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Training program:
(To be fulfilled by the student)
(To be fulfilled by the student)
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ENEB Business School

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Question 1: In the first place, you will have to carry out a study of the product and the
sector in Spain, as well as its competition.......................................................................4

The Product..................................................................................................................4

The Sector....................................................................................................................5

The Competition In Spain............................................................................................7

Question 2: Choose 3 countries to export and analyse the external situation in each
one of them...................................................................................................................10




Question 3: Conduct a market study of each of these three countries regarding the oil
market. Find out what would be the product distribution in the country, taking into
account issues such as documents, agents, tariffs, etc................................................14




Question 4: From the study carried out, detail the advantages and disadvantages that
each of the countries has when marketing the product.................................................19




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The company "Señorío de Begué", originally from the province of Jaén (Spain),
is dedicated to the sale and distribution of olive oil. For the next year, it intends
to export its products outside of Spain.

Señorío de Begué (fictitious company), has a high quality product, very

prestigious and well known in Spain, as well as a good structure of production
and sale for national trade.

Although sales continue to increase in Spain, they have decided to make the
leap to the international market to continue this line of growth.

The company needs someone to take charge of this important new phase for
Señorío de Begué. In this case, you will be the chosen one to carry out the task.


1. In the first place, you will have to carry out a study of the product and the sector
in Spain, as well as its compition.

2. Choose 3 countries to export and analyze the external situation in each one of
them. The countries should be:
- One of Europe.
- One from Latin America
- One from Southeast Asia.

3. Conduct a market study of each of these three countries regarding the oil
market. Find out what would be the product distribution in the country, taking
into account issues such as documents, agents, tariffs, etc.

4. From the study carried out, detail the advantages and disadvantages that each
of the countries has when marketing the product.

Page 1
Question 1: In the first place, you will have to carry out a study of
the product and the sector in Spain, as well as its competition.

The Product

Spain has a reputation of excellent cuisine and their production and cultivation
of olive oil and olive products. With its historic roots, the olive is a symbol of
peace, and the tree which produces olive (olea europea) are known to have
been cultivated around the Mediterranean about 6,000 years ago. Spain is the
world's leading producer of olive oil, with approximately 975 thousand tons
produced per year. This scale of production represents 57 percent of the oil’s
global production. When the Romans invaded Hispania in 212 BC they planted
trees and introduced the production of olive oil. The Romans expanded the
olive cultivation considerably over the next 200 years, exporting massive
amounts back to Italy (Adler, 2018). Olive oil from Hispania was considered to
be of great quality and was held in high regard by the inhabitants of Old Rome
including the Roman Empire.

Table olives are prepared from the fruits of the olive tree. Olives picked off the
tree contains a very bitter compound called Oleuropein, The fruit is cured to
remove the bitterness in order to make it palatable, treated and preserved in
various ways. To remove bitterness, the fruit is generally treated with sodium,
potassium hydroxide, or brine. After that, the fruit is rinsed in water. As some
olives ripen however, the bitter compound is depleted and the olives sweeten.
This is as a result of fermentation (Reese & York, 2007). Most olives today
however, are used in the production of olive oil as opposed to table olives.
Olive oil is made by harvesting fresh olives, crushing the olive fruit into a paste,
and separating the natural oils from the olive pulp.

In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is the main source of fat. Studies have
shown that the consumption of olive oil has many health benefits. According to
Eckelkamp (2021), these include:

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• Extra virgin olive oil, which is the best quality oil available, is rich in
antioxidants, which help prevent cellular damage caused by molecules
called free radicals. It also helps to reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Findings from a recent 2020 study suggest that extra virgin olive oil
triggers changes in gut bacteria that are associated with prevention of
colorectal cancer and breast cancer.

• It promotes cardiovascular health. Studies have proven that people who

consume this diet appears to have a higher life expectancy, including a
lower chance of dying from cardiovascular diseases. It has also been
linked to reduced cholesterol levels.

• It supports a healthy mental outlook and mood. Olive oil’s brain-

nourishing nutrients can help elevate your mood. Also, according to a
2019 study, the Mediterranean style diet can also help to treat

• It reduces pain and inflammation. Laboratory tests have found

evidence that antioxidants in olive oil may help protect the body from
inflammation, oxidative damage, and epigenetic changes.

• It promotes a healthy gut and immune system. Olive oil’s polyphenols

may reduce inflammation of the GI tract and foster the growth of good
bacteria. In terms of immune health, studies have found that eating 3
tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil every day was associated with
greater growth and activation of T-cells, immune cells that attack
foreign invaders.

The Sector

The olive oil sector in Spain has more than 350 million olives grown all over
country. Spain is currently the leading producer of olive oil. Olive oil cultivation
represents 30.2% of the world’s production and 41% of the European Union
production. In addition, approximately 92% of the olive crop is dedicated to oil

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extraction while the remaining 8% is used for table olives (Treurer, n.d). Spain
not only produces Olive oil for local consumption but they produce about half
the world’s total olive oil, of which about 46% is exported, making Spain the
world’s leading olive oil producer and exporter. The average annual production
of olive oil in Spain over recent years has been around 1.75 million tons
(EU Monitor, 2019).

Though the local production of the olive landscape is staggering in some

regions, the areas with the highest production are the provinces of Jaén and
Córdoba in Andalusia, with Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, and the Balearic
Islands contributing to Spain’s overall output as well. According to the Minister
of Agriculture of Spain, the Olive oil consumption in the country, reached
412,000 tons in 2020, an increase of 16 percent compared to 2019, the
minister added, with “the most significant increase” of 19 percent recorded for
extra virgin olive oil (Vasilopoulos, 2021).

Additionally, methods of Olive oil production has heralded important qualitative

changes that have placed Spain as trailblazer as it relates to trends for the
future of the international olive-growing industry. In recent decades, the
emphasis on experimentation and the results of scientific progress, has raised
both the quality and diversity of SpaIn’s Olive oils for the first time in history
(EU Monitor, 2019). Technological advancements in drip irrigation, growing
systems, environmentally-friendly growing practices and integrated production
has increased the quality of the olives which are harvested at their optimum
ripeness, when the oil content offers premium aromas and flavours. In addition
to improved fruit quality, the use of innovative extraction technology, has been
adapted to the specific characteristics of each olive variety, according to their
degrees of ripeness and cultivates the oil according to the specifications of the
original fruit (EU, 2019).

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many sectors have been
affected, including olive oil production in Spain. The COVID-19 crisis has
severely hit world food production and trade: international logistics problems
and a slump in demand—especially during the lockdowns—via exports, with a

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strong impact on prices and incomes. The rising rigor in health standards (in
products and packaging) have also affected exports. According to Vasilopoulos
(2021), “Producers in Spain expect a lower olive oil yield in the 2021/22 crop
year than they harvested in 2020/21. Data presented by officials at Expoliva
2021 indicate that the decrease in the country’s production is due to the
reduced output of olive oil projected for Andalusia, the barometer of the
Spanish olive oil industry accounting for almost 80 percent of Spain’s yield.”
The low production has also been due to the shortage of rain and higher than
normal temperatures.

The Competition In Spain

Señorío de Begué as a company within the Olive oil production market will
have competition from several olive oil manufacturers and venders in Spain.

Borges Mediterranean Group is a global food processing company. Their
strengths are seen in industrial processing packaging and marketing of olive
oil, dry fruits, seeds and vinegar. The company has a strong set of distribution
and transportation agents as it exports its products to over 120 countries and
generates revenues of over $820 million. Apart from olive oil, their other
product offerings include, balsamic hazes, sauces, olives, vinegarettes, nuts
and pastas (Edge, 2020).

As the world’s leader in bottled olive oil sale, Deoleo is a Spanish multinational
company which sells its product in over 60 countries and has a product
portfolio with 40 brands including that of Carbonell. Among the top global olive
oil manufacturers, the company also owns leading brands in seeds oil market
in Italy and Spain alongside a major presence in the dressings, vinegar, and
table olives market. Their brand Carbonell is the leading brand of olive oil in
Spain and also records highest sales figures amongst Spanish olive oil brands
(Edge, 2020).

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As a leading Portugal-based Olive oil business, Gallo has extensive experience
in working with mill owners, research, olive tree growers and quality control
experts. With over 90 years of experience in manufacturing olive oil, the
company follows strict quality standards and works together with olive tree
growers, experts, mills, and researchers to continuously improve their
products. They have won several awards for their excellence in olive oil
manufacturing including The Copenhagen International Olive Oil Awards and
Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil and more (Edge, 2020).

Among Greece’s largest food companies and Olive oil producers is Minerva.
They specialize in the production of Olive oil as well as cheese. It exports its
products across 42 major countries. The company is involved in the
manufacturing and distributions of products including virgin olive oil, extra
virgin olive oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegars, and gourmet
cheese (Edge, 2020).

Sovena is a multifaceted Olive oil producer. They are currently the leading agri-
processor that operates across the olive oil value chain right from production to
distribution. They produce other items such as olives, soaps, and cooking oils
and have split their business divisions into verticals including consumer goods,
oilseeds, agriculture, and biodiesel. This olive oil manufacturer sells their oil
products under various brand name including Oliviera Da Serra, Andorinha,
Fula, Olivari, Gem, Tri-Fri, Clarim, Vege, and Fontoliva. In 2016, Sovena
diversified their international market penetration to include China and Russia
through their marketing and distribution strategy with the Oliveira Da Serra
brand (Edge, 2020).

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Of the 3.12 million metric tons produced worldwide in 2018, Spain contributed
to 1.79 million metric tons, which accounts for over 57 percent of the total
global production of olive oil (Trenda, 2022). However, there is still major
competition from countries around the world. Italy has the second biggest
production of olive oil in the world with an average production of 555,574 tons
from 1993-2014. 80% of Italy’s olive oil production is concentrated in the
Southern region in areas such as Puglia, Sicily, Basilicata, Sardinia, and

World production for the 2019/20 campaign would amount to 3,057,500 t, an

increase of 5.5% compared to the previous campaign. Among the IOC member
countries, Spain stands out for its weight in world pro- duction (15%), despite a
22.5% drop. Egypt’s production has increased by 25% compared to the
2018/19 campaign, contributing 24.5% of the world total (International Olive
Council,2021). Other countries to note are Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and
Turkey with almost 2 million tons all together.

Although U.S. production of olive oil remains small on a global scale, the
United States is among the nontraditional producing countries that are
responding to higher global demand, and output has risen quickly in recent
years. (USITC, 2013).

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Question 2: Choose 3 countries to export and analyse the external
situation in each one of them.

The countries should be:

- One of Europe.
- One from Latin America
- One from Southeast Asia.

The volume of olive oil shipped by Switzerland in 2020 was 55 tons. This is an
increase from the 2019 figure of only 18 tinned of Olive oil sold. The demand
for Switzerland Olive oil (processed) has however increased through 2019.
This was seen with fluctuations of 12.5 percent compared to the year 2018.
Between 2017 and 2019, olive oil's exports reduced by -56.1% earning the
nation US$0.25m for the year 2019 (Selina Wamucii, 2020). Considering the
aforementioned, Switzerland would be an ideal candidate for Señorío de
Begué to export Olive oil since their Olive oil industry is relatively small and
the national demand is increasing.

Switzerland is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons (federated states)

with the states being able to enjoy fair amount of decentralisation. Unlike any
other country, it has a direct democracy where people can give their direct say
in their own affairs several times a year through national/regional referendums
and people’s initiatives. It has a ‘magic formula’ of power-sharing i.e. the
Swiss government is a coalition of the four major political parties in the

Switzerland is one of the largest economies in the world. Its GDP in 2019 was
$703.8 billion that represented 0.58% of the world economy (Trading
Economics, 2020). However, the GDP is expected to slow down in both 2020
and 2021 and bounce back in 2022. Likewise, endless queues for food bags in
many cities are signalling a tough economic crisis unfolding. Agriculture,

Page 1
manufacturing, service, banking, and tourism are the five biggest industries in
Switzerland. Its top exports e.g. gold, packaged medicaments, vaccines,
watches, and jewellery mostly go to Germany, the USA, China, France, and
India, whereas its top imports e.g. gold, jewellery, cars, and packaged
medicaments mostly come from Germany, the UK, Italy, the USA, and France
(OEC, 2020). Switzerland is one of the most advanced countries in the world.
In fact, it was named the world’s most innovative country in 2019 by the Global
Innovation Index. Its top universities which have garnered global reputation, are
playing a vital role in innovation. Scientists are working tirelessly to carry out
medical, robotics, biomechanics and architectural research with a view to
improving the lives of the elderly people.

• GDP of the country: $371.2

billion (2013 est.) which • Countries' Exports are
represents 1.05 percent of the estimated to be 308.4 billion and
world economy with and Imports as of 287.7 billion.
growth rate of 1.7%.
The country is poor in natural
• Major sources of country’s GDP are resources but high in R&D
from the service sector (72.5%) and which constitutes 2.9% to
industry sector (27%). The Gross country’s GDP.
Domestic Product per capita in
Switzerland was last recorded at • People of Switzerland are very active
55,485.60 US dollars in 2013 which in E-markets and E-banking.
is equivalent to 448% of the world's
average. • They have a most dense Rail network
in the whole Europe.
• Inflation rate: -0.4%.
• Switzerland is growing fast in
• Unemployment rate is estimated to be Chocolate manufacturing and
2.9%. supplying to the whole world.
Prominent research fields include:
• Stands at 28th rank in terms of Biotechnology, micro technology,
Ease of Doing Business from the Computer Science, Climate Research
other countries of the world. and Renewable research.

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The Federative Republic of Brazil is a South American country, and it’s the
largest country in Latin America. It shares the border with all other South
American countries except Chile and Ecuador. The capital of the country is
Brasilia, and Sao Paulo is her largest city. The total area of Brazil is 3,287,956
square miles, and it’s the 5th largest country in the world in terms of size and
area. Approximately more than 210,147,125 people are populating the country,
and it’s the 6th world’s most populated country (Shaw, 2021).

Brazil follows the federal republic democratic system of government and

administration. The country comprises federal districts and 26 states. However,
she falls under the category of the world’s middle-income countries. It gives the
country some influence in global affairs. Brazil’s geopolitical and diplomatic
relations with the US and other neighboring countries like Argentina and
Venezuela are in good standing. Their efforts to maintain their stance of being a
good global citizen is seen with their membership in the world’s leading
institutions like the United Nations, OECD, BRICS, Mercosul, G20, WTO,
World Bank, International Monetary Funds, Organization of Portuguese
language countries, and Organization of Ibero-American States.

According to an estimate, the annual nominal GDP of Brazil in 2020 was 1.363
trillion dollars, and it’s 13th world’s highest. Out of which, the per capita income
of the country was 6450 dollars, and it’s 83rd world’s highest. However, Brazil
was barely recovering from the economic recession of 2015 and the COVID-19
pandemic has only exacerbated the issue causing further drops in income and
growth. In terms of agricultural production, Brazil falls under the category of the
world’s leading coffee-producing countries. According to an estimate, Brazil
would produce approximately 32.99 million bags in 2021-2022. However, the
country had produced an all-time high of 55 million coffee bags in 2016-2017.
Sugar is the second most powerful industry and the country exports it to over
100 countries worldwide. According to an estimate, Brazil exports 75% of the
home-produced sugar and uses only 25% of it. Brazil’s main exports are cars,
raw sugar, crude petroleum, iron ore, and soybeans. She exports it to
Germany, Netherland, Argentina, the USA, and China (Shaw, 2021).

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Brazil’s main imports are cars, integrated circuits, medicine packaging and
medicines, spare parts of vehicles, and refined petroleum. South Korea,
Germany, Argentina, the USA, and China are among the countries who
imports to Brazil. Though Brazil has made significant progress over the years,
issues of prostitution, health care, discrimination, child labor and poverty
continue to ravish the nation.

The Japan nation is often called ‘the land of the rising sun’. As a constitutional
monarchy, Japan has the emperor as the head of state. Limited control is the
hallmark of the Japanese monarch as it relates to the political affairs of the
country. The executive branch of power which includes the prime minister and
the cabinet administers the states affairs. Japan has one of the largest
economies in the world and ranks in the top five countries with a total GDP of
$4.9 trillion. They play a considerable role in the international community and
is a major aid donor. While the internal political environment is stable, Japan
has some very powerful neighbours with a long history of diplomatic
challenges. It has territorial disputes and political disagreements with a
number of countries, notably Russia, China, South Korea, and North Korea.
Japan maintains a very close relationship with the United States. This
relationship is a part of their strategic foreign and security policy. Japan has
also been putting a lot of efforts to build and maintain relationship with other
world powers such as India, the UK, France, and Australia. However, an effort
to amend Japan’s post-war pacifist constitution has raised concerns. It is
politically contentious and may impact on trade and foreign direct investment.

The Motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel, ships,

chemicals, textiles, and processed foods are among some of the major
industries in Japan. Their world reknowned automobile industry is home to the
largest vehicle manufacturers in the world e.g. Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Mazda,
Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Yamaha. Their reliance on the importation of, gas,oil,
coal, iron ore, copper, aluminium, wood and raw materials for industrial
production is an integral part of these. It imports most of these resources from

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countries such as China, the USA, South Korea, Germany, and Australia.
Likewise, it exports a variety of manufactured goods e.g. electronic equipment,
cars, vehicle parts, and industrial printers to other countries. Japanese exports
mostly go to the USA, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

Additionally, it is important to note that the recent rise of the yen is a concern
to many Japanese exporters. Japanese companies need to pay corporate tax
on the income they generate in Japan and abroad. On the other hand, foreign
companies operating in Japan pay tax only on the income they generate within
Japan. There are four types of corporate tax in Japan i.e. corporate tax,
corporate inhabitant tax, enterprise tax, and special local corporate tax.
Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in world. The
Japanese are wellknown as extremely creative in searching out and learning
to use modern technologies. Japan has been pushing technological innovation
and creativity in such a way that many countries will struggle to emulate.

Japan’s innovation can be found in a variety of fields. For example, automation

systems are widely used in Japan, particularly in hospitals, airports, and
restaurants. Likewise, Japan is well ahead of many other advanced countries
in robotic development. Indeed, it has more than half of the industrial robots in
the world. The contactless payment system has been in Japan for a long time;
indeed, long before many countries even thought about it. Japan has also
done tremendously well in areas such as space research and development,
chemicals, optics, rail transport, and semi-conductors. These developments
offer great opportunities for both Japanese and foreign individuals and

Question 3: Conduct a market study of each of these three

countries regarding the oil market. Find out what would be the
product distribution in the country, taking into account issues
such as documents, agents, tariffs, etc.

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The production and distribution of Olive oil has reached global levels and is
centric to the Mediterranean diet. This liquid gold is known for cooking since
ancient times, and the extra virgin olive oil is even more prominent because of
its heart benefits. The national demand for Olive oil has increased over the
years and although it is not manufactured in Switzerland, it is a major part of
the diet. Additionally, Switzerland imports all the olive oil they use and have
experienced a steady increase in the importation and use of olive oil across

There are certain requirements that govern goods imported into Switzerland
and the required documents vary depending on the type of product being
imported. Separate agencies oversee the various approval processes. The
documentation needed to transport goods across the borders of Switzerland
during customs clearance, for Olive oil would most likely be a GIP. Many
agricultural products require “general import permits” (GIPs), which are issued
by the Federal Office of Agriculture (FOAG) without charge. They are valid
indefinitely and are non-transferrable. Goods such as meat, herbs, fruits,
vegetables, potatoes, and dairy products may be subject to tariff rate quotas,
and obtaining a GIP is a prerequisite for a producer to be eligible for inclusion
in the quota (International Trade Administration, 2021).

Export Taxes
No customs duty is payable on goods being exported. Such goods are also
exempt from value added tax. Value-added tax (VAT) is levied according
to EU guidelines (although Switzerland is not a member of EU).

Export Clearance
Export clearances goods is in tandem with the European Union’s (EU)
standards. General documentation required includes, bill of lading, certificate
of origin, commercial invoices, packing list and special certificates as it
relates to food, animal products and livestock.

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Necessary Declaration
It is important to note that imported goods must be presented to the appropriate
Customs office and declared for clearance. “Goods imported into Switzerland
must be declared within the following time limits from arrival in the country by
various means of transportation: road, 24 hours; river, 48 hours; rail, 7 days;
and air, 7 days. The importer may examine goods before submitting them for
clearance (IBP, 2016, p. 90). Swiss Customs purposes, an ordinary
commercial invoice in duplicate or triplicate is considered sufficient
documentation. The invoice should contain the following details: description of
the products and packaging, gross and net weight of each package, quantity (in
metric terms), country of origin, and CIF value to the Swiss border.
Switzerland is gradually aligning its import requirements for agricultural
products with those of the European Union.

Olive oil and table olive imports to Brazil continue to rise, further establishing
Latin America’s largest country as an important market for both products.
According to the latest data from the International Olive Council, in the first
five months of the 2020/21 fiscal year – between October and February –
Brazil imported 11-percent more olive oil and olive pomace oil than the
previous year, up to 11,052 tons from the previous 8,330 tons (Deandreis,

Foreign exporters and Brazilian importers must register with the Foreign Trade
Secretariat (SECEX), a branch of the Ministry of Industrial Development and
Commerce (MDIC). Companies seeking to import goods into Brazil must obtain
a RADAR licence. This licence can be limited, unlimited or express depending
on the amount of imported goods. Licence applications must be submitted to
tax autorities and the type of licence is determined after a review of the
financial capacities of the company (Deandreis, 2019). Import costs include the
Import Duty (II), the Merchandise and Service Circulation tax (ICMS) and the
Industrialized Product tax (IPI). Import duty is a federal product-specific tax
levied on a CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) basis. Rates usually vary

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between 10% and 35%. The IPI is a federal tax levied on most domestic and
imported manufactured products. The IPI is not considered a cost for the
importer, since the value is credited back to the importer. IPI rates range
between 0% and 15%. The ICMS is a state government value added tax
applicable to both imports and domestic products. Although importers have to
pay the ICMS to clear the imported product through Customs, it is not
necessarily a cost item for the importer because the paid value represents a
credit to the importer. ICMS rates vary from one state to another: In the State
of São Paulo, the rates vary between 7% and 18%. Certain industries may
qualify for an ICMS tax exemption.

Other minor taxes that apply to imports: - USD 70, a lump sum paid for the
import licence - Merchant Marine Renewal Tax: 25% of ocean freights - Air
freight duty: Goods with a FOB value between USD 50 and 3 000, 60% of the
shipment's value

The highest per capita consumption of Olive is in Japan. A pleasurable
taste, positive effects on the health and sophisticated cultural
associations are just some of the characteristics related with the
Mediterranean Diet, of which olive oil is an essential constituent. The
potential health benefits of consuming Olive oil is popular among the
Japanese people and has spurred the exponential increase annually
since the 1980s.

In the beginning of the 1980s the Japanese began to consume Olive oil in
significant proportions. Promotional campaigns launched by the likes of the
International Olive Oil Council in 1991 and the efforts of producers as well as
distributors may have increased consumption in Japan also. Instances of
pioneering local cultivation of olive oil do exist, especially in the island of
Shodoshima where the climate is very similar to that of the Mediterranean.
Production is however very small; for present purposes, it can be considered
that all olive oil consumed in Japan is imported (Gómez, 2016) .

Page 1
Proper documentation is necessary when exporting to Japan. Some of the
documents needed to export to Japan will vary depending on the
products, however they usually include:

 Import Declaration Form (Customs Form C-5020).

 Japanese import license for hazardous materials, animals, plants,

perishables, and in some cases articles of high value.

 A certificate of origin if the goods are entitled to favorable duty

treatment determined by preferential or WTO rates.

 Bill of lading  Proforma invoice

 Commercial invoice  AES filing

 Packing List  Customs


 Sales contract  Insurance policy

In addition, exporters have little to no trade barriers to overcome.

Regulatory barriers, including licensing requirements, restricted goods,
certifications and labelling requirements are a few of the minor aspects to

Page 1
Question 4: From the study carried out, detail the advantages and
disadvantages that each of the countries has when marketing the


 Stable and modern  No national  Stable modern
economy. production of Olive economy
 No custom duties oil.
 No national  Educated

production of Olive  Emerging populous

oil. economy.
 Steady increase in
 People in Switzerland are
highly educated and ranks  Steady increase in Olive consumption
2 in quality of life index, Olive oil Little to no national
therefore will consume
healthier options such as
consumption and competition
Olive oil. importation.
 Steady increase in the
importation and
consumption of Olive

 Restrictions  Restrictions  Restrictions
 Export
 Custom  Custom
charges charges
 Necessary
 EU’s custom

Page 1

Adler, D (2021). Spanish Olives and the Olives Behind Them. Retrieved from:
cultivation and-olive-oil

Deandreis, P. (2021). Rising Demand for Virgin Olive Oils Drives Imports in
Brazil. Retrieved from:
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Edge, S. (2020, February 7). TOP 5 OLIVE OIL MANUFACTURERS

AROUND THE WORLD. Retrieved from: Spend Edge: manufacturers/2

EU Monitor, (2019). Trade Mission to Spain on Olive oil Sector, Jaen.Retrieved


Gómez, D. C. (2016, November 8). Olive oil: an overview of the Japanese

market. Retrieved from Oilseeds & Fats Crops & Liquids: https://www.ocl

IBP (2016). Switzerland:Doing Business, Investing Switzerland Guide Vol. 1.

IBP Inc.
International Olive Council (2021). World’s Olive Oil Production has
Tripled. Retrieved from:

International Trade Administration (2021). Switzerland Country Commercial

Guide. Retrieved from:
requirements and-documentation

Page 1
OEC (2020). Switzerland. Retrieved from:
%20Switzerland’s %20exports%20per,and%20Jewellery%20(%2411.1B).

Reese, V & York, G. (2007). Olives: Safe.. Methods for Home Pickling.
Publication 8267. University of California.

Selena Wamucii (2020). Switzerland Olive Oil Market Insights.

Retrieved from:

Shaw, A. (2021). Pestle Analysis of Brazil. Retrieved from:

Trading Economics (2020) Switzerland GDP. Retrieved from:

Trenda, E. (2022). Olive Oil Production Volume 2014-2019 Spain.

Retrieved from:

Treurer (n.d). Where is Spanish Olive Oil Produced. Retrieved from:

USITC, (2013). Olive Oil: Conditions of Competition of the U.S and Major
Foreign Supplier Industries. Retrieved from:

Vasilopoulos, C. (20211). Olive Oil Production in Spain expected to fall,

Officials Say. Olive Oil Times.
oil-production-in-spain-expected to-fall-officials-say/99650

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