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New and Renewable Energy: Ensuring the Hydropower

Development Policy Meets the Community and the

Environmental Participation Based on the Paris Agreement

Devi Rahayua, Wartiningsihb, Riesta Yogahastamac

Faculty of Law / Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Faculty of Law / Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Faculty of Law / Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Submitted: 2022-07-29 | Reviewed: 2022-09-01 | Accepted: 2022-10-25 | Published: 2022-10-31
How to Cite : Devi Rahayu, Wartiningsih, and Riesta Yogahastama, “New and Renewable Energy: Ensuring the Hydropower Development
Policy Meets the Community and the Environmental Participation Based on the Paris Agreement,” Brawijaya Law Journal 9, no. 2 (2022):107-

Abstract: Energy demand is rapidly increasing, following population growth and economic
trends, including the demand for electrical energy. Indonesia seeks to transition to the use of new and
renewable energy to supply its demand for electricity. The national strategic program to construct 65
dams in 2023 is the fundamental foundation for the government’s ability to bring about this massive
development. One of the many essential uses of reservoirs is as a source of hydropower energy. However,
have been many cases of rejection by local communities that do not consider themselves to have been
fairly consulted for or participating in the development process. Another premise of this rejection is
founded on environmental issues related to the Paris Agreement. This article focuses on meeting
challenges to community and environmental participation based on the Paris Agreement. New and
renewable energy policies incorporate novel regulations pertaining to the government’s authority to
work on the new renewable energy projects. Hydropower development projects fall under the
government’s efforts to switch to new sources of renewable energy. Insufficient involvement of the local
community in development and activities, to the extent that the information and comprehension on where
the hydropower dams are expected to be built are exceptionally lacking but are also, due to the impact
of the development toward the environment, the main source of refusal from the local community.
Finally in accordance with the Paris Agreement, insufficient attention toward the landscape will likely
impair the ability to create future hydropower development projects.

Keywords: energy; hydropower plants; community participation; environment.

I. Introduction
Energy use in Indonesia is currently
dominated by non-renewable energy derived

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

from fossils, especially crude oil and coal.1 the nation and the state are controlled and
The continued use of non-renewable energy developed by the state.
will render it more likely that it will become The national demand for electricity is rapidly
unavailable. Thus, switching to novel sources increasing. This is due to in part to the
of renewable energy is considered the best undeniably high population growth, leading
alternative as the protection of environment to increased demand for electricity from the
action increase. 2 The use of new and
household sector. The national electrification
renewable energy must be the main concern ratio is still 99.40%,6 which means that not
of the Indonesian government, not only to all the regions in the Republic of Indonesia
reduce the use of fossil energy but also to are electrified. Thus, the demand for
actualize a clean and environment-friendly electricity is expected to grow even more
energy. 3 This is in accordance with the rapidly if, as is outlined in future projections,
ASEAN agreement, which stipulates 23% of all territories in Indonesia become electrified
primary energy is to derive from modern and and vehicles for private transportation also
sustainable renewable energy sources by begin to use electricity.
2025. 4 The government of Indonesia has
authority over energy resource affairs in Using data recorded by the Ministry of
Indonesia, as stipulated in the 1945 Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, necessary coal reserves to cover national
Article 33 Paragraph (3), “Earth and water electricity demand for the next 65 years are
and natural resources contained therein are available, for a current reserve of 38.84
controlled by the state and used for the billion tons, assuming an average use of 600
people’s welfare.” Article 33 paragraph (3) million tons per year. 7 This means that an
of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of electricity generation crisis could occur,
Indonesia explicitly specifies three important based on current usage, if no other generation
elements, that is:5 (1) the substance (natural is brought online, such as hydroelectric
resources); (2) the status (controlled by the power plants (PLTAs), geothermal power
state); and (3) the main objective (for the plants, and renewable energy power plants, if
people’s welfare). Thus, affairs of natural no new coal reserves are found. The
resources that are fundamental to the life of government needs to reduce national

Muhamad Azhar et al., “The New Renewable Energies 12, no. 4 (February 2019): 602,
Energy Consumption Policy of Rare Earth Metals
to Build Indonesia’s National Energy Security,” in 5
Achmad Zen Umar Purba, “Kepentingan Negara
E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 68 (EDP Sciences, Dalam Industri Perminyakan Di Indonesia:
2018), 3008. Hukum Internasional, Konstitusi, Dan Globalisasi,”
Omar Ellabban, Haitham Abu-Rub, and Frede Indonesian J. Int’l L. 4 (2006): 252.
Blaabjerg, “Renewable Energy Resouces: Current 6
Perss Release Nomor: 410.Pers/04/Sji/2021,
Status, Future Prospects and Their Enabling “Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the
Technology,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Republic of Indonesia,” 2021.
Review 39 (2014): 749. 7
Denis Meilanova Riantiza, “Cadangan Batu Bara
Aan Jaelani, Slamet Firdaus, and Juju Jumena, Indonesia Masih Cukup Untuk 65 Tahun,”
“Renewable Energy Policy in Indonesia: The accessed August 30, 2022,
Qur’anic Scientific Signals in Islamic Economics
Perspective,” International Journal of Energy 22298/cadangan-batu-bara-indonesia-masih-
Economics and Policy 7, no. 4 (2017).
Satya Widya Yudha and Benny Tjahjono, JAKARTA—Indonesia,mencapai 38%2C84
“Stakeholder Mapping and Analysis of the miliar to.
Renewable Energy Industry in Indonesia,”

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

dependence on coal. Renewable energy that During President Joko Widodo’s term in
can be drawn on in an integrated and office, one of his top priority programs was
sustainable manner in its management and the construction of dams in various areas that
production for domestic demand has the can be used as irrigation to support
potential to replace fossil fuel energy. agriculture and as PLTAs to lessen state
Indonesia has the potential to produce 716 dependency on coal energy. However, during
GW of energy from solar photovoltaic, the construction of the hydroelectric dams,
hydropower, bioenergy, geothermal, ocean issues arising from the local community
wave, and wind power. However, Indonesia cannot be avoided. For instance, the
continues to have financing difficulties, due construction of the Bener Dam in Purworejo
to the high investment costs for the utilization Regency was rejected because of issues
of new and renewable technologies.8 arising in the AMDAL documents that
contained the construction permission issued
The power plant development program is an
by the Serayu Opa River Basin Center
electricity development project that is
(BBWSSO). This made it clear that some
expected to be able to maximally implement
permits had been granted without the
the Benefit Principle in electricity
involvement of and consent from local
development, as set forth in the Law Number
communities. 10 Rejection by the local
30 of 2009 Concerning Electricity. The
community due to their lack of involvement
benefit principle here means that the results
in the development process was also seen in
of electricity development must be available,
Rendubutowe Village, Nagekeo Regency,
as much as possible, for the welfare and
East Nusa Tenggara.11 These two rejections
prosperity of the people. 9 Law No. 30 of
indicate that the government is too arbitrary
2009 Concerning Electricity states that the
in its policy-making process and avoids
national work for providing electricity for the
involving the local community, especially
public interest is to be carried out by state-
with respect to land conversion,
owned enterprises (SOE), regionally-owned
compensation agreements, and studies of
enterprises, private enterprises, saving and
potential environmental impacts (AMDAL)
credit cooperative units, and non-
that may impact the community.
governmental organizations. The state-
owned enterprise that is given the first The environmental impacts that are feared by
priority to provide electricity throughout the the local community must be considered by
nation is the State Electricity Company the government, as this forms part of
(PLN). sustainability and human rights that must be
fulfilled, especially the right to have a good

Udin Udin, “Renewable Energy and Human
Resource Development: Challenges and tersisih-dan-terancam-pembangunan-bendungan-
Oppurtunities in Indonesia,” International Journal tertinggi-indonesia.html.
of Energy Economics and Policy 10, no. 2 (January 11
Joni Nura, “Pro Kontra Pembangunan Waduk
2020): 233–37, Lambo, 2 Suku Adat Nagekeo Nyaris Bentrok,”, 2022,
“Explanation of Article 2 (1) a of Law No 30 of
2009 Concerning of Electricity,” n.d. o-kontra-pembangunan-waduk-lambo-2-suku-
Rizky Nur Laily M, “Mereka Yang Tersisih Dan adat-di-nagekeo-nyaris-bentrok-1648206235.
Terancam Pembangunan Bendungan Tertinggi Di
Indonesia,”, 2021,

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

and healthy environment. 12 If an AMDAL interests without considering the impact on

study does not consider the local community, the given community. To overcome these
then the challenge could come to pose a problems, the government as a stakeholder
threat to the local community related to the needs to involve local communities and
environmental impact. provide them with adequate space to express
their needs and aspirations.
In addition, the Village Law 6 of 2014 states
that the village has the rights of origin and Azhar found that energy management
traditional rights to manage the interests of requires environmental functions need to be
the local community; therefore, every preserved. Meanwhile, some rejections have
development project, especially those which come about from the community as the
have a direct impact on the village development of energy sources causes
community, requires the involvement of the environmental damage. 14 In addition, as
local community. According to Hetifah, to landscape studies in energy management are
carry out a development project, it is lacking, this study was conducted to fill this
necessary to have local community gap. Community involvement in new and
participation. 13 This emphasizes that in renewable energy policies must also be
making policy, the local community that is investigated. Ramdani indicated that
most concerned must be involved in the systematic policies needed to be developed
activities to ensure greater cohesiveness with the involvement of all stakeholders for
between the community and the government. new energy projects. The stages of
community participation in electricity
However, some local opposition occurred
projects have not been studied beginning
because the government’s decision making
from planning, preparing the AMDAL, to
was hid behind the excuse that these dams are
project implementation, causing problems in
part of a national strategic program,
the development of electrical energy sources
including enhancing agricultural irrigation
and community resistance. Thus, this study
compliance and promoting the public interest
seeks to determine how the development of
and accelerating development. In the midst of
renewable energy sources can be carried out
this, the government often failed to actualize
in a way that involves the community in all
the role of the local community, and they
were not given adequate space to express stages and that takes into account all of the
elements of the landscape.
their own needs and aspirations. Thus, the
rejections occurred during the development
process, as local communities were II. Legal Materials and Methods
concerned that the development was being This article examines policies for regulating
undertaken merely to satisfy the State’s new and renewable energy with an emphasis

“Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Stated That the Right Lingkungan Hidup Untuk Pembangunan
to the Environment Is a Subjective Right That Is Berkelanjutan,” Administrative Law &
Owned by Everyone. The Realization of the Right Governance Journal 85, no. 1 (2019): 85.
to a Good and Healthy Environment Is Actually an 13
“Participation as the Involvement of People
Effort to Realize the Fulfillment of Other Human Voluntarily without Pressure from Government
Rights, Espec,” Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri, External Interests.,” n.d.
Hukum Lingkungan (Yogyakarta: GadjahMada 14
Muhamad Azhar, “Implementation of New Energy
University Press, 2005); Kadek Cahya Susila and Renewable Energy Policies in the Context of
Wibawa, “Mengembangkan Partisipasi National Energy Security,” Administrative Law
Masyarakat Dalam Perlindungan Dan Pengelolaan and Government Journal 1, no. 4 (2018): 405.

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

on the concept of the community and of Indonesia, as stated in Article 33 of the

environmental involvement. The literature 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
study was carried out with secondary data Indonesia, which states that the state has
obtained from existing regulations, as well as power over these resources, and they must be
expert opinions obtained from energy-related used for its people’s prosperity and welfare.
journals and books. Content analysis is Article 2 of Law Number 30 of 2007
conducted on the regulations on energy. regulates the principle of conducting energy
exploitation and management. This article
III. Results and Discussion states that energy shall be managed under the
principles of beneficial use, rationality, fair
New and Renewable Energy Policy on
efficiency, value added enhancement,
sustainability, people’s welfare,
Energy is defined as follows in a dictionary environmental functions preservation,
of the Indonesian language: Energy is the national resilience, and cohesiveness by
ability to perform activities or works (e.g., for prioritizing the nation’s capability.
electrical and mechanical energy); power
The direction of national energy exploitation,
(strength) that can be used to carry out
development, and management can actualize
various activity processes—for example, it
equitable energy development. Fair energy
can be part of a material or not bound to a
entails providing equal access to energy for
material (such as sunlight).15 That is, energy
all Indonesians by means of the development
can be used to carry out a range of activities,
of the infrastructure of the Energy and
in forms including fuel, electricity,
Mineral Resources (ESDM) sector,
mechanical energy, and heat. Energy must
optimizing the potential of local energy
always come from an energy source. An
sources at affordable, sustainable prices.
energy source is something that has the
ability to produce energy, either directly or New energy is developed as a result of
through a conversion or transformation research and technological development that
process.16 is not included in the fossil energy or
renewable energy group, such as nuclear
Meanwhile, according to the Law Number 30
energy, plasma energy (magneto hydro
of 2007, listed as chapter I of the general
dynamics), or fuel cell energy (fuel cells), for
provisions of Article 1 number (1), energy
example for example.17 New energy refers to
means the capacity to perform some works
types of energy whose development is driven
that may take the form of heat, light,
by technological intervention. Innovation in
mechanical, chemical, and electromagnetic
renewable energy is determined by
government policy, as it involves innovative
Energy resources are natural resources, technology that is risky and full of
whose use is to be guided by the government uncertainty.18 This is due to interventions to

S. K. Purwanto, Obsatar Sinaga, and Morni Hayati
Daryanto, Problems and Its Use for Human Life Jaafar Sidik, “Ensuring Renewable Energy,
(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2007). Consumption Through Innovation, R&D and
Ariono Abdulkadir, Electricity Series Volume 2: Energy Import in Indonesia: A Time Series
New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Analysis,” International Journal of Energy
(Bandung: ITB, 2011).

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

facilitate investment in energy infrastructure The provisions of the Law Article 19 on

in Indonesia that must address the energy stipulate that members of local
monopolized power market system that communities, individually or in groups, can
oversees a changing, complex malaise of involve themselves in a. preparing or
electricity-pricing regulations.19 composing the national and regional general
energy planning or b. energy development on
According to Law Number 30 of 2007
behalf of public interest. Public participation
Concerning Energy, the definition of new
in energy policy is required so that the
energy is contained in Article 1 paragraph (5),
community is not only an object of policy but
which states that new energy refers to energy
also a subject that can convey its needs and
coming from new energy sources.
aspirations. To avoid a top-down approach,
Furthermore, new energy sources refer to
local community participation is needed to
energy sources that can be produced through
escalate their awareness in using energy
new technologies, drawing on both
coming from renewable energy source and to
renewable and non-renewable sources, such
see that the energy is used as wisely as
as nuclear, hydrogen, coal bed methane,
liquefied coal, and gasified coal. According
to the Law Number 30 of 2007, various types The space for community involvement in the
of new energy have been classified, as decision-making stage regarding energy
follows: nuclear, hydrogen, coal bed methane, sector, both at the national and local levels,
liquefied coal, and gasified coal. In terms of tends to be limited and inadequate. By
its control and regulation, new energy regulation, the community, both individuals
sources are expected to be managed by the and in groups, is only given the right to be
government and to be used as well as possible able to play a role in the preparation of the
for the sake of people’s welfare. National Energy General Plan and the
Regional Energy General Plan.
Renewable energy sources are those
produced from sustainable energy resources Furthermore, there the General Plan for
if well managed, such as geothermal, wind, National Electricity and a General Plan for
bioenergy, sunlight, motion of water, Regional Electricity (RUKN and RUKD,
biofuels, etc. Indonesia has the potential to respectively also play a role). With reference
develop renewable energy sources in very to this important document, the mechanisms
large quantities, due to its large size for public participation are insufficiently
geographical positioning. The renewable regulated. The only opportunity for involving
energy sources possibly existing in large is through consultation with the RUKN and
quantities in Indonesia are geothermal energy, RUKD in the House of Representatives and
solar, water, sea/ocean, and bioenergy. the Regional People Representatives
Assembly, taking into account that the
Local communities have the absolute right to
legislature is the body that nest represents the
take part in energy planning and development.
public. Unfortunately, the authority to

Economics and Policy 11, no. 1 (December 2020): (2019): 231,

Marta Maulidia, “Rethinking Renewable Energy 11.005.
Targets and Electricity Sector Reform in
Indonesia : A Private Sector Perspective,”
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 101

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

conduct consultations was removed by to and renewable energy is a joint agenda

Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job between both the national and regional
Creation.20 governments.
Aside from the issue of local community In Government Regulation No. 37 of 2010, a
participation, environmental issues are also dam is defined to mean a building in the form
tied in with pros and cons in policy making of backfill, stone filling, concrete, and/or
regarding the development projects of power masonry which is built to hold and
plants. The construction of a power plant may accommodate mining waste or accommodate
ignore the landscape of the area being mud, resulting in the formation of a reservoir
utilized, such that presence of old-growth is formed. A reservoir is defined as an
forests or the necessity of an AMDAL permit artificial container filled with water formed
is often ignored, although the relevant law as a result of the construction of a dam. The
clearly states in Article 8 that “every energy purpose of building dams and reservoirs is to
management project is expected to prioritize provide water for irrigation activities, raw
environmentally friendly technologies and to water supply, hydroelectric (electricity)
satisfy the conditions required by the laws power, recreational areas or habitats for fish
and regulation concerning environmental and animals, flood prevention, and waste
issues.” Hence, environmental discharge retainer from industrial sites. A
considerations are crucial and must be total of 24 dams were built in 2015–2021,
considered in the development of electric and 65 more are expected to be built by 2023.
power. This plan seems difficult to achieve, as many
challenges have arisen in its implementation,
In implementing renewable energy projects,
such as community rejection, where the
the authorities are the central and regional
development is perceived as being
governments, by area of responsibility and
unsuitable, due to the presence of a
authority. This is stated in the Energy Law,
conservation area or some other issue
Article 20, paragraph (4), which indicates
regarding the AMDAL permit.
that the provision of new energy and
renewable energy must be increased by the The Ministry of Energy and Mineral
State Government and the Regional Resources’s Regulation of the Minister of
Governments in accordance with their Energy and Mineral Resources No. 04 of
respective authorities. (5) The provision of 2012states in Article 1 that, “PT. PLN
energy from new energy sources and Persero is required to purchase electricity
renewable energy sources by business from power plants which use small and
enterprises, permanent enterprises, or medium-scale renewable energy with a
individuals may lead to obtaining facilities capacity of up to 10 MW (megawatt) or
and/or incentives from the Indonesian excess electricity from SOE, regionally-
government and/or the regional government owned enterprises, private enterprises,
in regard to their respective authority for a cooperatives and non-governmental
certain period of time until the economic organizations to strengthen local energy
value is obtained. Thus, the provision of new supply systems.” This provision is intended

Grita Anindarini, “Urgensi Partisipasi Publik
Dalam Mendorong Transisi Energi Yang
Berkeadilan,” in ICEL (Jakarta: ICEL, 2021), 5.

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

to facilitate the use of renewable energy by can support the sustainability of energy use,
creating small-scale power plants while encourage the creation of energy
ensuring that the people who are in need of independence, and achieve the actualization
electricity receive it. of the renewable energy mix target in
accordance with Government Regulation No.
Local Community Participation 79 of 2014 concerning national energy
The community’s rejection of infrastructure
To achieve this type success in developments,
development can come about due to a
many aspects need to be considered,
mismatch between the developed
including community involvement. Some
infrastructure and their needs. Thus,
experts argue that the greater the community
community involvement is an effective way
awareness or participation in the planning
for everything necessary to be communicated
processes, the more optimal the output that
and for the best possible solutions to be found
ultimately appears. The higher the level of
to problems. Community participation can
community participation in development, the
provide solution to these two problems. 21
higher the level of success. Thus, community
However, actively involvement of the local
participation is the main indicator in
community in the development programs is
determining the success of development
easier said than done. The concept of
participation as a concept in community
development shows general and wide-scale The Electricity Supply Business Plan
application. It is a central concept and basic (RUPTL) is a blueprint that should be
principle of community development, as considered public, as it regulates substances
effective development requires initial and that have major impacts on the people’s right
real involvement (in the form of participation) to have a healthy environment. More than
from all groups of stakeholders in programs this, prior determinations of the locations of
that will affect them. When the people power plants will also contribute to changes
involved feel that their participation is in land use, if the project is approved for
important, the quality, effectiveness and development. For this reason, consideration
efficiency are greater. of the local environment should begin from
this planning stage. Community involvement
The potential for community participation as
regarding decision-making regarding
an inspiration to empower, inspire and
electricity can only be performed during the
revitalize the culture of local wisdom in the
process of organizing the AMDAL analysis.
transformation of the paradigm of fossil-
In fact, the EIA and community involvement
based energy management to non-fossil
on the electricity planning level are still
based can be actualized through a culture of
community participation that is also a form
nationalism. This community participation

Faisal Nur, “Community Participation in the Management,” Jurnal Pertahanan Dan Bela
Village Infrastructure Development Process,” Negara 8, no. 2 (2018): 62.
Pascasarjana Unhas, n.d. 23
Angelius Hendry Sigalingging, “Community
Khusnus Khotimah, “The Realization of State Participation in the Implementation of
Defense Awareness through a Culture of Development,” Jurnal Administrasi Publik 2, no.
Community Participation in Renewable Energy 2 (2014): 117.

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

In the electricity sector, especially in the Vietnam are similar to those encountered in
planning stage, as in the preparation of the Indonesia. The absence of studies of social
Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), community and environmental issues from the planning
involvement can be performed. This is stage of the electricity policy led electricity
because in the preparation of the RTRW, power planning in Vietnam to become too
especially in the Regency/City RTRW, dependent on coal. The space for community
business or activity plans can be allocated to involvement in Vietnam at the decision-
the regions, including questions of electricity. making stage was still quite lacking.
In the preparation process of the However, due to the mandatory preparation
Regency/City RTRW, there will be of SEA in the PDP process, spaces allotted to
indications of the location that will be community involvement became more
allocated as a place for the development of adequate. Vietnam’s Environmental
electricity infrastructure. In the preparation Protection Law provides the right for
of this RTRW, community involvement can organizations and individuals to provide
occur in the preparation process of the comment or input during SEA assessment. In
Strategic Environmental Assessment addition to the preparation of SEA, in the
(KLHS), as well as in the preparation of the preparation of the PDP documents
RTRW itself. themselves, public consultation was
conducted to determine how this plan would
German Watch (2015) 24 noted that public
impact social and environmental aspects.25
involvement in electricity planning is
important, especially in relation to the Public involvement must be fundamental for
transmission development, due to its high decision-making processes in the energy and
complexity and massive impact. The purpose electricity sector. Not only is it necessary to
of community involvement is not only to gain public support for implementing the
provide input on a draft policy, but also to policy, but is also required to achieve larger
enforce its role in the most effective way. aims, such as ensuring that the functions of
Maastricht recommended that effective the energy and electricity sector is closely
community involvement be acquired in related to the fulfillment of people’s right to
decision-making, particularly with respect to live in a good and healthy environment.
environmental protections.
One example of community involvement in Environmental Studies for Optimizing
the decision-making process can be seen in Renewable Energy
the case of Vietnam within its electricity Forests have an essential position and play a
planning document (Vietnam’s Power vital role in supporting development.
Development Plan / PDP). The preparation of Recognizing their necessity and uniqueness
this PDP required an SEA study to ensure the in developmental and environmental issues,
application of the principles of sustainable most countries seek the stable and sustainable
development in the document. In general,
problems identified in electricity planning in

German Watch, Public Participation and 25
Anindarini, “Urgensi Partisipasi Publik Dalam
Transparency in Power Grid Planning (German: Mendorong Transisi Energi Yang Berkeadilan,”
Germanwatch e.V, 2015). 11.

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

management of all forests. 26 One issue NDCs reflect the latest conditions in terms of
related to countries’ development and data, analysis, and future scenarios projected
environment is that of climate change. An by the Indonesian government. It is
international agreement on global warming undeniable that Indonesia, a developing
was negotiated in Kyoto in December 1977. country, will experience dynamic changes
due to national and global economic change.
Subsequently, the Kyoto Protocol of 2005
As a consequence, the NDC document will
proposed an agreement to reduce greenhouse
be reviewed and adjusted as needed in
gas (GHG) emissions globally. The
reference to national conditions, capacities,
obligation to reduce GHGs, however, only
and capabilities, as well as the provisions of
applied to developed countries and ignored
the Paris Agreement.
the fact that developing countries could also
be major contributors to the world’s GHGs. Law Number 16 of 2016 covers the
In the 2015 Paris Agreement, signed by 196 optimization of renewable energy through
countries including Indonesia, it was agreed efforts to control climate change. Indonesia
to reduce all national GHG emissions and made the commitment, through these laws, to
assist developing countries in combating the optimize renewable energy, which is
worst impacts of the climate crisis. 27 sustainable and environmentally friendly, in
Transformative change in the energy sector, the forms of geothermal, wind, biological,
the source of at least two-thirds of GHG sunlight, and water flow energy. Drawing on
emissions, is essential to reach the objectives these sources will be a crucial step in
of the agreement. The changes already realizing the main purpose of the Paris
underway in the energy sector, demonstrate Agreement. Among Indonesia’s areas of
the promise and potential of low-carbon greatest potential for renewable energy is
energy and in turn lend credibility to hydro power. 29 Driven by its commitment,
meaningful action on climate change.28 the government planned a program called the
2021–2030 RUPTL, which includes a power
Indonesia ratified the Agreement on October
plant development plan, projected electricity
31st, 2016, in its Law Number 16 of that year.
demand, and a target for the power plant
An archipelagic country with a very large
energy mix. The government plans to build
forest area, Indonesia is very concerned with
the impact of the climate change, as it has the 18 dams throughout Indonesia.
potential to undermine Indonesia’s ability to Law Number 30 of 2007 includes an outline
meet its sustainable development goals. For of energy regulations or energy management
state parties such as Indonesia, there is an and energy buffer reservations. The
obligation to take steps to prevent climate electricity supply sourced from fossils, such
change, as outlined in the Nationally as coal, crude oil, and natural gas, will
Determined Contributions (NDCs). The

Wartiningsih, Forestry Crime-Involvement and 28
IGAKR Handayani et al., “Relationship between
Accountability of Forestry Policy Operators Energy Consumption in International Market and
(Surabaya: Setara Press, 2014). Indonesia Prices Regulation” 7, no. 5 (2017): 9–15.
Melaty Anggraini, “Renewable Energy Policy as 29
KOMINFO, "Potensi Energi Terbaharukan Besar,
Indonesia’s Energy Security Strategy,” Mandala: Presiden: Kalkulasi yang Detail”, accesed
Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional 5, no. 1 September 6 2022,
(2022): 24–47, potensi-energi-terbarukan-besar-presiden-
i1.4108. kalkulasi-yang-detail/0/berita

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

gradually run out, so hydropower will be The of hydropower establishment in several

useful as a future buffer. locations has encountered many obstacles in
the form of rejection from the community.
Hydropower processes the potential energy
This can be seen in PLTA Batang Toru,
of water into kinetic energy in the presence
North Sumatra, which attracted controversy
of a head; this kinetic energy turns into
because it led to disturbance of the local flora
mechanical energy with the flow of water
and fauna and the opposition of the local
that drives a turbine. Following this, the
community in the establishment of PLTA
mechanical energy becomes into electrical
Batang Toru.30
energy through the rotation of the rotor on the
generator. The amount of electrical energy Another rejection case regarding the
that can be generated depends on two things: establishment of a PLTA also took place in
i.e., the distance of the water height (head) Central Sulawesi, where, according to plan, a
and the quantity of the water flow (water PLTA is to be built on the shores of Lindu
discharge). lake. There are three reasons underlying the
opposition of the community: (1) the Lindu
It is unfortunate that the establishment of
community itself was proposed to be
hydropower plants being carried out or being
resettled; (2) there was a failure to meet
planned are generally located in forest areas.
standards on certain environmental and
WALHI Aceh indicated that they intend to
social factors; and (3) the area is prone to
choose a location in the forest, due to water
earthquakes. The rejection of the
needs and to their knowledge that the rate of
resettlement was largely due to the results of
deforestation will increase. In managing
a feasibility study that was done in
forest resources, the government has the
collaboration with the French consulting
power to pursue development inside or
agency Coyne et Bellier and PT Yodya Karya
outside of forestry needs. Article 38 of the
Indonesia. A national park is a part of
Forestry Law, which regulates the use of
conserved forest, so many activities are
forest areas, is no longer valid and has been
prohibited within them. This is explicitly
replaced by the Law of the Republic
stated in the Job Creation Law that the use of
Indonesia No. 11 of 2020 Concerning Job
forest areas for development purposes
Creation. Developments outside of forestry
can be carried out in protected forest areas outside of forestry can only be carried out
within the area of production forests and
and productive forest areas but only
protection forests.
selectively. This expression can be
interpreted to mean that it should only be The hydropower establishment on the
done for strategic purposes that cannot be Karama River in Mamuju was also being
avoided, such as the establishment of rejected because the community was not
hydropower. willing to be relocated to a new place.31 The
series of rejections regarding the hydropower

Anugrah Andriyansyah, “Pembangunan PLTA 31
“Warga Mamuju Tolak Pembangunan PLTH,”
Batang Toru, Siapa Yang Terkena Dampak, 2009,
Negatif Dan Dirugikan ?,”, 2019, ga-mamuju-tolak-pembangunan-pltmh.

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

plans will only increase following the Holmgren recommends taking a landscape-
establishment of PLTA Karama, West based analytical approach,35 suggesting that
Sulawesi, due to its destructive impact on working with reference to the landscape will
Sipakko and Kamassi, which are considered not defeat traditional energy sectors, but it
significant historical sites. The oldest will be a great help in combining all means
Austronesian-speaking dwellings that have for the achievement of better outcomes.
ever found are there, as well as one of the
To utilize the landscape approach, several
oldest and the most exhaustive things are necessary to be analyzed:
archaeological finds. In addition, the
hydropower plan for Lembang District, 1. Forest resources
Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, also a. The Paris Agreement
encountered massive rejection. If the work
The Paris Agreement, also known as the Paris
had gone according to plan, it is undeniable
Climate Agreement, was made under the
that: (1) four villages in the Mamasa Regency
United Nations Framework Convention on
area will be drowned; (2) thousands of people,
Climate Change (UNFCCC). Before the
houses, and government buildings. as well as
Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005
farms and rice fields, in two villages in the
had a fairly similar aim and foundation: to
Pinrang Region, where the hydropower plant
reduce GHG emissions globally. The journey
was planned to be built, will be greatly
of this international agreement continued in
Bali from December 3 to 14, 2007, as
It is necessary to reflect and consider what Indonesia became the conference host for the
the most appropriate policies that the members countries of UNFCCC. The states
Indonesian government should be, taking that attended this gathering made it clear that
into account the country’s responsibility to forests are among the most important agenda
mitigate climate change by establishing items, as they are able to absorb carbon
hydropower plants while facing massive produced by GHG emissions from developed
local resistance. Controversy arose regarding countries. The rendezvous in Bali produced a
a PLTA established in Norway around 50 document called The Bali Roadmap,
years ago and that had finally succeeded in containing several ways to reduce GHG
integrating hydropower establishment while emissions: transfer of clean technology
maintaining the principles of sustainability.34 provisions to developing countries,
It is obvious that sustainable development termination of forest destruction, and
has environmental, social, and economic providing support and assistance for poor
dimensions. To cover all aspects, Peter

Hafis Hamdan, “Warga Kalumpang Tolak PLTA 34
Inger Auestad, Yngve Nilsen, and Knut Rydgren,
Sungai Karama Karena Dinilai Ancaman Situs “Environmental Restoration in Hydropower
Sejarah,” accessed September 3, 2022, Development—Lessons from Norway,” Sustainability 10, no. 9 (September 2018): 3358,
karama-karena-dinilai-ancam-situs-sejarah. 35
Peter Holmgren, “Landscapes for Sustainable
Samuel Mesakaraeng, “Rencana Pembangunan Development,” accesed September 5 2022,
Bendungan PLTA Pokko, Wabub Mamasa Bilang
Begini,”, 2019, for-sustainable-development?fnl=en..

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

countries to deal with economic and participate in global efforts to mitigate GHG
environmental impacts of climate change.36 emissions and must adapt to the impacts of
climate change. For these reasons, these
This agreement was adopted by the 21st
countries must urgently transform as quickly
Conference of Parties (COP) and is
as possible with low-carbon developments
considered a success in global climate change
while ensuring resilience to the impacts of
diplomacy. The agreement is a breath of fresh
climate change.
air for multilateral climate change diplomacy
following the failure of the 15th COP in The greatest challenge lies in the funding
Copenhagen, 2009, to form an agreement of support aspect for the response to climate
the idea of global climate regime. The Paris change. Non-Annex countries, in particular
Agreement, intended to limit the increase in those with emerging economic status, have to
global temperature below 2°C was signed by face this funding support-related challenge,
195 countries, is considered a huge flame of taking into consideration that the priority for
hope. This agreement is a model for a new climate change funds will especially be
world social contract in overcoming global allocated to the categories of the Least
problems.37 Developed Countries and Small Island
Developing States.
In the Paris Agreement, different countries
are acknowledged to have their own diverse b. Landscape Approach
technological capabilities and national needs. In recent years, global commitments to
The agreement clearly states that the parties conservation, landscape restoration, and
must acknowledge that adaptation steps must emissions reductions have accelerated efforts
follow a local resource-based approach, be to reach a safer, fairer, and more sustainable
gender-responsive, be participatory and fully future. The main reason why a landscape
transparent, including consideration of approach is considered as important is that
vulnerable groups, communities, and land-based sectors seeking cross-institutional
ecosystems, as well as being based on and solutions are in poor condition. 39 The
guided by the best available science. Sustainable Development Goals, set in the
However, this agreement suggests that—if United Nations, and the Bonn Challenge to
necessary—traditional knowledge, the restore 150 million hectares of degraded land
knowledge of indigenous people, and the help form the goals of many countries. The
local knowledge systems can be integrated methods of achieving those aims include
and adapted into the relevant socio-economic
mobilizing action, providing adequate
actions and environmental policies.38
funding, and coordinating multilateral
The Paris Agreement adheres to a principle political will. The Global Landscape Forum,
called applicable to all Parties that results in which took place in Bonn in 2018, has
a considerable burden for developing unified a wide range of diverse interests,
countries. Developing countries, referred as ranging from policy makers and stakeholders
non-Annex countries in the convention, must to local and global representatives of the

Wartiningsih, Forestry Crime-Involvement and
Accountability of Forestry Policy Operators. agreement-di-manakah-kita.
Institute for Esential Service Refom, “Indonesia 38
“Art 7 (5) Paris Agreement,” n.d.
and the Ratification of the Paris Agreement, Where
Is Indonesia??,” accesed Ausugt 5 2022,

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

private sector, eager to find solutions at the and their environment, to uphold the forest’s
landscape level and accelerate measurable functions of protecting, conserving, and
actions on the ground for negotiating producing can be optimally and sustainably
conflicting land use demands that are achieved. Government Regulation No. 44 of
undeniably essential for the nature.40 2004, concerning the adjustment of the
production forests consisting of ordinary
Robert Nasi recommends defining different
production forests, limited production forests,
landscapes based on the differing problems at
and convertible production forests (HPK).
hand, conducting research that takes these
HPK in particular is a designation of a
landscapes in their entirety, taking into
territory reserved and prepared for
account social, economic, cultural, and
development purposes outside of forestry
environmental aspects to better target action.
(non-forestry) uses, such as plantations,
Furthermore Nasi, in relation to forest
transmigration, agriculture, and so on, 43
landscape restoration, concluded that forest
including PLTAs. With respect to the
landscape restoration requires an informed
development outside of forestry activities,
understanding of the entire forest landscape
Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job
and all of its stakeholders—from the trees in
Creation stipulates that the use of forest areas
the ground to the clean air and water they
for development purposes outside of forestry
produce, the people and animals that depend
can only be done within production and the
on forest products, the cultural values
protection forest areas while the limits of the
attached to the place, and the resources
area and the time period of the activities are
needed by government and industry for social
taken account of in terms of how they affect
and economic development.41
environmental sustainability.
In the Indonesian context, the provisions in
Looking back, most hydropower plants were
the Article 33 paragraph (4) of the 1945
to be built in forest areas, and even the Lindu
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia,
hydropower plant in Donggala Regency was
established in the Fourth Amendment in
located in the Lore Lindu National Park
2002, show the importance of the principles
(TNLL), setting aside the fact that this
of sustainable and environmental-friendly
national park is a conservational forest.
development for the country. Regarding
these two principles, Chief Justice Jimly Moreover, there was opposition from the
community, so a holistic approach was
stated that the Indonesian people could not
needed. Here, the approach which is likely to
allow development practices that would
damage the natural environment or that are be used is the landscape approach,
recommended by Robert Nasi. According to
not environmentally secure. 42 The
him, landscapes are understood in relation to
implementation of forest protection seeks to
the problem at hand, and research should be
protect the forests, its products, and its areas

GLF 2018, “Global Landscape Forum: Together, 42
Jimly Asshiddqie, Green Constitutuion : Nuansa
Healthy World Landscapes,” n.d. Hijau Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik
Deana Ramsay and Catriona Croft-Cusworth, Indonesia Tahun 1945 (Jakarta: Rajawali press,
Addressing the World’s Greatest Challenges 2009), 129.
through a Landscape Approach,” 2018, accesed 43
Pramono Dwi Susetyo, “Quo Vadis Perlindungan
August 2022, Hutan,” accesed August 18 2022,
landscape-approach-worlds-biggest- -kehutanan.

E-ISSN: 2503-0841, P-ISSN: 2356-4512

conducted that considers these landscapes in Monroy warned that such development must
their entirety, taking into account social, be able to improve the quality of life of the
economic, cultural, and environmental local community and to support poverty
aspects, to better inform targeted action. alleviation and sustainable development. 45
Furthermore, forest landscape restoration Duff et al. added that an integrative approach
requires an informed understanding of the should be used to avoid the stakeholders’
entire forest landscape and all of its incompetence that has already been
stakeholders—from the trees in the ground to marginalized.46
the clean air and water they produce, the Sustainable development insists that the
people and animals that depend on forest environment cannot be addressed without
products, the cultural values attached to the simultaneously addressing the social
place, and the resources needed by conditions that require growth or
government and industry for social and establishment to improve livelihoods. Joshua
economic development.44 Pearce claimed that sustainable development
The implementation of the landscape is applied in economic policy and has also
approach has, been prepared by the been recognized as the dominant definition of
government. Indonesia’s National Working sustainability for the government and the
Groups on Landscape Restoration provide private sector. This idea has been extended as
guidelines for landscape restoration in the basic theoretical framework for many
Indonesia by formulating nine principles; the international development initiatives,
main two points are as follows: focusing on the integration of social,
environmental, and economic dimensions to
1. Ensuring the interests of all the
achieve the aims of development itself. For
parties, especially the local
example, the World Bank has used this
community of the landscape.
definition since 2001. Since that time, many
2. A platform for all involved parties,
sustainability models have been developed.
including government, private sector,
One of the best-known models of sustainable
and civil society representatives,
development is the one which relies on the
which was clearly needed in
principles called the triple bottom line, i.e.,
negotiation and decision-making at
the landscape scale. social, economic (financial), and
environmental (ecological).
In line with the principles related to efforts
Renewable energy, especially the energy
for achieving energy sustainability through
generated by large hydroelectric plants that
the establishment of hydropower plants in
supply most of the renewable energy
several locations in Indonesia that have has
consumed by the developing countries,
been mentioned previously, Pietrosemoli and

GLF 2018, “Global Landscape Forum: Together, Landscape Approach in Practice,” Ecology and
Healthy World Landscapes.” Society 20, no. 1 (2015): art24,
Licia Pietrosemoli and Carlos Rodríguez Monroy,
“The Impact of Sustainable Construction and 47
Pietrosemoli and Monroy, “The Impact of
Knowledge Management on Sustainability Goals. Sustainable Construction and Knowledge
A Review of the Venezuelan Renewable Energy Management on Sustainability Goals. A Review of
Sector,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy the Venezuelan Renewable Energy Sector.”
Reviews 27 (2013): 683–91.
Olivia E. Freeman, Lalisa A. Duguma, and Peter A.
Minang, “Operationalizing the Integrated

Brawijaya Law Journal: Journal of Legal Studies 9(2): 107-125

requires technical, legal, financial, and social prioritizing national capabilities. In reality,
arrangements due to its complex processes, these principles have not been implemented,
supported by innovation and valuable as seen through the large number of
knowledge. In addition to these efforts, community rejections, given with various
renewable energy requires a solid reasons, the most critical of which is that
infrastructure for generating and distributing hydropower plants are built in protected
the energy resources needed to meet the basic forest areas. Development outside the
needs of the people.48 To overcome people’s forestry sector is not allowed by the Forestry
refusal to allow the construction of Law, but with the issuance of the
hydropower plants in several parts of Employment Creation Act, it allows
Indonesia, it is preferable to take some advice development outside the forestry sector, so
from Peter H and adopt a landscape approach, long as it is carried out selectively and
as such an approach does not mean to go hydropower development is interpreted as a
against traditional sectors but integrates them development with strategic objectives.
with modern science to achieve better and It has been observed that the development of
more comprehensive results.49 hydropower plants has a strategic objective
but should be carried out selectively in site
IV. Conclusion and Suggestions selection by submitting the results of the
The supply of electricity sourced from coal, National Working Group on Landscape
oil and natural gas will gradually run out, so Restoration in Indonesia. It is important that
hydropower will be useful as an energy the development be able to improve the
buffer in the future. The government plans to quality of life of the community and to
build 18 dams throughout Indonesia. support poverty alleviation and sustainable
However, some of these plants have been development. Therefore, an integrative
opposed by local communities. The lack of approach is needed to avoid the
community participation in development, powerlessness of marginalized stakeholders.
such as planning activities, starting with
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