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(Software Engineering)

Software Requirements Specification

(SRS) Document

Face Recognition Based Attendance System

Submitted by – Tanisha Rathore (300111021061) A62

Suraj Panday (300111021062) A63
Omkar Singh (300111022303) A61
Table Contents
1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.4 References

1.5 Overview

2.System Description
3.1 User Registration

3.2 Face Detection and Recognition

3.3 Attendance Tracking

3.4 Reporting

3.5 Notifications

3.6 Security

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Performance

4.2 Reliability

4.3 Scalability

4.4 Usability
4.5 Data Privacy and Compliance

4.6 Integration

4.7 Maintenance and Support

5.Technologies and
Components 6.System
6.1 User Interface

6.2 Hardware Interfaces

6.3 Software Interfaces

6.4 Communication Interfaces

6.5 Database Interface

6.6 API Documentation

6.7 Web Services Interface

7. Data Requirements
7.1 User Data

7.2 Facial Images

7.3 Attendance Records

7.4 System Configuration Data

8. Constraints
8.1 Privacy and Data Protection

8.2 Accuracy and Reliability

8.3 Hardware Limitations

8.4 Budget Constraints

9. Testing Approch
9.1 Unit Testing

9.2 Integration Testing

9.3 User Acceptance Testing

9.4 Performance Testing

9.5 Security Testing

10. Deployment Strategy

11.Maintenance and Support
12.Project Management

1. Introduction
The Face Recognition-based Attendance Monitoring System is an innovative solution that
automates attendance tracking. By utilizing advanced facial recognition technology, it
accurately identifies and records individuals, streamlining attendance management. This system
enhances efficiency, reduces manual errors, and ensures real-time monitoring, making it a
valuable asset for various educational and corporate settings.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed description of the requirements for the
development of a Face Recognition Attendance System (FRAS).

1.2 Scope
The FRAS is designed to automate the attendance tracking process using facial recognition
technology. It will capture and recognize faces to record attendance for various applications such
as educational institutions and corporate environments.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

This section provides a glossary of terms used throughout the SRS. It is essential for ensuring a
common understanding among all stakeholders, as technical jargon and acronyms can lead to
misunderstandings. By defining these terms, the SRS promotes clear communication and
prevents confusion.

1.4 References
References in the SRS are external documents, standards, or resources that the project relies on.
These can include industry standards, legal requirements, or other documentation relevant to the
development process. By listing these references, the SRS ensures that the project aligns with
established guidelines and norms, promoting compliance and quality assurance.

1.5 Overview
The overview section offers a succinct summary of the Face Recognition Attendance Monitoring
System. It provides a high-level perspective, explaining why the system is needed and its
expected benefits. This summary serves as a quick reference point for stake holders tounder

stand the system's purpose and goals at a glance, setting the context for the detailed requirements
that follow.

2. System Description
In this section, the SRS delves deeper into the system's components and functionality. It
provides an overview of the system's architecture, user roles, and how different elements
interact. This detailed description helps stakeholders gain a comprehensive understanding of the
system's structure and functionality, laying the groundwork for the specific requirements outlined
in subsequent sections. It's particularly valuable for developers who need a clear picture of what
they are building and how different parts of the system fit together

3. Functional Requirements
3.1 User Registration
o Users can register accounts with their personal information (name, email, username).
o Passwords should be securely stored and encrypted.
o User roles (admin, instructor, student) must be defined during registration.

3.2 Face Detection and Recognition

o The system must capture facial images.
o It should employ facial recognition algorithms to accurately identify individuals.
o Users should be authenticated based on facial features.

3.3 Attendance Tracking

o The system records attendance in various contexts (e.g., classrooms, meetings,
o It marks individuals as present or absent based on recognized faces.
o Attendance data is securely stored for reporting.

3.4 Reporting
o Users (administrators, instructors) can access attendance reports.
o Reports include attendance summaries, individual histories, and statistical insights.
o Data visualization may be used for better understanding.

3.5 Notifications
o Users receive notifications for significant events (e.g., successful attendance, updates).
o Notification channels include email, SMS, or in-app messages.

3.6 Security
o User authentication mechanisms (e.g., username/password) are in place.
o Data encryption protects sensitive information.
o Access controls ensure only authorized users can access specific features.

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Performance
o The system must respond within seconds to recognize faces and log attendance.
o It should handle concurrent users and large datasets efficiently.
o Response times must remain consistent under varying loads.

4.2 Reliability
o The system should have high availability (e.g., 99.9% uptime).
o It must be resilient to failures and recover gracefully.
o Attendance data should be reliably stored and backed up.

4.3 Scalability
o The system should scale horizontally to accommodate increased user and data loads.
o New hardware resources should be added seamlessly.

4.4 Usability
o The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly.
o Users, including non-technical individuals, should find it easy to navigate and use.

4.5 Data Privacy and Compliance

o User data must be securely stored and comply with data protection regulations (e.g.,
o Ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

4.6 Integration
o he system should support integration with other systems or databases.
o APIs should be well-documented for third-party integration.

4.7 Maintenance and Support

o Regular system maintenance, updates, and bug fixes are essential.
o Provide technical support channels for users to report issues and seek assistance.

5. Technologies and Components

Mobile App: Flutter, Dart
Web Application: React, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript Backend: Django, Python
Database: Dlib, Face Recognition Library, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or
MongoDB ML framework(PyTorch ), Web frame work (Django)
Camera Hardware: WebCAM,

6. System Interfaces
6.1 User Interface(UI)
o The user interface should be web-based and accessible via standard web browsers.
o It must be intuitive, user-friendly, and responsive to various screen sizes and devices.
o UI elements should include login pages, dashboards, attendance logs, and reporting

6.2 Hardware Interfaces

o Integration with cameras and biometric devices is essential for capturing facial images.
o The system should support a variety of camera models and configurations.
o Biometric devices should communicate seamlessly with the system for real-time

6.3 Software Interfaces

o The system may need to integrate with other software applications, such as student
information systems or HR management systems.
o APIs should be provided for developers to facilitate integration.

o Ensure compatibility with common operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux) for server

6.4 Communication Interfaces

o The system must support secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS) to protect data
o Integration with messaging services (e.g., SMTP for emails, SMS gateways)
o Ensure compatibility with various networking technologies and standards.

6.5 Database Interface

o The system should interact with a database for storing user profiles, attendance records,
and system configuration data.
o It should support standard database management systems (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL).
o Database access should be optimized for data retrieval and storage.

6.6 API Documentation

o Clearly document the APIs used for integrating with external systems.
o Include details on API endpoints, authentication methods, request and response
formats, and error handling.
o Documentation should be comprehensive to aid developers in integration efforts.

6.7 Web Services Interface

o If the system interacts with external web services (e.g., for additional data sources),
ensure that API calls are well-defined and secure.
o Document the endpoints and authentication requirements for external web services.

7. Data Requirements

7.1 User Data

o Capture and store user data, including names, email addresses, and roles (admin,
instructor, student).
o Ensure secure storage and encryption of user passwords.
o Implement user profile management for data updates.

7.2 Facial Images
o Collect and store facial images used for recognition.
o Images should be securely stored and labeled for individual identification.
o Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access to facial image data.

7.3 Attendance Records

o Record attendance data, including timestamps, recognized faces, and associated events
(e.g., classes, meetings).
o Attendance records should be logged accurately and in real-time.
o Implement data retention policies for maintaining historical attendance data.

7.4 System Configuration Data

o Store system settings and configurations, such as notification preferences, attendance
policies, and user roles.
o Configuration data should be editable by authorized administrators

8. Constraints
8.1 Privacy and Data Protection:
o Ensure that the system complies with data protection laws and regulations, such as
GDPR in Europe or HIPAA in the United States.
o Implement robust data encryption and secure storage practices to protect sensitive
facial data.
o Obtain informed consent from individuals whose facial data is being collected for
attendance monitoring.

8.2 Accuracy and Reliability:

o The system should have a high level of accuracy in recognizing faces to prevent false
positives or negatives.
o Account for variations in lighting, facial expressions, and changes in appearance (e.g.,
glasses, facial hair).

8.3 Hardware Limitations

o The choice of biometric devices (cameras, facial recognition hardware) may be
constrained by budget limitations. The system must work effectively with the selected
hardware, which may have technical limitations.

8.4 Budget Constraints

o Limited financial resources may impact the selection of hardware and software
components and overall system development.

9. Testing Approch
9.1 Unit Testing
Begin with unit testing, where individual components of the system, such as facial recognition
algorithms, database queries, and authentication mechanisms, are tested in isolation.Verify that
each unit functions correctly and returns expected results.

9.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing follows unit testing and focuses on testing the interactions between different
components or modules of the system.Verify that these components work togetherseamlessly,
including data flows and communication between server and client.

9.3 User Acceptance Testing

Involve end-users, including administrators, instructors, and students, in user acceptance
testing.Gather feedback from users to ensure that the system meets their needs and expectations.

9.4 Performance Testing

Evaluate the system's performance under various loads to ensure it can handle expected user
concurrency and data volumes.Test for response times, resource utilization, and
scalability.Conduct load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing.

9.5 Security Testing

Assess the system's security measures by conducting security testing.Perform penetration testing
to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system's defenses.Verify that user data is
protected, and unauthorized access attempts are detected and blocked.

10. Deployment Strategy
The deployment of the face recognition attendance Monitoring System will involve the
following steps:

1. Staging Environment: The software ware will be deployed to a staging environment for
final testing and quality assurance.

2. Beta Testing: A limited group of users will be invited to use the system and provide feedback
to identify any potential issues.

3. Bug Fixes and Optimization on: Based on user feedback and testing results, any
identified bugs or performance bottlenecks will be addressed.

4. Production on Deployment: The system will be deployed to the production environment,

making it accessible to all users.

11. Maintenance and Support

Ongoing maintenance and support will be essential to ensure the system's longevity and optimal
performance. This involves:

- Regular updates to address security vulnerabilities and improve features.

- Monitoring system performance and addressing any issues promptly.

- Providing user support through documentation, FAQs, and a helpdesk.

12. Project Management

o Project Management for a Face Recognition Attendance Monitoring System involves
planning, executing, and overseeing the project's lifecycle. It includesdefining objectives,
creating a timeline, allocating resources, and managing risks. Project managers
coordinate tasks, monitor progress, and ensure adherence to budgets and timelines. They
facilitate communication among team members, stakeholders, and vendors, while also
addressing challenges that may arise during development and deployment. Effective

management ensures the successful and efficient implementation of thesystem, meeting
user needs and complying with regulations, all while delivering value to the

13. Conclusion
In conclusion, the Face Recognition Attendance Monitoring System presents a sophisticated
solution for accurate and efficient attendance tracking. It leverages advanced facial recognition
technology to streamline the process, enhancing convenience and security. Through robust user
training, rigorous testing, and adherence to data privacy regulations, this system ensures both
user satisfaction andlegal compliance. Its scalability and adaptability make it a valuable asset for
educational institutions and organizations seeking a modern and reliable attendancemanagement
tool. With a well-planned deployment strategy and effective project management, this system
can be successfully implemented, contributing to improved attendance tracking and overall
operational efficiency.


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