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Applied Clay Science 101 (2014) 619–622

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Ceramic behaviour of some clay deposits from Guayas province, Ecuador:

Preliminary study
M.M. Jordán a,⁎, F. Pardo b, T. Sanfeliu b, S. Meseguer b
Department of Agrochemistry and Environment, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Avda. de la Universidad s/n, 03202 Elche Alicante, Spain
Unit of Applied Mineralogy, Department of Agrarian Sciences and Environment, University Jaume I, Campus de Riu Sec s/n, 12080 Castellón, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This note is a preliminary study from mineralogical and chemical points of view about the possibility of using
Received 30 April 2014 local clays from Ecuador in industrial ceramics. The chemical and mineralogical composition of clays was deter-
Received in revised form 15 September 2014 mined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Also, the plasticity index (PI) was measured for
Accepted 19 September 2014
each sample. Test samples were prepared by pressing and firing at different temperatures. Linear contraction
Available online 7 October 2014
(LC), water absorption capacity (WAC), and bending strength were performed to characterise the fired clays.
The clay deposits studied were plastic raw materials with very high contents of quartz. The raw material in
Guayas traditional ceramics in Ecuador is clay with approximate levels of silica at 60%, alumina 15%, low alkalis and
Ecuador carbonates, and high iron levels. The sample mineralogy indicates quartz as a primary mineral, followed by
Clay deposits plagioclases, with hematite to a lesser extent in all the samples. Kaolinite, illite, and chlorite are the main clay min-
Mineralogy erals in the raw material samples. All the studied clays seem to be easily adaptable to a correct dry pressing ceramic
Ceramics process. The studied clays are an excellent raw material for the formulation of low porosity ceramic stoneware.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction handicrafts come from nearby savannas at depths of 25–30 cm. These
clay deposits are Quaternary materials deposited during different epi-
In order to research the ceramic sector in Ecuador, certain basic sodes by the Guayas River.
information is necessary, such as the number of industries involved in The relationship between the mineralogical composition of the raw
the sector (Table 1), the raw material used (Table 2), and the products materials and phase changes taking place during their sintering under
made (Cárdenas et al., 2003). Ceramic industries were also arranged different conditions has been studied by different authors (Daskshama
by province, determining that the greatest percentage is based in the et al., 1992; Jordan et al., 1999, 2009, among others). A sintering process
provinces of Azuay (37%) and Pichinga (21%). Guayas province (13%) consists in the compaction of aggregated particles. This process is not
is third overall, and the largest among Ecuador's coastal areas. Smaller complete so the ceramic tile bodies are still quite porous. Towards
producers include the provinces of Loja (10%), Chimborazo and Cañar 1000 °C, the larger pores are seen to increase (between 1 and 10 μm).
(5%), Manabí, Tungurahua, and Imbabura (3%). This phenomenon coincides with the destruction of clay minerals and
In Ecuador, only the traditional ceramic industry has been their re-crystallisation (Jordan et al., 2008).
developed, and within this segment, the highest percentage corre- The raw material in traditional ceramics in Ecuador is clay with ap-
sponds to white and red ceramics (Cárdenas et al., 2003). proximate levels of silica at 60%, alumina 15%, low alkalis and carbon-
In order to determine which types of products the white and red ce- ates, and high iron levels (Cárdenas et al., 2003).
ramic industries manufacture, the industries were consulted directly. This study results from the necessity of the Ecuadorian ceramic in-
The results from this research indicate that the country produces roof dustry to locate clays of high plasticity that additionally possess a high
tiles, clay bricks and blocks, stoneware tiles, floor and wall tiles, sanitary degree of cohesion upon drying and wide vitrification ranges; therefore,
porcelain, and porcelain. there is great interest in their ceramic behaviour.
This study was focused on the properties of ceramic clays from Previous studies do not exist about these non-exploited clay de-
Guayas province (Ecuador), an area with an important local traditional posits in Guayas province. This is the first time that the applicability of
ceramic industry. Six deposits with industrial applications were studied. these clays as a raw material for the ceramic industry has been tested.
The clays come from Samborondon, Marcabeli, and San Roque Piñas, in New research and better characterisation of clay deposits were needed
Guayas province. The clays used for manufacturing traditional ceramic for obtaining new ceramic processes and formulations. The main objec-
tive of this paper was to study the chemical–mineralogical composition
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 966658416; fax: +34 966658340. and technological behaviour that allows the evaluation of the applicabil-
E-mail address: (M.M. Jordán). ity of the clay deposits studied in manufacturing new ceramic products.
0169-1317/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
620 M.M. Jordán et al. / Applied Clay Science 101 (2014) 619–622

Table 1 The water absorption capacity (WAC) was determined in fired

Number and percentage of ceramic and related industries in Ecuador. clay pieces following the EN ISO-10545-3 (AENOR, 1997) standard.
Industry Number of companies % The bending strength tests were conducted at 1120 °C in a Gabbrielli
White clays 15 35
Crab 424 instrument with a digital control system according to the
Red clays 15 35 EN ISO 10545-4 standard (AENOR, 2012). The temperature was se-
Cement⁎ 8 19 lected following the standards for ceramic materials used for floor
Glass 4 9 coverings. The values obtained show a high level of deviation,
Refractary 1 2
which made carrying out a high number of determinations (between
⁎ Limestone is used as a raw material in the ceramic and cement industries. 15 and 20) for each test necessary.

2. Materials and methods 3. Results and discussion

Six deposits of clays were selected in the Samborondon (series EC-1, 3.1. Mineralogical composition
EC-2, EC-3, and EC-4), Marcabeli (series EC-5), and San Rafael Piñas
(series EC-6), located in the Guayas province of Ecuador. Some authors (Dondi et al., 1998; Jordan et al., 1999; Jordan et al.,
Twenty samples of each clay deposit were collected. Samples were 2001; Dondi et al., 2014; among others) point out that mineralogical dif-
taken according to standardised sampling procedures (Sanfeliu and ferences in raw materials have great influence on the behaviour of ce-
Jordan, 2009). They were oven-dried at 110 °C until reaching a constant ramic pastes with respect to their rheological and thermal properties,
mass and then ground with a hammer mill to pass through a 630 μm as well as the porous structure of the fired products.
sieve following normal ceramic laboratory practices (Meseguer et al., The mineralogical compositions of the samples differed considerably
2009a). Ten selected samples from each deposit were analysed for the (Table 3). Bulk samples from deposit EC-1 consisted mainly of quartz,
mineralogical and chemical composition (average values are discussed). plagioclase, and hematite, and contained illite in minor amounts.
A representative sample of each deposit was selected for ceramic tests. Quartz, illite/muscovite, and kaolinite were the dominant phases in
Mixtures of samples from the same deposit were prepared in a propor- clay fraction EC-1. Another component found in a lower quantity in
tion of 65% solid and 35% water with a 1% deflocculating agent (sodium this fraction was chlorite. Quartz and plagioclase were the dominant
pyrophosphate). phases in bulk samples from deposit EC-2, while hematites, illite/
Mineralogical analysis was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) muscovite, and chlorite were present in lower quantities. In clay fraction
using a Siemens D-5000 diffractometer, CuKα radiation, both on pow- EC-2, the mineral phases found were quartz, illite/muscovite, and chlo-
der (bulk samples) and oriented aggregates (natural and reacted with rite as the dominant phases, and the kaolinite content was minor. The
ethylene glycol and heated to 550 °C for 2 h) of the clay fraction were main phases found in bulk EC-3 samples were quartz, plagioclase, chlo-
obtained following the criteria expressed by Moore and Reynolds rite, hematites, and kaolinite. The main phases in clay fraction EC-3
(1997). A semi-quantitative analysis was carried out following the were kaolinite, quartz, and illite/muscovite. In this fraction, chlorite
Jordan et al. (1999) methodology. The chemical analysis was based on was found in trace amounts. The mineral composition of EC-4 samples
X-ray fluorescence measurements (Bruker S4 Pioneer) using conven- in bulk rock consisted of quartz, plagioclase, kaolinite, chlorite, and he-
tional techniques (Meseguer et al., 2009b). matites, with a small amount of illite/muscovite. In clay fraction EC-4,
The plasticity index (PI) was determined with the Pfefferkon meth- the mineral phases found were kaolinite and chlorite, with the dominant
od (ten determinations per sample). Samples were moistened by hand, phases quartz and illite/muscovite. The mineral composition of EC-5
mixed sufficiently, and sieved (1 mm) until homogeneous agglomerates samples in bulk rock consisted of quartz, plagioclase, feldspars, and he-
with 5% water were obtained. They were left to rest for 2 days and then matites, with a small amount of talc and illite/muscovite. In clay fraction
pressed (0.3 MPa, 80 × 40 × 5 mm) using a laboratory press. The pieces EC-5, the mineral phases found were quartz as dominant phase, feldspar,
were finally heated to 830, 880, 925, 980, 1025, 1080, 1120, and illite/muscovite, kaolinite, and traces of chlorite. Finally, the mineral
1165 °C, maintaining at the maximum temperature for 2 h. These tem- composition of EC-6 samples in bulk rock consisted of quartz, hematites,
peratures were arbitrarily chosen but correspond to temperatures used plagioclase, illite/muscovite, kaolinite, and talc. In clay fraction EC-6, the
during the firing of industrial ceramic tiles. The linear contraction (LC) mineral phases found were quartz, the dominant phase, kaolinite, and
was measured following conventional techniques. The linear contrac- illite/muscovite. Another component found in a lower content in this
tion is calculated as follows: fraction was chlorite.

Li −L f
LC ¼  100
Li 3.2. Chemical composition

The chemical composition (Table 4) of most samples showed a
high iron content (7.3–5.1% Fe2O3), responsible for the reddish col-
LC linear contraction (%)
our developing at firing, except for samples from the EC-5 deposit
Li initial length of the ceramic body
with a 0.6% Fe2O3 content. EC-5 C clays showed the highest relative
Lf final length of the ceramic body.
amounts of alkalis (Na2O + K2O), explaining why this sample ma-
tures at relatively low temperatures. The CaO content was relatively
low in samples EC-1, EC-2, EC-3, EC-4 (3.6–1.7%), and very low in
samples EC-5 and EC-6 (0.1%). The CaO control is important because
Table 2
decarbonation is a strongly endothermic reaction that generates a
Number of quarries for each raw material in Ecuador.
high volume of gas, leading to expansive reactions (Cultrone et al.,
Raw material Number of quarries 2004). A higher loss on ignition was observed for the EC-2, EC-4,
Limestone 24 and EC-6 samples due to the presence of organic matter. Samples
Clays/kaolin 17 EC-1, EC-3, and EC-5 showed low values for ignition loss. Finally,
Silica 8 the SiO 2 content was up to 60% in all studied samples, with Al2O 3
Gypsum 6
values between 14 and 18%.
M.M. Jordán et al. / Applied Clay Science 101 (2014) 619–622 621

Table 3
Mineralogical composition of clays.

Bulk fraction Clay fraction

Sample Q FdK Plg Hem I/M K Cl Talc Q FdK I/M K Cl

EC-1 ++++ − ++ + (+) − − − +++ − + + (+)

EC-2 +++ − ++ + + − + − ++ − ++ + ++
EC-3 +++ − +++ + (+) + ++ − ++ − ++ ++ +
EC-4 +++ − +++ + + ++ ++ − ++ − ++ +++ +++
EC-5 ++++ ++ +++ + (+) − − + +++ + + + (+)
EC-6 ++++ − + ++ + + − + +++ − ++ ++ (+)

Legend: Q: Quartz, Fk: K-feldspar; Plg: Plagioclase (albite/oligoclase), Hem: Hematite; I/M: Illite/Muscovite; K: Kaolinite; Cl: Chlorite; T: Talc;; ++++ (N20%); +++ (N15%);
++ (N10%); + (N5%); (+) Present (5–2%); (.) (b2%);− not present.

Table 4
Chemical analysis (% by mass, air-dried). LOI: loss on ignition.

% EC-1 EC-2 EC-3 EC-4 EC-5 EC-6

SiO2 66.8 ±2.1 65.2 ±1.8 67.3 ±2.3 62.7 ±1.9 75.7 ±3.2 61.5 ±1.1
Al2O3 17.2 ±1.1 14.8 ±0.9 15.2 ±0.7 15.8 ±0.8 14.5 ±1.1 18.6 ±1.2
Na2O 2.6 ±0.2 2.4 ±0.1 3.0 ±0.2 1.9 ±0.3 3.3 ±0.2 0.2 ±0.07
K2O 1.0 ±0.2 0.9 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.1 0.7 ±0.05 3.8 ±0.2 2.5 ±0.3
CaO 2.5 ±0.3 1.7 ±0.2 3.6 ±0.2 1.7 ±0.1 0.1 ±0.07 0.1 ±0.06
MgO 2.1 ±0.8 1.6 ±0.4 2.1 ±0.2 1.8 ±0.2 0.1 ±0.04 1.1 ±0.05
Fe2O3 6.2 ±0.6 5.9 ±0.5 5.1 ±0.5 6.2 ±0.4 0.6 ±0.1 7.3 ±0.7
TiO2 0.7 ±0.1 0.7 ±0.1 0.5 ±0.1 0.7 ±0.2 – – 0.9 ±0.1
MnO 0.1 ±0.03 0.1 ±0.06 0.1 ±0.08 0.1 ±0.04 – – – –
P2O5 0.1 ±0.09 0.1 ±0.1 0.1 ±0.09 0.1 ±0.08 – – – –
Cl – – 0.3 ±0.1 – – 0.2 ±0.1 – – – –
SO3 0.3 ±0.08 0.4 ±0.06 – – 0.5 ±0.1 – – – –
L.O.I. 0.6 ±0.1 6.7 ±0.6 2.1 ±0.5 8.2 ±0.7 1.7 ±0.2 7.8 ±0.3

3.3. Plasticity behaviour gradually, with oscillations up to 1080 °C in all samples. Around
1120 °C, a considerable decrease in the WAC was observed, suggesting
The plastic behaviour of the samples and their adaptability for the beginning of vitrification (Carretero et al., 2002; Jordan et al.,
pressing were similar (Marsigli and Dondi, 1997). Samples were consid- 2008). Above 1160 °C, high sintering levels were reached for some
erably plastic raw materials (PI = 30–34) (Table 5), explaining their pieces, indicated by the fast WAC decrease (b5%). The changes in the
excellent aptitude for working in the plastic state (Daskshama et al., water absorption capacity were mainly due to two factors with opposite
1992; Galos, 2011). effects: The first factor was related to the reduction in the open porosity
of the pieces to increasing amounts of the liquid phase and the decreas-
ing viscosity. Besides reducing the porosity of the tile bodies, this effect
3.4. Bending strength
partially blocked the pre-existent capillary system (Amorós et al., 1992),
which reduces the WAC even more. The second factor was the conse-
The bending strength (Table 6) of the bodies fired at 1120 °C was be-
quence of the micro-structural heterogeneity of the raw tile bodies,
tween 16 and 25 MPa. The values were within the interval for materials
which led to the elimination of the smaller pores at higher tempera-
used for pavements and/or floor coverings (15–20 MPa) but were
tures. This brought about differential contractions among the different
somewhat inferior to the required specifications for earthenware
micro-regions of the tile body, and as a result, the average pore size
(34–35 MPa) (Jordan et al., 2008; Galos, 2011). The differences in the
diameter increased.
measured values made it necessary to carry out a high number of deter-
The chemical analysis of the fired samples indicated high values for
minations in each test. The discrepancies were in large part due to errors
silica, alumina, and iron; however, the alkali values were low, and
of the geometry of the pieces from surface micro-fissures and errors
those for the loss due to calcination were practically non-existent after
related to the device used in the tests.
firing. At low temperatures, alkalis were present in the tile bodies. At
higher firing temperatures alkalis contribute to the formation of the
3.5. Firing behaviour liquid phase, reducing the porosity of the tile bodies (Amorós et al.,
1992; Jordan et al., 1999). Linear contraction increased gradually with
Table 7 shows the values for linear contraction (LC) and water temperature. However, this increment was inexistent for low tempera-
absorption capacity (WAC) for each clay deposit. The WAC decreased tures in deposits EC-5 and EC-6, low for EC-1, and high for the EC-2 and
EC-4 clay deposits. This behaviour in clays from the EC-2, EC-3, and EC-4
Table 5
Plasticity index (IP) values for selected samples of deposits Table 6
EC-1, EC-2, EC-3, EC-4, EC-5, and EC-6. Bending strength σ (MPa) for ceramic tile bodies.

Sample PI Sample Sintered 1120 °C

EC-1 31 ± 2 EC-1 18 ± 4
EC-2 34 ± 4 EC-2 19 ± 6
EC-3 34 ± 3 EC-3 16 ± 2
EC-4 33 ± 2 EC-4 20 ± 2
EC-5 32 ± 2 EC-5 22 ± 2
EC-6 30 ± 1 EC-6 25 ± 5
622 M.M. Jordán et al. / Applied Clay Science 101 (2014) 619–622

Table 7 4. Conclusions
Linear contraction (LC) and water absorption capacity (WAC) vs temperature for selected
samples of deposits EC-1, EC-2, EC-3, EC-4, EC-5, and EC-6.
The clay deposits studied correspond to highly plastic clays with
EC-1 LC WAC T (°C) very high contents of quartz. All the samples were considerably plastic
1 9.39 0.00 1165 raw materials explaining their excellent aptitude for pressing. The
2 10.80 0.48 1120 sample mineralogy indicates quartz as a primary mineral, followed by
3 5.38 8.90 1080 plagioclase, with hematite to a lesser extent in all the samples. Kaolinite,
4 2.37 14.93 1025
illite, and chlorite are the main clay minerals in the raw material
5 1.71 16.39 980
6 0.97 17.11 925 samples. From the point of view of the industrial application for these
7 0.64 17.78 880 clays, it can be stated that according to their origin, composition, and be-
8 0.37 16.69 830 haviour, they are an excellent raw material for the formulation of low
porosity ceramic stoneware (Dondi et al., 2014).
EC-2 LC WAC T (°C)
The positive results obtained in this set of preliminary tests lead us to
1 10.30 0.00 1165 envisage new research programmes in Guayas province focused on test-
2 9.03 4.73 1120
ing these and other raw materials on a semi-industrial scale, and
3 4.01 13.37 1080
4 2.48 16.17 1025 assessing the effective possibility of using them as ceramic raw mate-
5 2.27 16.62 980 rials in the local ceramic industry.
6 2.21 15.94 925
7 2.14 16.91 880 Acknowledgements
8 1.47 17.43 830

EC-3 LC WAC T (°C) The authors would like to express their gratitude to Dr. M. Montano,
researcher of the Instituto de Ciencias Químicas y Ambientales of the
1 2.37 0.00 1165
2 11.70 1.12 1120 Escuela Politécnica Superior del Litoral (Ecuador), for help in the discus-
3 2.40 17.92 1080 sion and additional comments.
4 0.07 23.24 1025
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