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Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre

Savar, Dhaka.

75th Foundation Training Course


NAME OF THE MODULE: Basic of Social Research


DATE: 11.06.23

Code No. …………………


Code No. …………………

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre

Savar, Dhaka.


75th Foundation Training Course


NAME OF THE MODULE : Basic of Social Research


DATE: 11.06.23

Instruction to be followed
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Name: Avro Joyti Baral

Roll No: A-134

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
Savar, Dhaka.


NAME OF THE MODULE : Basic of Social Research


Table of Marks
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Name & Signature of the Module Director

Research Title:
Impacts of Poor hygiene in village community

Hygiene is a global concern for the healthy society to ensure a sustainable socioeconomic development.
The village people of Bangladesh are not aware of the deadly effects of poor hygiene because of lack of
knowledge and proper education. In village society there are lots of practices related to poor hygiene.
Different skin diseases, infectious diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, viral and bacterial
fever, respiratory tract infection are common in villages.

People are indifferent in washing hands properly. Washing hand can prevent hundreds of diseases.
People are not aware of proper hygiene in their kitchens and in the washrooms as well as in their toilets.
People do not follow the rules of washing the vegetables, fishes and meats properly. After bringing
these from the shops they wash it poorly and in a wrong way. It leads to spread out various germs in
human body. Even people have a poor knowledge to cook the foods in appropriate hit. It is also a reason
for different diseases. People have lack of knowledge in water purification. It also leads to different
water borne diseases. The number of hygiene related patients is increasing day by day in the primary
health care centers. In the summer sudden breaking out of diarrhea is very common now. Skin diseases
like tenia pedis, fungal infections are too common in the village societies. These diseases are common
in children and the age groups range between eighteen years to forty-five years. A large number of work
efficient people are being affected by these diseases. It leads to affect the socio-economic development

Literature Review:
For policy makers hygiene in the purview of socioeconomic development different innovative strategies
are needed. Throughout history hygiene practices have evolved from place and within civilizations.
From the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Babylon and Greek civilization to the Western Han Dynasty,
domestic hygiene has been continually explored and innovated. (Cooper 2001). In other circumstances,
the improper disposal of human waste through groundwater led to devastating outbreaks of typhoid and
cholera (Domenech 2011; Geels 2005).

Poor hygiene systems are linked to governance and organizational failures (Araral and Yu,2013). For
examples hygiene, sanitation and water accounted for eight percent in ADB assistance in 2017in
comparison to other sectors such as transport twenty seven percent and energy thirty one percent. The
deadly health risks related to open defecation and dysfunctional sanitation.

It is essential to realize the sustainable development and sustainable growth for exploring the hygiene
with innovation which leads to an economic thinking. (Abeysuriya, Mitchell, and Willetts 2008).
Currently decentralized systems are widely implemented through public-private-partnership
mechanisms and nongovernmental stakeholders in hygiene related projects in developing countries
mainly in South Asia. These interventions are in a little number to motivate the groups or individuals.
Decentralization is considered to be more costly because of misrepresentation of sunk costs. (Domenech
2011, Fane and Mitchell 2006).
The Water Aid Report on Malaysian Rural Hygiene Program indicates how it was assisted into its
poverty reduction strategy. The Rural Environmental Hygiene Program was designed to improve the
well being of those in impoverished sectors and the Rural Growth Program resettled people into more
productive land equipped with advanced hygiene facilities. Different international non-governmental
organizations worked a lot in South-East Asia to establishment of a proper hygiene practice among the
rural people from 1996 to 2011. They worked on the basic hygiene such as hand washing, tooth
brushing, taking baths and water purification. They engaged media and local broadcasting television
channels. They contributed to enhance the primary health care in those countries. They also contributed
to enhance the socio-economic status of South-East Asia. There are a lots of international non-
government organizations such as the Action Aid, the Water Aid, the UNICEF, the UNIAID, the WHO.
Involvement of non-stakeholders is too effective to conduct a proper hygiene awareness system with
different activities and funds. In Bangladesh encouraging the INGOs to establish a proper hygiene
system should be taken as a challenge with meticulous negotiation.

I applied qualitative method to collect data. I went to the village Khajurbariya to collect the data
regarding this research. I went to different house to collect data. I also went to the local community
clinic and hospitals to collect data. I talked with the health care statistician and the UHFPO for
collecting the accuracy in data collection. I also visit some local schools to collect data.

During my home visit I collected the data by interview. I tried to know the health effects as well as the
socioeconomic effects related to poor hygiene. I also tried to understand the causes of poor hygiene. I
also investigate the economic condition of those families. Then I arranged a focus Group Discussion
with twelve members. I tried to know about the overall hygiene of them. In the schools I observed the
toilet and overall sanitation systems. During visiting in the hospitals, I tried to talk with the doctors and
nurses to know about the condition of the infectious and water borne diseases those are related to poor
hygiene. I also went through various research papers and books regarding hygiene. I discussed this
matter with some public health workers to know the basics of hygiene maintenance. I also read some
health economics journal to understand about the economic effects of poor hygiene and sanitation.

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