Egi Ofanta BR Kaban - 2203321020 - Art & Ethic - DIKC20

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Art and Ethics Article

English Education C 2020

Teachers Professionalism
in English Language Teaching

Egi Ofanta br Kaban

Medan State of University


This article reviews the professionalism of the teacher in the school. This article aims to find out
how important it is to instill professionalism in every teacher to build good character and
personality in teaching. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative to provide an
overview of teacher professionalism. The data source of this research is the use of YouTube to
identify the attitudes of teachers who have professionalism and who do not.

Keywords : Teacher, Teaching, Professionalism

I. Introduction learning environments, assess provide

The professionalism of a teacher is a feedback and report on student learning,
must in realizing a knowledge-based school, engage in professional learning, and engage
namely an understanding of learning, professionally with colleagues, parents and
curriculum and human development the community.
including learning styles. In general, in Kramer (2003) argues that the most
schools that have teachers with professional critical elements of teacher professionalism
competence, they will apply "learning by can be classified into three categories:
doing" to replace teaching methods where attitude, behavior, and communication. These
the teacher only talks and students only three broad areas cover a wide range of
listen to what the teacher says without any behaviors and characteristics that must be
desire to ask questions. For example, as exhibited in a teacher's professional life, from
identified in the Australian Professional being punctual and well-dressed to
Standards for Teachers, (Board of Studies, understanding learning theory to
Teaching and Educational Standards NSW, communicating clearly with colleagues,
2012, p. 4) teachers are required to have parents, and students (Kramer 2003).
professional knowledge, professional Additionally, Cruikshank and Haefele (2001)
practice, and professional engagement: categorize “good teachers” across a range of
know students and how they learn, know the fields including analytical, obedient, expert,
content and how to teach it, plan for and reflective, and respected. So, the purpose of
implement effective teaching and learning, this study is to be able to explain how the
create and maintain supportive and safe differences between teachers who have
professionalism and who do not have activities in an orderly manner. Whereas
professionalism in teaching. teachers who are not professional, teachers
who are not disciplined in teaching such as
II. METHOD coming late, ordering students to study alone
Sugiono defines qualitative research and leaving the class before class ends so that
as a research method used to research on the students become noisy and the atmosphere
natural object conditions, researchers are is not conducive. Unprofessional teachers
key instruments, data collection techniques close learning without giving any material
are carried out in triangulation, data because The teacher is too busy playing
analysis is inductive, and the results of cellphone. The solution we get after watching
research emphasize meaning rather than this video is to report the teacher's
generalization. Qualitative research is a unprofessional actions in teaching to the
method used to explore and understand the principal in order to get a warning so he can
meaning that comes from social or human be even better at teaching.
problems. 2. Difference between Professional and
Qualitative research methods were Unprofessional Teachers.
used in this study because in general the This Video explain some of the
purpose of this study was to describe the differences between professional and
characteristics of professionalism that a unprofessional teachers.
teacher must possess in YouTube channels. 1. How to dress
By using qualitative research methods, it is Professional teacher: neat and
hoped that researchers can obtain an in- according to the rules Unprofessional
depth and comprehensive picture related to teacher: Untidy, wearing clothes that are
the professionalism that a teacher must have not according to the rules 2.
on the YouTube channel that we are 2. Interaction with students
analyzing. Professional teachers: invite students
to give opinions in learning, have good
III.RESULT communication with students.
Video analysis on YouTube about Unprofessional teacher: the teacher picks
Teacher of Professionalism in teaching. up the phone while explaining the lesson
1. Professional teachers vs so that the learning atmosphere becomes
Unprofessional teachers when disorderly.
teaching in the classroom. 3. How to advise students
After watching this video, we can find Professional teacher: giving advice by
out how the class atmosphere differs when not cornering students from one another
professional teachers teach and non- and giving motivational words to students.
professional teachers teach. A professional Unprofessional teacher: Comparing the
teacher is a teacher who has the competence abilities of one student to another.
to teach so that the learning process takes 4. Explain on the blackboard
place normally, the class situation is orderly Professional teacher: the teacher asks
and the teacher is firm in giving punishment students' understanding before writing on
for those who are late. the blackboard, explains enthusiastically
A professional teacher closes learning and maintains interaction between
students. Unprofessional teacher: The Ethics and Teacher Training Course of
teacher does not ask students' PGMI Study Program.
understanding before explaining on the This video explains several examples of
blackboard and does not maintain good unprofessional teacher actions in teaching.
interaction with students. The teacher could not hold back his emotions
5. Submission of material to students and immediately scolded the students. After
Professional teacher: the teacher explaining the teacher called another teacher
conveys the material slowly so that to tell a story in the class she was teaching.
students can understand it well. The teacher plays the cell phone while
Unprofessional teacher: Instead of teaching. The task of a teacher is not only to
delivering material, they tell stories teach or just convey material to students, but a
outside the learning context and don't teacher must also have high attitude, behavior
convey any material. and professionalism. Because the attitude
3. Examples of Unprofessional teachers carried out by a teacher will be an example for
In this video, we can see several every student
examples of teacher unprofessionalism in 5. Professionalism when teaching in the
teaching. classroom.
a. Teachers are upset To become professional teachers we
As teachers we must not let our must come on time and make good learning
mood control us, we must be able to preparations for students. As teachers we
control ourselves when teaching so that should not be favoritism towards students.
learning can take place in a good and The teacher must obey the rules he makes,
orderly manner. these rules apply to himself and students.
b. Technology Stuttering Teachers Before explaining the material to students.
As teachers we must master The teacher must first master the material.
technology so that learning can be more
enjoyable by using today's technology. IV. CONCLUSION
c. Selfish teacher
As teachers we should not be
absorbed in teaching ourselves, we must
have good interactions with students so
that lessons can be understood properly.

d. Teacher favoritism
The teacher should not focus on just
one student when pointing his hand to
answer a question.
e. Temperament Teacher REFERENCES
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