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2022년 2학기 논산대건고 대비

고1 중간고사 대비
◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시
◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호
1) 제작연월일 : 2022-09-25
되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부 또는 일부를 무
2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜
단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초
외에도 저작권법에 의한 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다.
제작일부터 5년간 보호됩니다.

① easier and bigger

② easier and cheaper
• 먼저 답안지에 성명, 학년, 과목코드를 기입하십시오.
• 문항을 읽고 맞는 답을 답란에 표시하십시오. ③ harder and more slowly
• 문항배점은 문항위에 표시된 배점표를 참고하십시오. ④ earlier and more important
⑤ harder and more expensive
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Most teenagers love to shop for clothes. A day
out browsing in a mall is one of the most popular
pastimes among young people. Part of the appeal
is finding the most recent fashions at affordable 3. zb 3 ) 윗글의 밑줄 (B)를 대신해서 쓸 수 있는 어휘가
prices. Bagging a bargain has become a thrill in 아닌 것은?
itself. At the same time, many more of us are ① a bit ② a lot
shopping online because it is ____(A)_____ than
③ still ④ far
shopping at local stores. Not everyone has access
⑤ even
to the Internet, but we are surrounded by so
many ways in which we can shop. Sometimes it is
hard to resist buying current fashions at a lower
price. This is fast fashion.

Eco-fashion, also known as slow fashion and

sustainable clothing, is trendy, too. Motivated by ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
concern for the earth, green consumers choose Most teenagers love to shop for clothes. A day
natural fibers or organically produced fabrics. out browsing in a mall is one of the most popular
Taking responsibility for the environment and pastimes among young people. Part of the appeal
considering a garment’s carbon footprint has is finding the most recent fashions at affordable
become an important consideration for millions of prices. Bagging a bargain has become a thrill in
shoppers. In fact, wearing recycled or itself. At the same time, many more of us are
second-hand clothing has become fashionable and shopping online because it is easier and cheaper
seems to be (B) much more than a passing trend. than shopping at local stores. Not everyone has
access to the Internet, but we are surrounded by
1. zb 1) 위의 도표가 설명하는 개념과 관련된 예시를 윗
so many ways we can shop. Sometimes it is hard
글에서 두 가지만 골라 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.
to resist buying current fashions at a lower price.
<조건> This is fast fashion.
- 동명사로 시작하는 구의 형태로 영작하시오. Eco-fashion, also known as slow fashion and
(1) ___________________________________________ sustainable clothing, is trendy, too. 지구에 대한 걱
(2) __________________________________________ 정이 동기가 되어, green consumers choose natural
fibers or organically produced fabrics. Taking
responsibility for the environment and considering
a garment’s carbon footprint has become an
important consideration for millions of shoppers.
2. zb 2) 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것 In fact, wearing recycled or second-hand clothing
has become fashionable and seems to be much

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more than a passing trend. ④ We should share clothes with our friends.
4. zb 4) 위의 밑줄 친 우리말을 [조건]에 맞게 영어로 옮 ⑤ Reusing garments is a kind of smart shopping.

motivate 어휘를 활용하되 필요시 변형할 수 있음
다른 어휘를 추가할 것 7. zb 7 ) 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳
_____________________________________________ 은?

However, chances are that you are already

greener than you think.

① ②
5. zb 5) 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ③ ④

① The most popular pastime for young people is ⑤

browsing in a mall.
② Shopping online is as easy and reasonable as
shopping at local stores.
③ We shop in various ways since nobody has 8. zb 8 ) 윗글의 밑줄 친 문장 ⓐ~ⓑ에서 어법상 틀린 부
access to the Internet.
분을 각각 올바르게 고쳐 다시 쓰시오. (완전한 문
④ Being able to buy latest clothes at a lower price 장으로 쓸 것)
is why we prefer fast fashion to slow fashion.
ⓐ Once you start to go green, you will find lots of
⑤ Millions of shoppers have considered it important
ways which you can get into the eco-fashion
to take responsibility for the environment. scene.
→ _____________________________________________

ⓑ You will also discover how easy and rewarding is

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
being green.
Making the decision to be green is not really a
→ _____________________________________________
big one. It is not difficult. ( ① ) Some people
think having a green wardrobe is going to cost
them more money or be too much trouble. ( ② )
You may already have shared clothes with your
friends or given your old clothes to charity. ( ③ )
Or possibly you have reused clothes instead of ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
throwing them out. ( ④ ) Just add ′Reduce′ to These days top designers often work with
your going green list, and you will make a real eco-ideas and eco-practices, too. They make sure
difference to the environment. ( ⑤ ) to ① source their materials ethically and publicize
ⓐ Once you start to go green, you will find lots their eco-practices. ____(A)____, one designer
of ways which you can get into the eco-fashion came up with T-shirts made from bamboo and
scene. ⓑ You will also discover how easy and organic cotton. Another designer launched a new
rewarding being green. Just knowing that you are eco-friendly line of glasses whose shades are
doing your part to preserve the planet for the made from over 50 percent natural and renewable
future is one of the best feelings ever. resources.

6. zb 6) 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? One of the ② pioneers of ethical clothing is

Bono. He and his wife ③ aim to create a global
① Making a green wardrobe is rewarding. fashion organization focusing on trade with Africa
② It‘s not easy to change the environment. and other developing countries. In 2007, they ④
③ There are many easy ways to be green. launched a clothing division producing T-shirts

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that are 100 percent sewn in Africa. Their experimented with recycled fibers. In the
organization has joined forces with a conservation meantime, some stores are looking at ways in
society to form the Conservation Cotton Initiative. which they can encourage customers to recycle.
This program promotes eco-friendly cotton In 2015, one major store ⓑattempted to improve
farming and is helping to ⑤ lift farmers out of its eco-standards by giving its customers a big
poverty. discount on a new pair of jeans when they
donated their old ones to be recycled.
Some popular stores are also going green. Many
retail clothing chains are increasing their use of Making the decision to be green is not really a
organic cotton. A few stores have also big one. It is not difficult. Some people think
experimented with recycled fibers. ____(B)____, having a green ⓒwardrobe is going to cost them
some stores are looking at ways in which they more money or be too much trouble. However,
can encourage customers to recycle. One major chances are that you are already greener than
store attempted to improve its eco-standards by you think. You may already have shared clothes
giving its customers a big discount on a new pair with your friends or given your old clothes to
of jeans when they donated their old ones to be charity. Or possibly you have reused clothes
recycled. instead of throwing them out. Just add ‘Reduce’ to
your going green list, and you will make a real
9. zb 9) 윗글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
difference to the environment.
Once you start to go green, you will find lots of
(A) (B)
ways in which you can get into the eco-fashion ⓓ
① For example In the meantime scene. You will also discover how easy and
② For example However rewarding being green is. Just knowing that you
③ Whereas Meanwhile are doing your part to ⓔpreserve the planet for
the future is one of the best feelings ever.
④ For example Nonetheless
⑤ Instead Otherwise 11.
zb 1 1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ의 의미로 적절하지 않은

the activity of selling good

① ⓐretail to the public, usually in
10. zb 10) 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 영영풀이가 가장 to make an effort or try to
올바르지 않은 것은? ② ⓑattempt do something, especially
something difficult
① source: to get a product or basic material from
a tall cupboard or cabinet in
③ ⓒwardrobe which you can hang your
② pioneer: a person who begins or helps to clothes
develop something new and prepares the way for a loud, angry argument,
others to follow especially one that happens
④ ⓓscene
in public and is
③ aim: to plan or hope to achieve something
④ launch: to begin something such as a plan or to make sure that a
introduce something new such as a product situation or condition
⑤ ⓔpreserve
⑤ lift A out of B: to go gradually into a less active, remains as it is, and does
happy or pleasant state not change or end

① ②
③ ④

※ 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
Some popular stores are also going green. Many
ⓐretail clothing chains are increasing their use of
organic cotton. A few stores have also 12.
zb 1 2) 윗글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 질문을 두 개 고르면?

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① What are some ways stores are doing to go

② What did a store do with returned jeans?
③ What kinds of products are made with recycled
zb 1 5) 위 글의 내용으로 보아 패션의 성향이 다른 것
④ What can one do to have a green wardrobe?
① Buying current fashions at a lower price
⑤ How would one feel when they participate in
② Considering a garment's carbon footprint
saving the planet?
③ Wearing recycled or second-hand clothing
④ Being known as slow fashion and sustainable
⑤ Choosing natural fibers or organically produced
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Most teenagers love to shop for clothes. Bagging

a bargain has become a thrill in itself. At the
same time, many more of us are shopping online
because (A)it is easier and cheaper than shopping
at local stores. (B)Not everyone has access to the
zb 1 6) 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 연결어로 알맞은 것은?

Internet, but we are surrounded by so many ways ① Therefore ② Eventually

in which we can shop. Sometimes it is hard to ③ Furthermore ④ For instance
resist buying current fashions at a lower price.
⑤ On the other hand
This is fast fashion.

( C ), eco-fashion, also known as slow fashion

and sustainable clothing, is trendy, too. Motivated
by concern for the earth, green consumers
choose natural fibers or organically produced
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
fabrics. Taking responsibility for the environment
and considering a garment's carbon footprint has Most teenagers love to shop for clothes. A day
become an important consideration for millions of out ① browsing in a mall is one of the most
shoppers. In fact, wearing recycled or popular pastimes among young people. Part of the
second-hand clothing has become fashionable and ② appeal is finding the most recent fashions at ③
seems to be much more than a passing trend. affordable prices. (A) Bagging a bargain has
become a thrill in itself. At the same time, many
zb 13) (B)의 의미를 바르게 풀이한 것으로 알맞은 것은?
more of us are shopping online because it is
① Few people have access to the Internet. easier and cheaper than shopping at local stores.
② Anyone doesn't have access to the Internet. Not everyone has ④ access to the Internet, but
we are surrounded by so many ways in which we
③ None of them have access to the Internet.
can shop. Sometimes it is hard to ⑤ resist buying
④ People have no more access to the Internet. current fashions at a lower price. This is fast
⑤ Some people have access to the Internet, but fashion.
others don't.
zb 1 7) 위 글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤의 영영 뜻풀이가 본문의
쓰임과 맞지 않는 것은?

① browse: to look at things in a fairly casual way,

in the hope that you might find something you
zb 14) (A)가 가리키는 것으로 알맞은 것은? like

① eco-fashion ② fast fashion ② appeal: a quality that makes somebody or

something attractive or interesting
③ shopping online ④ bagging a bargain
③ affordable: not expensive, be able to bought or
⑤ shopping at local stores
paid for

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④ access: the opportunity or right to use or see ④ 아프리카에서 재배된 면화 제품을 우선적으로 구입한다.
something ⑤ 옷을 제작하는 데 합성 섬유보다 면화 사용을 늘렸다.
⑤ resist: to suggest that someone does something
that you believe would be good

zb 2 1) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
한 것은?
zb 18) 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A) Bagging a bargain has
I can't afford to buy all the latest fashions
become a thrill in itself가 의미하는 바로 가장 적
because I can't earn much money at my age.
절한 것은?

① People enjoy clothes shopping with their bags.

(A) My fixed-up clothes are unique, so nobody
② Buying an expensive bag has come into fashion can copy my fashion. Best of all, I'm caring
again. for the planet, too.
③ Buying clothes at a lower price makes people (B) So 'make do and mend' is something I like to
feel very excited. keep in mind. Once, instead of spending my
④ It gives people a big thrill to get their favorite money on something new, I dug out an old
fashions for free. garment that my grandma gave to me.
⑤ Buying the latest fashion at a high price gives (C) Then I changed the shape a little, and like
people a feeling of great pleasure. magic, I had a new one. I also love buying,
altering, and wearing second-hand items
because nobody else has the same things.
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
①Some popular stores are also going green. ②
Many retail clothing chains are increasing their
use of organic cotton. ③A few stores have also
experimented with recycled fibers. ④In the
meantime, some stores are looking at ways in 22.
zb 2 2) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 고
which they can encourage customers to recycle. 르시오.
⑤In 2015, one major store attempted to improve These days top designers often work with
its eco-standards by giving its customers a big eco-ideas and eco-practices, too. They make sure
discount on a new pair of jeans when they to source their materials ethically and ①publicize
donated their old ones to be recycled. their eco-practices. For instance, one designer
zb 19) 위 글 ①~⑤ 중 주제가 되는 문장은? came up with T-shirts made from bamboo and
organic cotton. Another designer launched a new
① ②
eco-friendly line of glasses ②whose shades are
③ ④ made from over 50 percent natural and renewable
⑤ resources. One of the pioneers of ethical clothing
③is Bono. He and his wife aim ④creating a global
fashion organization focusing on trade with Africa
and other developing countries. In 2007, they
launched a clothing division producing T-shirts
zb 20) Which is an effort some stores are making that are 100 percent ⑤sewn in Africa.
to go green?

① 소매점 체인이 재활용 제품 홍보에 노력하고 있다.

② 헌 옷을 가져오면 새 옷에 대해 할인을 해준다.
③ 소매점들이 헌 옷 수거함을 가게에 설치하고 있다.

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zb 23) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

However, chances are that you are already 25.

zb 2 5) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은
greener than you think.

I am so concerned about the amount of trash

Making the decision to be green is not really a
around us. We use things much more than we
big one. ( ① ) It is not difficult. ( ② ) Some
really need. Just doing simple things can reduce
people think having a green wardrobe is going to
waste in every home.
cost them more money or be too much trouble. (

③ ) You may already have shared clothes with
your friends or given your old clothes to charity. Solution : _____________(A)_____________
( ④ ) Or possibly you have reused clothes instead ① Check out nutrition facts.
of throwing them out. ( ⑤ ) Just add 'Reduce' to
② Fix old things and reuse.
your going green list, and you will make a real
③ Buy only as much as we use.
difference to the environment.
④ Do not let things be thrown away.
⑤ Try not to use plastic bags everyday.

zb 24) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
한 것은?
zb 2 6) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 fast fashion의 정의를 가장
These days top designers often work with
잘 나타낸 부분을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.
eco-ideas and eco-practices, too. They make sure
to source their materials ethically and publicize Most teenagers love to shop for clothes. A day
their eco-practices. out browsing in a mall is one of the most popular
pastimes among young people. Part of the appeal
is finding the most recent fashions at affordable
(A) He and his wife aim to create a global fashion
prices. Bagging a bargain has become a thrill in
organization focusing on trade with Africa and
itself. At the same time, many more of us are
other developing countries. In 2007, they
shopping online because it is easier and cheaper
launched a clothing division producing T-shirts
than shopping at local stores. Not everyone has
that are 100 percent sewn in Africa.
access to the Internet, but we are surrounded by
so many ways in which we can shop. Sometimes it
(B) For instance, one designer came up with is hard to resist buying current fashions at a
T-shirts made from bamboo and organic lower price. This is fast fashion.
cotton. Another designer launched a new
eco-friendly line of glasses whose shades are
made from over 50 percent natural and
renewable resources. One of the pioneers of
ethical clothing is Bono. 27.
zb 2 7) 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것
을 고르시오.
(C) Their organization has joined forces with a Some popular stores are ① going green. Many
conservation society to form the Conservation retail clothing chains are increasing their use of
Cotton Initiative. This program promotes
organic cotton. A few stores have ② experimented
eco-friendly cotton farming and is helping to with recycled fibers. In the meantime, some stores
lift farmers out of poverty. are looking at ways ③ which they can encourage
① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) customers to recycle. In 2015, one major store
③ (B)-(A)-(C) ④ (B)-(C)_(A) attempted ④ to improve its eco-standards by
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) giving its customers a big discount on a new pair
of jeans when they donated their old ⑤ ones to

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be recycled.

(C) Then the beautiful flame tree appeared with ⓓ

its red flowers and the baobab complained,
“Why can’t I have beautiful blossoms like the
flame tree?” Then the baobab saw the
zb 28) 밑줄 친 문장 중 어법상 틀린 문장을 모두 고르 magnificent fig tree and its fruit, ⓔ it became
면? jealous. So the baobab asked the gods if it
Making the decision to be green is not really a could have sweet fruit as well.
big one. It is not difficult. ① Some people think 29.
zb 2 9) 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지
having green wardrobes are going to cost them 넷과 다른 것은?
more money or be too much trouble. However,
① ⓐ ② ⓑ
chances are that you are already greener than
③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ
you think. ② You may already have shared
clothes with your friends or giving your old ⑤ ⓔ
clothes to charity. Or possibly you have reused
clothes instead of throwing them out. ③ Just place
'Reduce' on your going green list, and you will
effect a fundamental change to the environment.

Once you start to go green, you will find lots of

zb 3 0) 주어진 글에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한
것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
ways in which you can get into the eco-fashion
scene. ④ You will also discover how easy and ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
rewarding being green is. ⑤ Just know that you ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
are doing your part to preserve the planet for the
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
future is one of the best feelings ever.

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Hummingbirds are the smallest bird in the
If you go to South Africa or Madagascar, you world. (A) 이 새들은 그들의 특별한 맴도는 움직임과 화
can see huge and strange-looking trees called 려한 깃털 덕분에 쉽게 알아볼 수 있다. They flap their
baobabs. Known as ‘upside-down trees,’ their wings so fast that they make a humming noise,
branches look like their roots are spreading which is why they are called hummingbirds.
towards the sky. Why do you think the baobab Scientists have found that hummingbirds have
has this unique shape? unique, fast wing strokes, which allow them to fly
forward, backward, sideways, and even to stop in
(A) When the gods heard these complaints, they midair. Although they are small, they can fly up
became very angry with the tree and pulled it to 54 kilometers per hour. They are also talented
up by ⓐ its roots. Then they replanted ⓑ it at staying in one place like a bee. How is this
upside down to keep it quiet. After that, the possible? They can flap their wings in a figure-8
magnificent tree only grew leaves once a year. pattern, which enables them to hover. As they
The rest of the year, the roots seemed to grow hover, they use their long tongues to take sweet
towards the sky. liquid from flowers. Their one weakness is their
feet. Because they fly so much, they have poorly
developed feet, (B) 그것은 걷는 데 사용될 수 없다.
(B) According to an African myth, the baobab was
Which view of nature do you like better? As the
among the first trees to appear on the land
two examples show, we can gain insight through
when the gods created the world. Next came
both myths and scientific accounts. Although
the graceful palm tree. When the baobab saw
myths may not be factually correct, they
the palm tree, ⓒ it said to the gods, “Can I
demonstrate the creativity of ancient people and
grow taller?”

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teach us valuable life lessons. Scientific accounts 으로 가장 적절한 것은?

may be less imaginative, but they teach us how to
(A) (B) (C)
understand nature around us.
① that to stop be used
zb 31) 윗글의 밑줄 친 우리말 (A)와 같은 뜻이 되도록 ② what stop be used
다음 <보기>의 단어들만 사용하여 문맥에 맞게 배
③ that stop used
열하시오. (단, 단어추가 및 어형변화 불가함)
④ what to stop be used
⑤ that to stop used
recognized / to / and / these birds /
colorful feathers / are easily / due /
their special hovering movement
답 : ___________________________________________.
zb 3 4) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Endangered Hummingbirds
② Hummingbird: The Smallest Creature
③ How Can Hummingbirds Stay in One Place
zb 32) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (B)를 다음 <조건>에 맞게 영작
하시오. ④ Incredible Capacities of the Hummingbird
⑤ Amazing Abilities of the Hummingbird’s Wings
- 관계대명사를 반드시 사용할 것
- use, can, walk를 반드시 사용할 것(단, 동사의 형태
는 변형 가능)
- 총 6단어로 영작할 것 35.
zb 3 5) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (가)부분에서 (1)‘this’가 가리키는
답 : ___________________________________________. 것과 (2) 해당 질문에 대한 답을 지문에서 찾아 각
각 우리말로 서술하시오.

(1) ___________________________________________
(2) ___________________________________________

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Hummingbirds are the smallest bird in the
world. These birds are easily recognized due to
their special hovering movement and colorful ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
feathers. They flap their wings so fast that they
Why do you think the baobab has such an
make a humming noise, which is why they are
enormous trunk and root-like branches? It is ①
called hummingbirds. Scientist have found (A)[what
due to the weather where it grows. After the rainy
/ that] hummingbirds have unique, fast wing
season, about nine months of dry weather follow.
strokes, which allow them to fly forward,
Such dry weather is hard ② for living creatures
backward, sideways, and even (B)[stop / to stop]
to survive in. Yet scientists have discovered that
in midair. Although they are small, they can fly
baobabs can grow to enormous sizes, reaching
up to 54 kilometers per hour. They are also
heights of 5 to 30 meters, and have trunk
talented at staying in one place like a bee.
diameters of 7 to 11 meters. How can this big tree
(가)How is this possible? They can flap their wings
survive in the dry season? The baobab has deep
in a figure-8 pattern, which enables them to
roots to find water in the ground, and it stores
hover. As the hover, they use their long tongues
the water in its trunk for the long dry season.
to take sweet liquid from flowers. Their one
This large tree can actually store ③ as much as
weakness is their feet. Because they fly so much,
120,000 liters of water, and the small branches
they have poorly developed feet, which cannot
help reduce water loss. The baobab tree is a
(C)[use / be used] to walk.
valuable water source for Africans in the dry
zb 33) (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현 season. The baobab’s bark, leaves, fruit, and

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trunk are all useful, too. The bark of the baobab 38.
zb 3 8) 위 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?
is used for cloth, paper, baskets, mats and rope,
the leaves for seasoning and medicines. The fruit ① how birds meet a mate
is edible. The fruit has a shell and is about the ② the origin of hummingbirds
size of a coconut, weighing about 1.44 kilograms. ③ the importance of cooperation
It has a somewhat acidic flavour, ④ which
④ the wonder of hummingbird's flight
described as ‘somewhere between grapefruit, pear,
⑤ the beauty of hummingbird's feathers
and vanilla’. Sometimes people live inside the
huge trunks. One hollow Baobab tree in Zimbabwe
⑤ is so large that 40 people can shelter inside its
trunk. Various Baobabs have been used as a
shop, a prison, a house, a storage barn and a
bus shelter. What an amazing life source for the 39.
zb 3 9) 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
African people! ① making ② since

zb 36) What is the bark of baobab tree used for? ③ to stay ④ that
⑤ their
*정답을 영어 문장으로 작성하기

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
zb 37) 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? When the gods created the world, the baobab
was among the first trees to appear on the land.
① ②
Next came the graceful palm tree. When the
③ ④
baobab saw the palm tree, it said to the gods,
⑤ "Can I grow taller?" Then the beautiful flame tree
appeared with its red flowers and (A)the baobab
said to the gods, "Why can't I have beautiful
blossoms like the flame tree?" When the baobab
saw the magnificent fig tree and its fruit, it
became jealous. So the baobab asked the gods if
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
it could have sweet fruit as well. When the gods
In the beginning, the great god had a few small
heard these complaints, they became very angry
leftover pieces after ① making all of the other
with the tree and pulled it up by its roots. Then
birds. He did not want to waste any pieces, so he
they replanted it upside down to keep it quite.
used the leftovers to create a hummingbird. The
After that, the magnificent tree only grew leaves
great god said, "I want to make sure the
once a year. The rest of the year, the roots
hummingbird can fly well ② since it is so small.
seemed to grow towards the sky.
So I will give it the ability to fly forward,
backward, and even ③ to stay in just one place." 40.
zb 4 0) 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 의미가 같도록 주어진 어
He liked this little bird so much that he made a 구로 시작하여 빈칸을 채우시오.
mate for it and invited all of the other animals to
⇒ the baobab asked the gods __________________
their wedding. Everything about the wedding was
beautiful, except for the hummingbirds, ④ that
only had plain gray feathers. The other birds felt
sorry for them and said to each other, "Let's offer
some of our beautiful feathers to decorate the
couple for ⑤ their wedding." So the hummingbirds
received many beautiful feathers. The sun also 41.
zb 4 1) 위 글에 대한 대화의 내용이 어색한 것은?
promised that their feathers would shine ① Q: Was the baobab the first and only tree to
beautifully as long as the hummingbird looked appear on the land when the gods created the
toward the sun.

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world? ③ The baobab tree has deep roots that can store
A: Yes, it was. water for the long, dry season.
② Q: What is the unique appearance of the baobab ④ It is impossible for baobab trees to solve water
tree? shortage in dry weather.
A: It has branches that look like roots spreading ⑤ Baobab trees provide Africans with shelters
towards the sky. where they can live.
③ Q: When the baobab tree saw the palm trees,
what did it ask the gods to do for it?
A: It asked the gods if it could grow taller.
④ Q: When it looked at the fig tree, what did the
zb 4 3) 위 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈
baobab ask the gods to do for it?
칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A: It wanted to have sweet fruit like the fig tree.
The _____(A)_____ baobab tree as a life source
⑤ Q: Why were the gods angry with the baobab?
enables the African people to _____(B)_____ for
A: Because the tree complained too much. the lengthy dry season.
(A) (B)
① precious last
② advantageous recede
③ beneficial tremble
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
④ priceless fear
Why do you think the baobab has such an
enormous trunk and root-like branches? It is ⑤ worthless live
because of the weather where it grows. After the
rainy season, about nine months of dry weather
follow. Such dry weather is hard for plants to
survive in. Yet scientists have discovered that
baobabs can grow to enormous sizes, reaching ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
heights of 5 to 30 meters, and have trunk
If you go to South Africa or Madagascar, you
diameters of 7 to 11 meters. How can this big tree
can see huge and strange-looking trees called
survive in the dry season? The baobab has deep
baobabs. ⓐKnown as ‘upside-down trees,’ their
roots to find water in the ground, and it stores
branches look like their roots are spreading
the water in its trunk for the long dry season.
towards the sky. Why do you think the baobab
This large tree can actually store as much as
has this unique shape?
120,000 liters of water, and the small branches
help reduce water loss. The baobab tree is a The following story is an African myth on the
valuable water source for Africans in the dry tree. When the gods created the world, the
season. The baobab's bark, leaves, fruit, and baobab was among the first trees to appear on
trunk are all useful, too. The bark of the baobab the land. Next ⓑcame the graceful palm tree.
is used for cloth and rope, the leaves for When the baobab saw the palm tree, it said to the
seasoning and medicines, while the fruit, called gods, “Can I grow taller?” Then the beautiful
'monkey bread,' is eaten. Sometimes people live flame tree appeared with its red flowers and the
inside the huge trunks. What an amazing life baobab ⓒcomplained. “Why can’t I have beautiful
source for the African people! blossoms like the flame tree?” When the baobab
saw the magnificent fig tree and its fruit, it
zb 42) 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
became jealous. So the baobab asked the gods ⓓ
① A baobab grows in a huge size from 5 to 30 that it could have sweet fruit as well. When the
meters in diameter, and can have a height of 7 gods heard these complaints, they became very
to 11 meters. angry with the tree and pulled it up by its roots.
② About ninety days of dry weather follow the Then they replanted it upside down to keep it ⓔ
rainy season. quiet. After that, the magnificent tree only grew
leaves once a year. The rest of the year, the

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roots seemed to grow towards the sky. ( ㉣ ) When the gods heard these complaints, they
became very angry with the tree and ⓐpulled it
zb 44) 위 글을 읽고 질문에 대한 적절한 답을 <조건>에
up by its roots. ( ㉤ ) After that, the magnificent
맞게 한 문장으로 완성하시오.
tree only grew leaves once a year. The rest of the
<조건> year, the roots ⓑseemed to grow towards the sky.
 8단어 이상 20단어 이하의 영어로 답할 것 (B) Why do you think the baobab has ⓒsuch
 글에서 연속되는 4단어까지만 인용가능함 enormous trunk and root-like branches? It is
because of the weather where it grows. After the
Q : What made the gods angry enough to pull up rainy season, about nine months of dry weather
the baobab tree and replant it upside down? ⓓfollows. Such dry weather is hard for plants to
survive in. Yet scientists have discovered that
baobabs can grow to enormous sizes, ⓔreached
A : They were angry because ____________________
heights of 5 to 30 meters, and ⓕhave trunk
diameters of 7 to 11 meters. How can this big tree
survive in the dry season? The baobab has deep
roots to find water in the ground, and it stores
the water in its trunk for the long dry season.
This large tree can actually store as ⓖmany as
zb 45) 위 글의 the baobab tree에 관한 내용과 일치하
120,000 liters of water, and the small branches
는 것은?
help reduce water loss.
① It is seen in America and has root-like branches.
The baobab tree is a valuable water source for
② It belonged to the first group of trees on earth. Africans in the dry season. The baobab's bark,
③ It wanted to have sweet fruits like the flame tree. leaves, fruit, and trunk are all useful, too. The
④ It came to have beautiful blossoms like the fig bark of the baobab is used for cloth and rope,
tree. the leaves for seasoning and medicines, while the
fruit, called 'monkey bread,' is eaten. Sometimes
⑤ It caused the gods to argue with its complaints.
people live inside the huge trunks. What an
amazing life source for the African people!

zb 4 7) 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① 바오밥나무는 땅 위에 나타난 최초의 나무들 중 하나였

zb 46) 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ② 신들은 바오밥나무에게 화가 나 나무를 뿌리째 뽑아버
③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ 렸다.
⑤ ⓔ ③ 바오밥나무가 자라는 지역은 1년 중 건기가 우기보다
길게 이어진다.
④ 바오밥나무는 키는 5-30미터, 몸통의 둘레는 7-11미터
에 이를 정도로 자랄 수 있다.
⑤ 바오밥나무는 옷감, 밧줄, 양념, 약 등 다양하게 쓰여
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 아프리카 사람들에게 소중한 삶의 원천이 된다.
(A) When the gods created the world, the
baobab was among the first trees to appear on
the land. Next came the graceful palm tree. When
the baobab saw the palm tree, (가)it said to the
gods, "Can I grow taller?" ( ㉠ ) Then the beautiful 48.
zb 4 8) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
flame tree appeared with its red flowers and 가장 적절한 곳은?
(나)the baobab complained, "Why can't I have Then they replanted it upside down to keep it
beautiful blossoms like the flame tree?" ( ㉡ ) quite.
When the baobab saw the magnificent fig tree and
its fruit, it became jealous. ( ㉢ ) So the baobab ① ㉠ ② ㉡
said to the gods, "Can I have sweet fruit as well?" ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣

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⑤ ㉤

zb 5 1) 다음 문장의 간접의문문으로 가장 적절한 것은?
zb 49) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말 (A)를 <조건>에 맞추 It said to the gods, "Can I grow taller?"
어 적절히 영작하시오.
① It said to the gods if I can grow taller.
<조건> ② It said to the gods if it could grow taller.
(1) 해석을 참고하여 쓸 것. ③ It asked to the gods if it could grow taller.
(2) the baobab, this, shape, unique을 반드시 포함하 ④ It asked the gods whether it could grow taller.
여 쓸 것.
⑤ It asked to the gods whether it could grow taller.

The Baobab Tree

If you go to South Africa or Madagascar, you

can see huge and strange-looking trees called
baobabs. Known as 'upside-down trees,' their 52.
zb 5 2) (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말
branches look like their roots are spreading 로 가장 적절한 것은?
towards the sky. (A) 당신은 the baobab이 왜 이런
In the beginning, the great god had a few small
독특한 모양(형상)을 가지고 있다고 생각하십니까? leftover pieces after making all of the other birds.
He did not want to waste any pieces, so he used
the leftovers to create a hummingbird. The great
god said, "I want to make sure the hummingbird
can fly well (A) since / while it is so small. So I
zb 50) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? will give it the ability to fly forward, backward,
According to a famous myth in Africa, when the and even to stay in just one place." He liked this
gods created the world, the baobab was among little bird so much that he made a mate for it and
the first trees to appear on the land. Next came invited all of the other animals to their wedding.
the graceful palm tree. When the baobab saw the Everything about the wedding was beautiful,
palm tree, it said to the gods, "Can I grow taller?" except for the hummingbirds, who only had (B)
Then the beautiful flame tree appeared with its fascinating / plain gray feathers. The other birds
red flowers and the baobab complained, "Why felt sorry for them and said to each other, "Let's
can't I have beautiful blossoms like the flame offer some of our beautiful feathers to decorate
tree?" When the baobab saw the magnificent fig the couple for their wedding." So the
tree and its fruit, it became jealous. So the hummingbirds received many beautiful feathers.
baobab said to the gods "Can I have sweet fruit as The sun also promised that their feathers would
well?" When the gods heard these complaints, they shine beautifully (C) as if / as long as the
became very angry with the tree and pulled it up hummingbird looked toward the sun.
by its roots. Then they replanted it upside down (A) (B) (C)
to keep it quite. After that, the magnificent tree
① since fascinating as long as
only grew leaves once a year. The rest of the
② while fascinating as if
year, the roots seemed to grow towards the sky.
③ since fascinating as if
① Amazing Ability of the Baobab Tree
④ while plain as long as
② Why Chronic Complaints May Be Dangerous
⑤ since plain as long as
③ The Enormous Baobab Tree: A Life Source of
④ Africa's Majestic Baobab Trees Are Mysteriously
⑤ Even the Magnificent Creature Has Consistent 53.
zb 5 3) 대화의 흐름에 맞게 문장의 순서가 가장 적절한
Demands 것은?

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A: It's a beautiful day. It's nice to be outside. neglected due to their special hovering movement
and colorful feathers. They flap their wings so fast
B: Yeah, there are a lot of beautiful flowers
that they make a humming noise, which is the ②
reason that they are called hummingbirds.
A: Hey, look. What do you think of this little bird?
Scientists have found that hummingbirds have
(a): Right. I wonder how it can stay in the air like unique, fast wing strokes, which enable them to
that. fly forward, backward, sideways, and even to stop
(b): Good idea! It's drinking from the flower like a in midair. Although they are small, they can fly
bee. up to 54 kilometers per hour. As explained above,
(c): Oh, it's so cute. I should take a picture of it. they are not ③ skilled at staying in one place like
a bee. How is this possible? They can flap their
(d): It's almost like a straw, and the bird can float
wings in a figure-8 pattern, which ④ allows them
in one place.
to hover. As they hover, they use their long
(e): Yeah, it has a really long beak. tongues to take sweet liquid from flowers. Their
A: Me, too. Let's look it up online when we go one ⑤problem is their feet. Because they fly so
back inside. much, they have poorly developed feet, which
B: Sure, but let's look around a little more first. cannot be used to walk.
① (b) - (a) - (c) - (d) - (e) ① ②
② (b) - (d) - (a) - (c) - (e) ③ ④
③ (c) - (b) - (e) - (d) - (a) ⑤
④ (c) - (e) - (b) - (d) - (a)
⑤ (c) - (b) - (d) - (e) - (a)

zb 5 6) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Why do you think the baobab has such an

zb 54) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은? enormous trunk and root-like branches? ①
Have you ever wondered why this plant or that Although myths may not be factually correct, they
animal ①behaves in an unusual way? Let’s look at demonstrate the creativity of ancient people. ② It
some old myths and modern scientific ②accounts is because of the weather where it grows. ③ After
for two wonders of nature. the rainy season, about nine months of dry
weather follow. ④ Such dry weather is hard for
The Baobab Tree plants to survive in. ⑤ Yet scientists have
If you go to South Africa or Madagascar, you discovered that baobabs can grow to enormous
can see huge and strange-looking trees ③called sizes, reaching heights of 5 to 30 meters, and
baobabs. ④Known as ‘upside-down trees,’ their have trunk diameters of 7 to 11 meters. This is
branches look like their roots are spreading the reason why this big tree survives in the dry
towards the sky. Why do you think the baobab ⑤ season.
having this unique shape?

① ②
③ ④

zb 55) 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
않은 것은?

Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the

world. Nevertheless, these birds can hardly be ①

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족보닷컴에서 제공하는 학교별 족보는 전국 학교의 기 시작하면 에코 패션의 상황에 부합하는 많은 방

출문제들을 분석하여 자주 출제되는 유형들로 구성하였습 법을 찾을 것이라고 했으므로 요지로 가장 적절
니다. 비슷한 유형이나 동일 지문의 문제가 반복되는 것 한 것은 ③ ‘친환경적이게 되는 많은 쉬운 방법
은 출제 빈도가 높은 유형의 문제이니 반복하여 학습하시 들이 있다.’이다.
고 좋은 성적 거두시기를 바랍니다.

7)[정답] ②
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘하지만, 아마도 여러분은 이미
자신이 생각하는 것보다 더 친환경적일 가능성이
있다.’이므로 우리가 이미 했던 친환경적인 행동
의 예가 이어지고 있는 문장 앞엔 ②에 들어가는
것이 적절하다.

1)[정답] (1) choosing natural fibers or

organically produced fabrics (2) wearing 8)[정답] ⓐ Once you start to go green, you will
recycled or second-hand clothing find lots of ways in which you can get into
[해설] 자연 섬유나 친환경적으로 만들어진 섬유를 고 the eco-fashion scene. ⓑ You will also
르는 것, 재활용된 옷을 입거나 중고 옷을 입는 discover how easy and rewarding being
것은 에코패션(슬로우 패션)에 대한 예이다. green is.
[해설] ⓐ 선행사인 lots of ways가 관계대명사절에
서 in lots of ways가 되므로 in which로 고쳐
2)[정답] ②
야 한다. ⓑ [의문사 + 주어 + 동사]의 어순이 되
[해설] 온라인 쇼핑은 상점에 직접 가서 쇼핑하는 것
어야 하므로 being green is로 고쳐야 한다.
보다 더 쉽고, 더 저렴하다는 내용이 적절하므로
②이 정답이다.
9)[정답] ①
[해설] (A) 최고의 디자이너들이 환경을 위한 아이디
3)[정답] ①
어와 실행 방법을 가지고 작업하는 예가 이어지
[해설] (B) much는 비교급을 강조하는 ‘훨씬’이라는
고 있으므로 For example(예를 들면)이 들어가
뜻이며 a lot, far, still, even으로 바꾸어 쓸 수
야 한다. (B) 친환경적인 상점에 대해서 소개하면
서 많은 소매 의류 체인점들이 하는 일을 묘사하
고, 또 다른 어떤 상점들이 하는 친환경적인 일
4)[정답] Motivated by concern for the earth, 이 나오고 있으므로 In the meantime(한편)이
[해설] Motivated by concern for the earth는 분 적절하다.
사구문으로 앞에 Being이 생략되어 있다. 원래는
As they(=green consumers) are motivated
10)[정답] ⑤
by concern for the earth 형태의 부사절이었
[해설] ⑤ lift A out of B는 ‘~을/를 ~에서 벗어나게
지만, 접속사와 주어를 생략하고 동사를 분사로
해주다’라는 뜻이다. 더 나은 상태가 되도록 끌어
만들어 짧게 표현된 것이다.
올려준다는 의미이므로 less를 more로 바꾸어야
5)[정답] ⑤
[해설] ① 가장 인기 있는 취미들 중 하나이다. ② 온
11)[정답] ④
라인으로 쇼핑하는 쪽이 더 쉽고 저렴하다. ③
[해설] scene은 ‘상황’이라는 의미로 쓰였으므로 ‘공
모두가 인터넷에 접근하는 것은 아니지만, 우리는
공장소에서 일어났거나 당황스러운, 시끄럽고 분
우리가 쇼핑할 수 있는 많은 방법에 둘러싸여 있
노에 찬 언쟁’이란 영영 풀이가 적절하지 못하다.
다. ④ 더 낮은 가격에 최신 의류를 사는 것은
패스트 패션을 선호하는 이유이다. 그러나 슬로우
패션보다 더 선호하는 이유는 아니다. 12)[정답] ②, ③
[해설] ① 유기농으로 재배된 면의 사용을 늘리고 있
고, 재활용 섬유들을 가지고 실험을 해오고 있으
6)[정답] ③
며, 소비자들을 재활용하도록 격려할 수 있는 방
[해설] 친환경적으로 되는 것은 어려운 일이 아니라
법들을 살펴보고 있다. ④ 친구와 옷을 나누거나
그것은 쉽고 보람있는 일이고, 일단 친환경적이기

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오래된 옷을 자선단체에 주거나 옷을 버리는 대 old ones to be recycled.'에서 답의 근거를 찾

신 재사용할 수 있다. ⑤ 여태껏 느낀 최고의 기 을 수 있다.
분들 중 하나라고 하였다.

21)[정답] ③
13)[정답] ⑤ [해설] 자신의 나이에 돈을 많이 벌 수 없기 때문에
[해설] '부정어+everyone'은 부분 부정의 의미로 '모 최신 패션을 모두 구입할 수 없다는 주어진 글
두가 ~하는 것은 아니다'라는 의미이다. 따라서 다음에 그래서 ‘고쳐서 오랫동안 쓰자’가 자신이
몇몇 사람은 인터넷에 접근하지만, 다른 사람들은 명심하는 것이라고 설명하는 (B)가 와야 한다. 그
그렇지 않다는 의미이다. 다음으로 할머니가 주신 오래된 옷을 들춰냈다는
(B)의 마지막 내용에 이어 약간 모양을 바꿨고 새
옷을 가지게 되었다는 (C)가 온 뒤 마지막으로
14)[정답] ③
자신이 고쳐 입은 옷의 장점을 이야기하는 (A)가
[해설] 그것이 지역의 가게에서 쇼핑하는 것보다 더
오는 것이 가장 자연스럽다.
쉽고 싸다고 하였으므로 it은 '온라인으로 쇼핑하
는 것'이다.
22)[정답] ④
[해설] 동사 aim은 to부정사를 목적어로 취하므로 ④
15)[정답] ①
의 creating을 to create로 고쳐야 한다.
[해설] ①은 fast fashion에 해당한다. ②,③,④,⑤는
모두 eco-fashion에 해당한다.
23)[정답] ③
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘하지만 여러분은 생각한 것보
16)[정답] ⑤
다 더 친환경적일 가능성이 있다’는 의미로 친환
[해설] (C) 앞 부분에서는 fast fashion에 대한 설명
경적이 되는 것의 어려움을 이야기하는 내용의
이 나오고 이후에서는 eco-fashion에 대한 설명
뒤인 ③에 들어가 내용의 전환을 하는 것이 가장
이 나오므로 on the other hand가 들어가는 것
이 적절하다.

24)[정답] ③
17)[정답] ⑤
[해설] 주어진 글은 여러 디자이너들이 친환경적인 방
[해설] resist: '누군가 당신이 좋다고 믿는 일을 한다
식으로 활동하려 노력한다는 내용이다. 그 사례로
는 것을 시사하다' → resist는 '저항하다'라는 의
대나무 소재로 만든 티셔츠와 Bono의 사례를 언
미이므로 틀린 영영 풀이이다.
급한 (B), Bono가 세계적 패션 기관을 만들었다
는 (A), 그 기관에서 어떤 활동을 하는지 자세히
18)[정답] ③ 설명하는 (C)의 순서로 이어져야 한다.
[해설] '싸게 산 물건을 가방에 넣는 것은 그 자체로
흥분되는 일이 되었다'라는 문장은 '낮은 가격에
25)[정답] ①
옷을 사는 것은 사람들을 아주 흥분되게 한다'를
[해설] 빈칸에는 쓰레기를 줄이기 위해 우리가 할 수
의미한다고 할 수 있다.
있는 것들이 들어가야 하므로 ①‘영양성분 표시를
확인하자.’는 적절하지 않다.
19)[정답] ①
[해설] 몇몇 상점들이 친환경적이 되고 있다고 말한
26)[정답] buying current fashions at a lower
뒤, 소매 의류 체인점과 특정한 상점이 어떠한
방식으로 친환경적이 되는지를 이야기하므로 ①
[해설] 밑줄 친 fast fashion은 낮은 가격에 최신의
이 글의 주제로 가장 적절하다.
패션 아이템을 구매하는 것을 말한다.

20)[정답] ②
27)[정답] ③
[해설] 본문의 'In 2015, one major store
[해설] 선행사가 ways이므로 관계부사 how를 대신하
attempted to improve its eco-standards by
는 in which로 쓰는 것이 적절하다.
giving its customers a big discount on a
new pair of jeans when they donated their

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28)[정답] ①,②,⑤ 한 시간에 54km 까지 날아갈 수 있고, 앞뒤로

[해설] ① think의 목적어로 쓰인 명사절에서 having 심지어는 옆으로 날 수 있고, 한 자리에서 날 수
green wardrobes 동명사구 주어는 단수취급하 있다는 내용의 글이므로 제목으로 가장 적절한
므로 are → is로 수일치시켜야 한다. ② you 것은 ④ ‘벌새의 놀라운 능력’이다.
may already have shared ~ 다음에 등위접속
사 or이 쓰였으므로 giving → given으로 고쳐
35)[정답] (1) 벌처럼 한 자리에서 나는 것 (2) 8자 모
야 한다. ⑤ 문장 전체의 동사가 is이므로 know
양으로 날개를 퍼덕일 수 있어서
동사원형이 문두에 쓰일 수 없다. knowing으로
[해설] 벌새는 벌처럼 한 자리에서 나는 것이 가능한
고쳐 동명사구 주어가 되도록 해야 한다.
데, 그것은 자신의 날개를 8자 모양으로 퍼덕일
수 있기 때문이다.
29)[정답] ④
[해설] ①, ②, ③, ⑤는 바오밥 나무를 가리키며 ④는
36)[정답] It is used for cloth, paper, baskets,
붉은 꽃을 가진 아름다운 벽오동 나무를 가리킨
mats and rope,
[해설] 바오밥 나무의 껍질은 옷, 종이, 바구니, 깔개
와 밧줄로 사용이 된다. ‘~을/를 위해 사용되다’
30)[정답] ③ 라는 뜻의 be used for를 사용해 영작한다.
[해설] 위 글은 바오밥 나무에 대한 전설에 대해 설명
하고 있다. 바오밥 나무가 가장 먼저 땅에 나타
37)[정답] ④
났다고 말한 뒤 다음으로 야자수 나무가 나왔다
[해설] 선행사가 ‘~으로 묘사되다’라는 뜻이 되어야
고 하는 (B)로 이어져야 한다. 이어서 그 다음으
하므로 described as → is described as로 바
로 나타난 벽오동 나무와 무화과 나무를 질투하
꾸어야 한다.
는 (C), 이 질투 때문에 신의 분노를 샀다는 (A)
가 마지막에 나온다.
38)[정답] ②
[해설] 벌새가 어떻게 만들어졌는지에 관한 내용이므
31)[정답] These birds are easily recognized due
로 '벌새의 기원'이 주제로 적절하다.
to their special hovering movement and
colorful feathers.
[해설] [be동사 + 과거분사] 형태의 수동태 문장으로, 39)[정답] ④
능동태로 고치면 We easily recognize these [해설] the hummingbirds를 선행사로 하는 계속적
birds due to~가 된다. due to는 ‘~ 때문에’라는 용법의 관계대명사가 쓰여야 하므로, who로 고치
뜻의 전치사구로 because of와 바꾸어 쓸 수 있 는 것이 적절하다. 관계대명사 that은 계속적 용
다. 법으로 쓸 수 없다.

32)[정답] which can’t be used for walking 40)[정답] why it couldn't have beautiful
[해설] 선행사로 ‘벌새의 다리’를 쓰는 계속적 용법의 blossoms like flame tree
관계대명사 which를 쓰고, ‘사용될 수 없다’는 [해설] 의문사가 있는 의문문을 간접화법으로 바꿀 때
의미이므로 수동태 부정형인 can’t be used로 는 전달동사를 ask로 쓰고 인용문을 ‘의문사+주
써야 한다. 어+동사’의 어순으로 바꾼다.

33)[정답] ① 41)[정답] ①
[해설] (A) have found의 목적어(절)이 이어지고 있 [해설] 바오바브나무는 신들이 세상을 창조했을 때 땅
으므로 접속사 that이 필요하다. (B) 목적보어로 에 나타난 최초의 나무들 중 하나이므로 ①이 적
to 부정사를 쓰는 동사다. (C) 선행사가 poorly 절하지 않다.
developed feet이고, 이것이 걷는 데에 사용될
수 없다는 내용이므로 be used가 필요하다.
42)[정답] ⑤
[해설] ① 바오바브나무는 5미터에서 30미터의 높이
34)[정답] ④ 에 이르는 거대한 크기로 자라고, 직경이 7미터
[해설] 본문은 벌새는 세계에서 가장 작은 새이지만 에서 11미터에 이르는 몸통을 가질 수 있다. ②

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우기가 지난 후 약 아홉 달의 건조한 날씨가 뒤

따른다. ③ 길고 건조한 계절 동안 몸통에 물을 50)[정답] ②
[해설] 신화에 따르면 바오바브나무의 모양이 뿌리가
저장한다. ④ 바오바브나무는 건조한 계절 동안
하늘을 향해 자라는 것처럼 보이는 이유는 그것
아프리카인들에게 소중한 물의 원천이 된다.
의 질투와 불평 때문이다. 따라서 ②‘왜 만성적인
불만이 위험할 수 있는지’가 글의 제목으로 가장
43)[정답] ① 적절하다.
[해설] 삶의 원천으로 (A) '소중한' 바오바브나무는 아
프리카 사람들이 길고 건조한 계절을 (B) '견딜
51)[정답] ④
수' 있도록 해준다.
[해설] 의문사가 없는 문장을 간접화법으로 전환할 때
동사를 ask로 바꾸고 의문문을 'if(whether)+주
44)[정답] the baobab tree complained too much, 어+동사'의 순서로 써야 한다. 또한 의문문에서의
envying other trees. 주어를 대명사 it으로 바꾸어야 하며, ask가 4형
[해설] 신들이 바오밥 나무에게 화가 난 이유는 바오 식으로 쓰여서 간접목적어+직접목적어
밥 나무가 다른 나무들을 부러워하며 불평을 너 (if/whether)절의 어순으로 이어지도록 쓰는 것
무 많이 했기 때문이다. 이 적절하다.

45)[정답] ② 52)[정답] ⑤
[해설] ① 남아프리카나 마다가스카르에서 바오밥 나 [해설] (A) 벌새를 잘 날 수 있도록 하고 싶다고 말한
무를 볼 수 있다. ③ 바오밥 나무는 무화과나무 것은 벌새가 너무 작기 때문이므로 since를 쓰는
로부터 달콤한 열매를 벽오동 나무로부터 아름다 것이 적절하다. (B) 다른 새들이 벌새들을 불쌍하
운 꽃을 원했다. ④ 다른 나무들이 가지고 있는 게 여겨 아름다운 깃털을 주자고 했다고 하였으
것들을 갖지 못한 채 신의 노여움으로 거꾸로 심 므로 벌새들은 수수한 회색 깃털만을 가졌다는
겨졌다. ⑤ 불평은 바오밥 나무가 신들에게 한 내용이 되는 것이 적절하다. (C) 태양은 벌새들이
것이다. 태양을 '바라보는 한' 깃털이 아름답게 빛날 것이
라고 약속했다는 내용이 되는 것이 적절하다.

46)[정답] ④
[해설] 의문사가 없는 의문문을 간접화법으로 바꿀 때 53)[정답] ③
는 [ask+사람+if(whether)+주어+동사]의 형태를 [해설] A가 이 작은 새에 대해서 어떻게 생각하는지
사용하며 이 때 if는 명사절로 ‘~인지 아닌지’의 를 물었으므로 자신의 의견을 말한 (C)로 이어지
미 이므로 ‘if'로 고쳐야 알맞다. 는 것이 적절하다. 또한 사진을 찍어야겠다고 한
말에 대해서 좋은 생각이라고 대답한 (b)가 이어
지는 것이 적절하다. (b)에서 새가 벌처럼 꽃에서
47)[정답] ④
뭔가를 마시고 있다고 하였으므로 (e) 새의 부리
[해설] 몸통의 둘레가 아닌 직경이 7-11미터이므로
가 길다고 대답하는 것이 적절하다. 이에 (d) 부
④이 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
리 모양을 설명하는 말을 덧붙이며 그 새가 한
곳에 떠 있을 수 있다고 말한 이후 (a) 그 새가
48)[정답] ⑤ 공중에서 머무를 수 있는 방법을 궁금해하는 내
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘그런 다음 그들은 그것이 계속 용으로 이어지는 것이 적절하다.
조용히 있을 수 있도록 그것을 거꾸로 다시 심었
다.’는 의미이다. 따라서 신들이 화가나 바오바브
54)[정답] ⑤
나무를 뿌리 채 뽑아버렸다는 내용의 뒤인 ㉤에
[해설] think의 목적어로 쓰인 that절에서 동사가 없
들어가는 것이 가장 자연스럽다.
고, 주어가 3인칭 단수인 the baobab이므로
has로 고쳐야 한다.
49)[정답] Why do you think the baobab has this
unique shape?
55)[정답] ③
[해설] 주절의 동사가 think이므로 의문사가 앞으로
[해설] 그들이 벌처럼 한 장소에 머물 수 있는 이유에
나가 「의문사+do you think+주어+동사」의 어순
대해 서술하고 있으므로 ‘능숙하지 않다.’라는 표
으로 간접의문문을 만든다.
현은 적절하지 않다.

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논산대건고 대비

56)[정답] ①
[해설] 바오바브나무가 왜 그렇게 거대한 몸통과 뿌리
처럼 보이는 나뭇가지를 가지고 있는지, 그리고
그것이 건조한 날씨에서 살아남을 수 있는 이유
를 설명하는 글의 흐름상 ①‘신화는 사실적으로
정확하지 않을지 몰라도, 고대 사람들의 창의성의
실례를 보여준다.’는 적절하지 않다.

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