Activity Conclusions

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Name of Student: Patrick G.


Title of Activity: Logic Gates

Activity #: 1A-C

Date performed: October 3, 2020


The Logic Gate is an electrical circuit that produces a single output and accepts one or more
inputs. Seven logic gates are there. The simple logic gates are NOT, OR, AND. The extra gates of logic are

In conclusion, when an AND gate 1 is generated if both input values are 1. In an OR gate, if one
or the other or both input values are 1, 1 is made. In a NAND gate, the opposite effects of an AND gate
are generated.

The reverse effects of an OR gate are generated in a NOR gate. An XOR gate generates 1 if the
input values of one or the other (but not both) are 1. The reverse effects of an XOR gate are generated
in an XNOR gate.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Universal Logic Gates

Activity #: 2

Date performed: October 15, 2020


NAND and NOR gates are referred to as universal gates, as any one of the two can be used to
construct the three simple gates.

In conclusion, an inverted AND gate is a NAND gate, and an inverted OR gate is a NOR gate.
When either one or both inputs are “HIGH”, the output of a two-input NOR gate is “LOW”. In addition,
when either one or both inputs are “LOW”, the output of a two-input NAND gate is “HIGH”.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Laws of Boolean algebra

Activity #: 3A-E

Date performed: October 26, 2020


The underlying principles and laws of the Boolean algebraic method are referred to as "Boolean
algebra laws." Identity, Commutative, Associative, Distributive, and de Morgan's theorem are several of
the fundamental laws (rules) of Boolean algebra. For their simplest form, there are also several
additional Boolean rules to simplify Boolean expression or decrease expressions.

In conclusion, a "identity" is simply a relationship that is always valid, independent of the values
that might be followed by any variables concerned. Commutative Law says that the exchange in a
Boolean equation of the order of operands does not affect its effect. The Associative Law of
multiplication states that two or three variables are used to execute the AND operation.

The Law of De Morgan is also known as the theorem of De Morgan, which functions according
to the principle of duality. Duality says that the operators and variables in a function are interchanged,
such as replacing 0 with 1 and 1 with 0, AND with an OR operator, and OR with an AND operator.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Canonical Form

Activity #: 4

Date performed: November 4, 2020


In conclusion, it is possible to describe the canonical expression as a Boolean expression with

min term or max term.

The functions in Minterm where the output results in "1" while the functions in Maxterm where
the output results in "0". The Sum of minterm also known as Sum of products (SOP) and Product of
Maxterm also known as Product of sum (POS) are the two types of canonical forms.

In this SOP form of Boolean function representation, the variables are operated by AND
(product) to form a product term and all these product terms are ORed (summed or added) together to
get the final function.

In this POS form, all the variables are ORed, written as sums to form sum terms. All these sum
terms are ANDed (multiplied) together to get the product-of-sum form. This form is exactly opposite to
the SOP form.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Expressing as Standard or Canonical Form

Activity #: 5

Date performed: December 3, 2020


In conclusion, canonical form is a way of using Boolean algebra to describe Boolean digital
circuit outputs, while standard form is a simpler version of canonical form that represents Boolean
digital circuit outputs using Boolean algebra.
The Boolean function in standard form will contain all variables in either true form or
augmented form, while the SOP or POS output depends on the canonical number of variables.
Therefore, their performances are the same in terms of their attributes.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Boolean Function Simplification

Activity #: 6

Date performed: December 12, 2020


When constructing every digital system, the simplification of Boolean expressions is an essential

In conclusion, in an effort to minimize the number of logic gates needed, we may use "Boolean
Laws" to both reduce and simplify a complex Boolean expression. But often it takes longer calculations
and takes more time before hitting the simplified Boolean expression.

We can take the truth tables and provide a graphic way to generate a much easier formula for
expressing the same rationale by using the Karnaugh Map (K-Map). The Boolean expression can be
algebraically, but not consistently, generalized. But for device reductions, it is not necessary. When the
number of variables concerned reaches four, it is not sufficient.

But one of the two Boolean function simplification methods can be used, but the result is still
the same.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Latches and Flip-flops

Activity #: 7

Date performed: January 1, 2021


Latch is an electrical system that automatically adjusts its output depending on the input
applied. It is used at any given time to store either 1 or 0. It consists of two inputs, namely "SET" and
RESET, and two complementary outputs.

Flip flops are an implementation of logic gates, in truth. You can create memories with them
with the aid of Boolean logic. In electronic circuits, there are primarily four types of flip flops that are
used. S-R Flip Flop, D Flip Flop, J-K Flip Flop and T Flip Flop are all of them.
Both latches and flip-flops are components of the circuit whose output is not only dependent on
current inputs, but also on previous inputs and outputs. The distinction between a latch and a flip-flop is
that there is no clock signal for a latch, while a flip-flop often does.

We may infer that flip-flops are superior to latches because flip flops are engineered to provide
timely output while latches, once allowed, provide continuous output according to input shift.

Name of Student: Patrick G. Alpay

Title of Activity: Counters

Activity #: 8

Date performed: January 6, 2021


A sequential circuit is a counter. A digital circuit used to count pulses is known as a counter. The
Counter is the most widespread flip-flop program. It is a collection of flip-flops with an applied clock

7493, 74190/74192 and 74191/714193 are some examples of counters. These cases are
up/down counters that are synchronous. Relevant events occurring inside the circuit can be counted.

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