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CE Article #4

Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Jennifer E. Stokes, DVM, DACVIM (Internal Medicine)a
Joseph W. Bartges, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Internal Medicine), DACVN
University of Tennessee

ABSTRACT: Acute renal failure (ARF) is devastating in dogs and cats, with a mortality rate of
over 50%. Causes include prerenal, intrinsic renal, and postrenal conditions. Infectious disease
(leptospirosis, bacterial pyelonephritis, borreliosis) and toxicity (medications, plants, antifreeze) are
the most common causes of ARF in dogs and cats. Ureteral obstruction in cats is being recognized
more frequently as a postrenal cause of ARF.

cute renal failure (ARF) is due to prolonged prerenal azotemia can progress to
rapid hemodynamic, filtration, tubu- structural damage and intrinsic, irreversible
lointerstitial, or excretory injury to renal failure. 1 Many causes of prerenal azo-
the kidneys, the outflow tract, or both. The temia are avoidable and/or easily treated
abrupt decrease in glomerular filtration rate before subjecting patients to therapies that
(GFR) results in accumulation of uremic tox- may predispose them to ARF. Dehydrated
ins and metabolic wastes, metabolic dysfunc- patients should be rehydrated before general
tion, and dysregulation of fluid, electrolyte, anesthesia or administration of potentially
and acid–base balance.1 The kidneys are par- nephrotoxic substances. In humans, volume
ticularly susceptible to ischemic and toxic depletion leads to a tenfold increased risk
damage because they receive 20% of cardiac of developing ARF. Hypotension during
output. Certain medications are concentrated anesthesia and surgery can be avoided by
in the kidneys secondary to tubular secretion administering intravenous fluids and closely
or reabsorption, which can predispose pa- monitoring blood pressure during medical
tients to renal injury. ARF can develop be- procedures.
cause of prerenal, intrinsic renal, or postrenal Intrinsic causes of ARF result from renal
causes. parenchymal damage due to ischemic, glomeru-
Prerenal disease develops when the GFR lar, or tubular disease. In dogs and cats, toxic,
declines because of decreased renal blood flow infectious, and ischemic causes occur most
or increased renal vascular resistance. When commonly.
the mean arterial pressure is less than 70 to 80 Postrenal causes are due to obstruction or
mm Hg, renal perfusion is compromised. 1,2 rupture of the urinary tract. Obstruction may
Prerenal azotemia is a func- occur from uroliths, neoplasia, trauma, inflam-
Send comments/questions via email tional abnormality that is mation, fibrosis, blood or mucus, and congeni- potentially reversible. Prere- tal or acquired ureteral stenosis. If postrenal
or fax 800-556-3288.
nal disease can coincide with ARF is recognized and treated early, most
Visit for intrinsic renal failure, and cases are reversible. Postrenal disease lasting
full-text articles, CE testing, and CE aDr. Stokes is conducting clinical longer than 7 days can cause renal parenchymal
test answers. research for Hill’s Pet Nutrition. damage and ARF.1

May 2006 387 COMPENDIUM

388 CE Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Potentially Nephrotoxic Medications Risk Factors for Acute Renal Failure

Antimicrobials • Preexisting renal disease
• Aminoglycosides • Amphotericin B • Decreased cardiac output
• Carbapenems • Cephalosporins • Dehydration
• Fluoroquinolones • Penicillins • Hypomagnesemia
• Rifampin • Sulfonamides • Advanced age
• Tetracyclines • Vancomycin • Hypocalcemia
Cancer chemotherapy
• Hypotension
• Bisphosphonates • Carboplatin • Hypokalemia
• Fever
• Cisplatin • Doxorubicin
• Hyponatremia
• Methotrexate
• Sepsis
Immunosuppressants • Acidosis
• Azathioprine • Cyclosporine • Hepatic insufficiency
Other medications • Concurrent use of potential nephrotoxins
• Allopurinol • Angiotensin-converting • Trauma
• Apomorphine enzyme inhibitors • Pancreatitis
• Dextran-40 • Cimetidine • Diabetes mellitus
• NSAIDs • Mannitol • Systemic hypertension
• Penicillamine • Streptokinase • Hypoalbuminemia
• Anesthesia and surgery
• Hypoadrenocorticism
• Vasculitis
• Trauma
Medications associated with the induction of ARF are • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
listed in the box above. • Heatstroke
• Hyperviscosity syndrome (multiple myeloma,
Antimicrobials polycythemia)
Many antibiotics are potentially nephrotoxic to dogs
and cats. The nephrotoxic potential of these drugs
increases in animals with risk factors for ARF, including from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The dose adminis-
dehydration, hypotension, general anesthesia and surgery, tered in the four cats ranged from 70 to 208 mg/kg PO
and certain metabolic conditions. Additional risk factors q12h for fewer than 5 days; previous studies showed no
are listed in the box to the right. Prophylactic nafcillin toxicity at doses of 125 to 165 mg/kg PO q12h for 5
administration to prevent perioperative infection was days.5 All cats developed lethargy, vomiting, anorexia,
associated with postoperative ARF in seven dogs with no dehydration, and azotemia within 4 days after therapy
history of preexisting renal disease.3 was initiated. Azotemia improved or resolved within 6
Aminoglycosides are among the most nephrotoxic to 11 months in all cats. The cats may have been at a
antimicrobials, and their systemic use in animals has higher risk of developing renal toxicosis partly because
been associated with ARF for decades. Few cases of of increased systemic absorption of paromomycin from
aminoglycoside-induced ARF have been reported since diseased bowel.5
the 1980s, although there are two recent case reports
involving cats.4,5 One cat developed fatal ARF within 4 NSAIDs
days of topical administration of gentamicin to a soft Nephrotoxicity due to administration of NSAIDs,
tissue wound during lavage.4 A total dose of 232 mg/kg including selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, is
was applied. The serum gentamicin level was greater most common in patients with concurrent renal disease,
than five times therapeutic concentrations.4 Four cats patients with conditions predisposing them to renal
administered paromomycin for treatment of large bowel damage, or those that have consumed greater-than-
diarrhea due to enteric trichomoniasis or cr yp- therapeutic doses.6,7 NSAIDs can decrease renal perfu-
tosporidiosis developed ARF.5 Paromomycin is an orally sion because prostaglandins (PGs) E2 and I2 mediate
administered aminoglycoside that is poorly absorbed afferent arteriolar dilation in response to decreased renal


Causes of Acute Renal Failure CE 389

blood flow and PGI2 stimulates renin release. Most TOXICANTS

studies7,8 in veterinary medicine have been conducted on Ethylene Glycol
healthy patients undergoing elective procedures. Ethylene glycol is a common cause of fatal poisoning
Carprofen did not decrease the GFR (based on renal and ARF among dogs in the United States, with an
scintigraphy) or cause histopathologic changes in the estimated 10,000 to 45,000 cases occurring annually.2,13
kidneys when administered to healthy dogs. Ketoprofen Because antifreeze is a widely available source of ethy-
has been associated with transient azotemia in healthy lene glycol, cases most often occur during seasons in
dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy.7 which antifreeze is used. Ethylene glycol is also present
All NSAIDs represent a risk for renal function, although in industrial solvents, rust removers, color film process-
not equally.7 Selective COX-2 inhibitors are reportedly ing fluids, and heat-exchange fluids.
safer than nonselective NSAIDs in humans and cause Ethylene glycol is absorbed quickly from the GI tract.
fewer GI and renal side effects. Both types of NSAIDs are Blood concentration peaks within 1 to 4 hours after
potentially toxic in dogs and cats, particularly because of ingestion, and almost all of the toxin is metabolized or
species differences in the expression and function of COX excreted within 18 to 24 hours after ingestion.13 Ethy-
isoforms. There are two isoforms of COX: COX-1 is lene glycol initially crosses the blood–brain barrier,
expressed constitutively and is involved in the production where it exerts narcotic or euphoric effects similar to
of PGs needed for normal physiologic functions in several those of ethanol. The second clinical stage occurs when
organs, including the kidneys.9 COX-2 expression is ethylene glycol is metabolized to acidic intermediates,
inducible by bacterial endotoxins, cytokines, and growth including glycolic, glyoxylic, and oxalic acid, which
factors but is also expressed constitutively in the kidneys in cause severe metabolic acidosis; this occurs within 3 to 4
the absence of inflammatory stimulation.7,9,10 COX-2 hours after ingestion.13 Oxalate binds to plasma calcium,
expression is greatly increased in dogs that are volume or forming calcium oxalate crystals in the renal tubules
sodium depleted; therefore, administration of NSAIDs (Figures 1 and 2). Signs of cardiopulmonary disease may
that preferentially inhibit COX-2 may cause renal damage, also develop.14
particularly in dehydrated patients.6 Two proposed mechanisms for renal tubular damage
Renal disease in dogs has been associated with admin- include formation of calcium oxalate crystals in blood
istration of aspirin, carprofen, flunixin meglumine, vessels and renal tubules and direct nephrotoxic effects
naproxen, and phenylbutazone; however, ibuprofen is of the metabolites of ethylene glycol. Animals that
the most common generic drug generating calls to the develop ARF frequently show signs of severe depres-
National Animal Poison Control Center regarding dogs sion, become comatose, and die.13 Lethal doses of 95%
and cats. 5,6,10 Appropriate intervention in cases of ethylene glycol in cats and dogs are 1.4 to 4 ml/kg and 4
ibuprofen-induced disease was more effective in manag- to 6.6 ml/kg, respectively.2,13,14 Antifreeze-induced ARF
ing GI disease than in preventing renal disease.11 ARF might become less frequent with the use of brands that
generally occurred 36 hours or more after exposure, contain propylene glycol, which is less toxic, or a bitter
whereas GI signs occurred within a few hours.11 In a aversive agent (denatonium benzoate).
research setting,11,12 an ibuprofen dose of 300 mg/kg was
required to induce ARF in dogs, whereas clinical disease Vitamin D
has occurred with consumption of 200 mg/kg or less. Vitamin D intoxication is well described in dogs and
Cats are susceptible to ibuprofen doses approximately cats. The most common source is ingestion of rodenti-
one-half of those reported as toxic in dogs.11 cides containing cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which is
NSAID use should be avoided in patients at high risk available in a variety of formulations and brand names.
of developing renal disease, including dehydrated In addition, toxicosis can occur from oversupplementa-
patients and those with cardiac or renal disease. Patients tion or feeding diets containing excessive vitamin D.
undergoing general anesthesia and perioperative NSAID The major pathophysiologic effect is hypercalcemia,
administration should be well hydrated before anesthesia which can cause ARF. Acute renal tubular damage
and should receive fluid support to maintain normal occurs as a result of altered cell membrane permeability,
blood pressure. Most dogs that develop NSAID-induced altered calcium pump activity, decreased cellular energy
ARF have a favorable prognosis and generally respond production, and cellular necrosis.15 The toxic dose in
well after appropriate treatment for 5 to 10 days.6 naturally exposed dogs is 1.5 to 8 mg/kg, and the


390 CE Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Figure 1. Ultrasonogram of a kidney from a dog with Figure 2. Calcium oxalate crystalluria discovered via
acute renal failure due to ethylene glycol intoxication. microscopic examination of urine sediment obtained
Note the “halo sign” (black arrow) as well as renal cortical from a dog with acute renal failure due to ethylene glycol
hyperechogenicity possibly due to calcium oxalate crystal intoxication. The elongated crystals are the monohydrate form,
precipitation (white arrow). and the octahedral-shaped ones are the dihydrate form.

median lethal dose is 13 mg/kg in adult dogs.16,17 The from wineries. Raisins were mostly commercial sun-dried
toxic dose is unknown in cats. In general, puppies are varieties of various brands.20 Estimated amounts of
more susceptible to vitamin D toxicosis than are adult ingested raisins or grapes ranged from 3 to 57 g/kg.20–23 A
dogs, and cats are more sensitive than dogs.17 specific toxicant has not been identified. Contamination
Vitamin D toxicosis can occur with ingestion of of grapes and raisins with insecticides, pesticides, heavy
human medications containing vitamin D as treatment metals, or mycotoxins has been proposed and investigated
of hypophosphatemic disorders, hypoparathyroidism, but not proven. There are no known reports of raisin or
osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and renal failure. An addi- grape toxicity in other species.
tional vitamin D toxicant is calcipotriene, which is a Initially, clinical signs of vomiting and lethargy develop
synthetic analogue of calcitriol. Calcipotriene is the within hours after ingestion. Anorexia, diarrhea, and
active ingredient in Dovonex (Bristol-Myers Squibb), a abdominal pain have also been reported. ARF can
topical medication used to treat psoriasis in humans.18 develop within 24 to 72 hours after ingestion of raisins or
Ingestion of calcipotriene can cause severe hypercal- grapes. Dogs may become oliguric or anuric. Death in
cemia, ARF, soft tissue mineralization, and death in dogs with ARF secondary to raisin or grape ingestion has
dogs.18,19 Within 12 to 24 hours after ingestion, dogs occurred in 50% to 75% of reported cases.20,21,23 All dogs
exhibit vomiting, depression, anorexia, polyuria, and that recovered were managed aggressively, including the
diarrhea.18,19 Hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and use of peritoneal dialysis in some cases.23 Histopathologic
hypercalcemic nephropathy can occur within 18 to 72 findings included acute proximal renal tubular degenera-
hours; the animal can die from calcification of cardiac tion or necrosis, metastatic mineralization of numerous
tissue weeks after ingestion and resolution of acute clin- tissues, frequent tubular casts, intact basement mem-
ical signs and/or laboratory abnormalities.18,19 branes, and evidence of renal tubular epithelial regenera-
tion.22,24 In one report 22 of 10 dogs with ARF associated
PLANTS with grapes or raisins, a golden-brown globular pigment
Raisins and Grapes was observed in the renal tubular epithelial cells in six
Since 2001, acute GI and renal toxicity has been cases; its significance is unknown.
reported several times in dogs after ingestion of raisins or
grapes. Most cases have occurred since 1999 in both the Lilies
United States and United Kingdom.20,21 Affected dogs Ingestion of members of the genera Lilium (Easter
consumed organic or commercial grapes, both red and lily, tiger lily, stargazer lily, Asiatic hybrid lily) and
white varieties, as well as crushed or fermented grapes Hemerocallis (common daylily [Figure 3], early daylily)


Causes of Acute Renal Failure CE 391

Figure 3. Daylilies (Hemerocallis sp). Figure 4. Renomegaly characterized by generalized

edema, vascular stasis, and inflammation in a dog that
died from leptospirosis-induced acute renal failure.
has been associated with ARF in cats.25–28 Other plants
commonly referred to as lilies (e.g., calla lily, peace lily)
are not nephrotoxic. The toxic principle in Easter lilies 100 years.29 There are more than 220 pathogenic lep-
is present in aqueous extracts of both flowers and leaves, tospiral serovars and many more that are avirulent.30
although flowers are more toxic. Doses equivalent to Pathogenic serovars are divided into three species31:
one flower or eight leaves induced clinical toxicosis in
cats exposed in a research setting.26 The toxic principle • Leptospira interrogans—serovars Canicola, Ictero-
and dose are unknown for other lily species. haemorrhagiae, Bratislava, Hardjo, Pomona, Aus-
Lily toxicosis initially causes vomiting and ptyalism tralis, and Autumnalis
after plant ingestion.25,26 Neurologic signs (e.g., ataxia, • Leptospira kirschneri—serovar Grippotyphosa
depression, tremors and seizures, ARF) can also • Leptospira borgpetersenii—serovar Ballum
develop.25 Renomegaly, renal pain, oliguria, and anuria
have been reported.25 In one report,28 cats diagnosed Serovars are maintained in the environment by one or
with ARF developed severe azotemia 2 to 5 days after more reservoir hosts in which infection is typically
ingestion (mean serum urea nitrogen: 215 mg/dl [nor- asymptomatic. Dogs are a reservoir host for the serovar
mal: 15 to 34 mg/dl]; mean serum creatinine: 22.3 Canicola but also serve as secondary hosts for other
mg/dl [normal: 0.8 to 2.3 mg/dl]). Cylindruria, gluco- serovars that cause illness. Leptospiral infection can be
suria, and proteinuria have been documented.26,27 asymptomatic or cause ARF (Figure 4), hepatic disease,
Mortality rates of 50% to 100% have been reported in coagulation disorders, or a combination of syndromes.
cats developing ARF.25,27 There are no histopathologic Historically, most cases of canine leptospirosis were
reports in daylily toxicosis cases, but histopathologic caused by serovars Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae,
changes in the kidneys of cats that have ingested Lilium but recent clinical reports31–35 have shown that the disease
plants include acute renal tubular necrosis, interstitial is now most commonly associated with serovars Grippo-
edema, polarized crystals in the collecting tubules, and typhosa, Pomona, Autumnalis, and Bratislava. The
renal tubule epithelial cell regeneration.26,27 Although the change in the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis may
toxic agent can cause severe regional destruction of renal be due to urbanization leading to increased exposure of
tubular epithelial cells, basement membranes are usually dogs to wildlife and livestock reservoir hosts. In addition,
intact, thereby allowing possible tubular regeneration. there has been a marked decrease in disease caused by
serovars Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae since wide-
INFECTIOUS DISEASE spread vaccination of dogs beginning in the 1970s.
Leptospirosis Studies36 have found that male dogs, dogs 4 years of
Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease affecting age or older, herding dogs, hounds, and working dogs are
numerous species, including humans, dogs, and livestock. at a significantly higher risk of developing this disease.
It is caused by spirochete bacteria and has been reported Despite these risk factors, leptospirosis is also diagnosed
in dogs in the United States and Canada for more than in toy breeds and young dogs, and it is believed that


392 CE Causes of Acute Renal Failure

With early recognition, appropriate antibiotic therapy,

aggressive fluid therapy, and perhaps dialysis, many dogs
survive infection, although a mortality rate of 11% to 33%
has been reported.33,35,40 Serovar Pomona has been associ-
ated with a worse prognosis than have other serovars.31

ARF due to pyelonephritis most commonly occurs sec-
ondary to ascending lower urinary tract infection caused
by naturally occurring bacterial cystitis or nosocomial
transmission via urinary catheterization. Hematogenous
spread of bacteria to the kidneys can also occur. Condi-
Figure 5. Cut section of a kidney from a dog that died tions associated with hematogenous spread include bacte-
from oliguric acute renal failure due to leptospirosis rial endocarditis, diskospondylitis, and pyometra, whereas
serovar Bratislava. chronic bacterial cystitis, hyperadrenocorticism, and dia-
betes mellitus predispose patients to ascending infections.
Clinical signs of acute pyelonephritis may include fever,
German shepherds may be predisposed.32,33,37 There has lethargy, vomiting, anorexia, and renal pain. Laboratory
also been an association between increased rainfall and abnormalities may include leukocytosis with a left shift,
increased numbers of cases of canine leptospirosis. 38 azotemia, pyuria, bacteriuria, and hematuria. Abdominal
Most cases of clinical leptospirosis in dogs in the past radiography may demonstrate renomegaly (Figures 6 and
two decades have manifested as ARF with or without 7), whereas ultrasonographic abnormalities may include
hepatic involvement (Figure 5). Affected animals rarely renomegaly, hyperechoic renal cortices, renal pelvic dila-
present with hepatic disease as the only clinical problem. tion, and decreased corticomedullary junction. Animals
Once the organism penetrates mucous membranes or with chronic pyelonephritis may not have the described
abraded skin, it replicates in the vasculature and dissem- clinical signs or abnormalities on diagnostic testing but
inates to the kidneys, where it enters the interstitium. may still be in renal failure.
Organisms can be seen within tubular cells and tubular Escherichia coli is the most common organism isolated
lumen within 2 weeks after infection.39 After colonizing in cases of canine bacterial pyelonephritis. Several

Many items, including medications, household plants,

and food products, are potentially nephrotoxic to dogs and cats.

renal tissue, the organism causes tubulointerstitial strains have uropathogenic factors that allow them to
nephritis with interstitial edema and cellular infiltrate, colonize the urinary tract, including adhesins that
which can lead to swelling and impaired renal perfusion. increase bacterial adherence to epithelial cells. Strains of
Leptospiral organisms have several pathogenic factors E. coli – causing pyelonephritis are more adhesive than
that are nephrotoxic. Leptospiral lipopolysaccharide those causing bacterial cystitis.39 Additional virulence
(LPS) and other outer-membrane components damage factors associated with pyelonephritis-causing E. coli
cells. Leptospiral LPS is a potent macrophage activator include hemolysin, cytotoxic necrotizing factor, aero-
that stimulates secretion of interleukin-1 and interferon, bactin, and secreted autotransporter toxin.39
augmenting macrophage killing capacity.39 In vitro, the
LPS causes platelet aggregation, lysis, and degeneration Lyme Disease
and stimulates release of tumor necrosis factor–α and Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete bacterium
interleukin-10 by human peripheral blood mononuclear Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted by ticks of the
cells.39 These cytokines may play a significant role in the genus Ixodes. Dogs with borreliosis are most frequently
inflammatory response to leptospiral organisms. asymptomatic, but clinical disease can manifest as lame-


Causes of Acute Renal Failure CE 393

Figure 6. Lateral radiograph demonstrating bilateral

renomegaly in a cat with E. coli pyelonephritis.

ness, fever, lethargy, and anorexia. Cardiac and neurologic

signs are rare.41 Dogs typically improve within 48 hours
of administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy.41 Figure 7. Ventrodorsal radiograph demonstrating
Although the incidence of Lyme disease is unknown, bilateral renomegaly in a cat with E. coli pyelonephritis.
the disease has been associated with severe protein-losing
glomerulopathy and ARF in dogs.41 From 1987 to 1992,
several dogs in Lyme-endemic areas were diagnosed with reduced because of decreased blood pressure, micro-
rapidly progressing glomerulopathy.42 Labrador retrievers, thrombi, or renal vasoconstriction. Decreased perfusion
golden retrievers, and Shetland sheepdogs appear predis- leads to accumulation of metabolic wastes, decreased
posed.41 Most affected dogs presented with sudden onset delivery of cellular nutrients, and hypoxia. Stores of ATP
of anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, and weight loss and devel- are rapidly used, and when ATP deficiency occurs, the
oped ARF with proteinuria, peripheral edema, and body ATPase pump is unable to maintain normal cellular trans-
cavity effusion. Clinical disease progressed rapidly, usually port of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Increased intra-
leading to euthanasia or death within 1 to 2 weeks, cellular calcium levels cause further vasoconstriction and
although three dogs lived for several months.41 cell membrane damage. Cell swelling occurs with accu-
Of the dogs tested, all had positive results for B. mulation of intracellular sodium. Vasoconstriction and cell
burgdorferi via serology.42 Other dogs had spirochetes in swelling lead to vascular stasis and occlusion of the blood
renal tissue, and one tested positive for B. burgdorferi via supply to the renal cortex, causing further ischemic dam-
urine culture; however, more sensitive molecular tech- age. Decreased delivery of nutrients leads to cell mem-
niques found little evidence of B. burgdorferi in banked brane damage and formation of oxygen-derived free
tissue from affected dogs.41,43 Further research needs to radicals, which also damage cell membranes.
be conducted to determine whether Lyme disease, vac-
cination for Lyme disease, or an unidentified organism MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES
is associated with the severe renal lesions of the condi- Rarely reported causes of ARF in dogs include enven-
tion called canine Lyme nephritis. omation by poisonous snakes and bull ants.44,45 Snake
venom contains nephrotoxins that produce renal ische-
ISCHEMIC CAUSES mia, alterations in renal hemodynamics, and coagulation
Ischemic causes of ARF include hypovolemia, hypoten- disorders, all of which can lead to ARF.45
sion, and thromboembolic disease. Disseminated intravas- Administration of an iodinated radiographic contrast
cular coagulation due to pancreatitis, immune-mediated medium (e.g., sodium iopanoate, diatrizoate meglumine,
disease, neoplasia, heatstroke, or other diseases can lead to diatrizoate sodium) has rarely been reported as a cause of
ARF (Figure 8). Injury occurs when renal blood flow is ARF in dogs, although it is the third leading cause of


394 CE Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Figure 8. Kidneys from a dog that died from disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with heatstroke. Notice
the pitting of the renal surface due to thromboembolization and subsequent ischemia.

ARF in hospitalized humans.46–48 The exact mechanism Ureteral obstruction is being increasingly recognized as
for ARF associated with a radiographic contrast medium a cause of ARF in cats. From 1993 to 2003,49 37% of 119
is unknown, although nephrotoxicity is dose dependent cats undergoing dialysis for management of ARF had
and more severe in dehydrated dogs.47 Renal damage acute ureteral obstruction. All reported cats with ureteral
may occur because of direct renal tubular cell toxicity, obstruction presented from 1999 to 2003 and represented
tubular obstruction, hypotension, and renal medullary 50% of all cases.49 Most cats presented after sequential
ischemia.47 Risk factors in humans include renal insuffi- obstruction of both ureters due to calcium oxalate
ciency, congestive heart failure, dehydration, and possibly ureteroliths (approximately 75% of the reported cases) or
diabetes mellitus.48 A low osmolar contrast medium, organic material.49 Although most cats presented with
such as iohexol, iopamidol, or iopromide, is less nephro- severe azotemia (serum creatinine: >7 mg/dl), many
toxic.49 Intravenous saline infusion before administration appeared less ill than cats with similar degrees of azotemia
of intravenous contrast medium appears to decrease the due to other causes.49 The physical examination findings
occurrence of ARF in humans. A common protocol to included asymmetric and/or painful kidney(s). Radio-
prevent ARF in humans is intravenous 0.45% saline at a graphic abnormalities included renal asymmetry, bilateral
rate of 1 to 1.5 ml/kg/hr for 6 to 12 hours before and 12 renomegaly, expansion of the retroperitoneal space, or
hours after contrast media administration.49 ureteroliths. 49 Ultrasonography diagnosed ureteral
Miscellaneous causes of ARF are listed in the box on obstruction in approximately 75% of cats, although it may
page 395. take up to 7 days after complete obstruction for ultrasono-
graphic changes to be detected.49 In 20% to 30% of cats,
POSTRENAL CAUSES no discrete mineralized material was identified with rou-
Postrenal ARF due to obstruction or diversion of tine abdominal imaging. Antegrade pyelography using
urine results in retention of excretory products in the ultrasonographic guidance to inject contrast medium into
body. Uroliths, mucous plugs, blood clots, or intra- or the renal pelvis has been used to detect ureteral obstruc-
extraluminal masses are the most common causes of tions that were inapparent with routine radiography or
obstruction. If bilateral ureteral obstruction occurs, it is that involved multiple areas of the ureter.49
usually due to transitional cell carcinoma at the bladder Approximately 25% of cats with ureteral obstruction
trigone, although it can be due to other causes. that were initially managed with hemodialysis had


Causes of Acute Renal Failure CE 395

spontaneous resolution of the obstruction within 2 to 5 Miscellaneous Causes

days. An additional 40% with mild uremia were success- of Acute Renal Failure
fully managed with routine medical treatment. In cases • Administration of contrast medium
in which spontaneous resolution did not occur or • Heavy metals (mercury, gold, nickel, thallium, lead)
hemodialysis was unavailable, surgical resolution was • Carbon tetrachloride
necessary. In the perioperative period, approximately • Snake and bee venom
20% of cats died as a result of surgical complications. In • Hemoglobin, myoglobin
cats surviving the perioperative period, 2-year survival • Amanita phalloides (mushroom)
• Hyperthermia (heatstroke)
was greater (88%) than in cats managed nonsurgically
(66%).49 Renal transplantation may be an additional
treatment option in select cases.
Posturethral obstruction is another potential cause of causes of ARF as well as predisposing factors, many of
ARF. Uroliths, mass lesions, foreign bodies, or strictures which are preventable and/or hospital acquired, can help
in the urethral orifice, whether originating from the decrease the incidence of and mortality due to ARF.
lower urinary tract or genital tract, can cause urinary
outflow obstruction and postrenal ARF. REFERENCES
1. Cowgill LD, Francey T: Acute uremia, in Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC (eds):
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2. Tefend M: Acute renal failure: Diagnosis and treatment. Proc ACVIM
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and effectiveness of therapy. Mortality associated with all between intraoperative administration of nafcillin and acute postoperative
development of azotemia. JAVMA 208(7):1043–1047, 1996.
causes of ARF in dogs ranges from 56% to 80%.40,50,51 4. Mealey KL, Boothe DM: Nephrotoxicosis associated with topical adminis-
Factors associated with increased mortality vary among tration of gentamicin in a cat. JAVMA 204(12):1919–1921, 1994.
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7. Lobetti RG, Joubert KE: Effect of administration of nonsteroidal anti-
anuria, anion gap, and phosphorus concentration. Dogs 7 inflammatory drugs before surgery on renal function in clinically normal
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of death, whereas oliguric dogs were 20 times more likely 8. Trepanier LA: Drug interactions and differential toxicity of NSAIDs. Proc
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to die.51 The mortality rate also varies by cause: infectious 9. Khan KN, Venturini CM, Bunch RT, et al: Interspecies differences in renal
(30%), hemodynamic/metabolic (44%), and toxic (82%).52 localization of cyclooxygenase isoforms: Implications in nonsteroidal antiin-
flammatory drug-related nephrotoxicity. Toxicol Pathol 26(5):612–620, 1998.
Ethylene glycol–induced ARF carries a poor prognosis, 10. Forsyth SF, Guilford WG, Pfeiffer DU: Effect of NSAID administration on
with 88% to 100% of dogs dying or being euthanized.40,52 creatinine clearance in healthy dogs undergoing anaesthesia and surgery. J
Small Anim Pract 41(12):547–550, 2000.
Less information is available concerning the prognosis
11. Poortinga EW, Hungerford L: A case-control study of acute ibuprofen toxic-
in cats with ARF. In one retrospective study53 of 25 cases, ity in dogs. Prev Vet Med 35(2):115–124, 1998.
56% of cats died or were euthanized. Mortality was higher 12. Villar D, Buck WB, Gonzalez JM: Ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen tox-
icosis and treatment in dogs and cats. Vet Hum Toxicol 40(3):156–162, 1998.
for the 72% of cats that presented with anuria or oliguria; 13. Oehme FW: Antifreeze poisoning: Diagnosis, treatment options. Proc
all nonoliguric or polyuric cats survived.53 All cats that ACVIM Forum:50–51, 2000.
were oliguric and in ARF due to nephrotoxic causes and 14. Dorman DC, Dye JA: Chemical toxicities, in Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC (eds):
Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders,
those that were anuric died. A second retrospective study54 2005, pp 257–258.
assessing 119 cats treated with hemodialysis for ARF 15. Morrow CM: Cholecalciferol poisoning. Vet Med 905–911, 2001.
showed an overall mortality rate of 48%. Mortality was 16. Murphy MJ: Rodenticides. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 32(2):
469–484, 2002.
lowest (25%) in cats that had obstructive ARF.54 17. Rumbeiha WK, Fitzgerald SD, Kruger JM, et al: Use of pamidronate di-
sodium to reduce cholecalciferol-induced toxicosis in dogs. Am J Vet Res
61(1):9–13, 2000.
CONCLUSION 18. Welch SL: Oral toxicity of topical preparations. Vet Clin North Am Small
Despite the availability of aggressive medical therapy Anim Pract 32(2):443–453, 2002.
and dialysis for ARF, the mortality rate remains high. It 19. Fan TM, Simpson KW, Trasti S, et al: Calcipotriol toxicity in a dog. J Small
Anim Pract 39(12):581–586, 1998.
is important for veterinarians to be aware of new and 20. Gwaltney-Brant S, Holding JK, Donaldson CW, et al: Renal failure associated
reemerging causes of ARF in cats and dogs. Recognizing with ingestion of grapes or raisins in dogs. JAVMA 218(10):1555–1556, 2001.


396 CE Causes of Acute Renal Failure

21. Campbell A, Bates N: Raisin poisoning in dogs. Vet Rec 152(12):376, 2003. in dogs: 29 cases (1983–1992). JAVMA 208(4):537–541, 1996.
22. Morrow CM, Valli VE, Volmer PA, et al: Canine renal pathology associated 52. Francey T, Cowgill LE: Use of hemodialysis for the management of acute renal
with grape or raisin ingestion: 10 cases. J Vet Diagn Invest 17(3):223–231, failure in the dog: 124 cases (1990–2001). Proc ACVIM Forum:786, 2002.
2005. 53. Worwag S, Langston CE: Retrospective, acute renal failure in cats: 25 cases
23. Mazzaferro EM, Eubig PA, Hackett TB, et al: Acute renal failure associated (1997–2002). Proc ACVIM Forum:827, 2004.
with raisin or grape ingestion in 4 dogs. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 14(3):203–212, 54. Pantaleo V, Francey T, Fischer JR, et al: Applications of hemodialysis for the
2004. management of acute uremia in cats: 119 cases (1993–2003). Proc ACVIM
24. Penny D, Henderson SM, Brown PJ: Raisin poisoning in a dog. Vet Rec Forum:829, 2004.
152(10):308, 2003.
25. Hadley RM, Richardson JA, Gwaltney-Brant SM: A retrospective study of
daylily toxicosis in cats. Vet Human Toxicol 45(1):38–39, 2003.
26. Rumbeiha WK, Francis JA, Fitzgerald SD, et al: A comprehensive study of
Easter lily poisoning in cats. J Vet Diagn Invest 16(6):527–541, 2004.
This article qualifies for 2 contact hours of continuing CE
27. Brady MA, Janovitz EB: Nephrotoxicosis in a cat following ingestion of Asi-
education credit from the Auburn University College of
atic hybrid lily (Lilium sp). J Vet Diagn Invest 12(6):566–568, 2000. Veterinary Medicine. Paid subscribers may purchase
28. Langston CE: Acute renal failure caused by lily ingestion in six cats. JAVMA individual CE tests or sign up for our annual CE
220(1):49–52, 2002.
program. Those who wish to apply this credit to fulfill state
29. Ward MP: Clustering of reported cases of leptospirosis among dogs in the
United States and Canada. Prev Vet Med 56(3):215–226, 2002. relicensure requirements should consult their respective
30. Kalin M, Devaux C, DiFruscia R, et al: Three cases of canine leptospirosis in state authorities regarding the applicability of this program.
Quebec. Can Vet J 40(3):187–191, 1999. To participate, fill out the test form inserted at the end of
31. Goldstein RE: Canine leptospirosis. Proc ACVIM Forum:573–575, 2004. this issue or take CE tests online and get real-time scores at
32. Harkin KR, Gartrell CL: Canine leptospirosis in New Jersey and Michigan:
17 cases (1990–1995). JAAHA 32(6):495–501, 1996. answers are available online
33. Brown CA, Roberts AW, Miller MA, et al: Leptospira interrogans serovar free to paid subscribers as well.
grippotyphosa infection in dogs. JAVMA 209(7):1265–1267, 1996.
34. Birnbaum N, Barr SC, Center SA, et al: Naturally acquired leptospirosis in 1. Which is the most common cause of ARF in dogs
36 dogs: Serological and clinicopathological features. J Small Anim Pract
39(5):231–236, 1998. and cats?
35. Adin CA, Cowgill LD: Treatment and outcome of dogs with leptospirosis: a. ischemia c. infectious disease
36 cases (1990–1998). JAVMA 216(3):371–375, 2000. b. nephrotoxicity d. urinary tract obstruction
36. Ward MP, Glickman LT, Guptill LE: Prevalence of and risk factors for lep-
tospirosis among dogs in the United States and Canada: 677 cases
(1970–1998). JAVMA 220(1):53–58, 2002. 2. Which is an approximate overall mortality rate
37. Hrinivich K, Prescott JF: Leptospirosis in 2 unrelated dogs. Can Vet J for ARF in dogs?
38(8):509–510, 1997.
38. Ward MP: Seasonality of canine leptospirosis in the United States and a. 2% c. 60%
Canada and its association with rainfall. Prev Vet Med 56(3):203–213, 2002. b. 15% d. 95%
39. Sykes JE: Mechanisms of renal injury by infectious agents. Proc ACVIM
Forum:201–203, 2003.
40. Forrester SD, McMillan NS, Ward DL: Retrospective evaluation of acute 3. Which medication(s) is potentially nephrotoxic?
renal failure in dogs. Proc ACVIM Forum:788, 2002. a. penicillin c. doxorubicin
41. Littman MP: Canine borreliosis. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract b. ibuprofen d. all of the above
33(4):827–862, 2003.
42. Dambach DM, Smith CA, Lewis RM, et al: Morphologic, immunohisto-
chemical, and ultrastructural characterization of a distinctive renal lesion in 4. Which is a reemerging disease that has been
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(1987–1992). Vet Pathol 4(2):85–96, 1997.
43. Shaines TA, Goldstein RE, Njaa BL, et al: The search for intact Borrelia a. FIV c. bartonellosis
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44. Puig J, Vilafranca M, Font A, et al: Acute intrinsic renal failure and blood
coagulation disorders after a snakebite in a dog. J Small Anim Pract 5. Which predispose(s) animals to ARF?
36(7):333–336, 1995. a. dehydration c. advanced age
45. Abraham LA, Hinkley CJ, Tatarczuch L, et al: Acute renal failure following
bull ant mass envenomation in two dogs. Aust Vet J 82(1–2):43–47, 2004.
b. aminoglycoside d. all of the above
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47. Ihle SL, Kostolich M: Acute renal failure associated with contrast medium
administration in a dog. JAVMA 199(7):899–901, 1991.
6. Ethylene glycol toxicosis
48. Cox CD, Tsikouris JP: Preventing contrast nephropathy: What is the best a. can cause neurologic or cardiopulmonary signs.
strategy? A review of the literature. J Clin Pharmacol 44(4):327–337, 2004. b. has a good prognosis (>80% survival) when patients
49. Cowgill LE: Ureteral obstruction: A new dilemma in feline nephrology. Proc are managed with hemodialysis.
ACVIM Forum:748–749, 2005.
c. is a rare cause of poisoning in dogs.
50. Vaden SL, Levine J, Breitschwerdt EB: A retrospective case-control of acute
renal failure in 99 dogs. J Vet Intern Med 11(2):58–64, 1997. d. leads to the development of severe metabolic alkalo-
51. Behrend EN, Grauer GF, Mani I, et al: Hospital-acquired acute renal failure sis.


7. Which mechanism has been proven for raisin 9. Which NSAID is most commonly associated
toxicity in dogs? with accidental ingestion in dogs?
a. hypercalcemia c. heavy metal toxicity a. ibuprofen c. meloxicam
b. calcium oxalate formation d. none of the above b. carprofen d. aspirin
in renal tubules
8. Which source(s) of cholecalciferol has been asso- 10. Which organism is most commonly associated
ciated with ARF in dogs and/or cats? with pyelonephritis?
a. oversupplemented diets c. topical preparations a. Pseudomonas spp c. Bacteroides spp
b. rodenticides d. all of the above b. E . coli d. Staphylococcus spp


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