semi-autocratic Democratic -8.000* 1.409 .000 -11.76 -4.24
Autocratic 6.800* 1.409 .001 3.04 10.56
Autocratic Democratic -14.800* 1.409 .000 -18.56 -11.04
Semi-autocratic -6.800* 1.409 .001 -10.56 -3.04
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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Results and Discussion
(ANOVA Part)
The descriptive statistics associated with the job satisfaction level among the
employees from three different manufacturing companies in Cebu under different
managerial styles from their respective managers are shown in Table 1. It can be seen
that the employees' job satisfaction under a democratic manager (M = 91.80, SD = 2.39)
were numerically higher than the job satisfaction of those under a semi-autocratic
manager (M = 83.80, SD = 2.59). In addition, the employees' job satisfaction under an
autocratic manager were lowest (M = 77.00, SD = 1.58). The assumption of homogeneity
of variances was tested based on Levene’s F-test, F(2,12) = 0.442, p = .653. Since the
resulting p-value is more than 0.05, it can then be assumed that the groups all have
population variances that are approximately equal.

Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of the Job Satisfaction Among Selected Employees under
Different Managerial Styles

Managerial Styles N M SD p - value
Democratic Manager 5 91.80 2.39
Semi-autocratic Manager 5 83.80 2.59 F(2,12) = 0.442 p = .653
Autocratic Manager 5 77.00 1.58

In order to test the hypothesis that the managerial style among employees under
different managers have significant differences on their job satisfaction, one-way ANOVA
was performed as displayed in Table 2. The ANOVA yield a statistically significant
difference, F(2, 12) = 55.248, p < .001. Thus, the null hypothesis of no differences in the
mean job satisfaction of selected employees under different managerial styles was
rejected. This means that different managerial styles were significantly different in terms
of the individual’s job satisfaction levels.

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Table 2
ANOVA Summary Table of Different Managerial Styles in the Job Satisfaction of

Sources of Sum of Mean

df F - value p - value
Variation Squares Square
Managerial Styles 548.800 2 274.400
Within Groups 59.600 12 4.967 55.248 p < .001
Total 608.400 14

The pairwise comparisons of the groups using the Tukey HSD are presented in
the Table 3. The results indicate that the job satisfaction difference between the
democratic managers and the semi-autocratic managers (M = 8.00, SE = 1.409) is
significant at 0.05 level of significance. Moreover, job satisfaction of employees under
autocratic managers is significantly different from the democratic and semi-autocratic
managers respectively (Democratic Manager: M = -14.80, SE = 1.409, Semi-autocratic
Manager: M = -6.800, SE = 1.409) at 0.05 level of significance.

Table 3
Post Hoc Analysis among the Different Managerial Styles

(I) Managerial (J) Managerial Std.

Method Mean Difference (I-J) p – value
Style Style Error
Democratic Semi-autocratic 8.000* 1.409 p < .001
Autocratic Democratic -14.800* 1.409 p < .001
Autocratic Semi-autocratic -6.800* 1.409 p = .001

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