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Assessment Notice

Date: 2023/09/20 Amount: R0.00

Dispute Request For Reason Close

Notice of Assessment

Enquiries should be addressed to SARS:

C ont a c t C e ntre

5 BONTEBOKBOOOG STREET Tel: 0800007277 Website:
D e t a il s
Reference number: 0403051204 Always quote this
3900 reference number
Document number: 30037
when contacting
Date of assessment: 2 0 2 2-0 3-1 8 SARS
Year of assessment: 2021
Type of assessment: O ri g i n a l A s s e s s m e n t
Period (days): 365
Payment Due date: 2 0 2 2-0 3-1 8
Interest free period 2 0 2 2-0 3-2 5
(Grace period) until:
PRN Number 0403051204T00000000

Balance of Account after this Assessment

Description Amount
A m ount p a y a ble by you to S A RS 22068.21

C o m p li a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n
Unprocessed payments 0.00 Provisional taxpayer N
Selected for audit or verification N
Outstanding returns 2013,2016,2018,2019

A ss e ss m e nt Su m m ary Inform a tion

Previous Assessment Current Assessment Account Adjustments
Income 0.00 7048.00
Deductions allowed 0.00 0.00
Taxable income / Assessed Loss 0.00 7048.00
Calculated Tax Liability:
Assessed tax after rebates (Tax calculated, Including Foreign Tax Credits discharged / 0.00 0.00
refunded & additional tax / penalties)
Tax credits and adjustments 0.00 0.00

A ss e ss m e nt R e sult 0.00 0.00

N e t d e bit a m ount und er this a ss e ss m e nt 0.00

N e t d e bit a m ount 0.00

NOTE: If Net debit amount or Net credit amount under this assessment differs from the amount payable/refundable in container "balance of
account after this assessment" stated above then refer to your detailed statement of account

Your assessment for the 2021 year of assessment has been concluded and the assessment summary as well as the current balance on
your account are reflected above. Please note that in the case of a debit balance on your account further interest may accrue.

Payments are to be made electronically or at the approved financial institutions. When you make a payment, please use the payment reference
number (PRN). The following payment channels are available to you:
- Via SARS eFiling (
- Via MobiApp
- Electronically using internet banking (EFT - electronic fund transfer)
- At a branch of one of the following banking institutions: ABSA, Capitec, FNB, Nedbank or Standard Bank.
- For more details on payments process details visit the SARS website (

A detailed statement of account (including all amounts payable or refundable under any previous assessment, refunds, payments, and interest),
may be requested from SARS through the following channels:
- Electronically via eFiling or the MobiApp (if you are registered as an eFiler)
- Call the SARS Contact Centre
- At your nearest SARS branch by appointment. To book an appointment visit the SARS website.

Reference Number 0403051204 ITA34_RO 2023.04.00 01/03

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