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Pathogenesis and Management of Airway Disease

N. Edward Robinson, B. Vet. Med., PhD, MRCVS

Inflammation of the equine tracheobronchial tree is a result of infection, allergy, and environmental
contamination. Acute bouts of inflammation cause mucus secretion, airway wall thickening, and
increased responsiveness of reflexes that initiate cough and bronchospasm. Recurrent bouts of
inflammation lead to structural changes in the mucosa and the smooth muscle so that the airway wall
is thickened. Prevention of inflammation is at the heart of therapy. This can be done by
environmental management and use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the latter preferably delivered by
inhalation. Bronchodilators are used to relieve acute distress or when inflammation cannot be totally
controlled. Author’s address: Dept. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, G-321 Veterinary Medical
Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1314. r 1997 AAEP.

1. Introduction airway disease is common. These horses are gener-

Airway disease is recognized in several forms. Vi- ally presented for poor performance, and an in-
ral infections, especially equine influenza, cause creased amount of mucopus in the trachea is the
acute inflammation and severe disruption of the consistent finding. The name inflammatory airway
airway epithelium, but their effects are generally disease (IAD) has been applied to this condition in
transient. Viral diseases are not discussed further order to distinguish it from COPD.1 IAD has been
in this paper; rather, I focus on the more chronic suggested to be the consequence of bacterial respira-
inflammatory airway diseases. tory infections, but the quality of the horse’s environ-
ment plays a role in the severity and duration of the
The most severe form of chronic airway disease is
heaves (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or
Inflammation of small airways has also been de-
COPD). In this condition, middle-aged to older scribed in association with exercise-induced pulmo-
horses develop airway obstruction, usually when nary hemorrhage (EIPH). It is not clear if this is a
stabled. Obstruction is the result of neutrophilic result of hemorrhage into the air spaces or is a factor
inflammation, which is associated with broncho- contributing to the hemorrhage.
spasm and the accumulation of mucus and exudates
in the airway lumen. There is evidence that this
condition is a hypersensitivity response to molds in 2. Incidence
hay, but it is also likely that other factors contribute Lower airway disease is reported to be second only to
to the airway inflammation. The condition is pro- musculoskeletal disease as a cause of wastage among
gressive, with respiratory distress becoming more performance horses.3 In necropsy surveys, the inci-
severe over the years. dence of chronic inflammatory disease of the airways
In younger horses, 2- to 3-year olds, inflammatory has been reported as 37% in Switzerland4 and 12% in


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Minnesota.5 Based on a clinical diagnosis, airway The majority of horses with inflammatory airway
inflammation coupled with mucus accumulation was disease do not exhibit respiratory distress nor do
found in 54% of Swiss horses.4 Dixon et al.6 re- they have measurable alterations in lung function.12
ported on 300 horses referred to the Edinburgh It is most likely that any effect of inflammatory
veterinary college for suspected respiratory prob- airway disease on performance is due to uneven
lems. Of these, 55% were said to have COPD, based distribution of ventilation that accentuates exercise-
on more than 5% neutrophils in bronchoalveolar induced hypoxemia.
lavage fluid (BALF) at the time of examination and a Findings on auscultation are dependent on the
history of chronic neutrophilic inflammation in asso- degree of airway obstruction and the minute ventila-
ciation with exposure to hay and straw. tion of the horse. If obstruction is slight and the
IAD is common in racehorses in training. Swee- horse is at rest, abnormal sounds usually are not
ney et al.7 reported that 27% of Thoroughbreds in heard.9 The likelihood of hearing abnormal sounds
training had more than 20% neutrophils in their is increased when minute ventilation is increased by
respiratory secretions. Burrell et al.2 followed exercising the horse, by placing a rebreathing bag
horses in two training yards for 2 years and found over the muzzle, or after temporarily occluding the
that horses spent 33% of their time in training with a nares. As obstruction becomes more severe, two
degree of inflammatory lower airway disease. This types of abnormal sounds can occur: increased
tracheobronchial inflammation has been associated sound in the trachea and bronchi, or wheezes that
with poor performance in racehorses.8 originate in the peripheral airways but may also be
heard in the trachea. Because the airways are
3. Clinical Signs of Lower Airway Disease narrowest at end exhalation, wheezes are most
Horses with lower airway disease are presented to obvious at this point in the respiratory cycle.
the veterinarian either because they cough, have
respiratory distress, or are exercise intolerant. 4. Diagnostic Procedures
Cough is a result of activation of irritant receptors Endoscopic examination is an essential part of the
located in the epithelium of the trachea and large evaluation of the horse’s airways. It should include
bronchi. These receptors are activated by material evaluation of the upper airway as well as the tracheo-
such as mucus on the epithelial surface, by contrac- bronchial tree. Inflammation of the lower airway is
tion of smooth muscle and by release of sensory indicated by varying amounts of secretions and
neuropeptides such as substance P. The sensitivity exudates in the airway lumen. Horses with mild
of the cough reflex is increased when the epithelium disease will have a small amount of mucus that may
is damaged, e.g., by viral infections, and by some be white because it contains inflammatory cells.
mediators such as histamine and prostaglandins Horses with severe COPD may have copious mucopu-
released during the inflammatory response. Two rulent exudate. In some cases, mucus may be thick
recent studies have reported on the usefulness of and tenacious so that it plugs the peripheral airways
cough as a sign of lower airway disease. Cough is a and may not be particularly evident in the larger
specific sign, i.e., when it is present, horses have airways. Other findings on endoscopy can include
airway disease. However, it is not a very sensitive hyperemia and edema of the airway wall and an
sign: many horses with airway inflammation do increased tendency of the airway to bleed when
not cough.2 Burrell et al.2 reported that cough is traumatized by the endoscope.
more prevalent when airway disease has been pre- The cellular composition within airway secretions
sent for more than 1 month. This probably explains has been examined in tracheal mucus, in tracheal
why Dixon et al.9 found coughing in 71% of horses washes, and in BALF. For a diagnosis of diffuse
referred for respiratory problems. airway disease, bronchoalveolar lavage is preferable
Respiratory distress in the resting animal is a sign to examination of tracheal secretions because there
of severe airway obstruction. Under these condi- can be a wide variation in the number of neutrophils
tions, the horse adopts a breathing strategy that in the tracheal secretions of normal horses.12 The
allows it to exhale most of its tidal volume early in percentage of neutrophils in the BALF of control
exhalation. As the airways become obstructed later horses is much less variable and usually less than
in exhalation, the horse uses an abdominal push to 5%. In addition, tracheal secretions are richer in
force a small volume of air through the obstructed air neutrophils and have fewer lymphocytes than BALF
passages.10 When judging the severity of respira- and are therefore not a good reflection of the status of
tory distress, it is this change in breathing strategy the more peripheral airways.13 Bronchoalveolar la-
that is noted by the clinician.11 Although, in gen- vage (BAL) can be conducted with the endoscope if it
eral the magnitude of airway obstruction is associ- is long enough (at least 2 m). Otherwise a BAL
ated with the severity of clinical signs, some horses tubea can be used. The endoscope or lavage tube is
with quite severe airway obstructions will not adopt wedged in an airway. The location of the wedge is
the characteristic breathing strategy. Consequently, unimportant because chronic airway disease is usu-
there is not a particularly tight correlation between ally diffuse.14 Three hundred ml of sterile saline is
the magnitude of airway resistance and the clini- instilled and withdrawn in 100-ml aliquots. About
cian’s ability to detect signs of respiratory distress. half of the volume infused is usually recovered. The
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recovered BALF is examined grossly for the presence A measurement of blood gas tensions detects
of mucuopurulent exudate or blood (sometimes the hypoxemia, the magnitude of which depends on the
result of trauma by the tube). Total and differential severity of disease. In the horse with mild disease,
cell counts are made from BALF.15 In normal horses, arterial oxygen tension may be normal at rest, but
macrophages and lymphocytes constitute the major- the exercise-induced hypoxemia normally seen in
ity of cells in BALF; neutrophils make up less than strenuously exercising horses will be more severe or
5% [Fig. 1(a)]. The majority of horses with airway develop earlier in the course of exercise. It is
inflammation have an increase in the number and important to remember that changes in blood gas
percentage of neutrophils. This can be as few as tensions simply reflect the magnitude of lung dysfunc-
10% in horses with IAD and up to 90% in some horses tion; they are not specific for a particular problem.
with COPD [Fig. 1(b)]. Occasionally there will be an
increased number of eosinophils16 or mast cells17 in 5. Functional Consequences of Airway Obstruction
young horses. In the former, one should rule out The changes in lung function associated with airway
lungworms or migrating strongyles before conclud- disease have been extensively studied in horses with
ing that there is an eosinophilic pulmonary disease. COPD.18 Diffuse airway obstruction results in in-
Radiographic examination of the lungs is usually creased pulmonary resistance (RL) and decreased
unrewarding in horses with diffuse airway disease dynamic compliance (Cdyn). These changes necessi-
unless the condition is advanced, when there may be tate that the horse use a greater effort, i.e., change in
increased linear densities. The latter, however, is pleural pressure, to generate its tidal volume.
very dependent on radiographic technique and on When COPD-susceptible animals are pastured or
the state of inflation of the lung when the radiograph bedded on shredded paper and fed a cubed diet for
is taken. Radiography should be done to rule out several weeks, RL and Cdyn usually are not different
other problems such as lung abscess or pleuropneu- from those of control animals, but when the suscep-
monia. Scintigraphy will reveal uneven distribu- tible animals are returned to the hay and straw
tion of ventilation and ventilation–perfusion environment, RL increases and Cdyn decreases as
mismatching. obstruction redevelops.
Airway obstruction of COPD is a result of broncho-
spasm, mucus accumulation, and probably also in-
flammatory changes in the airway wall. The rapid
decrease in RL following administration of broncho-
dilators results from the relaxation of airway smooth
muscle. After administration of bronchodilators,
some obstruction persists, particularly in the periph-
eral airways, probably as a result of mucus plugging
and inflammation.
The diffuse airway obstruction results in abnormal
distribution of ventilation that causes ventilation–
perfusion mismatching and hypoxemia, a low PaO2.
Despite the increased work of breathing necessitated
by airway obstruction, hypoventilation, i.e., an in-
crease in PaCO2, is not a consistent finding. The
(a) magnitude of ventilation–perfusion mismatching and
hypoxemia correlates with the clinical signs and
severity of bronchiolitis.
Hypoxemia provides increased respiratory drive,
which results in an increased frequency of breathing
without a change in tidal volume. For the horse to
inhale or exhale the tidal volume in a shorter period
of time, airflow rates must increase even though the
airways are obstructed. The horse solves this di-
lemma by having higher than normal flow rates
toward the end of inspiration and at the beginning of
exhalation. These are the points in the respiratory
cycle when lung volume is greatest and therefore the
airway lumens have the greatest diameter. The
breathing strategy chosen by the horse with airway
(b) obstruction gives rise to the counterintuitive observa-
Fig. 1. Cells in BALF. (a) Normal horse: L, lymphocyte; M, tion that peak flow rates increase as the airways
inactive macrophage; AM, active macrophage. (b) Horse with narrow.
COPD [note the massive number of neutrophils (N)]. M, macro- Increased pulmonary arterial pressure has been
phage, which appears to be engulfing a neutrophil. consistently described in COPD-affected horses, the
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magnitude of hypertension increasing with the sever-

ity of the disease. The increased pressure results
from increased vascular resistance that is probably
due to a combination of hypoxic vasoconstriction of
pulmonary arteries, alveolar hyperinflation that com-
presses capillaries, and inflammatory mediator-
induced vasospasm. Even though COPD is
associated with pulmonary hypertension, right heart
failure is not a consistent finding in horses with
severe airway disease.

6. Pathogenesis of Lower Airway Disease

Lower airway disease can be the result of unresolved
viral or bacterial infections that are due to a specific
hypersensitivity, i.e., an antigen–antibody reaction, Fig. 2. Sites at which inflammation can facilitate the reflex that
leads to smooth muscle contraction and bronchospasm (CNS,
the result of inhalation of dusts, endotoxins, or
central nervous system).
irritating gases, or as part of the EIPH complex.
Very often the initiating cause of the problem is
unknown, and it is quite likely that many cases of tered to horses,28 LT’s may be important mediators of
equine airway disease have a multifactorial etiology. bronchospasm.
Although the increased production of bronchospas-
tic mediators is one possible mechanism of broncho-
A. Inflammation is at the Core spasm, a reduced availability of inhibitory mediators
It is now very clear that inflammation is the basis of and neurotransmitters could also contribute to it.
almost all the changes that occur in chronic airway Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent inhibitor of
diseases. During the inflammatory cascade, cyto- smooth muscle contraction,29 and its production by
kines and mediators are released that have a variety airway mucosa is reduced in heaves-affected ani-
of effects in the airways. These events have been mals.25 This deficiency of PGE2 may potentiate the
most extensively studied in horses with COPD18 and contractile effect of acetylcholine on smooth muscle.
are summarized here. Within 7 h of exposing a COPD- The inhibitory nonadrenergic–noncholinergic ner-
susceptible animal to stable dusts, there is an influx of vous system also is dysfunctional.30,31 There is no
neutrophils into the lung19 and the airway lumen, evidence for downregulation of b2 adrenoceptors.
whence they can be recovered by BAL. Even though Rather, b2 adrenoceptors appear to be activated in
COPD is thought to have an allergic etiology, eosinophils heaves-affected animals because the administration
do not seem to be involved except in the recovery phase, of a b-blocker worsens the airway obstruction.32
Smooth muscle contraction is normally inhibited to a
when there can be an increase in eosinophil numbers.20
small degree by a nonprostanoid inhibitory factor
Associated with the inflammatory response is the re-
released by the airway epithelium.31,33 Although
lease of proinflammatory mediators that induce broncho-
there are major structural changes in the airway
spasm. Of the proinflammatory mediators known to
epithelium of heaves-affected horses,34,35 there is no
be released during the inflammation associated with evidence to support a deficiency of this epithelium-
heaves, histamine contracts airway smooth muscle,21 derived inhibitory factor.31,36 Rather, its production
increases the sensitivity of airway sensory receptors,22 appears to be increased in heaves-affected horses.31
facilitates neurotransmission at airway autonomic gan- In addition to effects on smooth muscle, inflamma-
glia,23 and augments the response of smooth muscle to tory cells and mediators also increase the production
acetylcholine that is released from parasympathetic and secretion of mucus (Fig. 3) and increase bron-
nerves (Fig. 2).b However, histamine H1 antagonists chial blood flow and vascular permeability. The
have little therapeutic benefit in the treatment of equine latter events contribute to obstruction by increasing
COPD, so it is likely that mediators in addition to the mucus in the airway lumen and by causing
histamine also are operative. Levels of thromboxane edema of the airway wall. All in all, the acute
and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE) are in- inflammatory response leads to the signs of airway
creased in horses with heaves,24–26 but these mediators disease, including cough, increased mucopus in the
are unlikely to be important in bronchospasm because airways, and varying degrees of respiratory distress
they have no direct effect on smooth muscle. Prelimi- and exercise intolerance, which are a result of air-
nary evidence suggests that there is increased produc- way obstruction.
tion of leukotrienes (LT’s) in heaves.27 Because A single inflammatory event may resolve without
leukotrienes LTC4, D4, and E4 contract peripheral air- complications, but if the animal is continuously or
way smooth muscle in vitro,21 augment the response of repeatedly exposed to agents that injure the air-
peripheral airways to parasympathetic nerve activa- ways, some changes may become chronic. Under
tion,b and cause respiratory distress when adminis- this situation, structural changes occur in the air-
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hyperresponsiveness that can persist for several
days. Owners will then erroneously conclude that
their attempts to improve the horse by environmen-
tal management are of no use.
In horses, airway hyperresponsiveness has been
well documented in association with COPD.37,38
The minimal exposure to stable dusts necessary to
induce hyperresponsiveness is unknown, but after the
horse has been stabled for 7 h, hyperresponsiveness
persists for at least 72 h.39 Hyperresponsiveness
wanes when the environment is changed and inflam-
mation resolves. Hyperresponsiveness has also been
documented following equine influenza infection.40
Although it is likely that hyperresponsiveness is also
Fig. 3. Airway wall from a horse with COPD. Note the numer-
present in horses with IAD, it has not been confirmed.
ous goblet cells in the epithelium. The plexus of bronchial
vessels (V) beneath the epithelium is clearly visible. C. Role of Airway Wall Thickening
In asthmatics, increased responsiveness to a broncho-
constricting stimulus can be explained partly or
way wall. There is proliferation of the mucus appa- wholly by a reduction in airway caliber that is the
ratus so that overproduction of mucus occurs, and result of airway wall thickening.41 Moderate
there is proliferation of both the mucosa and airway amounts of airway wall thickening, which have little
smooth muscle, which contribute to airway hyperre- effect on baseline caliber, can have marked effects on
sponsiveness. the degree of airway narrowing caused when the
smooth muscle shortens. These effects are greater
B. What is Airway Hyperresponsiveness? when the airway wall thickening is localized to the
Airway hyperresponsiveness is a term used to de- peripheral rather than the central airways. Broad-
scribe an overreaction of the airways to a stimulus stone et al.42 reported that, compared with controls,
that is usually inconsequential. For example, nor- horses with COPD have significantly increased pul-
mal horses do not develop bronchospasm when they monary resistance and significantly decreased dy-
inhale a solution containing 0.1 mg/ml of histamine, namic compliance immediately before being
but a horse with an exacerbation of COPD develops euthanized. Quantitative assessment of airway
quite severe airway obstruction when it inhales such morphology in lung tissue samples collected at this
a solution. The latter horse is said to have hyperre- time showed that airway smooth muscle area and
sponsive airways. Airway hyperresponsiveness is wall thickness were significantly increased in af-
usually nonspecific, that is, the airways narrow more fected horses compared with controls. Similar struc-
vigorously in response to all agents that can cause tural changes in the airways in cases of fatal asthma
bronchospasm. This list of agents includes inflam- can account for excessive airway narrowing, even in
matory mediators and the neurotransmitter acetyl- the presence of normal smooth muscle shortening.43
choline, which is released from parasympathetic Changes leading to increases in wall thickness are
nerves when irritant receptors are activated by the result of inflammatory responses. During acute
inhaled irritants. Airway hyperresponsiveness is COPD, edema fluid increases wall thickness, and
associated with airway inflammation and is due to during chronic inflammation, release of growth fac-
the actions of mediators on neuromuscular regula- tors could result in smooth muscle or connective
tion and to structural changes in the airway wall tissue proliferation.
that amplify the effects of bronchospasm.
From a clinical viewpoint, airway hyperresponsive- D. Importance of the Environment
ness is important because it contributes to a vicious The importance of environmental factors in equine
cycle that perpetuates airway obstruction. A horse lower airway disease has been recognized for several
may have a mild inflammatory response but little hundred years. In the late 1800’s, it was thought
evidence of respiratory distress or poor performance. that bad hay contributed to airway disease because
If this animal is then exposed to a stimulus that toxins were absorbed from the gastrointestinal sys-
irritates the airways or releases mediators, the tem.44 Now we are just as convinced that it is the
effects of these agents will be exaggerated so that the inhaled dust in the environment that is the cause of
horse develops more severe airway obstruction. airway inflammation.
Owners of horses with chronic airway disease will The dusts to which horses are exposed most com-
frequently be diligent about protecting their animal monly are those found in stables. Even though
from dusts by keeping it outside. They will, how- horses may inhale dusts generated on the racetrack
ever, bring it into the stable for grooming or other or in arenas, animals are exposed to these dusts for a
activities. This brief exposure may be enough to matter of minutes per day, whereas they inhale
initiate an inflammatory response that leads to stable dusts for many hours per day. Agricultural
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dusts contain a variety of materials that can be of stable management in equine respiratory disease
inhaled, including bacteria and bacterial endotoxins; was demonstrated in several studies. Burrell et al.2
animal-derived components, e.g., dander, hair, urine, reported that horses kept on shredded paper in
and feces; parts of feed grains and plants; pollens; American barns suffered less lower airway disease
insect parts and feces; and fungal parts, e.g., spores, than horses on straw in loose boxes. The episodes
hyphae, sporangia, and mycotoxins.45 The actual of lower airway disease were of shorter duration in
constituents of dust in a stable depend on what is the former group. In the same study, horses bedded
being fed and what is used for bedding, when and on paper coughed less than those on straw. Clarke
how it was grown and harvested, and the conditions and Madelin52 reported that recovery from equid
under which it was stored.46 Hays can be classified herpesvirus infection was delayed in horses in badly
as good, moldy, or very moldy, based on the number ventilated stables with high fungal contamination.
and types of spores that they contain. Hay stored When veterinarians and horse owners think of
above 40% water is rich in spores of thermophilic dusts, they tend to think of antigenic material that
actinomycetes such as Aspergillus fumigatus, Ther- can initiate an allergic reaction. However, some of
moactinomyces vulgaris, and Faeni rectivirgula, the the components of dusts, e.g., endotoxin, can initiate
species thought to be important in the induction of inflammation without invoking a specific hypersensi-
COPD. tivity reaction.53 It is now becoming clear that
Several investigators have measured dust levels simply depositing small particles on the epithelium
in stables.47–50 When dust levels are measured in of the airways can initiate the production of cyto-
the corridor or in the air of the stall itself, the kines that contribute to an inflammatory response.54
concentration is in the range of 0.25 to 2.5 mg/m3; Because acute bouts of airway inflammation lead to
higher values are obtained during feeding and bed- airway hyperresponsiveness and to mucus secretion
ding and when horses are receiving particularly and recurrent bouts lead to proliferation of the
moldy feed. Dust levels tend to decrease at night mucus apparatus and smooth muscle in the airway
when there is less activity, and in general, the larger wall, it is vital to reduce stable dust levels as much
particles sediment out at night, whereas respirable possible.
particles, less than 5 µm in diameter, remain sus-
pended in the air. E. Role of Allergy
Particulate concentrations in air depend on the It is widely believed that COPD is a hypersensitivity
content of particulates in the source material, gener- disease. In stabled horses, the responsible agents
ally hay, the agitation of the material, and the rate of are thought to be thermophilic molds and fungi such
removal of dusts by the ventilation system. The as A. fumigatus, T. vulgaris, and F. rectivirgula, but
veterinarian’s ability to detect environmental qual- other antigens may be involved. A similar syn-
ity depends on all these factors. In a well-venti- drome, summer-pasture-associated obstructive air-
lated stable, there can be very high local con- way disease (SPOAD), which occurs primarily in the
centrations of dust around the feed source but dust south of the U.S.,55 is thought to be a hypersensitiv-
levels in the corridors may be quite low, and so one ity to molds in pastures. The evidence to support
may conclude, incorrectly, that there is not a dust an allergic etiology for COPD includes higher levels
problem. Woods et al.50 demonstrated very clearly of mold-specific immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgE
that dust levels in the stall do not reflect dust levels in the BALF of COPD-affected horses,56 increased
in the breathing zone of the horse, i.e., close to the numbers of IgA- and IgG(Fc)-containing cells and
nostrils, especially when there is a point source of even free IgA and IgG(Fc) in interepithelial clefts of
dust. When horses eat hay, they toss the material COPD-affected horses,57,58 and mast cells in bron-
and release dusts. Under these conditions, the dust chial and intracellular clefts of COPD-affected
concentration in the breathing zone can be 30 to 40 horses.34 Despite evidence in favor of an allergic
times higher than that a few feet away in the stall. basis for COPD, the challenge of COPD-susceptible
When the point dust source is eliminated by feeding horses with F. rectivirgula, the etiological agent most
a pelleted diet, dust concentrations in the breathing frequently implicated, induces airway inflammation
zone decrease to 3% of those recorded when hay is but does not reproduce the characteristic total syn-
fed and are identical to those in the stall. drome of airway obstruction.59 The duration of
Because of the complexity of agricultural dusts, it exposure, a combination of antigens, or other factors
is difficult to identify responses to individual may also be important.
agents.45,51 Total airborne dust is what is impor- Recently, lymphocyte populations have been stud-
tant, and industrial bronchitis in humans is more ied in BALF from horses with COPD and IAD. Mc-
prevalent when workers breathe greater than 10 Gorum et al.60 showed an increase in the percentage
mg/m3 of dust for an 8-h period, regardless of whether of CD51 CD82 (presumably CD41) T-lymphocytes
it is organic or inorganic. Dust levels in the breath- and a concurrent decrease in CD81 lymphocytes in
ing zone of horses being fed poor hay average 20 BALF from COPD-susceptible animals exposed to
mg/m3 over a 24-h period.50 Little wonder then that hay and straw. Presumably these cells recognize
stabled horses develop chronic airway disease and antigen and orchestrate the inflammatory response.
some become respiratory cripples. The importance Because inflammation and clinical signs are appar-
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ent 5–7 h after antigen exposure, COPD is character- the onset of IAD and viral seroconversion. It is
istic of a delayed hypersensitivity. difficult to judge the significance of the association
The changes in inflammatory cell populations and between bacterial counts and inflammation, and one
lymphocyte subpopulations of BALF in IAD differs should not assume a cause-and-effect relationship.
from that in COPD. In IAD, there is an increase in If the tracheobronchial tree is inflamed for other
populations of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macro- reasons, e.g., environmental insult, it may be more
phages, whereas in COPD only neutrophils increase. easily colonized by bacteria.
There is a low population of CD41 lymphocytes and Even though, clinically, the onset of COPD may
a greater proportion of non-B non-T cells (null cells) follow an acute infectious disease, the relationship
in IAD. For this reason, Moore et al.1 concluded between bacterial and viral infections in the young
that IAD does not have an allergic etiology, is not an horse and the development of COPD in the older
early stage of COPD, and is probably a response to horse is virtually unknown. COPD-affected ani-
infection or environmental factors. With regard to mals have been reported to have higher levels of
the latter, we recently demonstrated that stabling influenza A hemagglutination-inhibiting activity
control horses for 1 week and feeding moldy hay than control animals.64
induces airway inflammation.c
G. Interactions with Exercise-Induced
F. Role of Viral and Bacterial Infections Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Acute infections with respiratory viruses, especially Airway inflammation and plugging of small airways
influenza, cause inflammation and disruption of the with mucopurulent exudate have been described in
epithelium. These changes are associated with in- association with regions of EIPH.65 There are two
creased mucus secretion, airway hyperresponsive- possible cases to explain this finding. The small
ness,40 and airway obstruction. Airway hyper- airway obstruction may have contributed to the
responsiveness persists for several weeks following rupture of pulmonary capillaries by accentuating the
the resolution of clinical signs of acute infection, and decrease in alveolar pressure that normally occurs
during this period horses are more likely to develop during inhalation. This greater decrease in alveo-
airway obstruction in response to irritants in their lar pressure increases the pressure gradient across
environment. There is also evidence that it is easier the alveolar capillary wall, tending to cause stress
to sensitize animals to inhaled antigens during an failure. Alternatively, the airway inflammation
acute viral infection. could be a consequence of the presence of blood in the
The difference in inflammatory response in la- airspaces.66 Whatever the reason for airway inflam-
vages from horses with IAD and COPD led Moore et mation, neovascularization of inflamed airways by
al.1 to conclude that the etiopathogenesis of IAD and the bronchial circulation68 may provide a network of
COPD differs and that infection may be a cause of fragile capillaries that contribute to episodes of
IAD. This is in agreement with the results of EIPH.
studies by workers in England. Wood et al.62 stud-
ied 551 tracheal washes from 278 horses with respi- 7. Management of Lower Airway Disease
ratory disease or poor performance. The likelihood
of finding inflammation increased with the number A. Reducing Dust and Aeroallergen Concentrations
of bacterial colony-forming units per milliliter of Improving air quality in the horse’s environment is
wash and lower airway inflammation was particu- the most important step in the prevention and
larly associated with bacteria in horses less than 3 treatment of equine lower airway disease. This can
years old. The aerobic bacteria Streptococcus zooepi- be done in several ways: by removing point sources
demicus, Pasteurella–Actinobacillus-like species, and of dust, by instituting a low-dust management
S. pneumoniae were significantly associated with scheme, and by improving overall ventilation.
lower airway inflammation. Mycoplasma infec- Although measurements of dust levels in the
tions, especially Mycoplasma felis and M. equirhinis, breathing zone of horses have clearly demonstrated
may work synergistically with other bacteria.63 that feed is the prime dust source,50 this fact has
Burrell et al.2 have reported on the importance of been suspected since at least 1656, when Markham67
bacterial infection as a cause of IAD in British stated that ‘‘the best diet for a horse in this cause is
racehorse training yards. In these animals there grasse in summer and hay sprinkled with water in
was a positive correlation between the severity of the winter.’’ Ideally, horses should be kept outdoors on
inflammatory response and the number of bacterial- pasture and fed a dust-free diet when there is
colony-forming units in tracheal washes. The au- insufficient pasture. In our experience, following
thors state that 2-year-old horses are 7 times more this regimen can improve horses with severe COPD
likely than 3-year olds to have lower respiratory to the extent that it is difficult to induce the disease
tract disease. The number of colony-forming units again. If it is not possible to keep horses at pasture,
reported in this study (.3000/ml of tracheal wash) reducing dust levels in feed can be accomplished by
suggests that some of the horses had pneumonia or use of low-dust feed such as a complete pelleted diet
that there was contamination from the upper airway. or grass silage. High-quality hay is less dusty than
In the latter study, there was no association between poorly cured hay. Dampening the feed has been
112 1997 @ Vol. 43 @ AAEP PROCEEDINGS

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used to reduce dust, but Dixon et al.69 reported that as convenient devices for aerosol delivery reach the
this was not associated with success in treating market. In the absence of a convenient inhalation
COPD. Unless the source of dust in the feed is therapy device, systemic steroid administration will
removed, all other attempts to improve the environ- continue to be the mainstay of treatment for inflam-
ment are useless. matory airway disease. Corticosteroid treatment is
Overall, dust levels in stables can be reduced by a described in a different paper in this proceedings
low-dust management scheme. Bedding horses on (see page 95).
shredded paper or shavings will reduce dust expo- Cromolyn sodium, a mast cell stabilizer, can also
sure. Preferably, hay should not be stored in the be classified as an anti-inflammatory therapy. This
same barn as the horses and certainly not above the drug has been shown to prevent airway obstruction
horses from where it can be dropped down into the in COPD-affected horses and to alleviate clinical
stalls to create the maximum dust levels. In large signs and decrease airway reactivity in young horses
stables, it is wise to keep horses that are dust with an increased number of metachromatic cells
sensitive together so that one is not feeding hay next (mast cells) in the BALF (see page 95 in this
door to a horse that is on a pelleted diet. Dampen- proceedings).17
ing aisles during the busy times and before sweeping Newer anti-inflammatory agents such as LT syn-
also helps to reduce dust levels. Remember that thesis inhibitors, COX-2 inhibitors, and phosphodies-
these measures are good not only for the horse but terase isoenzymes are being tested in models of
for stable personnel. airway disease. A LT synthesis inhibitor (Zileu-
Improving stable ventilation will decrease not only tond) is available for the treatment of asthma. Some
dust levels but also concentrations of gases such as of these compounds may be tried in horses, but
ammonia that may be irritating to the respiratory practitioners must realize that the small size of the
system. Ideally, stables should be constructed with equine drug market deters companies from develop-
the advice of an agricultural engineer who has ing compounds specifically for the treatment of horse
experience with animal housing. In older stables, airway diseases.
windows and doors should be open as much as
possible. Dixon et al.69 recommends at least 3 square D. Other Treatments
feet of opening in the rear wall of the stall and an The use of nonspecific immune stimulation in the
open half-door in the front. In the north, stables treatment of equine respiratory disease was recently
are often closed in winter. This is for the comfort of reviewed by Moore et al.70 Several types of agents
personnel; horses do not need to be kept warm. are available. Inactivated Propionibacterium acnes
(Eqstime) and purified mycobacterial cell wall ex-
B. Use of Bronchodilators
tract (Equimune IVf) have been approved for the
Because airway obstruction is primarily a result of treatment of equine respiratory disease complex and
bronchospasm, bronchodilators provide relief from are reported to hasten recovery. Acemannan and
respiratory distress. However, this is symptomatic levamisole are also reported to be useful in treat-
relief and it does not attack the underlying problem ment of equine airway disease.
of airway inflammation. Bronchodilators should be Oral administration of a low dose of human inter-
considered as an adjunct to the primary aim of feron-a (50 U) has been reported to lower the total
therapy, which is the relief of inflammation. Ide- cell count in BALF from horses with IAD and to
ally, bronchodilators should be administered by inha- make the cell profile noninflammatory.70 Higher
lation, and devices are becoming available for such doses are less effective. Interferon has several ac-
treatment. In this way, high concentrations of drugs tions on the immune system that may explain its
can be delivered locally without significant side beneficial effects in horses with IAD.
effects. The bronchodilator drugs available, doses Hyposensitization is being used to treat chronic
to be used, and routes of administration are dis- airway disease based on the results of enzyme-linked
cussed in a different paper in this proceedings (see immunosorbent assay tests for antigen-specific IgE
page 95). in blood. In people, hyposensitization is a useful
therapy for IgE-mediated allergic diseases, espe-
C. Use of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs cially allergic rhinitis, and has been shown to be of
When airway inflammation cannot be resolved by benefit in allergic asthma, particularly allergy to
changes in management, anti-inflammatory therapy house dust mites in children. The role of IgE in
is indicated. Frequently this therapy is combined horse airway disease is still in debate. COPD is not
with a change in the horse’s environment. Cortico- an immediate hypersensitivity,71 and there is no
steroids are still the drug of choice. The treatment strong evidence of mast cell involvement except in a
of human asthma has been revolutionized by the use few horses.17 Using skin tests to identify antigens
of inhaled steroids. Asthmatics monitor their own responsible for an allergic response in the airways is
lung function and adjust their steroid dose accord- not useful because positive skin tests to molds occur
ingly. A similar treatment modality should be our frequently in all horses.72 Identification of antigens
goal in veterinary medicine. The use of inhaled by means of IgE may be preferable. Despite these
steroids for treatment of horses is becoming practical questions, Beech and Merryman73 reported a posi-
AAEP PROCEEDINGS @ Vol. 43 / 1997 113

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tive response of the majority of COPD-affected horses genesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of
to hyposensitization therapy. Large-scale clinical horses. Br Vet J 1996;152:283–306.
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treatment in horses.
horses following antigen exposure. Clin Exper Allergy 1993;
This research was supported by grants from 3M 23:821–828.
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