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Science Criteria B C

Investigating repercussion in pulse rate as an outcome of
physical activity.

The phenomenon of having an increased heart rate occurs when more exercise and
movement is being executed. Through further inquiry this human reaction is known as
Sinus Tachycardia. Breaking up the name of this condition, gives us a slimmed down
overview on what causes this reaction.

Sinus indicates that we are dealing with a heart rhythm located in the Sinoatrial node,
whose function is to endure heartbeat in the upper part of
the right atrium, initiating contractions to be passed
through cardiac muscles, all atria are dependent on the
SAnode to properly pump blood and circulation. Hitting
the bundles of branches, this entire process is what forms
cardiac waveforms.
Tachy-cardia, Tachy meaning “fast” or “repetitive” and
cardia meaning “heart” or “heart action”

Hence defining, Sinus Tachycardia as a cardiac rhythm which beats fast and repeatedly.
Tachycardia is found when your heart rate is faster than 100 beats per minute, combining
it with action from the Sinoatrial node, it creates a rhythm telling your body that it is
beating way faster than normal.
● What causes Sinus Tachycardia?

The main cause of this reaction is because the body is in urgent need of oxygen, thus by
increasing the heart rate the body is trying to replenish its current lack of oxygen. The
two main types of causes:

Non-Disease Disease = Sinus Attack

Recurrence and repetition of ST (most of the time)
disappears after rest Recurrence and repetition of ST worsens

Exercising- Increases oxygen demand in Anemia- lack of oxygen and supply of red
our body thus increasing our heart rate blood cells requires the heart to pump
faster in absence of the lacked oxygen
(Applying prior knowledge in research)

Nervousness/ Fear- Our sympathetic Lung related diseases- The heart needs to
nervous system increases our heart rate circulate more blood into the lungs to be
trying to protect us from danger pumped with oxygen.

Stimulates- Substances like cocaine, Coronary Artery disease- If arteries are

caffeine and therapeutic medication blocked it could create an increasing
affecting our body's internal response chance of sinus attack or myocardial
system. infarction. (Applying prior knowledge in

Note that ST is NORMAL and is very common in everyone. Tachycardia itself has
different variations. In cases where people have inappropriate sinus tachycardia, they can
develop concerning diseases.

SOI~ The body systems in organisms can adjust their functioning as per
demand of the metabolic activities of cells.

Criterion B ~ Developing Ideas

In this investigation, I and my team will collaborate in inspecting the factors that contribute to
the increase in pulse /heart rate.

Research Question:

“Does the duration and kind of exercise increase pulse rate?”


IF the exercise of physical activity done vigorously and throughout an extended period of time,
THEN pulse and metabolic rate increases BECAUSE more Cardiac output is needed the more
you exercise as your muscles require more oxygen the more its being worked out your heart
typically beats faster so that more blood gets out to your body and oxygen supply will be reduced
in areas like your digestive system where oxygen is not needed there and then.

– Chosen Exercise
For this experiment Im deciding to measure the my pulse rate (metabolic rate requires lab tests)
and its trends through dancing, primarily just dance, as it's a fun physical activity and carries
both mild and vigirous


a) Independent Variable: The songs (into, verse, pre chorus, chorus bridge)
● This then determined the amount of dance power and energy used.
EG: -if the dance intro is slow, thus it will be counted as mild exercise.
b) Dependent variable: Pulse rate
● The pulse rate will be measured to then support our hypothesis that the more vigorous
and the longer that workout is being carried the increased pulse rate.
c) Controlled variable: Time taken in doing the physical activity + time taken to measure the
pulse rate

● Stopwatch (accurately measure time taken for activity and counting pulse rate)
● TV screen (screening just dance)
● Fingers (to measure pulse rate)
● Record sheet (to count your pulse)
● Camera (recording evidence)


Methods/ steps:
1. Stretch your body before starting the experiment
2. Measure/count your resting pulse or bpm for 10-15 seconds in three trials.
3. Once you've figured out your resting bpm, find a song to dance to on just dance or
youtube, and meanwhile setting up timers for 15-30-45-60 seconds
4. Dance for 15-30-45-60 seconds
5. Immediately after the timer cuts off, hold three fingers to your neck or wrist to
start counting your pulse for 15 seconds.
6. Record your data on a record sheet to keep track of your progress after exercising.
7. Repeat the same procedure for MILD and VIGOROUS dancing, switching the
song once every 15-30-45-60 seconds and taking a 5 minute break in between
15-30-45-60 seconds conducting three trials for each 15-30-45-60 seconds
8. Record your evidence
9. Input all your data into a table, bar graph or bar chart etc

10. Observe the patterns and create a conclusion.

Safety Precautions:

● PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. STRETCH. (if you don't stretch the side effects of this
experiment will temporarily ache your muscles badly)

Steaming back to the SOI, metabolic and pulse rate are loosely related as
cardiovascular exercise increases metabolism. Metabolism in short is chemical
reactions in our body converting food into energy whereas metabolism rate is the
amount of energy used through a certain period.

Through my prior knowledge metabolism is used alot in the world of fitness and
dieting. The higher your metabolism the more food you can eat without gaining
weight, therefore our increasing pulse rate is taken in the form of exercise which is
then burning calories. I've experienced loss of metabolic reaction myself. I've
found that the less you eat, there will be no food to create a chained metabolic
reaction, and the more you exercise without this metabolic reaction the more tired
you feel because of the lack of energy in your body. Making weight loss even
harder because even though you might lose weight without a good metabolism, the
weight you just lost will bounce back creating a yoyo effect. Having a good
metabolism keeps your body ACTUALLY healthy because of the balance between
exercise and food eaten. Your metabolic rate highly increases when you're doing
lots of weight lifting, strengthening your muscles, allowing you with the ability to
eat whatever you want and lose weight.

Criterion C ~ Design and Inquiry

Raw Data table:
Observations: ( per-15 seconds) 1 2 3
-While measuring my heart rate, I
could feel the pressure of my
pulse differentiated. I could
lightly feel the Sinoatrial nodes in
my wrist but the rhythm was 21 25 27
stronger around my neck.

S.NO Duration of exercise (seconds) pulse rate after MILD exercise

(beats per 15-seconds)
1 2 3

1. 15 SECOND MILD 22 26 23
The pace and rhythm of
the song was in a really
slow pace and the dance
movements too, it was easy to follow and
did not require much energy. During this
point I wasn't tired in fact it didn't drain
out much energy from me.

2. 30 SECOND MILD 29 28 26
The rhythm was slow but all
the movements were
repetitive, requiring
movement of both legs and arms in sync which was really tiring. I
felt my breath slowly running short, I began to sweat and slightly
feel tension around my arms and legs.

3. 45 SECOND MILD 31 28 30
The dance choreography
was really really repetitive,
yet was really easy to follow.
The energy was really fast
and rapid and it felt way
more mild than the last song
and the tension I had earlier solely faded away.

4. 60 SECOND MILD 30 35 29
The beginning of the song was
really slow paced and had easy
movements, but around the
chorus and pre chorus a lot of
jumping was involved, and the
rhythm was really peppy but
after the chorus, the song went back to a
really slow pace. In return I felt that my pulse
rate increased a lot and I began to hear the
rhythm of my pulse but after the end of a
chorus the intensity of my pulse reduced as per the movements.

S.NO Duration of exercise (seconds) pulse rate after VIGOROUS

exercise (beats per 15-seconds)
1 2 3

1. 15 SECOND VIGOROUS 30 33 32
The pre chorus was extremely
fast paced, running in place,
jumping and fast hand
movements, but between the
pre chorus and chorus itself
there was a 2-3 second break then immediately
after lots of jumping and waving your arms in
the air. Around this point I
began to sweat more and feel a slight burn
and tension around my arms and upper thigh. Even though it was
15 seconds there were a lot of vigorous and fast movements.
2. 30 SECOND VIGOROUS 39 36 39
The bridge of the song “can't
take my eyes off you” requires
lots of jumping in a rapidly
faster pace with your legs, I
began sweating a lot at this point
because the faster the rhythm of the
song the higher I was intended to jump
and I felt tension around my abs and calves.

3. 45 SECOND VIGOROUS 37 39 42
The original dance
choreography was extremely
mild and so to count it as
vigorous exercise, during the
chorus i added some more
jumping movements, and during the
dance break i put in more energy
and additional foot work to account
for 45 seconds of vigorous exercise,
here my breath was really really heavy
and sweat was constantly running down my forehead and my body
temperature felt a bit hotter and my legs felt rather sore.

4. 60 SECOND VIGOROUS 41 40 46
The entirety of this dance is
extremely intense, even
though parts and verses like
the preshorus are repeated
movements which are easy,
some parts are really intense,
requiring squatting and
jumping at a fast pace,
furthermore crouching and
extending your legs at once.
Following these movements timely was so tiring because of how
fast the rhythm was and the fact that there was no break so it was
contant crouch and jump, squat and jump, crouch and legs out. Out
of all of the dances so far this was the most difficult and i could
practically hear my the rhythm of my pulse because of how strong
it was
Processing data

Resting pulse=
pulse count per- 15 seconds
1 2 3

21 25 27
beats per minute (bpm) x4
84 100 108
MILD exercise pulse VIGOROUS exercise pulse
1 2 3
pulse count per- 15 seconds (15) 30 33 32
beats per minute (bpm) x4 22 26 23
120 132 128
88 104 92
pulse count per- 15 seconds (30) 39 36 39
beats per minute (bpm) x4 29 28 26
156 144 156
116 112 104
pulse count per- 15 seconds (45) 37 39 42
beats per minute (bpm) x4
31 28 30
148 156 168
124 112 120
41 40 46
pulse count per- 15 seconds (60)
30 35 29
beats per minute (bpm) x4 164 160 184
120 140 116

Processed data:

Resting beats per minute

84 100 108
Average resting bpm: 97.3

15 second MILD exercise beats per minute

88 104 92
Average 15s MILD exercise bpm: 94.6
30 second MILD exercise beats per minute
116 112 104
Average 30s MILD exercise bpm: 110.6

45 second MILD exercise beats per minute

124 112 120
Average 45s MILD exercise bpm: 118.6

60 second MILD exercise beats per minute

120 140 116
Average 60s MILD exercise bpm: 125.3

15 second VIGOROUS exercise beats per minute

120 132 128
Average 15s VIGOROUS exercise bpm: 126.6

30 second VIGOROUS exercise beats per minute

156 144 156
Average 30s VIGOROUS exercise bpm: 156

45 second VIGOROUS exercise beats per minute

148 156 168
Average 45s VIGOROUS exercise bpm: 157.3

60 second VIGOROUS exercise beats per minute

164 160 184
Average 60s VIGOROUS exercise bpm: 169.3
Graph collection:

Mild exercise

Vigorous exercise

Discussion of results

-Overview “what factors might have increased or decreased the pulse rate?”
The results of Mild exercise:
● In the first 15 seconds of exercise, the beats per 15 seconds ended up
being lesser than the beats prior to exercise which may be because the
movements in the choreography was really slow so our heart didn't
have the need to pump out oxygen to the rest of our body.
● In the 30 seconds of mild exercise, the pulse rate strook up. My
reasoning is that the constant repetition of movements and body
coordination is really fast despite the rhythm of the song being slow.
● In the 45 seconds, even though the dance choreography is really simple
it was really repetitive which in return made the pulse rate increase
● In the 60 seconds, the song ranged from rhythm and the dance
movement varied throughtout at the end of the chorus the dance
returned to its slow peppy rhythm at just like the beginning.

The result of Vigorous exercise:

● The first 15 seconds of vigorous exercise was really fast paced with
about a 2-3 second break in between the chorus and pre chrous he
chorus itself was really fast paced which made my pulse increase as
there was lots of jumping involved.
● In the 30 seconds of vigorous exercise, it was very intense as not only
was there jumping but it was also done in a very fast pace increasing
the amount of blood being needed throughout my body
● In the 45 seconds, much like the 30 second exercise there was lots of
jumping involved making it fast paced but also the duration of the
constant jumping and hand movements increased the pulse rate
● In the 60 seconds of exercise the constant movement in jumping,
squatting and leg movement made my pulse rate increase highly
because it was really fast paced and my heart constantly needed to be
pumping blood around my muscles to keep them alive and fully in use.

The results here seem to show that even though an extended duration of
MILD exercise increases our pulse rate, the evidence shown highlights that
VIGOROUS exercise done through an extended period of time, the dynamic
between the two rates is evident. The factors and body movement stated
above also contribute to this change in pattern as duration, speed and
movement all play factors.
Additionally inquiry

“Why did I begin to sweat after doing repetitive dance movements?”

- Sweating is your body's natural “cooling mechanism” everyone sweats
differently, studies show that more heat generated in the body while

“Why did I feel my body temperature start to increase when i was

- It's a part of a process called Thermoregulation, core body temperature is
elevated when we face continuous whole-body work and exercise. 20% of
energy is used for muscle contraction and the remaining 80% is converted to
heat energy, and therefore exercise causes an increase in muscle
temperature. The greater and more intense you exercise the hotter your
body will become.

“Why were my muscles sore after doing exercise?”

- Through my experience the worst part of exercising is the muscle pain
you have to deal with after. The more you work out, the movement you
create results in changes in your muscles fibers. The muscles on my
body were exceptionally sore because of the lack of intense physical
movement I do. Even though I walk regularly, I'm not used to
vigorously and rapidly working out.

“The more intense and fast the physical activity was, the more I ran short of
breath, why was that?”
- The more intense the workout, the more oxygen your body needs to supply
energy to your muscles, thus your lungs are constantly working harder to get
rid of the carbon dioxide in your lungs. This phenomenon is also referred to
as“exercise-induced bronchoconstriction” or exercise asthma, the effects
can be reduced through constant breathing practices to maintain stable
Identifying Sinus Tachycardia
- This research experiment was highly dependent on the heart muscle
contraction of the sinoatrial. This specific heart node helps us in
measuring (not exact) and identifying differences in our pulse rate and
how physical activity is impacting our respiration.


This research experiment acts like an imprecise study of the effects of

physical movement and physical exercise in our body, how factors like
duration and intensity of exercise play a part in the escalation of our sinoatrial
rhythm and respiration. Furthermore, my hypothesis :

“IF the exercise of physical activity done vigorously and throughout an extended period of time,
THEN pulse and metabolic rate increases BECAUSE more Cardiac output is needed the more
you exercise as your muscles require more oxygen the more its being worked out”

Is seemingly deemed correct as through my evaluation of the data i've

collected along with reviewing various secondary sources, I'd like to
conclude that, Yes these factors such as duration and intensity of physical
movement play a part of vital importance in our heart muscle contraction.

To review this research, there were some imperfections that I believe reduced
the accuracy of this experiment. For example, counting the pulse rate by hand
might most likely be highly inaccurate as humans are likely to lose track of
information and insure data highly based on their expectations as a result of
short term memory.

To wrap up this research paper I would deem this experiment as proving my

hypothesis of :“IF the exercise of physical activity done vigorously and throughout an
extended period of time, THEN pulse and metabolic rate increases” through the data and
average pulse rate calculated and measured.
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