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@e= 3 choose the correct answer. 20 yn 4 Write tour sentences describing areal or imaginary Vocabulary Adjectives of description 1 8 Unscramble each pair of opposites and write the words under the correct plete, g ‘Ido / gnoyu = rthso/lalt « tfa/hint « ygul / fuueabilt Iryue/tsrhig . a a a ©2 ¢ Write the opposites of the words below. 1. big 2. long 3. light 4. good-looking 5. narrow my Costume mrealy excited about my costume forthe fancy-dress party. This year, mnot ‘a good-Hooking/ a curly / an ugly fashion model or actor from Hollywood. ma vampire! My eal hairis® short /old/ wide and curly, but for my costume, Ive got* young/fat/ straight hair. It lack ike my clothes. My mouth is red and narrow / dark / short and my teeth are very* medium height /ugly ight. Two of my teeth ore long /fat/ curl like an anima teeth ‘im only .60 metres, som not straight /thin tall. But | stllthink am a frightening vampire! person, Use adjectives of description ©¢ 5 wiressoree wth wards btu. Us the CR on: Grammar Present Continuous @pse 8 complete the tox wit the vers in brackets. Us correct formot the Present Continuous. the Present Continuous affirmative. Then find the people and pet inthe picture and write their names. 1. Jack /look /at clothes " (participate)in a music festival at the moment. Its 2.00 am but |? (not steep) because there are activities around me. There are thousands of people at the festival We* (listen)to ‘music. Some people * (dance) too, and other people * {¢at)junk food. Everyone at the festival sin fancy dress! Why © they (wear) costumes at a music festival? Apparently, they” (not do)anything unusual Costumes are very popular at music festivals all over the UK ‘at the moment. Here, at this music festival, people aren't worried about anyone's opinion of their appearance. They s (have) fun, and thanks to their costumes, theiridentities area secret! 2, Susan and Paul / play /instruments, 3. Claire / dance 4, Spot /lie /on a bag 5. Harry and Emma / watch / Susan and Paul sentences wt the verbs inbrackts. Use the @yeew 9 imagine youand your tints rata festival. ite tre Present Continuous affirmative or negative. affirmative an tree negative sentences abou your 1. Spot (sleep)at the moment. activites. Use the ideas below and the Present Continuous. 2. Harry and Emma (sit)on listen to music » chat online » make videos « sing chairs. dink » read magazines = watch @ show » have fun 3. Jack (eat)now. 4, Susan and Paul (sing)now. 5. Claire (talk) to friends. Write four questions with the words below. Use the Present Continuous. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true. vet penapety: [ine Speaking Atthe festival yourparents | wearcostumes | atthe moment yourschool | studyinctass | rightnow 10 complete the caloque about plctres froma festival. ; Use the verbs in brackets andthe Present Continuous. visita museum John: tall men' (dance) with his 1 frends. Sandra: Hes got oreen hoi. But he” 2 (not weer) any unusual clothes. John: His friends? (woar)funny 3 costumes! Sandra: They* (ave) fun 4 Jot: That it (watch the tai man andtis tends. 2 AGreat Story Vocabulary Film and book genres = 1 Write the genres under the correct pictures. crime « mystery « horor« fantasy = western» musical» drama » science-fiction » romonce « adventure + hRew e be: y= 2 Tick(v)the sentences T true) orF (false). 12 4 Write sentences about five film and book genres. TIF Explain why you tke or don't ike them. 1. Science-fictionis often about the future. 2. Westerns typically take place in Europe. 5. Horror films are good for young children. 4, The events ina fantasy are from history. 5. Thereis singing in a musica. 8. You dont see the actors nan animated film. 7. Abiography is atrue story. 8, There is often poetry in comics. Grammar Present Simple / Present Continuous Read the descriptions of the people. Which genre below do you recommend for each person? below doyourecommandforeachparsen? x 5 unterine the ine expression or adver of requecyn ‘each sentence. Then choose the correct answer. ‘an animated film = «a a—, = 1. Jonnfrtrendingydovsn read a book tthe 1 sts tee earl ma 2. Mike is interested in the history of Morocco. 2. We often watch / are watching westerns on TV. 5. The chrennaver are rein redbogat 4. Are ms en. 4 Lamoong oo fora poetry book nw ‘.Kerniebeerestedinthetvesctfarouspeope, 6 Emmaeuaty wrftas/ rtf. 6. fim company mekes/Ismaking fim about my ‘5, Henry wants to watch something funny. grandfather's life right now. 6. Glendatikes watching car races and people @Bx= G complete the sentences with do, does, am. io are. fighting. 1 youlike science fiction? 7. Ellen loves superheroes. 24 not watching a film now. 8. Paulis studying literature at university. 3. Sam studying about ‘Shakespeare right now. 4, That writer not write mysteries. 5. What the children reading at the ‘moment? 8 When, the literature lesson start? 22 x= 7 wine senences wh he word below. Ue the Present Simple the Present onto 1 wach an ction i at the moment 2. my ser want books /forerbithday/ 5. they nt make an ankoted i igh now 4 they understand / the book now? 5. he/finish /abook/ every week / 6. the film/ play /at this cinema / at the moment /? Complete the forum posts with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Dao) Steere ‘and literature in your country? «Jack: Yes! Robert Burs isa famous 18th century Scottish poet. Every year on his birthday, people in Scotland (have)a special meal and they? (read) his poetry. Its Robert ‘Burns Day soon, s0 my grandparents * (plan) the event now. Gunnar: At the moment, peopein iceland (shop) for books. Every 24th December, we (give) books to our family and friends. Most people in Iceland . (love) books, so were excited about the festival ei ‘Anna: In Spain men and women (receive) books and flowers during the Festival of Sant Jordi in Apri. Right now, my father* (look) (onthe Internet for books for my ‘mother. He* (want) tossurprise her, andhe™ (not wait) for the Festival of Sant Jordi! ‘D/A CormtlUhel ‘A: No, Ben doesrit ike comedies. 2.0: 2 ‘A: lusually read in the evening. 3.0: é ‘A: Were reading a fantasy called The Hobbit at themoment. 4.0: 2 ‘A: They are filming the action film in Hawaii. 5.0: 2 ‘A: Kate prefers action films. 10 Write a sentence about each topic below. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. + activities in the classroom at the moment + your film preferences + your reading habits Speaking What book is it? Complete the questions withthe words below. Then ‘match the questions to the answers. Questions ‘about « genre = main characters « writer » nome of 1. What’ the the book? 2. Whois the 2 3. What isit? 4, Who are the 2 5. What is the book 2 Answers ‘2. aprofessional spy called Irene and her assistant, Ka b. fantasy . Irene and Kai collect books for the invisible Library. At the moment, they'e looking for a very dangerous book in London. 4. The Invisible Library ‘2. Genevieve Cogman 23 Vocabulary Adjectives of description 2 ©= 1 conte nates Then mite he actives under the correct pictures. bro wtrengefomy vetootot Nata cage goncte Bi ied eerromreee: 1 Tt toc ‘fun-loving. 2. The opposite of hard-working is lazy / nice / mae |S. Shy / Friendly / Outgoing people don't usually pil bemalieenentaninlath A: say csr cna ass SN) fate 5. Clr Kin Hones poset ing tes Daw 3 write the adjectives below next to the correct description. confident « honest» outgoing» eosy-going ‘oventurous » clever 1. Pui only says true things. 2. Charles feels good about his appearance andhis schoolwork. 3. Mike works wll with ifferent types of people. 4, John makes new friends easily 5. Louise likes trying new things. 8. Wendy always recelves good marks in school 24 1. Agenerous person often 2. Afun-loving person usually 3. Brave people arerit 4, Confident people usually 5. An adventurous person likes 6. Easy-going people dont Describe a superhero, Write atleast four sentences with descriptive adjectives. Speaking Make suggestions ©@E Number the sentences in the correct order to make ‘dialogue. ‘a. Maybe we can watch Mogul Mowgli. 'b. What about a drama or romance? I like those. ‘&. Sounds good. What do you want to watch? 4. like drama, too. So what do you recommend? «. It about a British-Pakistanirap singer and the problems in his life. f. What'sit about? 49. Great, then let's watch it! fh. How about watching a film tonight? i, That sounds interesting. FO vee serrerste tnt. cnies on pie ‘novels. Whois reading a graphic novel now? ©E@ tices hn we vane Fits) 1. Peter thinks comic books are for clever people. 2. Ellenstiterature teacher doesnt like comic books. 3. Reading comics changes how we think 4, Ellen explains why superheroes can be sily 5. There's. graphic novel about World War I 6. Students study a graphic novel at Peter and Elles school Fs Gm & Reading Your Bain UIC Why Do Superheroes Need Costumes? People around the world are watching superhero films and reading superhero ‘comics at the moment. There are many types of superheroes, each with his or her own personality, but all the superheroes are wearing costumes. Why is that? Peter Parker looks like an average student. There's nothing special about his appearance. He isn't good-looking or ugly, and he isntt very tall or short, People don't really notice him. But when he's wearing his red and blue costume, he's Spider-Man. People see hs red and blue clothes and they know he's a ‘superhero with special abilities. People don't notice Clark Kent, either. But when they see his Superman costume, they're happy. Help is coming ‘and they know everything is OK. Not surprisingly, criminals dont like superheroes’ costumes. This is because the costumes protect the superheroes’ real identities. Batman is Bruce Wayne during the day. But criminals don't know this because he wears a frightening ‘costume and mask. Batmants costume aiso helps him hide some amazing inventions for fighting criminals. As we can see, costumes are very important to superheroes and they can't do their job” without them. 2, Peter Porters pearance 3. Spiders costume shows ape 4. Clarke Sopaman costuve make poop tel 5. Batmeniarealy amon caled © 10 rover questions. 1. Whathave al superheroes goin conmmon? 2. How does Peter Parka ook? 4, What is the writer's opinion of superheroes costumes?

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