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1 B.

Bill Title: Reproductive Rights and Health Act

2 Preamble:
3 Whereas, it is recognized that access to safe and legal reproductive health services is a
4 fundamental human right;
5 Whereas, there is a need to provide a legal framework that ensures the rights and
6 health of individuals with respect to their reproductive choices;
7 Whereas, this Act seeks to protect the health and lives of pregnant individuals and
8 ensure their access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare;
9 Now, therefore, be it enacted by the Congress of the Philippines that:
10 Section 1: Title: This Act may be cited as the "Reproductive Rights and Health Act."
11 Section 2: Reproductive Rights
12 (a) Every person snail have the right to make decisions about their own reproductive
13 health and family planning
14 (b) These rights shall include the right to access information, education, and healthcare
15 services related to reproductive health.
16 Section 3: Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Healthcare
17 (a) Comprehensive reproductive healthcare services shall be made available to all
18 individuals.
19 (b) These services shall include, but not be limited to, contraception, maternal
20 healthcare, and safe and legal abortion under certain conditions.
21 (c) Abortion shall be allowed when the life and health of the pregnant person are at risk
22 or in cases of severe fetal abnormalities.
23 Section 4: Safe and Legal Abortion
24 (a) Abortion services shall be provided by qualified medical professionals in a safe and
25 regulated environment.
26 (b) Abortion services may be sought by an individual in accordance with the law.
27 Section 5: Counseling and Support Services
28 (a) The government shall establish counseling and support services for individuals
29 considering abortion.
30 (b) These services shall provide information, counseling, and emotional support.
31 Section 6: Education and Awareness
32 (a) Comprehensive education on sexual and reproductive health shall be integrated into
33 school curricula.
34 (b) Public awareness campaigns shall be conducted to inform the public about
35 reproductive health rights and services.
36 Section 7: Privacy and Confidentiality
37 (a) The privacy and confidentiality of individuals seeking reproductive health services,
38 including abortion, shall be protected by law.
39 Section 8: Effective Date
40 This Act shall take effect upon its publication in the Official Gazette.

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