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“From chaos and confusion to clarity and bliss”


Special Collaborations:

Filipa Mateus

Breanna Webb

Edition: Filipa Mateus

Cover Design: Breanna Webb

Copyright © 2018 by Filipe Moleiro

All rights reserved

If you truly get what follows, this will be the only book you will ever need.

- Filipe Moleiro



What is the Ego?

The Emotional Guidance System

Positive Emotions

Negative Emotions

To Sum Up the Emotional Guidance System

What is the Higher Mind?

Freedom & Free Will

Into the Methods

8 Methods to Be Free from the Ego

Method 1 Let Go of your Thoughts for ‘2 to 5 seconds’

Method 2 Feel your Heart

Method 3 Create

Method 4 Focus on the Space Between Thoughts

Method 5 Know the Knower of Thoughts

Method 6 Turn your Attention Degrees Above Thoughts

Method 7 See your Thoughts as Someone Else’s

Method 8 Detach From the Story

The illusion of time

When Pain and Suffering are Part of the Story

Transform and Transcend Negative Beliefs


Special Offer

About the Author


Hey friends, in this book I will give you 8 methods for you to be from your ego.

8 simple practices you can apply every time you are dealing with negative emotions and that will
make go all the way from feeling confused, depressed, desperate, stressed, overwhelmed and
trapped inside your own head into regaining clarity, bliss, and joy, setting you free from those
negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs FOREVER.

As you will find out reading this book, a lot high valuable concepts, explanations and contexts
will be given to you while you read through the methods, as means of providing great support
and guidance for your freedom journey.

All of these methods can also be used without the presence of any negative emotion in your mind
and I highly recommend that you do so, that you practice them when everything is perfect and

For they will always guide you to know more of your true self, to find who you truly are beneath
everything the world told you should be, and therefore, make you absolutely free to be yourself
and experience life in whatever way your heart desires.

These 8 methods will assist you in unraveling more and more of your unique essence and as a
by-product of that, help you become absolutely free, enlightened and empowered in every single
area and aspect of your life and in every single area, aspect and way of being You.

This book can quite literally change your life and the life of the ones you love.

The methods you are about to learn will be the difference between a life of love and a life of fear,
between all the right choices and the all the bad decisions, between falling into suffering or
breaking free into overwhelming happiness.

They are designed to take you all the way from chaos and confusion to bliss and clarity of mind,
guiding you each and every time more to be/break free from the ego.

And I want you to deeply understand that …

Being free from the ego is synonymous with breaking free from fear and stepping into Love.

Breaking free from misery and stepping into abundance.

Breaking free from sadness and stepping into joy.

Breaking free from chaos and stepping into peace.

Breaking free from confusion and stepping into clarity.

Breaking free from limitations and stepping into freedom.

Breaking free from obstacles and stepping into ease.

Breaking free from boredom and stepping into excitement.

Breaking free from being “stuck” and stepping into infinite possibilities.

Breaking free from lack of direction and stepping into purpose.

Breaking free from all the questions and stepping into all the answers.

Breaking free from the life that is not for you and stepping into the amazing life you are meant to

Everything you ever want, everything you ever desire and everything you dream of is on the
other side of your ego, and so, breaking free from the ego is the most wonderful thing that can
happen to you each and every time.

Your ego is the sum of all the limiting, wrong, negative and fearful beliefs, thoughts, concepts,
ideas and assumptions you have about yourself, about your life and about the world itself.
They are mostly unconscious and they can control you and run your life because you are not
aware of them. It is like having someone else thinking for us, acting for us, choosing for us and
experiencing for us. An impostor inside our minds, like a madman driving our amazing car and
that ’s what the ego is, a mad and false impostor driving your mind.

Worry no more, with the methods I share with you in this book, your ego will be incapacitated, it
will have no longer a slightly chance to control you and prevent you from being free, from being
your true self and from living an amazing life filled with love, happiness, and bliss in every
single aspect of it.

I have been using these methods for a long time in my life, teaching and sharing them with my
coaching clients, with general people I come in contact with, and they are serious lifesavers.

They are simple, direct, easy to understand and even without any specific kind of knowledge,
anyone can apply and benefit tremendously from them.

These 8 methods can change your life like they have changed the lives of many.

All that I wish for you is a life of unconditional love, unconditional freedom, and unconditional

That’s who you truly are and that’s the life that you are meant to live.

We are one and the same, and I care about your life like it is my own.

From my heart to yours

May you be free from the ego.


Before we get into the 8 methods, I want to give you brief notions about what the ego is, the
meaning of your emotions, free will and explain to you what the Higher Mind is.

That’s all this book is about, becoming conscious of what’s happening in your mind, realizing
your power of choice, making you free from the ego and connecting you with your clear blissful
and infinitely intelligent Higher Mind.

So without any further delay …

What is the Ego?

In simple terms, the ego construct is your false sense of self.

The ego is who you assume yourself to be and not who you truly are.

In the moment you were born, a pure, innocent and small child you knew nothing about what it is
like to live, you knew nothing about this world and you knew nothing about yourself.
In that moment you instantaneously made an unconscious “contract” with other people and with
the world itself:

“Tell me who I am, teach me about life and take care of me.”

So, you grew up believing and assuming you were everything others and the environment
projected into you, and depending on the people you grew up with and on the environment you
grew up in, you will have different notions about yourself.

As you derived your sense of self from the relationships with others and the outside world, you
now have millions of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, concepts, and assumptions that are not yours, were
never yours, were never the truth about you, do not serve you but that you innocently assumed
were real and made them yours, and by doing so you created a false notion of yourself.

If you trace your steps back, you will see that each and every single person in your life projected
something to you and gave you some notion about yourself.

All the environments you grew up in, family, schools, religions, friends, jobs, literally
everything, projected into you, beliefs, thoughts, paradigms, concepts, ideas, and notions.

A lot of times, those environments and other people gave you painful experiences, for since the
moment the doctor slapped you when you were born, you experienced suffering, discomfort,
pain, fear and like in many other not so pleasant situations and without a greater awareness to
understand them, you took them as “your own”,

“your fault” and made them your identity, in other words, you mistake them by the truth and you
embodied them as a part of who you are.

So, your ego is the construct made by all the thoughts, all the notions, all the definitions, all the
assumptions, all the ideas and all the biases you got from other people and the outside world.

They are millions and as they are mostly subconscious they can control you and run your life
simply because you have always assumed them to be real and by that, you empowered them and
gave your power away.

All those notions, beliefs and definitions created within you a false sense of self, composed by
thoughts that are not your thoughts and beliefs that are not your beliefs, that make you think, act
and behave in ways that you don’t prefer and are not beneficial for yourself and for your life.

A false “you” that is attached to notions of pain, suffering, and fear, that spends every single
second experiencing those negative notions, avoiding them, running from them or
overcompensating them in some form.

And as it runs in automatic pilot, subconsciously, without you being aware of it, it is like having
an impostor in your mind, literally someone else thinking for you, acting for you, deciding for
you and experiencing for you.

Someone very conditioned, very limited and very negative, with an orientation to preserve itself,
its limitations and its negativity by seeking and creating more negative and limiting experiences,
from which it can draw more biases, beliefs and thought patterns, generating therefore, another
distorted version of “yourself”.

The ego can also be identified as an “Impostor Self”, an impostor running inside your mind and
pretending to be you.

The ego is the voice in your head, the voice that is constantly chattering, the one that keeps
telling you that, “you are not good enough”, “you are meant to suffer”, “you are not loved”, “you
will never be happy”, “you will never achieve the things you want”, “you must quit”, “you must
compete with others”, “you must manipulate”, “you should fear, worry and doubt”, …

The ego is the one who is constantly feeding you with thoughts, stories, and scenarios, making
you overthink almost every time and almost about anything, always reliving the past and
worrying about the future.

The impostor (the ego) believes itself to be real and it does not want you to be free, because your
freedom represents its end, therefore, the ego will try everything to preserve itself and prevent
you from being free.

This is when we experience negativity, chaos, and confusion in our minds and a lot of times
projected into our lives.

Every time we are feeling a negative emotion, we are to some degree under the ego’s spell of
infinite deceiving schemes of manipulation and control, trying to survive by keeping us bonded,
Document Outline
What is the Ego?
The Emotional Guidance System
Positive Emotions
Negative Emotions
To Sum Up the Emotional Guidance System
What is the Higher Mind?
Freedom & Free Will
Into the Methods
Method 1Let Go of your Thoughts for ‘2 to 5 seconds’
Method 2Feel your Heart
Method 3Create
Method 4Focus on the Space Between Thoughts
Method 5Know the Knower of Thoughts
Method 6Turn your Attention Degrees Above Thoughts
Method 7See your Thoughts as Someone Else’s
Method 8Detach From the Story
The illusion of time
When Pain and Suffering are Part of the Story
Transform and Transcend Negative Beliefs
Special Offer
About the Author

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