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Nama : Dhani Yudistira

Prodi : Ilpus

NIM : 23101040005

I was born in Jogja, but even so, I spent part of my childhood in

Surabaya I haven't been to Surabaya for a long time, when I returned
there, it turned out that many things had changed. In my opinion, the
most striking change is that the highway is getting wider. When I was
little, the main road in front of the house was not that wide, and
beside the main road, there was a big ditch for water irrigation. But
when I returned there, the water ditch was no longer there, the water
ditch was closed to be used as road widening. The second change is
that the environment is getting cleaner. When I was little, the
environment could be said to be dirty, the gutters were clogged, there
was a strong smell from the rubbish in the gutters, lots of rats roaming
around. But when I came back, it wasn't like that anymore, well...
even though there were still gutters that looked dirty, they weren't as
bad as before, and they didn't smell anymore.

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