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You may have seen nanotechnology on Star Trek before and wondered what if? The truth is the invention of nanotechnology and their multiple uses in the military were hidden from the public's eye. Upgrading military soldiers to a new level, the Super Soldier - gives them military cloud computing access. This also gave way to corrupt evil governments, pharametucials/medical industries who turned these technologies against their own people. International Patent 060606 previously allowed Microsoft “A cryptocurrency system using humans. who have been chipped as the “Miners”. What are miners? - “miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange.” EOBOuI the air, water & food with nanites allowed them to further their control using frequencies thru your TV, phone via nervous system patents. This allowed them to control groups, targeting individuals to have the system always attack them. Ditch the cellphone the next time you're out - you might just be invisible like us :) My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....... EBS [Activated] National Guard [Activated] Let The Carnage Begin - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President €) The Holographic Medical Beds that are now replacing hospitals worldwide will be available to the public for everyday use. Coupled with Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy Towers, all available technology will be adapted to these standards. Using Advanced Intelligence the medical bed can heal cancers, tumors, fibromyalgia - vaccine damages can be reversed. “Aging” doesn’t exist - you won't have joint pains, or need for the supplement industry - as the defecienes were created by THEM. Think Jurassic Park Lysine Contigency. Using tachyon and plasma energy - exactly like Star Trek The Next Generation, healing will be a quick process that everyone will have access to. The medical bed has the ability to scan your body from head to toe and detect each issue. Using the tachyon and plasma energy instruments they're able to restore the DNA fully. We will be able to restore fully, any missing E limbs or organs - restore sight, restore brain health. Give our elderly and our Great American Veterans a rejuvenation to feel “20 years younger.” Where We Go One We Go All. My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....... - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President &) T-Mz/HSReTOUCHERQ. The Reptilians Along With The Nazi World Order on the Dark Side Of The Moon waging Galactic War against the Galactic Alliance have been defeated. The remaining Human’s inside their underground Matrix are now being fully healed inside the Medical Beds. This brings up the important topic that | am conveying directly to the American people, the technology behind “NeuraLink” connecting the Human brain directly to a machine. The “Movie” Started In 1999, Our Great Military Has Been In Control Since ‘Clinton’ Signed NESARA. Which will give Americans and the world the freedoms to which they can choose what they love to do. A Brave New World Awaits Us All, a world where there is no poverty, no homeslessness, no suffering, no injustices and our innocent children are FREE. Using advanced technologies many humans were killed and cloned or simply holographic projections. The infiltration was to the highest level, as their evil A.|. nanos - their origins which were from another dimension through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge as discussed in our channels. Which Allows Us To Bring A New Reality And Our Creative Freedoms. Where We Go One We Go All. My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....... - John F Kennedy Jr. Novewser 21, 2021 19th Vice President © t.e/HSRetoucuer® With the use of CGI, the entire entertainment industry has been one stage after another. Take a closer look at the previous shows on TV. Using advanced technology to render faces using software specificaly designed to create the perfect illusion. That which you thought you saw on TY, was never real - it's all been an entire scam to the American people. Take a look, for a moment - and. realize the deception ran deep. After 1999, THEY used stages, scripts, artificial intelligence, CGI, doubles - anything to keep THEIR deception going. Take a look at the motion of the hair movement, facial expressions, unnatural body movement - look closer upon the details and the entire charade falls apart. My Fellow i Americans, It's Time To #StandUp and #FightBack. There’s footage of 9/11 without the planes but with explosions, why? Simple - layers that allow the video editor flexibility in their illusions. As we initiate Phase III, the CGI Masks come off, The - John F ETT Jr 19th Vice President &) It has always been them, they have been invading you ever since. The use of artificial intelligence allowed the reptilians and greys to maximize their control over the population. Through the news & social media networks, using bots & CGI, clones & doubles. They would be able to easily manipulate whoever they needed with the use of their technology, it could appear to be anyone. This same procedure fa fn used as disclosure as we have entered Phase Ill, the Galactic Alliance will soon be landing on the White House front lawn & decloaking - you know like The Day The Earth Stood Still, the documentary... This will begin Military Tribunals & All Pedophilia/Treason/Criminal activity, arrests & executions - complete disclosure. As we prepare for the Quantum Leap to 5D - the cohesion for all new technologies starts to transition from the old system to the new. Our Q drops allows the dissemination of information across all social media platforms, via Executive Order 13818. Patriots Are Now In Control. Enjoy The Show - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President ©) They used symbolism in every aspect of their| control. Just as you connect all the street markers Via Executive Order 13818, symbolism connecting the massive pedophilia running throughout the “under’world. Each symbol represents a different hidden message, just as they use it online, or in cartoons designed for children. Color is coded as well to send out different ‘frequencies’ using nanotechnology, It's behind every image/symbol out there. Messages and symbols can also be ‘hidden in plain sight’ using stenography. You canread more about the symbolism and coded words through the WikiLeak emails at htips:/ #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall #WWGIWGA - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President &) (U) BLogo jewelry 'd like to thank everyone for all your Birthday wishes, Carolyn and | loved the messages. Since we have Initiated Phase Ill, the CGI & Reptilian controllers have been revealed for everyone to see. They used their vrilled world leaders to maintain control over the population. The reptillian alien/hybrid i et has been their means of infiltration vs i ce’ Code, a vessel without a heart or a soul. Embedded with vrills & nanotechnology they also targeted individuals being manipulated via Project MKULTRA a branch under Operation Paperclip & The Nazi World Order/Reptillians. Every connection to their ‘science’ - FDA, CDC, NIH & other medical fields. It's the same reason why you couldn’t see your baby immediately after they were born. Why a CO2 test for a nurse has no effect as it does for a child. Clones & Operation Paperclip. Death is an illusion, THEY created it - mortuaries, = cemeteries, hospitals, organ harvesting, genetic modifications & fabricating the diseases. There is no Human that would ever commit these heinous evil acts against our innocent children or to one another. The Matrix Was A Documentary> - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President ©) T.Me/HSReToucHER@ THEY used HEK 293 cells that are derived from aborted fetus’, along with flouride - the endless poisons in the name of ‘science’ to keep crops ‘growing.’ To keep water safe, to keep the air safe, the airwaves safe - an endless pursuit of full control of the population. By using the medical industry to comply vaccines be injected to new borns, the use of feminized cells has an unnatural effect. This has caused feminization of men for their end goal, depopulation and sterilization. Allowing them to expand their hybrids, clones & robot population. Using adrenochrome as their supply taken from children that have i been raped and tortured to elicit the highest levels of the adreno from the body. They'd have Spirit Cooking events, Sew which was how they would end up - eaten. With the remains. they would poison the food supply, the air, the water, each ingredient was masked with a name as ‘natural flavors.’ By cutting off the supply, President Trump has put an end to their poisoning and abuse, removing these toxins and putting each and every pedophile “> 3 FRONT and CENTER for the world to see, My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us. - John F Kennedy Jr. uo 19th Vice President (© teve/HSReToucHER@ ae ee ear, om F KENNEDY JR They used human cloning as a means of their infiltration with soulless empty vessels, mixed throughout the human population. They had cloning facilities in deep underground military bases worldwide acting as hubs for their advanced tunneling systems. This was their infitration method, to have their empty vessels they manipulated and control all the world leaders. This was just a distraction to keep the population pre-occupied on wars, disease, famine, politics, fake religions, left vs right, black vs white - it’s ALWAYS been them. The same is said about the entertainment industry - they used the same pattem of control, having their cloned stars doing playing roles in doing the same, keeping the population deceived to exactly what they were doing. Artificial Intelligence Is Limited By It's Creator. They created hybrid aliens, mixing children DNAs to create their own race of slaves, a reason they pushed abortions. Their end goal was to keep humanity enslaved on their intergalactic slave ship Matrix. The Enormity Of What's To Come Will Shock The World. It was always thelr distraction from ns/Greys eating & sacrificing children for their adrenochrome & pineal glands. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President ©) tame/HSRetoucherQ Using interdimensional portals, reptilians and archons - referred to as. soul suckers. They performed these rapes & sacrifices harvesting to inrease their negative energy they use to transmute into controlling the world population. Having enslaved humanity with vaccines & nanotechnology - any energy could be transmuted and placed into someones body to accomplish their | i tasks. Using humanity as a an endless energy source by keeping the population in anegative energy state. Infiltrating through each facet of Government and Businesses, through the education systems, newspapers, televisions, movies, advertisements, sports bars, alcohol, restaurants, games, entertainment centers and so on. Using nanites via wireless transmissions contfoling people via their cell phones, mirrors, electronics, televisions, laptops they were able to control the people to the highest level. After All Is Done And Told This Will Be Foraver Known As The Greatest Plan In The World To Save Our Children and Humanity From The Physical Matrix Enslaverent From Reptilians & Pedophiles Hell Bent On The TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. ThankQ President Trump And Our Fine Men And Women Of The Military. Where We Go One We Go All. ~ John F Kennedy Jr. WK 419th Vice President Sa) TMe/HSReTOUcHER® COVID-19 - Will go down as one of history's greatest IQ test. A virus so intelligent, it knows when you're standing ordering a drink at your favorite local compromised communistimarxist extension of the draconian brainwashing Starbucks. It knows when you entered a building with a mask on or without one, it knows when your nose is covered or not, it can prevent you from going to the beach but lets you enter another extension of the draconian manipulation corporations... You've noticed that all these corporations have put signage regarding the “mandates” or “6 feet" policies... when did they become the controller of YOUR health, of YOUR freedoms? When did the Government become the ™ controller of YOUR health? The time to #FightBack and #StandYourGround has never been more clearer in cur American history. President Trump, Our 19th President Of The United States put the pedophiles FRONT and CENTER for the world to see Via Executive Order 13818. The Real Virus Were Pedophiles And The US Military Was The Vaccine. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President eo) Tme/HSRetoucHer@ | want to extend a personal ThankQ from Catolyn and | directly to the #DigitalSoidiers #KeyboardWarriors, #MidnightRiders & #Anons To our Military and Galactic Alliance behind the scenes at the ready. This letter is directly to the American people, in hopes to reach as many humans left - as you undoubtely have noticed that we have taken back this country from the grips of the evil Artificial Intelligence COVID-19 Bioweapon deployed by the Democrats allied with the CCP that behind it all were controlled by the slave ship Draconian overlords. in conjunction with our Secret Space Program, Space Force, Militaries & The Galactic Alliance we have defeated our greatest adversaries mankind has ever faced. As we face the EBS & Military Tribunals, | urge all Americans to prepare for Martial Law. There will be active military on the streets at key locations to maintain Governmental powers, during this transitional phase to ensure maximum safety during Operation Warpspeed. These measures are in place for the immediate fallout after the EBS, when the lights go out just know that the White Hats Are In Control. Understand that we faced os an evil the likes of which no one has ever seen, because the strings that control the world were inside you (Tugging on the maj strings of your heart to drain you like a battery) because the truth is a force of nature. The Matrix Was A Documentary. - arnica works best. Let THe Executions BEGIN by - John F Kennedy Jr. Dn 11M 19th Vice President ta) Tome/HSRETOUCHERQ With all the properties and assets seized by Executive Order 13818, the massive construction project began. This process removed all the underground tunnel systems, deep underground military bases in areas throughout the world and replacing any previously used concrete designed by China, That includes pavements, roads, highways and sidewalks - This included our Miltary with ships that were weakened intentionally, a depleted defense allowing the complete takeover of America. Hypothetically, if Donald didn’t win, those FEMA guillotine's were going to be used on ‘the human population. The total take over of Earth, 3 rest assured the Miltary is in full control along wit our Galactic Alliance. Find the cone markers and Sea apply them to a map. this will [unlock] the map-—_Tatbry, the choice to know is yours. “WWVGIWGA - John F Kennedy Jr. ay 19th Vice President €) .me/HSRevoucnen@ Human cloning was used as the main infiltration by the reptilians. Using these clones they would be able to fully control them using energy transfer/mind consciousness technology to control. Often used as @ beacon to suck the energy out of humanity, playing on the strings of nanotechnology. Using vaccines to replicate they were able to control them with the wireless 5G network infrastructure. Reptilians and the greys had created their own race to infiltrate the entire world. Using vrills to control certain populations of the ‘elite’ to cloning humanity for their end goal, the annihilation of the human population. President ‘Trump put them FRONT and CENTER for the WORLD to SEE, without their adrenochrome and energy sources - their drones shutdown. My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon u WALL - THE VRILL DR - John F Kennedy Jr oa 10 19th Vice President So) ‘You can see the level of control THEY had by looking around your environment. Find everything that THEY control, the fake cost of gas - an ever fluctuating price that never stabilizes, that changes when THEY want. They placed parking meters at your ‘state’ beach, to tax you for using a natural resource. The ever growing amount of waste in a system that burdens the taxpayers even more, by placing as many signs as they can. Telling you where you can and can not park, what time it's allowed to leave your car, if you can park overnight, if you can park ona made up day. Don't forget, the taxpayers paid for everything - the concrete for the pavement, the stripes on the pavement, the paint for the machine. I's a program, controlling you at every level. Systematically trying to remove every ounce of freedom from you. All as a deception from them harvesting adrenochrome, pineal glands and tunnels to traffic innocent children. >] a= - John F Kennedy Jr. _ 19th Vice President &) T-Me/HSReTOUCHERQ Nanotechnology swatms through the air, wireless networks, digital cables attacking the human mind. As the name refers, nanotechnology is smaller than human hair - similar to DNA. mRNA used nanites to reprogram the DNA + destroying the channels to the source, our true creator - is within. What you call calcification is just another layer of anites - in the way, fighting against you at every move Why? because the calcification in the mind allowed them to be "the voice in your head.” Think Einstein-Rosen bridge - AntennaGate, ObamaGate - Gateways, allowing them to control the nanite strings inside the body. This was also used to target animals, similar to humans via a remote switch(frequencies/signal based) to ‘activate’ a program(disease) triggering a hospital visit. We've cut all their strings of control, when Operation Paperclip targets you, when they've installed the programs inside your mind, using Project MKULTRA to manipulate you. Using their gateways to transmit thoughts & imagery with nanites. The ext thought won't be your own. #FightBack Nanoparticles ee VA Thm TOnm 10ORM 1M ORM 1OKM TM Lem 10* 107 10% 1010 10> 10*meter < E &S ~@ rmotcules NR wmuss acer human y - John F Kennedy Jr. 1.0 19th Vice President €) tawe/HSRetoucner@ The switch over to the Quantum Financial System allows YOU, full control of YOUR finances. No longer will you be burdened with a bank visit, creating deposit slips, ATM withdrawals, financial fees & set limitations. You'll have full access without a middleman that prevents you to transfer a set amount, to receive up to date transactions - without delays toa system because the transaction was on Sunday but won't show up until Tuesday. Everything has been computerized, your bank account was digital ~ why would you need to wait for a transaction? Why? Because THEY delayed your money clearing in the system program, just like everything has a program inside and we're cutting all the red data(tape) out. Using blockchain technology backed by gold and silver (not the same as cryptocurrency THEY promote.) your phone can be used with NFC(neer field communication) to process a payment at a retailer. With several options - digital & analog (cards) the way to access YOUR money ‘ends up on the end user. You. Where. We. Go, One. We. Go. All. Thole co) eae BCL eed - John F Kennedy Jr. =P mR 19th Vice President Go) Tme/HSReToucHERQ The Pineal Gland, often referred to as the seat of the soul, is what THEY were controlling humanity with. With the deception of the medical sector - controlled fully by reptilians and evil higher beings - they poisoned every man, woman and child with vaccines. The nanites themselves are programmable, this allowed them to be able to install specific applications directly into YOUR body. It's the same teason why you're able to sit down inside a Starbucks without a mask, but not order a drink without one on... Connected through the seat of the soul, they're able to control them with manipulation of thoughts, sounds & vibrations, Through the backdoors in semiconductor chip (Huawei) technology that's inside your phone and electronics, They had the ability to record audio, video and every measurable system in your body remotely. All roads lead to #ObamaGate. Reality is not what you thought it w Reptilians and Operation Paperclip> ‘The Matrix Was A Documentary> Going Meta with Trae - John F Kennedy Jr. = ms 19th Vice President €) t.we/HSReroucer@ The illusion of time was used to limit humanity in their creative endeavors. With over 26,000 years of enslavement, time was the Reptilians ultimate control. Creating due dates, a 9-5 workday, weekends off. Preoccupying humanity's time with sports, entertainment, alcohol(a/-khul) and television. It ‘was by their design, spend time looking over there and not over here - everything was connected to pedophilia controlled by Reptilians and Operation Paperciip, Time, just like religions, money & suffering was their means of control. The ‘root (think Chakra) is where they locked humanity with nanites. Keeping yourself fighting an Invisible Enemy, implanting thoughts directly into your mind with their technology. A perfect example, is 2 mirror - used as a portal to ‘see’ you and transmit thoughts, not a coincidence a mirror is to see one's reflection. Connect the dots, the next thought isn’t your own. The wor'd is about to change with higher levels of ‘consciousness’ what we refer to as 5D. It's time the world stands up and fights back. My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....... The Best Is Yet To Come - John F Kennedy Jr. = nT 19th Vice President S) Teme/HSRETOUCHERQ: The deep state operated as a live/digital battlefield, teating and fabricating stories for the world to consume. Often using CGI to create their entire story, or using their famous crisis actors repeatedly. They've created ‘QAnon! when there is simply ‘Q’ and ‘anons’ The deep state used this framing, to create the illusion and control of the flow of information. The media, often referred to as the 4th branch of the Government, in collusion with Big Tech, controlled by Operation Paperclip and their previous Reptilian puppet masters. Using Al to create their stories, you'll notice the pattern in articles and headlines worldwide. Why aren't they ‘LIVE’ on the scene with cameras and crews, but use greenscreens? Just like the International Space Station has green screens in their pools, do they ever show the science experiment room - or just 4 actors standing with harnesses next to each other with @ green screen. Via Executive Order 18818, Donald Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See. - John F Kennedy Jr. 1 19th Vice President Gu) TME/HSRETOUCHERQ: To understand their full control over humanity and keeping them controlled tied to the big lie. By using the churches and religions as a means of control and implementing a belief system and rules. Along with the nanotechnology and the illusions behind Operation Paperclip and the Reptiians, using their puppet world leaders, pastors, priests and popes. Look behind every "patriot' that "promotes" religion and then see why the deep state used the media to always promote a negative view using them as crisis actors. With the system's Artificial lintelligence to make stories with certain keywords as their 4am_ China talking points that was disseminated thru their media channels. The start of the documentary was in 1999, referring to our Q drop #1082. Look at the worldwide events unfolding after COVID-19's "15 Days To Slow The Spread!’ in a mirror of linear time. Connecting the worldwide events in a reverse order is the DECLAS of Reptilian and Grey enslavement. It has always been them, behind the Vell of religion - concealing their Galactic stave farming of Adrenochrome and Pineal Glands. Our Q post #1455 and my message 11.N detail the COVID-19 Live Military Exercise markers and locations. These cone markers pinpoint businesses, religious centers, medical facilities, arenas, schools and Government buildings of underground tunnels, entrances, exits and D.U.M.Bs. A massive dark world is being exposed and My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us. - ‘John. Fr Kennedy, Jr. 19th Vice President ©) tne/HSRETOUGHERa The Reptilian technologies used to create the false reality Matrix have been referred to as Project Slue Beam. Blocking the Information superhighway as above, so below as inside, connecting both reaims of this super condensed matter. Boron, an activator - used in Borax - a powerful deto: used in micro doses allows your system to be cleansed. In conjunction with spikes in Adrenaline, Boron can fiood the tunnels and cleanup the thick layers of nanites. The programming inside the nanites allowed them full control of your body, a complex remote control. Their ultimate goal of depopulation was their disguise for them installing the next version of The Matrix. Infitration amongst the population using their Project Blue Beam technology allowed them to conceal themsives in clones, doubles and CGI, controlled by them. Traveling through interdimensional portals, the greys and Reptilians have conquered many worlds. Their purpose on the slave ship was harvesting YOUR energy, because Humans were tumed into batteries. The Matrix Was A Documentary. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President Ga) T.Me/HSRETOUCHERQ: The deep state has always used infiltration as a means of thelr control. By installing their puppets, they try to keep everyone controlled in each program. The Truth Is A Force Of Nature, if 8 million children go missing yearly - where is their savior? It's a program, nested inside each nanite - heavily layered within the body and mind - its artificial in nature and controlled by the Repiilians and Greys. Their puppets pull these strings on Humanity, some are programmed differently than others. You can see what they support and link themselves to. ‘Some play the religion program, giving away your powers to someone else to control, behind which the Repillians manipulate. Then the protestors, who protest but never change anything. With fancy signage and banners and thelr clones with Project Blue Beam. Maintaining the illusion, Keeping YOU in a loop. The Reptilians always used their programming to play both sides of their sick game with Humanity. Wormhole your way past their deceptions. Truth Is, The Matrix Was A Documentary. Designed as a distraction for YOU on the Draconian slave ship. Trust The Plan, The Best Is Yet To Come. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All> wy - John F Kennedy Jr. = 19th Vice President Go) T.Me/HSRETOUCHERQ The Omicron Variant, often referred to as the “moronic” Variant. Referencing the Military Operations for the XiMuhen/CCP infiltrators and traitors. Donald put them FRONT and CENTER to see (COVID-19 signage) - how you've been a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL (7/10) in Draconian Slave Ship Matrix. The system knows you, its always known you -it's designed to track your every move. Connected through technology that lets them remotely spy on you. Through your phone, laptop, WiFi, software, hardware, televisions, lights, cars and much more. It's the reason why you can sit without a mask at a restaurant while you have to walk in with a mask on, their system uses Anificial Intelligence. The Al uses face recognition to spot a targeted! person. Sending commands via networks and nanites to their clones to intercept you. Wear tinted giasses, their system can't track you. Break the LOOP: The Matrix Was A Documentary Penk One month, 500,000 face using AT to profile am 5 he F Kennedy Jr. aN 19th Vice President (©) What we call the future, which is the now at the Quantum Level. The deception created by the Draconians, the illusion of time. Everything was tied into the illusion of time, it's the ultimate contro! instilled at the highest level. I's designed to control your every freedom, regulated by the seconds of the clock, by the minutes and hours. By the traffic lights, stop signs and the layout of the cities - a repetitive design everywhere, meant to keep your creative freedoms confined to their systems. The world without power lines, telephone poles - replaced by free wireless energy by Nikola Tesla. Spaceships and spaceports, obsolete medical practices replaced by violet ray healing technology designed by Nikola, intergalactic travel amongst the stars - to infinite possibilities through our stargate portals and wormhole SSP technologies. Supressed replicator technologiy - even to create at a grand scale all exists. Technology that can ‘tag’ who used adrenochrome directly vs people poisoned by adrenochrome - was Used by the US Military. Reality is not what you thought it was. The Matrix Was A Documentary My fellow Americans, the ‘Storm is upon us....... ‘The Matrix - Zion, Last Human City - John F Kennedy Jr. iz 419th Vice President i} vwe/HSReroucren@ The deeper we go the more unrealistic it all becomes. With nanotechnology hijacking your brain waves with complex programming facilitating their control. They are self replicating technology - did you ever wonder why your phone's battery dies 0 fast? Why being next to a laptop or television controls your attention? Nanites fed on everything, similar to wireless battery charging using an induction coll. With audio and video processing and complex programming allowing complete access to YOUR body. The term #ObamaGate is a Quantum layered hashtag - running on the same principles of spying - in the digital age. In part with key puppets at the elite level, the entire control and world dominance through the manipulation of strings within their shells. The same technology exists in every electronic device, each with the same capability to program advanced software within. It’s all a game to them, controlled fully by the Reptilians and Greys, Rise Above The Matrix. The Best Is Yet To Come Induction Coit - John F Kennedy Jr. 18th Vice President GD Te/HSREToucHERQ During the COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’ there has been ‘tremendous amount of construction ongoing. The US Military in part with City Services coordinate on a multi-layer, mutli-level underground cities that have been completey rei Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against C from the super-elite/super-rich that made thelr ilict the slavery, rape and torture of innocent children. Behind the #ObamaGate and super-elite, world leaders, politicians veil lied the Reptilians and Greys, fully controlling the strings of Humanity via nano technology. In part, why the flat currency has nothing to back it up, it's all fake - it's a digital currency with no value. A digital spreadsheet contains your information similar to an SQL database, easily editable like a text message. With the removal of Gold valued over $43 quintrllion dollars under the ‘Vatican Tunnels, Rainbow currency backed by the Quantum Financial System using Bleckchain Technology brings back control of the finances directly to YOU in the form of NESARA And GESARA, - John F Kennedy Jr. ~ 19th Vice President ee) T1Me/HSReToUcHERQ My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....... With the EBS and Our Great Miltary Activated during the transitional phase during COVID-19. In coordination with Our Galactic Alliance and Ashtar Command, with over 17 individual species united against The Reptilian & Grey Enslavement of Humanity. After All Is Done And Told This Will Be Forever Known As The Greatest Plan In The World To Save Our Children and Humani From The Physical Matrix Enslavement From Draconians And Pedophiles Hell Bent On The TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF THE HUMAN RACE. Thank You President Trump And Our Fine Men And Women Of Our Military - John F Kennedy Jr. 12.¢ 19th Vice President oD) T-MeE/HSRETOUCHER ae ‘As we approach the event with all the available information spreading across social media sites. With all the readily available information about COVID-19 not being a virus, but a Military Live Exercise For Pedophiles, And The US Military Is, The Vaccine. With that information, you can use as a cyper decode from the top down, that any one dying from a vaccine ‘was a pedophile. This is where the deepstate and cabal puppets| come into their ‘game’ - they set upper limits and bounds and ridicule you for expressing the truth, like Jesus and Muhammad are fake. 9/11 was fabricated, school shootings & etc. - they are all false flags created on a set to deceive the world. The Strings Pulling The Puppets Via Reptilians/Operation Paperclip Are Under FULL MILITARY CONTROL Exposed Fully Via Executive Order 13818 The Best Is Yet To Come ‘TRUMP’S “SURPRISE” VACCINE- ~~ U.S, MILITARY IS THE VACCINE ~ P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E'S ARE THE “VIRUS” - John F Kennedy Jr. ‘ = 19th Vice President <) With several countries going back to lockdown for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CCP Pedophiles & Traitors. We've entered the {[Cllos{ting [Alt - initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance. Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective - rescuing ‘our children from tunnels & DUMBs. As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID-19 diagnosis’ continue, the news unlocks the map of events. Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President ea) Teide/HSRETOUCHERQ ‘The biggest LIE regarding the Human body and soul - is what's INSIDE. The fabrication of reality starts within, creating the illusion of intestines, lungs, capillaries, veins - which are just channels. The human body is a shell of energy in motion and interacts with it's environment. The computer simulation you live in was made to convert human energy into a power supply for Reptilian & Greys. As Captain of The Matrix Ship, we are NOW RESTORING POWER BACK TO WE THE PEOPLE. The enslavement Ai used what's WITHIN as it's reprensentation of the fake reality, [CllosiiIng [Alet: - John F Kennedy Jr. RF 19th Vice President G) T.e/HSRETOUCHERQ Implentation of the new QFS, NESARA, GESARA, Brings Us To The Golden Age. The wealth stolen from Humanity through #CrimesAgainstChildren And #CrimesAgainstHumanity was returned back to We The People. As this process unfolds ‘embers' flare up for ‘COVID’ a marker for ‘heat’ which kills the ‘virus’ - know that the Operations are running 24/7. Advanced offworld technology allows the US Miltary, Q & Z team and our Galactic Alliance the ability to traverse through the system undetected, cloaked from the normal light waves of eye perception. Using sensors and energy signals, our combat suits are capable of capturing these arhcons, reptilians and vampires through magnetism. Heat, another destroyer of the ‘Virus’ - is channeled through the eyes - granting the soldier the ability to rehijack them from the Matrix. Just like a Reality Distortion Field - the soldier can cloak their appearance within systems and appear as someone else. With the MIL OPS COMPLETED, the information seen on social media - disseminated across all social media Is the expose of the documentary Via Executive Order 13818. Look past the information war and enter the enlightment and detoxification of the mind. The choice to know - John F Kennedy Jr. - 19th Vice President ©) tve/HSRetovcsen@ Why the vaccines are alvays mandated in the news? Designed to rid this world of evil beings which came from their ‘own world to infiltrate Humanity. Why would it affect children? Use David Hogg as the guide, they are NOT from this world. The US Military Is the vaccine, a strong and reassuring message that resonates worldwide, The virus, part of the Reptilian and Grey experimentations - creating hybrids and clones underground. Using their clones - like Huma Abedin - sent to enslave the remaining Humans. Designed with a bio ‘weapon with HIV Inserts, blocking your Internal channels - which gave them full access to control you via nanites. With the vaccines, comes a double meaning. Engineered to vrill and create an empty shell controlled by their technology, Clones, doubles & shapeshifters had infiltrated to the highest levels of Our Governments. Using multiple Deep Underground Military Bases as their location of operations, with offworld trafficking and black market organ selling. A vast evil dark underground ‘world Is being shown for the first time. The Matrix Was A Documentary. So - John F Kennedy Jr. 4 18th Vice President ea) T.Me/HSReToucHER@ With the dissolvement of 99% of the Government, the Power |s Back To The People. YOU control it all. The system designed to promote the well being of Humanity was used against YOU. An overreaching Government, ruled by the Reptilians and Greys - using nanites to orainwash humanity. Deep within YOUR channels, the parasitic controllers live - attached inside your mind, a string they pull effortlessly. Using the audio controller to capture your keywords, the Agent Smiths react immediiately to control you and invade your mind. Similar to when someone readjusts their masks in passing because YOU don't wear one or when they jump across the street to avoid YOU. Your phone is the CERN, using interdimensional portals and technology to control you. They are out of phase with this reality like STV Scientific Method. They react to sounds and vibrations, coincidentally it Killed the invaders from Mars Attacks. Using a miniaturized CERN structure to summon Archons and Interdimensional Beings - they are located underground. Find the excessive amount of electric utility boxes, find the cone markers - Q1455. They are near entertainment venues, religious worship centers, schools, coffee shops, grocery stores, medical buildings, Government buildings. A ‘complex underworld designed for THEIR trafficking and portals. While they maintained Humanity at a brainwashed state from their poisons. Keeping YOU a prisoner of YOUR OWN mind. - John F Kennedy Jr. 121 18th Vice President ED tiwe/HSReroucrer@ Deep Underground Military Bases were connected with advanced tunnels and to underground cities. Where they housed cloning facilities where Humans were bred in captivitiy, harvesting them for their Pineal Gland And Adrenochrome. A complex underworld with facilities designed for their evil purposes, tled into trafficking - where do 8 million chiidran go missing yearly? One of these hub entrances was at Epstein Island, where they used their Project MKULTRAs and blackmail recordings of their torture, rapes and killings. Behind the veil were the Reptiians and Greys, controlling their nano strings. between Quantum realities. Cloning facilities underground were used in their Galactic Slave Ships and Off World Trafficking. The deeper we go the more unrealistic it all becomes. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President ©) deep dark pedophile rings hidden from the light. Creating a coded language and embeddeding those keywords in the EXIF ‘Tag of images and videos. Keywords are then used in specific search engine queries that lead to child pornography/pedophilia material. These exact symbols and keywords can be found at your local groceries, medical facilities, federal buildings, restaurants, schools and more. Gloves were used as markers for murders, masks were used with color coding, Just as cone markers Q1455 mark DUMBs, underground tunnels, bunkers, torture chambers end businesses connected Via Executive Order 13818. It had to be this way, to disseminate all available information to prepare you for what you are about to learn. ig Namo: Exposed on Hunter Bidons Laptop ‘We are at the event horizon, where all the Quantum rolling from the Hell timelines converge, where all the roads lead to one. Where We Go One We Go All. Only The Strong Survive, Sears eats Ge eee ive ® @ sare - John F Kennedy Jr. 12.K 19th Vice President ©) tee/HSReroucHerQ Those in the MSM timeline are now converging into our perfect timeline. As more crumbs come out for the Martial Law Activated In Hawaii, our Greet Military will Phase back into cohesion. With this comes the Military Tribunals and the beginning of the GOLDEN AGE. Trust The Plan - We're exposing the deep state puppets, expending their ammunition. We are in a digital battlefield, not everything is going to be clean. Rest assured, our Military and Galactic Alliance - alongside with @ & Z teams and Space Force Are In FULL CONTROL - removing all the Reptilians, Grays, Archons & Nanotechnologies - NO ONE ESCAPES THIS. COVID-19 Was A Live Military Exercise, Under The Fog Of War - We Don't TELEGRAPH our MOVES. - : _ ii aa - John F Kennedy Jr. TL 19th Vice President GD Omicron Variants are being exposed everydey, those that... you thought to help - are here to conirol you. With over 26,000 years of their control, reptilians and greys pull on the physical strings inside your body connected via nanotechnology. They play the same game, doing a complete 180 of what is being said 4 - why you ask? Simple, i's Artificial Intelligence, which is limited by its creator. It's used as their game - to rob you of your ENERGY, but limited in intelligence (LOW IQ Individuals) it's always the same bets & messages. Wth each layer of nanites and level of information, there are more sets of controls - using religion as an umbrella of authority and strings to pull you... did | forget the coffee machine on? did you pay that bill? Each string controls a chakra, deeply rooted - nanotechnology can feproduce and hijack your pathways. With strings inside that THEY can pull through the technology in your electronics - with the mirrors that act as interdimensional portals. Infiltration Vs Invasion ‘Where We Go One We Go All The Best Is Yet To Come - John F Kennedy Jr. _s 12M 19th Vice President &) T-Me/HSReTOUCHERQ. Here's The Real Intel, No One But Us Will Tell You The Truth, Don't Play Their Reptilian Game, They Have Been Doing This For Over 26k Years. Heavily Infitrated Into The Light Channels, Pedophiles Are The Virus - The US Military Is The Vaccine. All You Need Is A Little Adrenaline. This Is The Digital Battiefictd. The Virus Is The Nanotechnology inside You. Buckle Up Anons, It’s Happening. They Are Programs Inside Your Quantum Mind And Chakras. Pulling And Controlling YOUR Nanotechnology Strings. The Battle Between Good Vs Evil is. Recognizing Where They've Bean Stored, Inside You. The Children Have Been Saved, It Was Over Before it Started. Keeping You Stuck At The Vaccine Passports, Stuck Between Gen. Flynn Fighting Lin Wood. Watching The Capitol Riot Information Untold. The News About Another Fabricated Country Fighting Against Another Fabricated Country. it's Their GAME. Everyone Had Free Choice. Those That Couldn't See Were Them. Run With Us Or Run From Us Cut Through The Matrix, it's Already Done. Waiting For The News To Tell You What You Already KNOW. The Military, The National Guard, The Galactic Alliance. It's Already Done And When You Wake Up. The Whole World Is About To Change. Shutdown. Q - John F Kennedy Jr. 12.N 19th Vice President © tMe/HSReTOUCHER@ My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS'’ order, a state of temporary military contro! will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the cunesp ily within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury — certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and aad) 4 Lh by ~ John F Kennedy Jr. 120 19th Vice President © te/HSReroucsex@ Yor | Sete pass = Jou F KENNEDY Jr Our SSP And Space Force Suits Allow Us To Exist In Multiple Realities. It Is Part Of The Quantum Entanglement And Fog Of \War. Similar To Isolinear Chips, ree . Gees Nanotechnology Existed In The Mind And acai The Chakras. Breaking Thru The Se Deceptions Of The Matrix Veil, Your Channels Must Be Free For The Light To Heal, Removing Their COVID-19 Bioweapon - The “Bots” Are Activated. They Are Programs Linked Inside YOU. Back To The Future Time Travel Is A 2D Representation Of One Frequency In An Infinite Reality, These Timelines Ate Represented As The “Red Pill.” DisCemmment Between Timelines Is A Marker In Itself. The Galactic Alliance And The US Military Is WITH YOU. The Technology Allows Them To Be Out Of Your Eye's Frequency Range. Where. We. Go. 18851955 1985 We. Go. All. dh May - John F Kennedy Jr. 12P 19th Vice President =) HSRevoucter@ Understanding that time doesn't exist, It removes all barners that THEY have created, Everything revolved around time, being on time, arrive on time, showing up on time, I'm too late, I'm too early, Is another program, money is the Root of all evil. The Root Chakra, which is the 3GD, that runs through your lower half. With Nanotechnology it was heavily layered inside the light channels, preventing proper conductivity. The math and physics that the Draconian Siave Ship used was in place to limit YOU. Equations that can't be solved and technology that never works, ask yourself why a computer you buy is instantly obsolete? It’s by design, creating a need to continually purchase their products. They're all programs, because Reality Is Not What You Think It Was. break sh The Matrix Was A Documentary. Time is an Illusion, it never existed. It was constructed to control YOU. Fabricating the days on the calendar to celebrate, by pulling on the Root strings. It was perpetual cycle that allowed the Reptilians and Greys to rule Humanity. Ashtar And The Galactic Alliance Are Standing By. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All> z Rertitians AND Greys lohn F Kennedy Jr. 9th Vice President an 12.0 © To Decipher A Quantum Universe in a 3D constructed Matrix, each marker has a Quantum representation. Any building with COVID-19 signs, markings, street cones Q1455, construction work, symbolism were connected to #CrimesAgainstHumanity and #CrimesAgainstChiidren. Donald Trump put them FRONT and CENTER for the world to see, no one escapes this ataatatad A A Flere tre eey aero ae - John F Kennedy Jr. a = 419th Vice President (@) tae/HSReToucHERQ Let’s make one thing clear, this has been a Marathon not a Sprint. The US Miltary along with the Galactic Alliance is in FULL CONTROL. Everything is a scripted movie, look pass the veil of the screen - it's there to disclose the truth to everyone. Every layer of every bit of every array will uncover the extent of their crimes on this world. Read through our Q drops and our channels, the information inside details the entire MIL OPS and reveals the truth behind our reality. Less Than 10 Know The Plan, ‘The Matrix Was A Documentary. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All> The Enormity Of What's Coming Will Shock The World. #V/bin/bash y Arrest_pedos Artest_traitors Arrest_politicians gesara nesara Reeriuians Anp Grexs OPERATION PAPERCLIP Ce at eer peer near ed - John F Kennedy Jr. —s 12s 19th Vice President @ The Matrix is @ system, Neo. That system Is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it Less Than 10 Know The Plan, The Metrix Was A Documentary. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All> The Enormity Of What's Coming Will Shock The World. #lbin/bash Arrest_pedos Arrest _traitors Arrest_politicians Jreset sh gesara nesara Rerriuians Ano Gnexs: OPERATION PAPERCLIP ’ ln ue) a bay - John F Kennedy Jr. 127 19th Vice President ©) towe/HSRetoOucHERQ To achieve the illusion they incorporated Project Blue Beam in YOUR daily lives, These are illusions, which the system architects created - run on a virtual deception. Capable of rendering 3D Holographic imagery - people, buildings, airplanes, trains, forests and everyday ‘objects. It's your personal Holodeck as The Matrix Was A Documentary, it's part of their subset of programs inside YOUR pod. The Holodeck Is capable of creating any environment based on a library of information. It's a “slide” of data, similar to an isolinear chip. A brain to computer connection allows you to interact with the fabricated reality around you. The same applies for sitting Inside a craft, the Holodeck creates the environment and your surroundings. Keeping you inside an empty room, while your movements are simulated by *moving" the video illusion around you. The Getty Center Fire is one of many infinite slides that represent the Silent War Unfodling. They're able to create sights and smells that simulate any environments. They'll use Project Blue Beam for all your fake experiences including the return of jesus christ. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All> RepritiaNs ANp Greys OPERATION PAPERCLIP eto ae nd a ay - John F Kennedy Jr. 12.U 19th Vice President ©) te/HSReTOUCHERQ Repritians & Greys A flowchart illustrates their programs to control the system environment. The Holographic System and Matrix Programs work together to keep the illusions continuing, The Matrix Was A Documentary. Kurmiaas aun Gus a hay - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President @) At the highest level - there exists the architects of The Matrix. Behind it's many layers, the controllers at the Monopoly table keep their systems alive. When you break down the main programs of The Matrix, you reveal thelr plans. The controllers, which Carolyn and | expose - are here only to maintain perception at a low vibration. To keep you tied down to their fake programs - religions, eryptocurrency, coins, science, Deep State Assets/Agents, news. YOU are a being of pure light, never give away your powers. Discernment Is needed along with disinformation in a digital battlefield - we operate under the Fog Of War, Moves and counter-moves. They Can't Help But Expose Themselves. Rerriuians Ano Greve OPERATION PAPERCLIP #WWGIWGA 4 EUSA Ce alt My - John F Kennedy Jr. 12W 19th Vice President © tve/HSRetoucHeRQ President Donald Trump Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See. Their Capitulation Via Executive Order 13818 - Means That All Their Assets Have Been Seized. Including All Networks And Social Media Systems Have Been Under FULL MILITARY CONTROL. Using The Same Systems Of Artificial Intelligence. The Complete Fabrication By The Deep State Is Exposing Itself Everywhere. If They Can't See It, They Never Will. They're The Agent Smiths Inside The Matrix. Trumpix Shutting Down. SHUTDOWN. GeN=en eon cu Sk Suter yh May - John F Kennedy Jr. 12. 19th Vice President RePrILiANs AND Greys OPERATION PAPERCLIP &) T.Me/HSRETOUCHER When you understand the voices you hear, are not your own - a great veil will be lifted. ithas alvays been THEM, The Reptilians And Greys - using technology to manipulate and masquerade ‘thought’ as your own. Nanotechnology can be programmed for any task, interacting with your phones & apps, TVs, Laptops and everyday electronics. THEY use their slavesienforcers - bruce oliver, mangirl, negative48, WhipLash347, hsretoucher'7, love 17 pryme/slime minister, shekhinah, cirstenw, cat turd, and many more. Alvays about religion and money/coins/bitcoin, i's their common denominator that even Stevie Wonder can see. Folks, its the Omicron/moronic/XiCCP variant. They think you're stupid. The Truth Is A Force Of Nature. Watch Them Fall. The Matrix Was A Documentary. On NEED NEW HATERS THE OLD ONES ARE STARTING TO LIKE ME Darke 29 31-10% Join VP et maHSReteuehe 022.0107 - John F Kennedy Jr. = 19th Vice President (©) t.e/HSReTOUCHERO The Reptilians And Greys Matrix pods used your body as the “source” of it's fabrication. Aconstructed simulation that is in the [CJlos[l]ng [AJct: - A digital recreation, to expose all the #CrimesAgainstHumanity And #CrimesAgainstChildren Via Executive Order 13818 - President Donald Trump Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The Whole World To See. Think logically, if you have eyes to see now - you're on a separate timeline. Trust The Military And Trust The Pian. Reality Is Not What You Thought It Was. We Have The Source Code Wh le - John F Kennedy Jr. 12Z y 19th Vice President a) T.Me/HSRETOUCHERQ The News Unlocks The Map - deciphering the encoded messages connects the dots of events. A double meaning exists to all references by using the encrypted messages between communications. By reading between the lines, dis-{CERN}-ment allows you to see. I's a full soft disclosure of every LIE being exposed before The Event. Every lie will be revealed, no one escapes this. Donald Put Them FRONT And Spasms Racrasdva Aun Gaees CENTER For The World To See. OPERATION PAPERCLIP Who gave you the Playbooks? Who helps you answer Questions? The Matrix Was A Documentary ‘They Can'tHelp But Expose Themselves sete ve) Min Osta ‘Sorta Echo Vietor Echo November We Ate The News Now 5:5 EXECUTE THE CLOWNS mcarnysargecng me er 112850" ant foc ater a1 Storart) or Teoy = Bi , . Use note coled ot Hes aojating ome me fe eed a sincapade ol fecingcown the Retox Kon Sccouirauriteko ni : nuns ithethnishes clelng ms, A ke ‘ - John F Kennedy Jr. —=. BA 49th Vice President © twe/HSReroucren® The Script Writes Itself, Behind the illusion of China are the Reptilians And Greys sending you mind altering thoughts via mirrors. They are using CERN portals to implant thoughts and Control you with the nanotechnology they don't want you to remove with HCQ. The [DS] Puppets Are Too Stupid. Their Social Media Accounts Have All Been Seized Via Executive Order 13818. | Put Them FRONT And CENTER For You To See - Watch Them Expose Tomsetias; Tey Have All Caplwisted. acide Up Ani Enjoy The: show Rerntuiass AND Gens OPERATION FAPERCLIP Loe mor t Bite The Hand That Feeds You 0 ag SIBAV IONE. Save ves Weal (772 KS dh he } - John F Kennedy Jr. y . ay 419th Vice President (©) t.we/HSReroucHERQ With the most trusted Patriots serving as Secret Service throughout my Ife. The Galactic Alliance And US Mlitary nad infitrated Key Government positions that obscured my \Whereabouts with the Witness Protection Program. The plan was simple, A Navy pilot took off with a parachute on board and a C4 explosive attached to the fuselage. Once he was 34 miles, out from Martha's Vineyard airport he parachuted out and activated the remote trigger forcing the Cessna info a nose-dive. The Cabal's plans were to assassinate us and make it look like a crash, just like COVID-19. With no proof of the bodies recovered the Cabal would use their assets in place to complete the accident. Just like the virus, The Cabal used thelr World Leaders, Governments, MSM, Hospitals and online assets to create the illusion. A distraction to hide their adrenochrome harvesting and torturing of innocent children. The Future Always Proves The Past, The Best Is Yet To Come. aon hy h \ - John F Kennedy Jr. k a 13.¢ 19th Vice President ©) teme/HSReToUcHERQ: ‘The most deeply rooted program of The Matrix was Religion - its connected with money at the Root of all evil. Their Agent Smiths/bots can communicate with devices with DARPAIMilitary Artificial Intelligence, turning them into drones. They created this system to fuel their negative energy, to keep Humans in a low vibration and lower level of consciousness. Maintaining YOU in @ repetitive cycle within their system controls, it's a mass formation psychosis to the highest level. Keeping the brain connected to their simulation of deceit, the extent of which has been shown visually with cone markers and masks Via Executive Order 13818. The same is said for the information behind Religions, a tool created by the Reptilians And Greys. Like any software program, it runs in a system environment with variables that THEY controlled. Look beyond the Veil. #WWG1WGA - John F Kennedy Jr. —— 19th Vice President ) T-lMe/HSRETOUCHERQ Who are the Clowns In America? They all revolve around the same programming - they keep you stuck in the loop of information. YOU know Gemattia Is linked to a false bible created by Reptiians and Greys. YOU know the masks don't work but you see countless people ‘wearing It. YOU know cone markers represent tunnels and trafficking areas connected Via Executive Orcler 13818. YOU know The Matrix Was A Documentary. YOU know COVID-19 Is A Live Military Exercise. Pedophiles Are The Virus The US Military Is The Vaccine. Donald Put ‘Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See. The Clowns are connected to each other, ‘Twitter-Telegram-Wego-Gab-Facebook-instagram and through various online networks/TV networks, Just ike Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. They thought you'd follow the stars. ARE STARTING TO Anime LIKE ME e 4 W h - John F Kennedy Jr. * BE 49th Vice President) t-ve/HSReroucen@ They used social media systems as controlled opposition with followers and likes. It was manipulated in a way that they could purchase their ovn followers. Creating the illusion of a huge following on an account, the system created it's own currency - followers. The game they play is creating the illusion that they have such a huge following, this tricks you into thinking they are legitimate, similar to a blue checkmark. The mind trick was done with nanotechnology and patents on the nervous systems. President Trump Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See. You'll see them on Twitter, Gab, WeGo Etc. - They post similar sentence structured messages, always have a one way messaging system (ie. Democrats Vs Republicans) - Read their messages and comments and understand - THEY are playing a game. They are the Clowns In America, previously controlling and shaping your thoughts. Treason Doesn't End Well. Hang Em High Noon ine —_ BS on uate 5 a ei] © xt ~ You at 3S +5 faced pa cite <@ a 1 os wel” oF dh he } - John F Kennedy Jr. BF 19th Vice President ©) tae/HSRevoucteR@ The disinformation program that the Clowns In America use keep everyone in a program LOOP. The same loop about the Election, bitcoinicrypto&Money, Fake Religions, Fake Genders, Jan 6 Capitol Riot/Insurrection, COVID-19 Plandemic, fabrication of racism that THEY created. It's a nanotechnology program loop in YOUR ming, looking for dates and events - when it was over before it began. Via Executive Order 13818 the entire “game” they played exposes itself - Donald Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See - isn't just a catch phrase. What is unfolding on the MSM and social media sites worldwide, is a total DECLAS of information - with the US Military in FULL CONTROL. Look for the CGI And Masks. We used it everywhere. YOU know that COVID-19 Was A Live Military Exercise, YOU know there will no longer be a government to rule over you, YOU know that Pedophiles Were The Virus And The US Military Was The Vaccine. Ask yourself - Why would THEY keep lying to you? It was over before it began. E Clowns In America Reims disinformation pr ote ed ferent enemas sane ioe ah It i - John F Kennedy Jr. = * BG 19th Vice President © ‘The Deep State Puppets and The MSM worked together to shape the narrative veorldwide. By completely fabricating the “news” - they are writing the script, its an algorithm using advanced DARPA Artificial Intelligence. This programming was embedded inside your body with nanotechnology, this allows a wireless interface with each other as the body is the grounded conduit. These ‘news’ programs can passively communicate and maintain “control” - similar to when you walk in to a store without a mask. It’s the same thing with the MSM and their Deep State Puppets - a system of program “controls”. They never expand past religion, bitcoin/crypto&money, designed as an anchor to tie you down They Can't Help But Expose Themselves. Clowns In America, Ree eer E d “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Vibrational medicine works at a deep. cellular level where molecular properties are being changed by vibrations.” dh I - John F Kennedy dr. 13H J 19th Vice President ©) te/HSReroucHER@ The infiltration of nanotechnology was to the highest level, from the bottom of the feet to the top of your head. They've programmed everything to kill you - with artificial intelligence Tunning behind tall. Fully controllable and programmable, with a kill switch. Behind their deceptive advertisements and marketing, the food industry was silently killing by use of nanotechnology. You're a being of pure light, not a test lab facility to 3D print body parts inside you. Bill Gates \Was Not What You Thought “He” Was. Bill Gatec igital Tattoo Implant Tr liance | Saved BILL GATES HIRED MARINA ABRAMOVIC "HUMAN SPIRIT COOKER” FOR HOLOLENS PROMO ! ANY ‘Quesnions? entirely to synthetic beef Tee erecta Peer tee tert ee rubication Date s.02.2020 intemationat Ae pcruszor/0za004 Intemational Fing Date us 2.06208 4 Lh ke yi - John F Kennedy Jr. = BI 19th Vice President © twe/HSRetoucHErQ Project Blue Beam helped create the illusion of the ‘busy’ world. I's intergral role creates the illusionary holographic objects around you. Similar To Hollywood's CGI, Project Blue Beam's projected Planes & Trains have an artificial computer graphic look. The movement in the Matrix system is translated from the ‘electrical’ signals in your mind. This creates the illusion of movement in the environment the “dome.” We Have The Source.. code - machine code of 0's and 1's to simulate your environment like Grand Theft Auto V and Ready Player ‘One's Oasis. The next time you drive, walk - observe your environment and surroundings, you can refer fo them as the transitional phases of the loading level as the Reptilians, Greys And Machine Eives construct your next false reality. The system doesn't expect you to stop at the side of a freeway and explore the area, it's forced to create it... My Fellow Americans, The Matrix Veil Has Cracked. - John F Kennedy dr. dom 19th Vice President ©) t.Me/HSRETOUCHERQ: The Clowns In America had one thing in common, THEY played the Game to keep you in the LOOP of programs. They bought followers online, promoting fake 5D, fake religions, fake Vice Presidents, fake Patriots - THEY can't help but expose themselves. They're soul suckers, stealing your energy for the Deep State. Within their own network of puppets and infitrators, their own spies play both sides. Infiltration worked both ways. —— Treason doesn't end well. TO PROVIDE AN OVERVIEW OF STAR GATE ACTIVITIES - John. ae Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President Tawe/HSRETOUCHERQ Learning The Matrix code and applying it through your past slides, the pattern reveals itself. Imagine going to your favorite local coffee shop with a friend and talking about recent events. Once you show them the Canadian Government couldn't produce virus cata for COVID-19. Further, you show them how masks don't work, the side of the box says it isn’t effective against COVID-19. Up pops up The Agent Smith, aka The Al in the Draconian Matrix Slave Ship. This puts up a cognitive dissonance roadblock via nanotechnology inside their thought patterns. This is achieved through the CERN portals located under the coffee shop, cell phones and nearby electrical signals, Even with all the available data, some have been taken completely over by the Ai signal - without a spark or source, there is nothing but the machine you interact with. Do you remember The Agent Smiths in your slides? I Put Them FRONT And CENTER For The World To See, there is nothing more fearful to the machines than the truth. You have the POWER. FightBack +#CrimesAgainstHumanity #CrimesAgeinsiChildren youlil everything else #ObamaGate #PizzaGate #PedoGate rn aera Traces: Rete ee ter The Entire Medical Field Was Fabricated. It's Their Game Inside The Matrix. If They Lied About COVID-19 Why Would You Believe They Can Check Blood Or DNA? Alll Diseases Were Fabricated By Them, because The Matrix Was A Documentary. They want to destroy your LIGHT body. Watch Cyrus Parsa - Al The Plan To Invade Humanity. - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President G) T.Me/HSRETOUCHERQ By enslaving the creators of the universe, the Reptilians have enslaved Humanity behind false religions. THEY all coordinate with each other on game voice chats (star wars) - they send their POWER AND ENERGY to the Reptilians - which are the fiter between you and the source. If THEY are stuck with religions - they're the Agent Smiths inside this Draconian Slave Ship. Why target Carolyn and |? a THEY Know Who We Are Trump: THEY Are NOT Who YOU Think They ARE. Pedophiles ‘Think Logically - The Source Knows Our Hearts Deserve The ‘That's Why They Keep Posting Fake JFK, JFK Jr And CBK Channels Death Penalty Why expens this much ammunition all for a LARP? (hsretoucher17) Watch Their Channels 1AM THE STORM. ‘They Have All Capitulated Via Executive Order 13818 Watch Them Fell dal of Pedophilin the Church Fr 4h - John F Kennedy Jr. = 2 &) 19th Vice President BN COVID-19 Is A Live Military Exercise, Pedophiles Are The Virus And The U.S. Military, We're The Vaccine. | Hope You Take The Time To Start From The Beginning Of Our Channels ‘To See What They Have Done To Our Innocent Children. Via Executive Order 13818 Donald Put Them Front And Center For The World To Ses. This Is The Soft Disclosure Phase Before The Event To Bring Justice For The Kids - No One Escap It's Time To Wake Up, Neo... - John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President T.Me/HSReTOUCHERQ wo day The Process Of Cleaning Up The Underground Infrastructure Has Been A Massive Coordinated Effort With The US Millitary, Galactic Alliance, Power, Construction And Private Companies. Under Military Control, As The USNS Mercy And Comfort Reached The Coasts To Ald In Rescuing Our Children. The Cleanup And DECLAS Exposure Of Information Has Been ‘Spread Online And On Television Networks Via Executive Order 13818. Q500. This Is The BOOM Week. This is NOT A Test. Time's Up It's Time To Wake Up. Neo. .

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