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[SS = Our (Mountain) > one amie | BRAT ante ag TARR oH 6 aftpe Renrrgfer > Reqs aretee afore fare | > Reva ew SE SE, CHE, GH, cee, es, fem, oes SRE oe on GK (TOMER reef) se w94 st 07 0 ea fe cent e weIC POR es stooge a ot ] veeced meee Dr rere a eal crim-Fears (Bay later . art 3 aoe acaba ere 1. RECA aor Bee Fe cs = CHR HE HOPI IE Se pee aig cea 1. FORTE WGA Bey @ eather 8 esta BET HET ete TT Free B x vcooe Bo 9.8908 FF WOE Bae in — [Janata Bank Ltd. Executive Officer (Morning): 17] 8, Mount Kilimanjaro is Akay 22 if Tenzania << 7C. Uganda D. Japan AnsB eG CR CHC AD? fet WEAR MA A A (AF) 08] ¥, OS ta =, eer 4 Br se, eRe As ROR RHR rr Se AE: 3 4] ane OF AORTA a aA ‘tea © ToraBoraHil is located in - PKSF. Ass. Manage: 14] . A.Pakistan —_B¢Aghainistani C. India D. Iran AnsB inabalu’ CA ee ABATE fav BRODER eA TAR: 8] a ACusafin = qatar BR >. The Pigo Island is located in — /Souhest Bank Ltd. Probationary Ofer: 20] A.Tukey — BEgypt China tas 30. Khyber pass is in-/aargladesh Krishi Bank Senor Officer: 1 A. Indi @ india _B.Nepal Pakistan -—-‘D. Bangladesh ™*% a (ex here 00) a. 51, Sree CRS san Gon apes AI SAT ASOT Bea 0 300 am STR ST HE Ce, ere a: so) 1 aah Aree aS aro WT bene K 9 Rane FA OA AUT A ACAD lew aS oP rare erepe Soccer @ evra Feo /ypto AIG 2 3. Sb98 FIT 29 GT “i p98 FIER 28 (ECT WL. 9d98 FI 2b GTZ tae Qwio js the first Arab woman to conquer the Everest?/ GM SIa4 afer SF sheet TOAD AA PHA? [Agrani Bank Ltd Senior Officer: 11) A. Bilkis Habibi 2% Raha Moharrak C. Junkeya Tabei D. Salma Hyek Ans:B 3b, LAT CH SASL TCAD ICA STAT ACA? (ee carat Fee oH aaa ER: 38) Rosen Pewee ot Fire Lamba teas 34. The first Bangladeshi who climbed Mount Everst is — (Trust Bank Lid. Trainee Asst. Cash Officer: 12/Bangladesh Bank Asst. Director: 10] A. Neil Armstrong 3 Musa Ibrahim C. Musa Islam B. Edmond Hillary E. Serpa Tenjing, Ans:B © aercrets PT Ra so Vlaes AR aM HOYT qwrCARITA Fea ot ATCT? (oxen Ryser © sett feracen eer ROT 38) FROM, oso VAG, Yodo WAG, 20d ALQOG, 2030 Ba ® amare wrfaee epee HT BTCA AY ere ere 59) FOG OVY_ AWS, YO® AEG, AON RQVIGLOSY Beas 3. PRET 6 Braces Rea SOMA farses fantarrrD (TFT ATT): 09-08) S.FRCeR 8. Pica 1, SUDA ae Seay RAT ANom OA CAD fem TT (8 BEAD): 30-38) fre 2. oT SORT 3, oir vert + STP orem corer awe forer Fee (9 BBA): 39-20] our eter 1, BoreTe Taft sae Bene SES GORE core ate eer ee (9 BFA) 36-9) Fer eget 1. RIT uae Beat “ Preto coer eee iam vr (49 HI) a *. fiocr 3. fafa OT a La. ARarA GK (WRRNOT eT) HR uWo Lettre ef FRI TTT KAS 1 [ee foto (HEAT): 30.98 a serie YBa 48 on re Rn se-ael ag, Renner er ware HTOTT ARGH [sere fev tenes (oor 2 oT CBRTS ST CH 1 ABO Be Le Corea Bees © CORD HEH VHT BOP [072 (FLEW): 920/544 (ETAT): ad-00) % y 800 AI AM 8b fibia 8. & p80 FTE ¥, b 000 Fibra — QAR ROPE corr eee? [ed fever (2BF7)-09.05) =, aw 2 OT AT, PRMCPTAT qwrt bee do, BIRR FRET corer er Geren (FEB): 30-s0/sroM Floats (RABY Fam oon San CT LEE aR me yo. The Valley of Sw: situated in — /DBBL MTO: 09) RTS Bare GO OFC? [erent Fewaree (Crete 71S FSM): od-30) A. Afghanistan B. India Pakistan. Iran Ans:t 32. Who is the first woman to climb up Mount Everest? (Rupali Bork Lid Oficer. )) SOT ATS A AIST TOTES eA Beale? (are feFerrer (8 BBA): v.39) ‘A. Raha Moharrak B. Nishat Majumder & hunko Tabei D. None of the above Ans:C De, CRTHS BH eT TATA Ce lee fener FE RBA): 3-99) = Pro WSN TY, ue aan tee 3B, CRTC Fee ety aTRATAN ATRL CP? frame feFerree (.4 BBB): so-99] = cen aTaRa fone RAR NT CAN ¥ aT AEETR Bee fifaett (Mountain Pass)/ Btoret (Valley) | rer sot rea eh oA CE ee FAR] Filet —) aa ta a | arena | ca Srsfrat) CAEL, oA eae | —_—— > [retice aray a1 acon aereBh OM amratee Aen Beret (Valley)] “a > raath cic we Sy a oe a ce ae aE coped HRT AALS ACY Zor RASA OTOH, at wr eH wy gOS fine, wenmIceT RANT ARERR OT LT we TA y ae GR sonia == <<" ay RINT ‘i SAAR af x 7 = a CXS ar cmcibnshs in 3. Which is the largest desert in the World? ROR RET ER OR ese fore) %. Gobi XBhahara Thar X.Kalahari | DSRS % The Great Vietoria Desert is located in- 1) Canada : ¥, West Attica 7% Australia W, North America Sent peeat SER GRE SREY ®% Where is the ‘Kalahari desert’ located? \Sadharan Bima Corporation Assist 08) ® USA Europe x 1 Asia _X Souther Attica ARGH oH (eth? Aah Mas tk 40 CHIME “thy I Se Aron wargt ca fr favo : ete HAGEL 4, Meta AM Mh A ty iy wy ae eam aces yar rat Fate (88. 93a} my amar ALM Wow Te a1 Wow laa M4, conta, i, co, na arg A WEN A RU fe Fn (0.3 my Fe SiR soft 41, APH Merion oueatanna r 8, wcenfhrat ws eat Blea Fae amg fr Fann (WE) 34.94) ms a, rete ware ea SGA pt, con semYL vy, one ja ae oft RAT CH CCMA ARYA? (sr Paar (Roe WEEP) 04 ot] ma Bare Acti ort, Baa 4, BIC ‘ve SOLA A — ae et ay-8846) 32.30) . %. FSH AERA 91, Cowra Ta eee 4. RBcatet cary GARR OT AAEAT- forecast: od-s0f £ ates 4 Ce 1, Tare H, Gali, ‘bor Vv Rew Freire argh [awe | aia age itis ratio ETAT “aia sere a m os weg Scat aS LK/ aiedifee Om © Bean ‘Rea gee Geis a fans ents Hib wae bates wep oe IOUT Cat GTS GH RACH SARS? TH me eee 08) > em avis orate sCSer meatier ¥, BH Beat a, RerTTS RA RTA Ca CAC lose Rear fre («BODY 8-20) 2 A.GURETE Al corr ¥ HS Seat 9, HRT SRE RA SYS ACE CHR GY fare 9 a sy oes foc eara (SLID): 39-20] 3 fie %. Seems LGHRTS VRE teat g, Which one is the largest island in the world? [Premier Bank Ltd. Trainee Junior 3/Skakjalal Loe ios Lid, Trainee Officer: 1 Mercantile Bank Ltd. Oficer: 09) A. Australia _B’Greenland —C. New Zealand D. Sumatra Ans:B errs (Ocean) > [sRaera Oye RE Per sane oie aA werira i] ie > qRace TE SECA) AY MS LEAP X) SIPATTS TPN LY SRD TAPS) AAR TEP 2) Tea > Sern RA TATA AACE WT WIAA re TAPP | & ere RENE wee Benet Pak Se REM, mT REAR, a, FEDE Tye, Te > aRGe iro PIA es FAP | 2 Oe RPE TTT ER TTT Ge ( (ero BS) al tine TeiawM YA (HUT ARTI sore Siz) - Seen eerfoa ST AR Stoo TTS ALT SRPET ‘SPR Ben op ey wera ga A ART" Da Fy a > armory fear gee RED SSE EME Sia wera Shawn aT — AA a ART CTEM GE QOURerrikicicnnod >. PRS TT Dy exter stew tee) Xe me m8 8 tae & Re Tee aSiney reppaT aE ah levis fe wee eet! Serer AR EE 1. SOTSs Tae SFA Bas @ RSs EER ES TR Ge ae OE ld Hast xecere pet %, Ao TE A yweskis LENA tas 8. SERRE oR BRITS ERE ROT RD? ere, Sree ee SDS CSTE ADR CR SNE Bay free me SE BOSRE OE & Se RE 9. Ste reas 5 SE tae &. Gr ot ore sem ADE SARS Fa ses me &, Sy ste! = Se 5. OTE 8. The smallest ocean in the world is Bork Led & AX Arctic B. Antarctic jariana =D, Indian Ocean Ans: v Resorts Soy com mea Welker ee é aves FA) 39 5. 3a se %. See RI a CNT NTT TBAE™ 9 S.AEAT) 9.go ete vee fw HT) 36) i NID RS ARKIN WHR aap Beas AEPINA Sone ARP GIN SARS? ood ee (oe VAP): 399) 6 Me Silane ae REPT “Bae AAI ane Dee mie RAAT AAT Ee HAD war feone econ (ek 83): s9.08 * yefit SEM eR wafer 0] a Sas TPMT N.S APPT 4, BA NATE \. Dar vers . 880 Sea CNT BARB? ey By NAT) oso) RE REPT Zo SETS ROAMT 4, ORD RPT Ra tat aipia (Sea) > [Serre SoveT er eTOT RA emPCe AT a] a 7 Bea Reg cad apie af > » “Re gem eB aI a oon, Sas aN, aRET BIR, She omg Aeon ee ae a | o | , Reema Grad orca TE en! Geos) 5 SPR cert A wee art a om > oe eT | * Reet ey eras wera ar ~ SPT, cit >, GSE AIG, aon 5, Gr sie on ie SH Apia Gaaeh aie wei, ww, sifO, BA, A, RoR & oath | Pw wt ) > FOAM (Dead Sea) wakhe- e-em Aa | ¥ y D> FRMSOTA NT WOH REM LS FI AT AAT | > AD ATT OO AUF MAS TNE WAH YS HH Bria >| for tire Brunt afte wrafiice er Serarig (Bay) | > am natie Rt wat abe erate T- Gulf > Renee Rema br fal Bora Reagan a! Renee Btn “ wresifes aM (River) > age Roa a - Fare (Cra ecbCH CaP ie MET ser AG Hon) > Fam eae ame sie » F cen Wo fren (wUE, HR, Ore, > Asam BealS. Oren fect ae aioe Re SrA > Aer acMa TAG wudo ffi > ea yer At (Largest River)- arTE (A Ace afe ove FRCHTH APA -iTaTe He eter Ba CAIBR FECT AAT) STE AAS eS CrATS aif eatRE WT Robooo WRIA | Reg risor TA 9 RE Mey AA BST | STE Aiala Beate wiPrG doAET (t7G- word fe.) SITET at a wIeaftere UB crema Reor Pra aaee- com, FT Toma, FAfeM, FETIET oR THE | STE ait fe Re BATTS TAME | Feces aacocn cath a erate ease AA face | Sree Tt a ae ui eE TALS | es erate secre qeeT AA IT | Rem erate re SIT TREN AA HAGA CTT CH gaae RE Tes eIcaRReT mete IRE AA TATE AAT | vVvVVVv ) VVVVV Vv pa NINE eee re Wea GERI 7 Tage oe aCe RTA BEA nc ala APH BURA (Yangtze), FT WG- woros.&, 7 eran ORE Racer ER coe eR oe Se yp abate RE No AA eT (HAAS TI FA Yellow River) y et > ada Aer aa FIN wcr few He TST RET AS > gree stat (Deepest) FAT AR- STAT (Shes Ss Aer a) > By act Deihe- fares wR ate ag aS Eee p> Agaraaie- wa 6 ieeras ao fie (GR ats ARE Pee ee) > PROT (tee) 6 Walhs (aw) FT Po Eee eT > D6 Weeds gato mae: He om Sac fee > DRT OTT. seco FAR. ame RRR AA OME goo BE, > SATU 6 HRT Aer WARS DRG ae Sez > SORT AEST SEPT, FATT eS ET Er > SORT AAS Bee stile wT cs oe ARETE EF | > SOTA AT MONT Ga a Us De Maas OIA TREE OE > SOF sfe RATE OAPI (Dead Sea) REAMIET NES TR SES TA > Re aA ara AE oft cree or Pie es, 88, eas, Be “Por Ba (West Bank) a SRT] > Om ag Qe ATE OT RE SE ET ETT > Raw Aa Adora wise Ga aw Reo es ER) > Varo que AAT WT HATHA TRS > Roe fa ARR ont ENTE, RACE, He, LT, FEE TEN, WAT ads Gay, IST, AEE, aR, HER, HF SE, ae SR Gas, BATT ER STAT AA | se - > Rewer cats cpt (Land Lock Country): 80 | sataarn ou (cto Fmt, feo fren AACE aia ar | aeyiennet rae alr Recor Shot aaa atrere care cate (mr aascee ier Booncett ects (arya 4, OS a, Berar 4 UIP tas 8. Aerie carr miter fw RAC? omen oftecaa are *ehrE ba) Seema epi ace Cri 4 OTE Bey vo, Nera corr weer fica eater lation Fete (4-BEFIB): 90-36) 7, nite ercafirer 3%, Baa wcatar ot, afer 4. ofa tay 8, i (wet wneara) Ae HA fate Fre sear rep) Which of the following is the longest river in the world? /EXi8f Bank Lid Asst way 33H 8 DT 41, aera 4. SRT tax 2, ott Aten aA er al creer aceG te eta Re (eine ae erent wfiora: 93/2 (argent): 0%-ob frre Ferre eer? freee (Fini fear): 00) a Lob aot Ces van &. The largest river in the world is— {AUBEC Officer: 17] GRA Pe A ore tere io coe cr are fr ae 8 A. Nile B. Mississippi C. Amazon —_D, Padma Ans:C 4. The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea? JIFIC Bask Lid. Probationary Officer: 1 Feo ac ca ners wa Ca HA Pa (0) oot) A. Amazon B. Nile C. Ganges D. Indus AnsiA % Pea Be ca et emaeat w uta sees ene are Ree FAI orc Fentanrey ( WRBFB): s0-39) @ Om A amet a. fecaifen erate =a . RF OER CHADD fre ney) Sorsfimn grone a, sty, far BoE wo Bae a aMCO fare eater CF RBH Facerp): ssa) bg og, Baa cocee HFC 4. nfs cece bare 4, 4h cle APB fn ere ah tae gy, Ree CHT TS Crea FCM See fete coc Fee were hsb ve a fon APRA 9 ART El te S aT AON AA CHAABY cen a consents frre nee roe (2%) » , CRIT a. Banfi sta wR tax isk ROAR HA sere OA et ae ert Ree ee Cees) aw cov FM godt RR woe Ay, pose eS Sea 58. wert AAT CURT COT RR? fora SEM time arb ee 30) 8, Fea aoe 1, ater wore te ye. Brass aA omen era faerie (See afRcen fear fem): 20-22) , fieia AOR orem = y Bae Sax 38, DRT AT oe RHR et ae rare meer Hames 08] 9s BrP A PMA SRO ¥, afce Soot da iP ata itor Aa AA fev etre nemeraE REE ee ake er)scs) ORT 3, RRR 4. ot tas Se, CHA MRIATM ACHR TG TAY PERRY rales weecee ne: co) Sia 8, ofa A eae eam ta 3. CRTAIRTRY ETT Beer Ber are? leven Royer Sgr ane eS ES ®, fore LPM LTR LS te So, Blea aU ARAB Ofer ee wi oR rte Verte Mew OT NY , Gael aay LRT AR 1 SRA TAS oR TE RD. MTT HR catey Catena ae (gS waa rare EE Re: os Bech sift 48 war tes 32, RBcatotay Row A CAADY fener rT RANE Ne ROE TT iP ta 5S OF ten 0. SBR RC CT CTO AAT Aes rT A AT Suites emg RTS SES SS 8 Recatn atin sara A orem 8, OATS aaa 4, ee . Re. tar itr Denar CHAR? rf ree) en tet Bete Rie gs eae ete eS Se A Seen en SIS SH Goes 1 Brerting v7 _SPSE ER RYE Bet ee Oe - See Sor BOS ER pe are Ey 0 se Ot tore ig pein —— 2 afer rests en the «water e : See fewest + Ae 77 = ter me oF SEE . FRAP re We? (Fe (9 BBD): 39-20/08 MRE A, SIE (BM): Se) 3.2 aa i, fies od tas 8 ARR CHA AHR Bic BRAD? eh oat RI es! =. BRET Scand 5. Vai om fg aa, cai OT eR, fete | aineatan ans Gene | ae 5 Sra, a bil SRO | ae, one, ererer | AST SCaR aT —— Bry —— War : - CTE - ar a a ’ SF SF OOS ER i sero a eB SB TA: 59) sae oe 1m Tam ond Se SE OS SER Br See ree Bae eS: os) oy 2 9 Ser &, Fee - SESE GES CSR EE WE BORG? for Stor cheep) SFR drefie fora EraRe engioe oiftatce TA wT | > Roe gear er- aPorae ae | > Rta FR AER PTA AT | > UPR iia Saas PRE STE, TEMA, Rae, Ser ‘eh aT | > aires quem ar oo Qita gee FEIT - HIF > RBar wake orate, ofa ae Bars WORE Hw UrTEhig Bg > aReta paw mA Caw aH (ale ARAFAT, PAT) > Reva geen yore onan ahaa | > Stree pet Br, RGMTA, Woe ae BA | > WD ore are aftr wae EAR 6 FETT _ gp i> > mere aaa cat FT A RPTL | Vv Which of the following fs the Inrgest Inke in the world? (Sundin! Rat ny Trainee dst Oficer: 13] A. Victoria Lake B. Lake Superior C. Caspian Sea D, Baikal Sea Ange RTT IRE HPO MTA CH ATCA AAROY fe HEISE co) , wifeOT a. Baa wrcufte 1. Frit NST ya . Which isthe deepest lake in the world? (Sonali Jonats Bank id Senior Ofer fy sift Shae ge HANDY fide cosa con its. ce MEK WH NE) A. Lake Superior B, Lake Baikal C, Lake Huron _D, Lake Malawi Ansa apa, RAG, A, BA, STIRS AN AA HT HEA FH Ter? fear awE wR) SRST 8. CH ET ATS RH, BORE Dax Which of the following sea is also called Salt Sen? Drust Bonk tid Oficer: ta) A. Bay of Bengal B. Pe nSea —_D, Dead Sea Ans: Dead Sea GARTH WARD? re-erets ree! rs (acer): 39/ oer aR TUNEL Fo] A. EgypttRordan 3 NCAT B. Isracl 8 Jordan 31 HOM C. Teng $A Jordans WAT D, drag SFR Turkey 0 HOT Ans:B GRR HTT ICR ART TANT SICH ARTS ATR? (sree Reet ewe Piva) 3 ae a. ie AS wits ta RAT PREAH CHAT fw Fiw7 were: de) Sore 8, ORE 51, STRIP ‘ai FR SEIShIS WOES oss Re RO ATS RAT AN De ers Re eran (EA y39) 3 TP 4, FT ere Waa ore Bae AE GTAABS AP? fore FevttoriT (8 BOAT): 30-99) SAP a REPT SPR ae TER Bat . fey BERS ort ORT 6 Bis wT wreifee Tara feos Rete lore Reta (9 RSI): 30-99) FoF art a. eat yam | Bet BANS (Water Falls) STOTT Reg FCO AS UREPHS A GPITS RATS TERE ET! SIME SMa BeaS- aT aa Aco ala SHIT STAR face Boor WRITER A wore eM, cog (Swe ¥5/a4p fi.) Frew feo Broo eEEMS- GAT ERTS (aD. Hf SET) parr He CLF Ra See cata, za | 7 fire ROT RMS CRT TTS (WARS. FoaET 6 oer ’ pacar EPICA BAS AR AA car | : Synths PROUT GTS UP Sle iOS aor coe | p Bae RMS HAS TTT | > seh eS (Browne Falls) SaRe- fers | PEA cRCuOpIGUORERERIEICE) y, Which one of the following is the highest waterfall in the world?:\s Trost Bank Ltd. MTO: 14] RAT FLATS CMTS CTAB: lovee eeras oF A. Niagara Falls B. Angel Falls C. Tugela Falls D. Creek Fal 3. The world’s highest waterfall, the Angel Falls is situated in — Trainee Officer: 16] Roe ade Eee woe er coreT weer 3. tat OR erg ya ©. Rein GREP Bere ce AA Ce? femee BEES ok ee 3 e200] San Lacen a os eTeA oe Sear 8 ABM GRRMTS COR SAAR? frst « meer BES (Sere oes 2 sofa he ar esr Rom eer (Fi BESS): 39-20] aia 5. TRE. oa 1. SAREE bin _ : fr 8 RRC TT BP she mae game carte ce] SAMOA ot, feoTe cHeaTe a, ears Bees, — CHR BARD? fea sereres Sher fe eet rahe os SSC seer tere OF — % Browne Falls are situated in — (Bosc Bett eer 18) A Australia B, New Zealand C.Canada DD. Switzerland Ans: weaiy (Cape) we ae tor Sug sa | See TTS Serra Seat See Woe SATS Oe > Baris caret Get aA oF RE ANE NOS TRS RE MTS SETS SG Be 1 £e% VV VV Beare ret Care RICE AARTY (re TH eH ee 09) Se AT AT fer evetare (9 BBD): 08-09) Ba a eat a. Bt Wade — = ofa a aed orcafter ot, onfer chim i Baw EN CTA HC BALE (enor Fett (WED): 36-0) 3. OD ater eet 9 Roy Pm dae STs ST wefte- Hea Sfta HidOr AA aTTS a | ais abhor gq aS FI Gar ora mem ai Ft SAC Tre Shanes see BTA Fac trem er ee oATAT | DODEsSRCIG isnot CER RE REM BA ate CALEY oe fee (ATA): 3) SS LITT aR Wate a | BRR + Which is a man made waterway2/cart sft staf argu wat FREY ssi Sok Ltd. Officer: 02) A, Strait of Gibraltar B. Strait of Bosphorus C. Kiel Canal D. Cape of Good Hope AnsC - Which one is not a man made waterway? (Mercantile Bank Lid. Oficer: 04) A. Strait of Gibraltar B, Suez Canal C. Kiel Canal ash D. Panama Canal Epien esac ta) Bis ite be Ds) D CA Qt TAS va RNRPETC AR HATRE free fete (B-RSAB): 39-20] A. Strait of Gibralter B, Suez Canal C. Palk Strait D. St. Georges Channel + TR et corer wear everh Reaaare (arora @ wer eT: 09-08] fetter et, Severe a. 9cg Rm | ¥, Reaacat + RAM emt aR? ore Fee (FRET): 39-22) *. 35m i, areeTTont a, erst 4, SAS +R ee copper awe la Bae sera SET TERA: 99) %.3E 6 ofan A, AAPA -SATST FTA 1 SNS sept FI Hy, STATS HPT TA AP . AR eh coma corte CAT IAAER harem eT FRE IAM: 33) Bay @ mee 1, SITS GARETH 1. COMET @ aTeeTICT 1, GAS 6 Alert Ans:C Peay eat Cea TecaPra as Stone wT = ena APT FRYE HACK ‘ariel (Malacca) | Sarina + GtST apa zA(Sunda) SAS TAPIA + GIST ATP Jaret St — Sst >. The Sunda Strait connects —Wahangirnagar University (F Unit): 18-19) A. Java sea & Indian Ocean B. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea C. Mediterranean Sea D. Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea Ans 2. TERT etre AEA fom (safe 46 FEM): 08 So) 7%, aoa afer + Pet afta 91, 94 afer 1, feof afr Tat ». Cor ce ere weracar Pie Bl TMA Beet URE TACT fer fever ESB): 03.09) %, Cafae 1 1, 3a 8. TTA aaica Borer aA carte Pond aree sens: oo! A. Tango B. Tibet . Thailand D. Tasmania rec AMC ee CAC CU AD fee reese Fr (faerstee) Brecon ee a, ae sf), corwra tft FS SACHA GT MIMACAE DAT! ATC fore Fane ear’) Prev (aT) 38) 7 Rohan eam a eT eI Weare BS att M1. aRTTT te Ans pe ‘goX (ons PRAY) NE viv tlt “ axe ae Ghee ola | WP} Ba ot é —<——————— tila AY SOe ae oe hs WOM feng aarsta/alaest Bla usta | I (Wormosa) sys} BA >it | ee | i i ; | confer = ents RW core: 4 Bla oust og eat UP a eee ‘tera Chany a say ob GARY PU afer iat Det (ata) qa “Bawa PTB Sey tay sap outa et PAT NS Weenwearsysnereailett | > vy Bag atte aro At seyibter, sstaIOrT | / eat TA TET TOMER FE TH POM Sore aH a eae ; ort CATIA PACS WEI fol “eh sez’ (Cape Horn) ez enn ERT 30 Te Fee (y eae) ga ATT TE ST TTS BR Sb FT| 1 eer we am ative A TA eFeAAD fOr eH EF ; aes FAN AA AF Be wR 308 AIA | 5p TAIT ITA TAT PIS TS BA SY ACT | MATT AI OG - ro FS, > RT ATT OEM ST YT CHS BA- 9¢ SEPT, sey8 AA | > FRA TAT GI Sioa TIS @ RORIS- TT aeTEE | 2, RTT I CO HRICHCM? FRvert ane exert ft Ras ome (me EEr) 32) 3. FT 4 Gea Sioa a. aft srfter ws te STAT ST CB CO HEPAT YS PAC? [ae vx Rm/aezs Re} FUDTBS e rae 8. SIGS 6 eons REPS 4, SRS 6 omens wea 4. os 6 Sap tet Ser rafter mies cater Fafa ORE COTA EMT? ine eee Suacer meer se aR an et acre at 1, PACT SAT, TRTET eT tex Ser orafirerce afte wearers Ane Te BATE (of fees cerke Ret PRR: 9 ers ete Fa rea free (ze): 39] Gate eee, =, onan et 1, CA TOA 4. GF Xu See © ORT ert eta mene ACH AI ere Lee Wer wet 3) ‘ ay AL years 1, you Seat TET ter reat ae set tera Fre ee A RY 2000 AN a. Spb AIT «1. Sbbw MI, dea 2 wees Neat Rea: se) %. Baa areata « fie i, oferat 6 BBeatet TSR @ afin rca a, wafieat @ BEcat Sens oa Ae = | eters a FAS MMR AF Sey aIReT ae cafercer Gopi + SIDES | GARTST (STR) (Florida Strait) | 724 fear 03, GRIFRET eH oat IE HIATT! IS PACD le recen Emme efter whe 05) =. cafe @ freTTE 4 cca Brnis 6 wines sera 91, Sea ma 8 Cafe ATT ¥, Var as © HTS Bay corer ef o RPT OT (eresifee Rea) sn 8 SEE 3 FYE FAK Be aE ae Saran Roe | wa - BCT (ee of Dover) ee Sarr Tsay Re yeaeT aA gen teat SaaS Banteay mEEE wes (GARIN), eet (arith), HOTTSTA (GREE), > sete FTOTH SCE APT A AEE FT ae Reg Stee aR REPT sit (C9S-C¥0 FEAR) FE ORE yb aDHE dd@b FIT | QOORERSIERInmon NGG RCRD ‘ RFT DITENET RS PUR? orb atey cats meh are wes: $9) S. BOTS 6 Is TEPC 3. Sea ape ¢ abaIs yepATS 4, TAS FRAP 6 SAP TCE 5. BPD 6 GIS PATE Seay ¥ Reo Te Desa PCA Fe RS ATR ler Fe ee owe ee) ST B.TTRAPT ST CARR CT a, catia ete Verran Beare ® POUT CALS BAH PUT HATE CHA AY lore Fem rs Fee (oT )s om) 3. GE ae 1. RRR, 4. fae Seas 8 Te GRIPE) Fes oF eka Ror OT Store GRE wa sep Elon rameter recan @Pnitbra aarti: 3>/ eran CAR OMATTT: $e] The first Bangali who crossed English channel is — (City Bank Led. (Probationary Officer): 16] % CSA HP 1, MES GIO YA DR Seay & For one oem ere Tet BRETT AN eda eto (BES), od-So) STS BRT GRA 1 aS ORES WORE an Beet ? ay hon + ERP @ STP S ERICA AC aT era ERT | = ae 3. a 41. PRP mo 4y. + RST eH CIR Bw Ae aeATRY fans a aH ox 0m ery S. SR @ SSS TAPP A. PTS TAPP 6 UTR = RETR Cm CO TAT RCO (rel wear seers Saree a. GafawT ene 9. Roe eur % Ca SFT HRT MICHA SECA Ce LH BeaTEY &. STeT +. gro 1 Oe 3. aT Bax = PRET et cet TA MIC AE ATRY last eT: 00-05) . ADIT 6 TaAT 4. Gira 6 om 91, STARRETT 6 CPT YL WCET 8 Cm - Se: RE PEG: ya) ‘ 1. Gite Fy tee aR Aaa MR Ye RAT latte Fem (7 BBA): yo-se/ertir ferme weet Free (at): s2] %, Fore Fite wire cory, rT y, rcafierafint Bax = ox (cee, FRIMAED).A 00 ee hnsis Cie cart reer aa 0 LAG on eter (Strait | PROW A HI ata | oye Cpany = Bary Cpe) oe gosp hors) safer = Wet ol - deo excel (Strait | MM oI 4 ia | ary Cyan) — Beyer Cg) 8 ‘of Dardanelles) ala wafer = B Beart i go eral BGcaferatet aie (alee 4 BGca04 Gon sence alos) p gre aA cea BECALARL TG Hees Fee appRaDT aeier, aia m4 we eden eee et 5 Ue FSA TT TB arene Mec Benger mica 4 Sobre tae lteatarrten LEO CR AN GUAM BMH NPAC By HCACR Faekua cco Farwy witiom ce setomewe afore sie: 38) w, fagrora 2. PR PAP A, ae ML, Sen Seat a, Arar atc Ftc Tee Htc Brew A eer ABE (ats (kamu eee»): on-ov 4 PAA Al amicfept “1, cafe, 4, fora bra Saas 2, Me BCMA et CACY, CAT CHAD se feona Lal « fanz etiore ote oe 38 7, fears erent -t, otep etter AA, PPA fey, wanper sete ATG 8 A eT ITCH ete Sent MEGA Gepyrsyay | | (Strait of Bab Al Mandab) > fetes BAR Eno soe RS SSP FEN > dees HIF SAN SIS OF UIE Do SRE BERT RE bes ae, > ier aise Be > WAS wee FT Se “Highway to India” > SID SAC AA STOR WTR RECRIO BF RE TRE EE EEE aoe Se > & > > WES IR CHG- b0.0 SAR cm TSE 28 He) fies Uae SF BTS SE RL ETE eee a BRIS DAIBINS GS CEST SITS FRR te fe EES SO ore SFR Re 1 oe €Rer ve \ SS APH © CTRS Ahtas RO RS SRE A pe eee ot? S. TAT SRE 1S % we ©. PRIS SHER RAT ROS RS SEE CS OT =. Ree any SCN ACTA SR SAR STE Rep es Sverre (Sy SWUM LEAT eka Ree SE A. SE SF COR OR OE Ra loves Rhen/xGe mee eres meee EO! t x . F. dow 3. Seep 7. Soe %, 3508 aa . FEHR ST CR ARCH BOTT Rap fsdere Reeorer (a] 2 pitic wz nd the Caspian Sea rans sea and the Red sea «pei ve znd the Caspian sea = Metiterencen sm dn the North sea Raa p, LT SPE TETAS, OPE TE OE. OR CH ley2x feign) 2 eer ote, % TET oe OLE TR, Oe, a, ite cori teat 1 EE TAY ATG PR [or Faoaage (2 BSG): sts) 2am abe an term 4, tm, forte an Matera 1 ORG ART Ee TAA 4. toom, fAeenomere tes 4, TR BIL Fe Pa loon Her) ate 4% 4. ee ic] teen 4 FRAN & RCE AINA SEE GP ATR ve fealeare (WP) og os) 4 sere 4, ae 1, TS S.aR--orer Dee nal. . a gene | cies a + ater | Bora - fags (Strait of Bab Al Mandab) | ePara frat - erties Feces rae Batters Poca Baie eo peor TAS eT oe ay Swe FT SAT FS GF RH do FET A Beaty Sea- yeu are | ftte- afta fe er | ‘We es Ft B- ‘Highway to India’ ae a MT IAT PCR RECA BHT AT AY FO WIT S000 fa WT APH CAG yd0.9 FFA. eR TSO 28 FTTH | fit Se FT GTS FAISTA- Qe GETZ, Sev FIT BRE DADC GPO NS SCT eH te fer Siew TEP aH Bem, Seat A SITS S TAP GAT DAT FAS | ~VVVVV Vv MAT TCH FF “PR? (goa fan! wah 4, Bf 1, ora ©. Reale eat RRP @ CRD A METAS eta aT oer Fore (4 BD): on) , RTET AMAR 1 ST Xa Baa % ARTE RE RIT aC A CATR Ce ae Fe 7%, fears erty APTA ety 9 TCR AIA nT XL. Cafe ont Beat 8. ARSE RICH I CATR er eT (6 BAD): sy-39] . 2am, gfe @ Bee 4, FOO, Reefs ae Bhoace 5 Rem, cata @ BATS 2a, aise omits «=| BF . eae (re rea Fatex wort: steer ar fr ste 3] ue Cet, Fy water eet a ae wn ‘ST PT RH? (odary ere (9.9 BBA) 9038) . rere A a a ties DEL RH [ovr Renate emer vem ere afb 99] ». Stash doe tL Seb > Y bes vet en ‘RE BA Ie (nda feta (9. BBA): or-od] dbp W. Seep TY, 9984 mart ST Mh Uc, salar waa “ga St 91, MIAH le 1, yearn ster amo ene ne suez Canal Connects 0 (Hanyladesh Krish Nauk Sentor Officer 121 Oy © or MT CAI CTA PIMNACA OIE CAT four alee edimscan aoe a, 3) 4, Baltic sea and the Caupian Sea 4, Mediterranean nea and the Red ea 4, Red sea and the Caspian sen ¥, Mediterranean sea dn the North sea Saat _ ace AL Nc CE sem eC CH elt faye fun v6, (oir etetfer 91, aopRAPL cafe 1 aca coal etter u, cafae eyeney — 1 AA SCA eS RCAC (ure Fanlangern (4 Biota, 1) SS) 2 URIOKI, forghs wae Blaha — ol, Bec, flrs wae ‘ernie a Bart, CORT Mate Bab ICR a Barer, faa ae omnfernce — eae ACT HHA FAIRER for fain) mah 9, BY at, earata H, Becafar Beat MAP @ cnnfess orice ses ele AI frm Patan (4 POH): 00-04) SETH A MIMicafert eas MA Cea sss 4 Ry pF TR 2AM 8 RT a 1 Gifh ara 6 RYE ara airA4S | > WTS Ut wiftares year TaeaT “IRey SPAM IC ot Te ore of fat Sr Cola waco ETAT, A CCT TA eR tn rte WORT [ca aE aE voaTa RCH FS BpHRE RTT: Se) * eae oe 3G Bop @ ay Bomar 1. fegrOr 6 ones Brana LNT I 6 BAG Hpac Seg TT aa Rt care aa BARS? lereertine reer Fer (Pt) 38) trey Borat 3, STE FF 91. aaa 1%. Sra Fits saz ». Sa wet Soa sara Few co eR orem we Remy Dee? fee Reena (arate ata, aR @ OTT): 39-33) 7. am @ Bare 3 Bitar @ flere 51. GER ¢ fafa WRITS Glad Srfians @ Say tae 8 ATSB STAT WAI how ese yu) , Sarafe @ APRA AAla Fire eae 7. GRE « Baio wa fate eae 1. orgafeat @ Amita aaa Riere ears RT AAT @ Ceorame Ha FETS eter tax CLOT CHF CHC TAG FA? [sy HR %, 2a 4, STO Ca wae tax aes Boonicaa Sea cmt aE caratby *. a 2, Bare 41, BOTH ¥. 2a1aF Bent F A SRREMTS CH COM WARP FAS Ora wie a, BO 4. Fare ¥. Bary bat Ye ale ett ee ecace eT Hcy %. WTB @ Bary 3. Bare Bary 1 FIG Bre wafianS @ Rata Wart @ aa Beat + Tee cre Fen we THE eI HE ome eqD * 90S @ Bam a, ger @ Bam 4. Bae @ Bay, HOR e wee Ba 2 r a { Hi got 8 . anmeae 11 0h At {fbi afta a React yt i yx? Gan orwcray ARIA PG ob? Gee orcas Saree [ea eaten | Rawat aaa —) ani oS SIP | ate eat Cay Wile Fay qaaeat IST ¢ ST | a sae < as —— er ae) Bee | Seay RESt a, Se Guwr | SOS, ST | RSET SES TERESA | ARUN, Scale RF =. Westen | Reyer | FAR SR fre Sg wars TENE wey =e | Ey Tet BF WE TS | Se Seeetne | Sea wet | SIRES SUATS @ SEM ( Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp): US sae a MEETS Wie akTe NSH ME GR NS eae BR URE R008 ATI <& saris Hf SSIs TRY ANTS ats | S8o0 STH Se Tne SETTERS TERE FETT TT show SH ReSe Sen Ss Seay Sta ats Bes Rr MRR UP WR ag, (Cactus Curtain) aret / sands Baht ee Son of God > Tala f Baficrt (Colony) Satert | wants wacr Bicer OF OFOe ies) TTS ‘Gatace fiat | CHCPTAT arr Reiotet | RTT afer Rea | aga i Fa afar mT | Feteriaa reco ae CPT WCU eae ort FCAT NOTTS fafeat, Gramm | STA HST CrirerarT Wer, at | Goa fetes, Carafe wore | ares a SICaISET Sor | > GREATS, SATE, TIO, WA, feralS, aR, Git, sm ¢ aigera Boia fier — zr | > Safar ReoroAM, WaeAT we mTOR RES ea se I Bons Boas a Bath Seb | > fSorertit aiene Safes A ce HPS mT eR ee Rom aE (9d8¥-@8) aTgTH > doo FIT WATE ATS wa BcuiSaT e ANE > MSOF TIPE AT Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic > Safer reer re cece WET MS CH S99 TET | oT Oy Her oe > SRTER a RMT Ther AT GD aaneeE ARTS aE S8¢o IE QW GERI | CATER etertee Far - ab TE are deeb acer Serer WAST ig Ba ATT * S088 710 Bie cece aaa aad aca ee ATT Ar > soe9 =I DT Dated oiecens @ aPeaec BOTT Te eR eT \ > aA WHS 6 ea caET- comer AEA Ser DS 2809 SI SEO ae cise WoL ATS wa NAPA * Arca wire ame cipgamet «ee —__ Srl eg arg zen | Seer apo 4 Bo SHAT AOA AIS a- souy ANT fiom Sei ByreeT aaR dbo AI Gift | 5008 I Srnret aR wittrast ye aadige eat AT SOE Bea — ORE 2 SUSTWORE AIS ear seek TT EUS Ghegsbug) Racer WH Wee ATS See = ovo FTF | Sobol EOS A Gea WE STRIP Bey - 1 Sr “Pin Feeee MATE SICA CIE OTe — a pT WATER 9 cae 3039 aim ade AME on Te FRR _SRCES fe Fa peg | ‘Svefta VERE AIS wa BOE SERGE RU | L > eMrcefin wee Reto ae DBO FTE | See RE oo ere A eT | ~ areth atic — AN ang re Wi TT] wa ate [se [rear [me | pe fa [eT sie | eae (Ba) | eae wea [RA | bo ae RR isa dee tet | wRwey | ey [Reo a SMIRCHEO SEURUUE GMIEICET SCRA COR CHEM BIR CO MRA ATS Hay fH | eo aa 2 BS pubes eat Ao rere sree rem care Cree Bact ety ver «er for were 2g) 3 3. ST 4, Bot ogy ver SURE Te singe FBR Ce ore SAH flat bre Fe , BR 1a a ecaem WARTS Beat ~ What was the former name of Sri Lanka? (tums Bont Aut Ofer: 12) &. Cylone %. Ceylon si. Shin Hal, Sealon vere * Who wrote the autobiography ‘From third world to first world? /sraz aro; 10/Basic Bank Assistant. Officer: 09) ©. Indira Gandhi 1, Lee Kuan Yow "1. Mahathir Mohammad . Aung San Suu Kyi 7 tart In which country the Mau Mau Uprising (1952-60) occurred? (sort & Jona Bark Ltd. Senior Officer eae % Usands re Rwanda i, Kenya Nes Senet 5m a TET MTS AT (oe eT ETAT a *. Soay A dba A, dobro . x watearn on (oreo fr 40 Shireen ay aha CHCA EA 8 Garo Ty worm | tm worn | at ang } bupiias meri ey | 7 Avera fia ferfean (oka fants xa acm | ring weatem | ang | _ | alata Carri cers ana afar CATCH orthen fate a ar “atefem wae oa atop | tae anne (yeaa | cercsioar Seanetm ah fafa wera [ATA | gare ae | aan ate ‘tena [Tela (eazy [ea cate | one Cerenfery aabfen 5 wryfecn 3. What is the former name of Japan’? [EXIM Bank Lid Trainee Act Oficer 18) Os ONAN GATE A fore foatamner (85460 94-34 abana fastennire (4 BSE): 3298) 4, None of these eort %. Kangoon 4, Bombay 41, Nippon Be TERT cet 44 ate Jar Fagen (64 80) 34-96] 4mm, 4, ft fa 4, wonton, Breer e % Present name of the country Siam is = fAgrani bank Lid, Officer: 10] Os CHA ce cet anc fais fay lotro fifiay / oxen Febsarn ven %, ¢ Brune #, Bhutan +1. Nepal Thailand ‘fier Seay | sabe en err wlhter sie ant ct WAVED cys Pas POX etre Same Aster gerafeer ear Peep 2 ‘goon WC GUT SHRM 1 stqe aur Afar freFifr wuz rare se Caeee WATE eS et yooRBe pT BPA eal exc AAAS WL Rood ae geHSCH URTEMIBIW aKOIA EFS zt | caftevon WRrePHT ie WOE! ee Qosm Mee ge HHICSTE Relacrar UPeTRT eeted sca eae Brace A | Fearnect oS ue eer aoa) MB wMscera AAA eta TS HAL APH GHG | sew our FEMA wera AA ee GAO AIA) HCA eae | NaC AI RECT IBY ore Aa MHA Frat ZS (Moro National Liberation Front- MNLF «a Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Wife WIL goss Fe CEA ATT OREAIPES RIES Bre AT HG WA GE AeA MB em eres WA GIG PICT | Pree IAfer Oba Fa wa A GET TARR RTI FRAAAT | GPA Hever Cearelh etcacet wale ier egw Bale | cree opr ce RFA Ballet etcetera aT aay era spay eet Berea Bea e eater er aH WA wiser AR adc ray Aevet sere Fare AGA Ga WOT) EE egy eea | wiierra AbaqwrAaN Rae AP LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), 8 cen eRadatba sree feces ASPs ewryat | Qoor rice eisl=Pat Aas CRM Ree reat HaUFS MCD | oe - ee alge weal Wa ation SHC PHD ‘Ct | PKK (Partiya Karkere Kurdistane)4t sgh SUPP} uf ear ae 1 ah pT HEL ICS GN, Rar, Baas ae ifAA | Soo a wr! BLA AAT HT Ssoracein iQ ofebrr sry PKK gitar side Pat dabd soos iy way @ Ged Rarcewa lit ors Banfi Feat APR CIC WT oC FR | Sy ©, CRATE CAR CALA CUFT AR? (eS zor sary dies Seeee: BwOR MOAR) 2098 AES NEE eee HIS TEI TABS BT | 2009 THR 29 Bae TR rR WIRT CAT Saos Tew AT Regs Riba ores CoAT ORT TT | ort OTT A | ae Tara Sa Aaa RRoAT [Sze we Pifeen/Sare a SAT | See wr ae IFAT ORT Sere Ga oiecasan we | TSH CTY ia | Feegere aaiaal et | rr ae ait ar AeA AT | oF wee arr [FARC, M-19 | #7 >. CIA GRRE HOT HT Sew? feed see Serer epeTe ce) STRAP yA aES 9. OP SOT Sax ‘Central Bureau of Investigation’ CHA CCT SARC? BE ar em a see) 3. OS 3 eae 9, PRIS SoH tas se] Sa | NST 51, Se LaF tae B. TST CR CAT CHAT RAIA ATA? far sn Steere sep eeeTe HEE: ot) , fafa 2. onsite DRT as @. Cem we (Fair-Fax) Sy farce oS gers eb ae weed ses (PF) NS) UG Carer ofs ony re ERT 5, TEMES el CoTTPAT ART 1, Soa Gel aS ET 5 Ty CATS TIES OB AS CMH RRCST a & RERGT Ce Creme CoReT RRNA? for are meee woes: oe) Sse, BHT SARE SOF tar Qe TTC cote CMB CTA CHCA WIRY apes rea feimtag RemeniereeBN Ye Ge mE, A He fem fer sh: 95) SIT rece FS we HR, ay Rae BS Se FET 7. ROM eee AFB we CoC XAT Rca wwe BRE BEAR ReaD Ae (Rew Rem oe) 91, Rar yaar sg Entt A 6 SARTRE Rep REE 0) ee res GOT NEA AT SSR RTT SOF TRAD FT Vase ost Aftsermnt a | Sea ye19" FOR THO CHET FRAT lee ge cee ofa tere oN oa) ‘lee 8st aM, wwe | Bane pee Rt ork Seat ERT) ~ oS AN SLORRTEND cist ada « aaes Rue BS Nae PA EA vert DEuIAhIniRC Sah y (RAW is the name for the intelligence Agency of which country? jv (ci: 1617) \ %.Sti Lanka India Wlran Beat a BM OTT ATT tree veer (CE op oa) paws §. cufaerd Ss WOTe Bey, wae ert 8 MUG" HR GIEAR CTRHT AR (eek Rveree (Gere fe fens os-ea) ai ¥. Sa 4.3 %, oF very & SU GER GIR ONT RY Des vas RANA): 20.39) TITAS SSR s.r BRIT Cert © RGR GBR GIR CTT ART Dare vA (FBT): ob-09) Sa 23m . SSRI WS Creare Beh Day ASRS URL eee Avtar ER) oF01! 3 isa Te {FEMS RATE 1, DIG ARR AT Beast \ Sars ta GON CRCTS CARAT FRAY Rare verre (AANA: od-09) SRR ST sah i tay % Wher ey ara RTT TEAS [ea Reema (8 BFB):29-00) Thee SUNS 9, ye \. Fememt — Dagay », AR RS EPRI FTE oer vere (WRAP any ey SLATE WSN Bere RES cag cree oer RAT ae etre REA Ea =. Se 5 x Ree , Dery ® Contra Guerrtias are found in-/weFsn 8 ere we * — yy e Nicaragua —$. Guatemala. Costa me afar wren) ig me ive : See ne eT WE 91, BR Wart Dany ys, SBR oe ee mew et oe oA ©. one onfeeT RR crate oer dene * Serer aetate Ft N. RERTOAT ARRAS lg

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