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Plants make their own food using sunlight, this sunlight , carbon dioxide, chlorophyll ( a green
pigment found in the leaves of plants) water and minerals are used to make glucose, this glucose is
either used as energy for the plant to grow or stored as starch for later use by the plant. Oxygen is
given out from the leaves as a waste product


1. What is the waste product of photosynthesis?

The waste product of photosynthesis is oxygen which is released from the leaves.

2. What does a plant need to carry out the process of photosynthesis?

A plant needs light, carbon dioxide, and water to carry out the process of photosynthesis.

3. What is the green pigment in the plant's leaves that helps it carry out photosynthesis?
The green pigment is chlorophyll which helps with the process of photosynthesis and
produces a green colour in the leaves of the plant.

4. What do plants need from the soil to help them to grow?

Plants need water from the soil to help them grow.

5. What is the word equation for photosynthesis?

The word equation is Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Glucose + Oxygen

6. What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis

The symbol equation is 6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Past paper questions

1. (a) The equation describes the process of photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide + water + light energy glucose + oxygen

(i) Write in the names of the two missing substances.


(ii) Name the green substance which absorbs light energy.


2. Green plants are able to make their own food.

Complete each sentence by drawing a ring around the correct answer in the box.

(a) Green plants make their own food during the process of photosynthesis

(b) This process can be summarised by the equation:

mineral salts

carbon dioxide + water → glucose + light


(c) The energy needed for this process is trapped for the plant by glucose

(d) Some of the food made by plants is stored as insoluble glucose
(Total 4 marks)

3. Green plants make food in their leaves.

(a) From where do the leaves get the energy that they need to make food?

Light energy from sunlight is used to make food by green plants.


(b) The graph shows the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.
(i) Between which temperatures is the rate of photosynthesis fastest? Explain
your answer.

22.5 and 27 °C

As seen in the graph above, the line is constant and at the highest rate of
photosynthesis between the temperature values of 22.5 and 27 degrees
(2 marks)

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