Improvement Assignment 3

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Improvement in food resources

Assignment 1
1.list two desirable traits for food crops
2.what is fumigation? the food crops that are used as food for the livestock.
4.what do you mean by livestock?
5.give the scienti c name for cow and bu alo.
6. How does mullet di er from prawn?
7.give two reasons why farmers use beekeeping as an additional income generating activity
8.what are macronutrients for plants name them ?
9. Explain two ways of improving crops
10.what do you understand by droughts ?
11.Give examples of mixed cropping.
12. De ne crop rotation.
13.What is the use of summer ploughing?
14. Which is the most common method used to control weeds, insects and diseases.
15. Name two common weeds needs
16. De ne lactation period name two breeds which are selected for their long lactation period.
17.How does Catla di er from MRIGAL?
18.Name in INDIAN variety and and and Italian variety of pi
19.Name two varieties of exotic sh
20.Name two varieties of Indian sh
21.Name an Indian and foreign poultry breed.
22.What do you understand by Draught animals?
Improvement in food resources
Assignment 2
A. Explain the term Photo period. How are short duration, measuring crops bene cial to farmers?
B. De ne pasture age how is it related to honey production?
C. De ne eutrophication
D. Di erentiate between auto troughs and had two jobs.
E. Di erentiate between Man U and fertilisers in nine points.
F. What are the food requirements of dairy animals?
G. Mention the characteristics of Italian bees.
H. Mention the type of shelters which should be provided to cattle in dairy farming.
I. What is the main characteristic of a healthy animal?
J. Mention the preventive measures taken to control diseases of dairy animals
K. What is vermi compost?
L. How does water pollution a ect sh production?
M. Name one nitrogen, xing bacteria
N. explain di erent kinds of irrigation systems adopted to supply water to agricultural lands.
O. what are the characteristics of storage structure for grains ?
P. Give six useful traits of improved crops.
Q. Name where is groups of fertilisers?
R. Di erentiate between inland sheries and marine sheries.
S. Di erentiate between broilers and less.
T. Write any two exotic breeds of cow.
U. Hey, which type of crop is generally grown between two cereal crops to restore soil fertility hey
V. He give the list of nutrients from air water and soil in a tabular form.
W. Dwarfness is a desired characteristic in which type of crop?
X. Fish is a cheap source of animal – for our food
Y. What is crop rotation? How are crops selected for crop rotation? Why crops of the same family should not be grown repeatedly in the
same eld
Improvement in food resources
Assignment 3
A. What are pesticides? Give examples?
B. Why should one avoid the use of chemical pesticides?
C. What is green man urine name one commonly used green man your crop?
D. What are the functions of organic matter present in manual or in soil?
E. Give the technical term for one.chemicals used to kill insects 2.chemicals used to kill fungi 3.chemicals used to kill weeds.
F. What is hybridisation? Why is it important?
G. Why is the removal of weed essential state weed control methods?
H. Write the ways in which the insect pests attacked the plants Slyne name to viral diseases of cattle.
I. Giving examples of di erent bees breeds.
J. What is the major problem in sh farming and how was it overcome
K. Name to plant products which are used to control insects.
L. Quality consideration of crops vary from crop to crop. Justify by giving three examples.
M. List two characteristics, each of roughage and concentrate in relation to animal feed.
N. What are fertilisers?
O. What is genetic manipulation? How is the transfer in agricultural practises?
P. How to storage greens losses occur
Q. What are the advantages of intercropping and crop rotation?
R. Explain any one method of crop production which ensures Higher yield.
S. What are the bene ts of cattle farming?
T. Di erentiate between capture shing Mary culture and aquaculture.
U. What are the advantages of composite sh culture?
V. What are the desirable characters of the variety is suitable for honey production?
W. What management practises are common in Dairy and country farming?
X. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement?
Y. List the various a Vatican, biotic factors that a ect crop production, and how

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