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Cthrion Uroniziir Cthrion Uroniziir’s Lair

Cthrion Uroniziir is a world-ending campaign foe—a Cthrion Uroniziir sets plans in motion, then slumbers
final boss whose defeat requires the greatest heroes of the for decades or even centuries at a time before waking to
timescape to join forces! Among all gemstone dragons, check on her followers. Her lair exists in a place beyond
she is universally feared and revered for her psionic space and time, and only her most trusted gemstone
might and ambition. dragon servants know the destructive ritual required for
One World to Rule. Known as the Würm of the mortals to access it.
Worlds’ End, the Onyx Dragon, and the Time Ender, Lair Actions
Cthrion Uroniziir has long plotted to collapse the When fighting inside her lair, Cthrion Uroniziir can take
myriad manifolds of the timescape into one partition. lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties),
If she succeeds, countless worlds will be annihilated and Cthrion Uroniziir can take one lair action to cause one
collapsed together into one singular universe, which will of the following effects; she can’t use the same lair action
thereafter be brought under the Onyx Dragon’s control. two rounds in a row:
Thousands of creatures across the timescape
Temporal Might. Cthrion Uroniziir fills her body
pledge themselves to Cthrion Uroniziir’s cause. From
with the potential of time. Until initiative count
mortals who believe that the single world she promises
20 of the next round, she gains a +2 bonus to AC,
to create will prosper under her rule, to amethyst
has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and
dragons promised mortal subjects for their dangerous
can make one additional Claw attack with her
experiments, the Time Ender has agents on every plane,
Multiattack action.
waiting to enact her will.
Time Drain. Cthrion Uroniziir chooses three creatures
Enemy of Ballisantirax. A faction led by the
she can see within 120 feet of her, then forcibly draws
slumbering dragon Ballisantirax—a great crystal
time out of their bodies. Each creature must succeed
dragon, thought to be the most powerful of the gemstone
on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or age 1d12
dragons—opposes Cthrion Uroniziir. The power of
years. A creature that ages also has vulnerability to
Ballisantirax can’t be denied, for few others possess the
bludgeoning damage until initiative count 20 of the
ability to create or destroy reality with a thought. But
next round.
the Sleeping One’s psionic strength is so great that her
Unruly Time. Cthrion Uroniziir chooses two points on
waking might well unmake the Material Plane. In fact,
the ground she can see, then sets time out of phase in
some who fight against Cthrion Uroniziir’s plots believe
a 30-foot-square area centered on each point. Each
that part of her plan is to wake her enemy to ensure the
area is difficult terrain for creatures hostile to Cthrion
destruction of worlds. Thankfully, Ballisantirax has so
Uroniziir until initiative count 20 of the next round.
far remained hidden, directing allies from her dreams to
Additionally, each hostile creature that starts their
oppose the Onyx Dragon.
turn in the area must succeed on a DC 20 Strength
saving throw or be restrained until the effect ends.

THE TALENT | Psionic Creatures 60

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