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Health and harmony with nature: Holistic Health, Respect for Life, Physical Fitness, and Environmental Care

No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data Coding

Health and Harmony
1 Holistic Health HHN/HH
positive attitude and desirable
habits toward keeping oneself
physically and mentally fit.
2 Respect for Life HHN/RL
physical and spiritual well-
3 Physical Fitness, HHN/PF
continuing program for
physical fitness.
4 Environmental Care HHN/EC
promotion and practice of
respect for life and other
forms of life in the
Note of the Coding :
HH : Holistic Health
RL : Respect for Life
PF : Physical Fitness TI :Teacher’s Interview
EC : Environmental Care A :Autobiographical Essays
Q : Questionare CO :Class Observation
SI :Student Interview TP :Term Paper

Truth and wisdom: Critical Thinking/Holistic Thinking, Enlightenment/ Insight, Futures Orientation, Scientific Humanism

No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data

Truth and Wisdom
1 Critical Thinking/Holistic Thinking TW/CTHT
- critical thinking must be applied to ensure that the information is
accurate and free of bias, and objectivity is important.
- A critical mind is an inquiring mind. It seeks new knowledge by
asking questions, recognizing issues and discovering their answers
at appropriate times and through ethical ways.
- critical thinking and holistic thinking in solving problems
- A fragmented view, in contrast to a holistic view of the truth,
almost always leads to unjust or unfounded decisions and actions

2 Enlightenment/ Insight . TW/EI

- intellectual inquiry and respect for evidence in decision making;
- wisdom in applying acquired knowledge into everyday actions;
- discernment and deep understanding about the true nature of
- perceive/understand developments changes
- interacting with a particular time and culture
3 Futures Orientation TW/FO
- Truth and Wisdom are the ultimate goals of intellectual
- Wisdom is the required personal quality to understand what is true,
right and lasting. It involves sound judgment on what is good and
evil and is characterized by balance, sobriety and moderation.
- A futures orientation challenges people to plan for their preferred
future and to think logically of actions that would bring them toward
preferred situations.
- envision a preferred future,
- holistic planning and managing that future;
4 Scientific Humanism TW/SH
- Relativity and interdependence of the various moments of
existence are essential components of scientific humanism.
- Accordingly, human persons who possess the values of scientific
humanism avoid systematically setting up their beliefs and
convictions, their deologies and vision of the world.

2 Note of the Coding : SI :Student Interview

CTHT : Critical Thinking/Holistic Thinking TI :Teacher’s Interview
EI : Enlightenment/ Insight A :Autobiographical Essays
FO : Futures Orientation CO :Class Observation
SH : Scientific Humanism TP :Term Papers
Q : Questionare

love and compassion: Self-worth, Self-confidence, Self-actualization, Honesty/Integrity, Self-Discipline, Empathy/Caring and Sharing
No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data Coding
Love and Compassion
1 Self-worth, LC/SW
- Love for one’s self
- with the appreciation of one’s self-worth
- love for oneself
- an appreciation of one’s selfworth;
2 Self-confidence LC/SC
- Celebrating one’s strengths,
- accepting one’s limitations - almost spiritual.
- purity of intentions to love other persons
- self-confidence
- self-confidence.
- without expecting anything in return.
3 Self-actualization
- compassion,
- Recognizing one’s uniqueness and self-
- pure selflessness.
- the last, the least, and the lost.
- compassion for the less fortunate.
- be influenced by great self-actualized people.
4 Honesty/Integrity LC/SA
- Honesty is facing truth about something,
- courage to speak the truth.
- integrity and honesty are exacted from the
person who is the giver of love and
5 Self-Discipline LC/SD
- ethics and morality.
- self-discipline
- exercising self-discipline
6 Empathy/Caring and Sharing LC/ECS
- mercy and kindness
- Love and Compassion
- through empathy, caring and sharing.
- capacity to participate in the ideas and
feelings of another.
- put oneself in the self of the other.
- Caring is deep concern for others.
- stimulate the values of empathy
- empathizes with people’s sufferings and
- show pity
- being actively aware and sensitive to the
adverse conditions affecting others

Note of the Coding : EC : Empathy/Caring and Sharing

SW : Self-worth Q : Questionare
SC : Self-confidence SI :Student Interview
SA : Self-actualization TI :Teacher’s Interview
HI : Honesty/Integrity A :Autobiographical Essays
SD : Self-Discipline CO :Class Observation
TP :Term Papers
Creativity And Appreciation for Beauty: Imagination, Intuitive Sense, Artistic Expression and Sensitivity

No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data Coding

Creativity and Appreciation for Beauty
1 Imagination CAB/I
- see things in new and unusual ways,
- Imagination is form images that are not
currently present in reality.
sharing one’s self in undertaking creative
2 Intuitive Sense CAB/IS
- generate more knowledge and innovations.
- Novel ideas
- new invention
- discoveries,
- initiatives and products.
- intuitive sense, quick insight without an
extended rational thought or process
- beauty and interrelationships of all creation.
3 Artistic Expression CAB/AE
- aesthetic powers of
- create varied forms of cultural and artistic
- appreciation for the beauty and harmony of
4 Sensitivity CAB/S
- valuing the beauty and harmony of all
creation and being grateful to the Creator,
- various forms of artistic expression.
varied forms of artistic and human expression
4. SI :Student Interview
I : Imagination TI :Teacher’s Interview
IS : Intuitive Sense A :Autobiographical Essays
AES :Artistic Expression and Sensitivity CO :Class Observation
Q : Questionare TP :Term Paper
Respect for Human Rights, Social Responsibility, Tolerance, Equality, Co-operation, and Active Non-violence
No Related Values Data Findings Data Coding
Peace And Justice:
1 Respect for Human Rights PJ/RHR
- Respect for human rights, tolerance, active
non-violence, cooperation and social
- Justice is also very much related to Peace.
3 Tolerance PJ/T
- building of a peaceful and just society.
- understanding of the values that support
peace and justice,
4 Equality PJ/E
- Fundamental equality
5 Co-operation PJ/C
- Co-operation and Social Responsibility
- Co-operation, common good.
- Social responsibility
- shaping of a better society.
6 Active Non-violence PJ/ANV
- promote peace and justice, including skills
of conflict resolution

RHR : Respect for Human Rights Q : Questionare
SR : Social Responsibility SI :Student Interview
T : Tolerance TI :Teacher’s Interview
E : Equality A :Autobiographical Essays
C : Co-operation CO :Class Observation
A NV : Active Non-violence TP :Term Papers
Sustainable Human Development: Economic Justice and Equity Productivity/Efficiency Steward ship of resources Work
Ethic/Industry Simplicity
No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data Coding
Sustainable Human Development
1 Economic Justice and Equity SHD/EJE
- Economic growth need to be distributed.
- Distribution of a country’s wealth and
resources is economic equity.
- meeting our human need must not at the
expense of the natural resource

2 Productivity/Efficiency PJ/PE
- Productivity, undercut the requirement of
3 Stewardship of resources PJ/SR
- lifestyles that are characterized by
stewardship of resources and simplicity.
- caring for the earth
- protection of the earth’s finite resources.
4 Work Ethic/Industry PJ/WEI
- positive work ethic and industry.
5 Simplicity PJ/S
- sustainable human development as an
economic value
- human well-being
- ecological well-being;
- importance of values
- related to
sustainable human development;

.Note of the Coding : SI :Student Interview
EJE : Economic Justice and Equity TI :Teacher’s Interview
PE : Productivity/Efficiency A :Autobiographical Essays
SR : Stewardship of resources CO :Class Observation
WEIS : Work Ethic/Industry Simplicity TP :Term Papers
Q : Questionare
National Unity and Global Solidarity: Love of Country, Democracy, Active andResponsible Citizenship and Interdependence,
International Understanding, Global Peace, Unity in diversity.

No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings Data Coding

National Unity and Global Solidarity
1 Love of Country NUGS/LC
- important foundation value toward national
2 Democracy NUGS/D
- freedom of thought and expression
- equal access to opportunities,
3 Active and Responsible Citizenship NUGS/ARC
- needs an active and responsible citizenship.
4 Interdependence NUGS/I
- involves understanding the web of
5 International Understanding NUGS/IU
- Beyond the boundaries of the nation,
international understanding.
6 - understanding of the values of love of NUGS/GP
country, democracy, responsibility, unity,
interdependence, international understanding
and global peace;.
7 Unity in diversity NUGS/UD
- unity in diversity is central to both the
values of national unity and global solidarity.
- oneness with the human family
- common and only home.
7. Note of the Coding:
LC : Love of Country
D : Democracy Q : Questionare
ARC : Active & Responsible Citizenship SI :Student Interview
I : Interdependence TI :Teacher’s Interview
IU : International Understanding A :Autobiographical Essays
GP : Global Peace CO :Class Observation
UD : Unity in diversity TP :Term Papers
Q : Questionnaire
SI :Student Interview
TI : Teacher’s Interview
A :Autobiographical Essays
CO :Class Observation
TP :Term Papers
Global Spirituality: Faith in the Sacred Source, Religious Tolerance, Inner Peace,
Unity and Interconnectedness

No Core Values: Related Values Data Findings

Global Spirituality
1 Faith in the Sacred Source
- A spiritual vision,
- a sense of the divine in all life
- Global spirituality
- see the wholeness of life
- all relationships and encourages us to reflect
on the past, present and future.
- develop our inner relationship with the Sacred
Source of all life (Faith in the Sacred Source).
2 Religious Tolerance
- the freedom of conscience and religion.
3 Inner Peace
- spiritual journey that has three directions: the
inward, outward and forward.

4 Unity and Interconnectedness

- our relationships with the human community
and the whole earth community,

8. Note of the Coding :

FSS : Faith in the Sacred Source
RT : Religious Tolerance
IP : Inner Peace
UI : Unity and Interconnectedness
Q : Questionnaire
SI : Student Interview
TI : Teacher’s Interview
A : Autobiographical Essays
CO : Class Observation
TP : Term Papers

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