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Health Care Reform is a term used to describe health policy development and change. It is also
defined as sustained, purposeful change to improve the efficiency, equity, and effectiveness of
the health sector.
1. Digital Transformation
o Rapid adoption of e-governance platforms, online services, and telecommunication
tools to enhance accessibility and efficiency.
o Remote work arrangements and virtual meetings to ensure continuity in decision-
making processes.

• Telemedicine, Telepharmacy, Online Consultations, and Appointment System

Expanded telemedicine services: This allowed individuals to consult healthcare
professionals remotely and receive medical advice or prescriptions.

2. Testing and Contact Tracing

o Expanded COVID-19 testing capacity: The government established numerous testing
centers, both public and private, to increase testing capacity and identify cases
o Contact tracing efforts: Contact tracing teams were formed to identify and isolate
individuals who have contact with COVID-19-positive cases.

3. Quarantine and Isolation Facilities

o Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities (TTMFs): Created to accommodate
patients with mild to moderate symptoms, these facilities provided essential care and
monitored patients' progress.
o Isolation centers: Dedicated spaces were established to isolate confirmed COVID-19
cases, preventing further transmission to uninfected individuals.

4. Public Information Campaigns

o Regular press briefings: Government officials, health experts, and public health
authorities held frequent press conferences to provide updates on the pandemic,
share health guidelines, and address public concerns.
o Public health education: Campaigns were launched to inform the public about
preventive measures, such as wearing masks, practicing hygiene, and maintaining
physical distancing.

5. Vaccination Program
o COVID-19 vaccination rollout: The government implemented a comprehensive
vaccination program to administer COVID-19 vaccines to priority sectors, starting with
healthcare workers and vulnerable populations.
o Vaccine distribution and monitoring: Efforts were made to ensure the equitable
distribution of vaccines across regions and to establish systems for monitoring
vaccination coverage and adverse effects.

6. Mental Health Support

o Hotlines and helplines: Mental health hotlines were established to provide counseling
and support to those experiencing emotional distress during the pandemic.
o Psychological first aid: Trained professionals offered psychological support and
interventions to affected individuals and communities.

II. Reforms in Health Governance during the Pandemic:

1. Strengthening Health Infrastructure
o Increase in funding for healthcare facilities, equipment, and training of healthcare
o Expansion of COVID-19 testing and treatment centers, including the establishment of
temporary medical facilities.
o Increased bed capacity: Hospitals and healthcare facilities increased their bed
capacity, especially in designated COVID-19 referral hospitals and treatment centers.

o Procurement of medical equipment and supplies: The government facilitated the

procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, and
other medical supplies to ensure healthcare workers' safety and improve patient care.

2. Implementation of Universal Health Care (UHC) Law or RA 11223

• UHC or RA 11223- was signed into law in 2019 that aims to provide equitable
access to quality and affordable health care for all Filipinos. It also aims to reduce
the risk of Filipinos into poverty due to high medical expenses and to improve the
health outcomes and quality of life of the population.

o Expanding the coverage of the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) to

include all Filipinos, regardless of their income, employment, or health status.
o Enhancing the benefits package of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth) to include preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative
o Strengthening the primary health care system as the first level of contact for health
services, and ensuring the availability of essential medicines, supplies, and
equipment at the community level.
o Improving the governance and performance of the health system, and ensuring
accountability and transparency among health stakeholders.

3. Implementation of RA 11469 or Bayanihan To Heal as One Act (Bayanihan Act) and

RA 1194 or Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan 2)

• Bayanihan to Heal as One Act (RA 11469)- a law enacted on March 23, 2020,
that declared a state of national emergency in the Philippines due to the COVID-
19 pandemic. The law granted the President of the Philippines additional powers
to respond to the health crisis, such as realigning the national budget,
implementing social amelioration programs, and enforcing quarantine measures.

• Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (RA 11494) -enacted on September 11, 2020,
extended the state of national emergency and provided additional funds and
interventions to address the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some provisions of the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act:

• Providing compensation and benefits to public and private health workers who are
infected or died of COVID-19
• Providing special risk allowance and life insurance to public and private health
workers who are directly catering to COVID-19 patients
• Hiring additional health workers to augment the existing workforce
• Procuring personal protective equipment, testing kits, and other medical supplies
and equipment
• Expanding the testing capacity and isolation facilities
• Supporting the research and development of vaccines and medicines
• Strengthening the capacity of local government units and barangay health
emergency response teams
• Implementing infection prevention and control measures in health facilities and
• Providing mental health and psychosocial support services
• Enhancing telemedicine and e-health services

4. New Protocols and Guidelines

- Development and dissemination of health protocols, guidelines, and public health
campaigns to educate the public on preventive measures.
- Implementation of strict health and safety protocols in public spaces, workplaces, and
transportation systems.

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