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Noun phrases (1)

English worksheets from

A noun phrase includes a noun (a person, place or

thing) but tells us a little bit more about the noun.

A noun phrase still acts like a noun.

e.g. noun: ball

noun phrases: a ball the ball
noun phrases: an orange ball or the blue ball

Make noun phrases using these nouns:

1. (dog) …………………..………………………………… 2. (apple) ……………………………………………………….

3. (cap) ……………………………………………………… 4. (book) ……………………………………………………….

5. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Complete these noun phrases by adding a noun:

6. the large …………………..…… 7. a loud …………………………………….

8. the happy …………………..…… 9. an enormous …………………………………….

10. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have

made. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name: Page 1 © Some images © Graphics
Noun phrases (1)
English worksheets from

A noun phrase includes a noun (a person, place or

thing) but tells us a little bit more about the noun.

A red hat is a noun phrase.

Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. The old man was sleeping. 2. I was dreaming about a wicked witch.

3. Sam ate an orange sweet. 4. She shouted at the loud children.

Make noun phrases using these nouns:

5. (cat) …………………..………………………………… 6. (banana) ……………………………………………………….

7. (sock) ……………………………………………………… 8. (pen) ……………………………………..……………………….

9. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Complete these noun phrases by adding a noun:

10. the tiny ……………..……..…… 11. a green ………………………..…………….

12. the sad …………..………..…… 13. an easy …………………………..………….

14. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Name: Page 2 © Some images © Graphics

Noun phrases (1)
English worksheets from

A noun phrase includes a noun (a person, place or

thing) but tells us a little bit more about the noun.

A red hat is a noun phrase.

Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. Tom kicked the football. 2. She cooked the tasty burger.

3. The large pot was very heavy. 4. Pam laughed at the funny joke.

Make noun phrases using these nouns:

5. (lion) …………………..…………………………………… 6. (question) ……………………………………………………….

7. (shoe) ……………………………………………………… 8. (pencil) ……………………………………..……………………

9. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Complete these noun phrases by adding a noun:

10. the big ……………..……..…… 11. a blue ………………………..…………….

12. the crying …………..………..…… 13. a bad …………………………..………….

14. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Name: Page 3 © Some images © Graphics

Noun phrases (1)
English worksheets from

A noun phrase includes a noun (a person, place or

thing) but tells us a little bit more about the noun.

A red hat is a noun phrase.

Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. The little baby was wide awake. 2. I would like a soft ice-cream.

3. The warm sea was lovely. 4. Ben drew a green monster.

Make noun phrases using these nouns:

5. (panda) …………………..………………………………. 6. (wall) ……………………………..…………………………….

7. (bag) …………………………………………………… 8. (flower) ……………………………………..……………….

9. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Complete these noun phrases by adding a noun:

10. the jolly ……………..……..…… 11. a pink ………………………..…………….

12. a hot …………..………..…… 13. the oldest …………………………..………….

14. Write a sentence using one of the noun phrases you have made.


Name: Page 4 © Some images © Graphics

Noun phrases (1)
English worksheets from


Page 2

1. The old man 2. a wicked witch

3. an orange sweet 4. the loud children

Page 3

1. the football 2. the tasty burger

3. The large pot 4. the funny joke

Page 4

1. The little baby 2. a soft ice-cream

3. The warm sea 4. a green monster

Name: Page 5 © Some images © Graphics

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