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DBM 1208/CBM 1208


Explain 5 factors to consider by an organization in deciding to buy rather than making an

item in house

 The product may be of high quality compared to making it

 The cost of making a product may be expensive compared to buying
 Advertisement may be costly
 An organization may lack house expertise who deals with manufacturing of the product
 The desire for multiple sourcing
 An item may not be critical to the firm’s strategy
 An organization may lack supplies of the product to make in the houses
 The organization my get pride leading to the downfall

Discus the problem encountered in partnership saucing (10 marks)

 There may b a breakdown in the trust between the partners

 The company may have struggled like capital raising
 Different partners may have different priorities, each partner has his or her ideas
 Partner may decide to raise money and maybe others are left out since thy have financial
 Partners may have different level of investments thus leading to miss understanding
 Lack of boundaries between the partners. E.g., family issues
 Each partner may have his or her personal habit leading to disagreements
 Power imbalance. A partner may have studied than the other partners but is given a lower
role in the organization
 Value difference is a problem in the partnership sourcing
3 purchasing is a systematic approach, the acquisition of raw materials, component and
spares. Discuss any our documents used in commercial transaction stating at what stage in
purchasing process the document is used.

 Request for information defines identification of need

 Request for proposal description of product characteristics
 Request for quotation is for drafting specification and sourcing of supplier
 Information for buying entails depth analysis of applications
 Request for buying prepare negation


DBM 1312: labour laws cat

1.Write shorts notes on

a) Hot stove rules

 It gives good illustration of imposing discipline without resentment
 It gives analogy between touching a hot stove and undergoing disciple
 When implied, the discipline that follows: immediate, supported by a warning consistent
and reconciliation
 An outsider be involved in the process of handling discipline to bring about reconciliation

b) Discrimination
 It is the unjust treatment of different categories of people especially on the ground of
ethnicity, age, sex or disability.
 There are four main types: direct, indirect, harassment and victimization
 There is also employment discrimination

c) I.L.O
 International l labour organization is an international body set at the time of league of
nations following world war in its headquarters in Geneva.
 Its guided principal is that labour is not a commodity
 It is based on the human dignity demanding equality of treatment and fairness in the
workplace and also providing poo of employment.
 The section is led by director general Gilbert Hwangbo of Tongo elected by governing
bod in 2022
 They hold a meeting called conventions which are usually 8
 It’s a tripartite of industrious, FKE and COTU
 ILO has 186 members states.

2. explain the operation of FKE, COTU and industrial court in kenya


 Providers a forum for employers in a promoting sand industrial relation

 Observe four labour practices
 Promote industrial harmony amongst its members by offering traing


 Protect and improve rights and welfare of welfare of workers

Industrial court

 Setting employment and industrial relations

 Secure maintain good employment and labour relation s.
 Adjudicates in trade dispute
 Hand down decision or awards in industrial disputes

3. discuss 3 types of strikes and how they can be avoided

a) General strike involves workers going on strike due to economic or political

 The federation of kenya worker employers and central organization of trade union should
discus and come up with ways of salving the issues, it could be based on the employee’s
representative or the law wages depending on labour
b) Sit strike is they go to they work but do not participate.
 The representative of trade unions should always call for meetings and known the
employees’ grievances
c) Wildcat strike involves workers not coming to work. The trade union should try and
advocate to the grievances of the employee.

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