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Statement of motivation
As it can be acquainted, Ethiopia’s higher education system is still time-honored and
conservative but recently educators have begun to challenge the old-fashioned methods of
teaching with an increasing appreciation of different ways of knowing the world mainly by the
active involvement of university instructors and learners in different community service
projects/works in order to contribute more directly and deeply to their national strategy for
economic growth and poverty reduction. Having this fact, Aksum University is currently
engaged in a highly ambitious endeavor to realign its education scheme and to meet its’ main
objective of serving the community. Some of the remarkable achievements are increment of
students’ enrollment intake capacity and management structure expansion.

I substantiate such fortitude through the precise portrayal of the mission, achievement and
prospects of Aksum University with special emphasis on academics- after which a tangible
attestation of my overall competency to acquire the duty and prospective plans and aspirations
for enhanced performance of the office of community service will be presented.

With conservative and sluggish academic orientation, Ethiopian higher education system
lingered with merely moderate link to the national development requirements. This urged the
country to transform the system to enable it directly and intensely contribute to the economic
growth and poverty alleviation strategies through research and community service. Aksum
University, thus, was established based on the agreed impression of considering education,
research and community service as a development endeavor.

The University is particularly set up to generate skilled and competent professionals, conduct
research synergetic and community service with national interest and engage in productive and
responsive community service via value-added partnerships. It realizes such objectives,
respectively, through providing access to high quality learner-centered education; promoting
and enhancing community service works focusing in line with priority needs of the nation, the
region and specifically the surrounding community.

To the victorious attainment of the above missions, the University has progressively organized
itself with the required professional, financial, organizational and legal facilities. The university
at present: is comprised of greater and better trained number of academic staff that can conduct
scientific and ambitious researches and community service and has managed to provide more
and improved academic facilities. As an upshot, the university is registering fast growth in
several respects. To remark on some notable achievements, the research and community service
engagement and output of the different entities of the university has apparently improved.

Under this sprit, the Community Service and University Industry Linkage Directorate Center of
the university has announced internal vacancy to recruit a community service officer’. No group
of phrases or words could adequately explain my motive and desire to join and serve the office.
Because, I strongly persist on such commencement and feel providential to join hands in the
move to attaining the sacred objective of creating well educated experts and serving the

Likewise, the office is set up with the task of soliciting funds for specific community service
projects and facilitating logistical support for such projects. Thus, I can easily solicit fund for
specific and selected community service projects.

Among others, the office requires competent expertise to identify, prioritize and organize
community services along with profound ability and skill to work with different stakeholders.
Luckily enough, I have participated in the community service program organized by Aksum
University in 2001 E.C which was intended to teach/support grade 10 and 12 students in all high
schools and preparatory schools in Central Tigray zone. I am writing to express my interest and
commitment in position with Community service officer .

I have developed a greater understanding and experience of the office. To mention some of

1. I do have more than nine years of work experience and my work experience helped me to
consolidate my academic knowledge and skills in undertaking research and community service

2 .I has been participated in research project as a principal investigator and currently
participating in two research projects as a Co-investigator entitled with practice of good
governance in service delivery , the Pursuit of Livelihoods by Refugees and the Impact on the
Human Security of Host Communities and the role of small and micro enterprises in poverty
reduction respectively. I awarded two certificates of participation in Research and community

3. I participated and presented my research and community service projects/works at workshops

i.e college, local and national level as well .

4. Research advising for undergraduate and post graduate students as co-advisor.

5. Evaluating research and community service proposals of the staff of political science and
international relations during research proposal defense

6. Reviewing terminal research and community service reports/projects of my staff

7. I have eight (8) publications individually and one publication with my Colleagues and I
certified in it.

8. I have had the opportunity to communicate with teachers, peers and students in the
department.As a result of this I have developed good experiences in consolidating my academic
knowledge and skills in undertaking research and community service projects.

9. Providing Ethics and Anti corruption Trainings for graduating students every year
10. Participating in different research workshops in Ethiopian universities’ and I certified in it.

11. Participating in community services (such as conducting research& trainings)

12. Participating in Panel discussions’

13. Perform other office related duties as required

Committee Involvements

 Currently I involved in different committees’ in the department

1. As Research and community service evaluation and review committee member

2. As a Chairperson of Exam reviewing committee ,

3. As a mentor of the third year students

4. Participated as a member of the committee of the need assessment which was aimed to
open the department of Civics and Ethics

As per the requirement of the management competency criteria of the Aksum University, I,
applicant, hereby pint out and discuss the very intents of my motivation for the position of the
community service officer.

Intellectual Leadership and Customer Management Factor

1.1 GTP in Relation to HEIs


The second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of Ethiopia is a national strategic
blueprint designed to improve and transform the country so as to achieve its vision of middle
income economy as of 2020. The plan was being put in place since 2015 to 2020 as ac
comprehensive national plan which encompasses various sectors, of which social sector is
one,which entrusted by the state to accelerate its development endeavors.

The fact that social service sector development plays a key role in enhancing people’s living
condition,in poverty eradication, women’s empowerment, economic growth and realizing good
governance at all facets of the country’s development aspirations. More importantly, improving
citizen’s living standard and development of their human potential is a key strategic pillar of the
GTP. As a great emphasis has been given for the development of this sector, it has shown
impressive progress and developing rapidly. From the different services provided under the
social sector provision, education service is expanding rapidly with three different levels. The
education sector for the second GTP period has the goals of producing democratic, efficient and
effective, knowledgeable, inspired and creative citizens who can contribute to the realization of
Ethiopia’s vision of being a middle income economy in 2025.

The strategic guidance that has been pursued during the GTP two periods towards Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) is presented as follows. The key priority for HEIs during the plan
period will be to ensure quality and relevance.

The education provided by HEIs is intended to be compatible with the quantity, type and quality
human resource demanded by the economy and the labour market. To this end, increasing the
enrolment of graduate and post graduate programs in line with the 70/30 program receives the
central concern. As a result revision of curricula will be implemented in line with critical issues,
assessments and examinations and students achievement.

Technology transfer, research and community service system for HEIs has been put in place. To
do so, capacity building has so far been undertaken particularly on science and technology
streams so as to support economic development through technology transfer. The research
system in HEIs will play tremendous role on solving socio-economic problems of the community
and realizing economic growth and development of the country.

Assurance of quality and relevance of education is to be provided in HEIs. HEIs will be

evaluated and quality being assured based on the purpose to which they are organized and
delivered services as per the higher education proclamation and strategy. Through continuous
support and monitoring, HEIs are expected to become effective and efficient in delivering
students- friendly environment particularly for young women and students with special needs.

All in all, the main objectives of HEIs according to the GTP plan period are:

 Focused on result-oriented management, administration and performance, and that

recognize and scale up best practices;
 Provide an increased quantity, quality and type of skilled and capable human resource
that meets the needs of economic development in general and manufacturing industry in
 Enhance the competitiveness and competency of female and students who need special
Therefore, based on the discussion made above, the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTPII)
period has given special emphasis for social sector (education) in general and to Higher
Education in particular. So as to achieve the GTP goals in relation to HEIs, all concerned
stakeholders need to engage and mobilize the available financial, physical and human resources
in a bid to implement the plans that are clearly articulated in the GTPII document. Aksum

University being one of the stakeholders of the state needs to put and incorporate this GTP plan
in its strategic plan in its areas jurisdiction and purpose of its establishment.

1.2 Role of Aksum University in realizing second GTP

Despite the fact that higher educational institutions/universities in Ethiopia has a history and
performance that goes beyond a half century, it has had a limited positive impact on the lives of
the people and national development until recently. That is partly because of its failure that
education system as a whole in general and the HEIs was not designed to contribute its part by
taking the tangible realities of the nation and its people. As a result of this and other factors,
Ethiopia is in a continuous challenge of socio-economic growth for several years.However,
recently has embarked on to realize its long dream of becoming middle level country which
extremely demands that every stockholder should involve and exert its efforts more than ever
before. Taking into account all those realities, higher education institutions must be a primary
actors or ‘stepping stone for change and development’ leading the long journey of ups and
downs so as to drive the socio-economic and political development of the country. Thus,
HEI’sneed to coordinate and balance the tasks of teaching-learning, technology transfer, research
and community services to the well being of the nation and its citizen. Within this framework,
Aksum University has a crucial role to play in the forefront to realize the five years growth and
transformation plan of the country by endorsing its major provisions and directions and adjusting
its plans and practices in light of the plans and strategies of the GTP. Therefore, to realize the
GTP, Aksum University has to play a great role through the provision of the following main and
core directions:

 Focusing and realizing 70-30 student enrolment participation of higher education to

achieve required trained manpower on science and technology streams
 Enhancing institutions to produce quality and competent higher level manpower which is
demanded by the economy;
 Ensuring fair distribution of education service and promote gender parity and pursue
result oriented/ merit driven competition to staff career promotion and placement.
 Facilitate community service, technology transfer and assuring socio-economic

 Ensuring democratic and good governance practices at different level of its institutional
 Enhancing equal participation and beneficiaries of female, youth and people with special
In short Aksum University has a greater responsibility to play and act its part to ensure fast and
sustainable socio-economic development. Moreover, as being an academic institution it has
indispensable role in entrenching and consolidating democratic system and administration.
Therefore, so as to achieve the aforementioned objectives, it needs a well established
institutional structure, plans, strategies and human resource.

1.3 Aksum Universities Mandate

As clearly spelt out in its legislation and strategic plan, Aksum University in its institutional
capacity has already set out its own vision and mission as well as objectives in light of its
mandate bestowed under the Higher Education Proclamation No. 650/2009.

1.4 Customer Value Propositions

Broadly speaking, customers of Aksum University can be categorized into two main groups:
Internal customers are students, teacher and management and administrative staff; and External
ones are ministry of education, regional government, local government, local community, the
individuals and local and foreign non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations,
private sectors.

Therefore, identifying and knowing the kind of characteristics that are important to our customer
is a first step, for effective and efficient delivery of our services to the beneficiaries. Thus, the
overall service delivery of the AkU subsumes teaching-learning, engaging in problem solving
research, facilitating technology transfer, and assisting the community at large. And finally,
finding out exactly what customers want and expect what levels of performance are required to
satisfy them is the ultimate goal.Hence, Aksum University as being a service delivery public
institution is highly expected to render its high quality services to its customers and to the best of
customer’s satisfaction and aspirations. To this end, each sector and department is it single
handedly and/or in totality needs to work to realize the university’s mission of effective and
efficient service delivery to its customers.
2. Work Management Factor

This session basically aims to expose the work management aspect of the institution. No matter
how institutions have a single or multiple purposes and goals, sound work management factors
should be in place to attain their purposes and goals.

Planning and Organizing

Knowing the dimensions of the planning-organizing-leading-controlling (P-O-L-C) framework

essentially contributes to the healthy functioning of institutions. A manager’s primary challenge
is to solve problems creatively. While drawing from a variety of academic disciplines, and to
help managers respond to the challenge of creative problem solving, principles of management
have long been categorized into the four major functions of planning, organizing, leading, and

Planning is the primary function of management that involves setting objectives and
determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Planning requires that managers be
aware of environmental conditions facing their organization and forecast future conditions. It
also requires that managers be good decision makers. Planning is a process consisting of several
steps. The process begins with environmental scanning and assessment. Planners must then
attempt to understand the existing scenarios so as forecast future conditions. Planners must
establish objectives, which are statements of what needs to be achieved, when and how. Planners
must then identify alternative courses of action for achieving objectives. After evaluating the
various alternatives, planners must make decisions about the best courses of action for achieving
objectives. They must then formulate necessary steps and ensure effective implementation of
plans. Finally, planners must constantly evaluate the success of their plans and take corrective
action when necessary. As the old saying still goes on to underscorethe necessity of plan to move
forward. Thus, ‘failing to plan is planning to fail”. To this end the success of any institutions
depends on its sound plans.

Organizing is the other function of management that involves developing an organizational
structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. Organizing
also involves the design of individual jobs within the organization. Decisions must be made
about the duties and responsibilities of individual jobs, as well as the manner in which the duties
should be carried out. Decisions made about the nature of jobs within the organization are
generally called “job design” decisions. Organizing at the level of the institutions involves
deciding how best to departmentalize, or cluster, jobs into departments to coordinate effort

In a nut shell, organizing is an activity of bringing physical, human and financial resources
together to achieve objectives. It involves identifying activities to be accomplished, classify
activities, assign activities to groups or individuals, and create responsibility and delegate
authority, and coordinate relationships of responsibility and authority.

PSETLE Analysis

PESTLE Analysis is a valuable tool to understand the ‘bigger picture’ of the environment in
which you are operating, and for thinking about the opportunities and threats that lie within it. By
understanding your environment, you can take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the
threats. PESTLE is an acronym standing for Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological,
Legal and Environmental factors in which organization operates. For instance, it is just looking
AkU within the lens of PESTLE. These variables are used first to brainstorm the characteristics
of a country or region and, from this, draw conclusions as to the significant forces of change
operating within it. This provides the context within which more detailed planning can take
place, so that it lays ground to take full advantage of the opportunities that present themselves
and minimize the threats. Looking each variable or factor in detail gives us good insight to value
each factor.
Political: Politics has a significant impact on the overall facets of any country and its people in
many ways. The following should be considered while analyzing this element/factor:

 All political parties likely to target Higher Education as an easy win for expected
spending cuts; Changes in education policy if different party elected; Political stability in
the environment; Public policy on giving access to education regardless of quality;

Diversity of higher education learning providers - e.g. private institutions ; Greater
diversity of and thus increasing competition from private HEIs; The threat of terrorism
combined with counter-terrorism measures; Emergence of religiously and ethnically or
politically organized extremist groups;Political push for efficiency savings through
shared services and public/private partnerships; Public policy aspirations to place AKU
as centre of excellence and innovation in the knowledge economy
Economic: The economic factor is particularly important while forecasting international
markets. The following are important to consider:

 With decreasing government funding for HEIs will have to develop new income sources
 State of inflation; Per capita income levels of citizens; Economic progress trend
 Value for money; Minimum wage/salary of employees

Socio-cultural: The social factor also influences the business or public institutions at various
levels, and need to be carefully examined. The factors that can affect higher educational
institutions in one way or another include:

i. Students’ needs and expectations are changing;

ii. Significant progress in technology-enhanced learning and teaching and innovation
iii. Uneven technology-enhanced learning and teaching and innovation across HEIs
iv. Influence of social and mobile media on professional work and social practices HEIs
v. Universities perceived to be outdated with rigid structures, traditional teaching styles
and antiquated technologies
vi. Influence of English language on use of medium of instruction and students and
teachers performance
vii. Role of women, men and people with special needs in the society
viii. Socio-cultural changes such as cultural globalization in personal and communal life;
ix. Attitude towards 1-5 networking and mentoring
x. Lack of awareness on religious and ethnic extremist, concept of multiculturalism and

Technological: Technology is commonly identified as an essential element of the organization

since it is a useful tool for the attainment of organizations mission and objectives. Technological

advancement provides valuable input to enhance higher education service. The following are
important features in this regard:

 Positive and adverse effects of Internet use, reduction in communications costs, increased
social networking with global society;
 Rapid emergence of technologies poses a threat to the traditional roles of universities as
‘custodians’ of local/ indigenous knowledge;

 Well established information systems such as AkU SMIS (Registrar Software) in

facilitating multiple work in short time;
 Impact of emerging technologies in threatening physical workforce

Legal: The legal factor may also impact on organization’s operation, including regulations,
criminal and Anti-terror legislation. Among these data protection through effective legislation of
cyber security and security issues likely to increase in importance; lack of regulations,
monitoring and enforcement on quality standards in HEIs; tax policy; labor and social security

Environmental: Finally, the environmental factor can either increase or decrease its pressure on
consumption of IT infrastructure with restriction of internet use (ICT policy); Employment
environment for graduates can also determine our institutional performance either to boost or
reduce the number of graduates.

Having discussed and analyzed the PESTLE, a set of SWOT analyses can be made to analyses
the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of various key situation of the
organization/ institutions.


To own a clear picture of an organization/institution, it is quite important to assess the internal

and external aspects of the institution, this analysis making in turn leads to either to reform for
better or keep up its vibrant existence and operation. SWOT is an acronym that stands for
strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of an organization/institution. In light of SWOT
analysis, here attempt is made to sort out the existing context.

Strengths of community service office of Aksum University

1. Instructor’s engagement in community service has been increased more than ever before

2. Identifying the thematic areas of community service projects unlike the previous years

3. Working in collaboration with other stakeholders in the area

Weakness of the Office

1. Prevalence of financial constraint to allocate proper budget for the community service
2. Officer could not effectively discharge his responsibility
3. Weak engagement in community service comparing to the research office . The
community service thematic areas of the university are too specific and limited
4. The budget allocated to these areas are too meager in which it discourages instructors
not to engage in undertaking community service projects to their full capacity and
contribute to the university and its surrounding community.
5. Absence of periodic follow-ups, monitoring and evaluation system.

6. Shortage of PhD holder instructors to undertake community service projects referring
to the community service thematic areas/priority areas
7. Lack of linkage/cooperation with other Ethiopian universities as well as with other
abroad universities /poor collaboration with the stakeholders in the area
8. There is a big problem/bottleneck in the thematic areas of community in which the
community service thematic areas merely focused on Engineering and agricultural
9. Problem of posting notices of call for proposals, progress reports of the given
projects, terminal reports and presentation of the projects in the specified time frame.
10. Lack of follow-up and support of implementing the projects done
11. Lack of cascading the projects done to the stakeholders for implementation e.t.c.

Opportunity of the university

1. Increased focus the government to higher education institution;

2. Healthy and cordial and strong community - university relationships;
3. Strong commitment from the management to do so
Threats of the university

1. Interest based clashes will continue to hamper the team-spirit of the teaching staff

Derive for Results

In a move to attain aforementioned vision and objectives of the university in general and
community service in specific fundamentally requires designing sound and SMART plans and
strategies. In a way to achieve the predetermined goals, effective work management system of
organizing, mobilizing, monitoring, and evaluation system has to be structured to measure the
progress and performance of each activities.

To realize objectives of the community service office the following strategic and operational
plans and actions need to be taken:

Spot areas of involvement and set community service priorities

Encourage instructors to join themselves and to bring their students for practical
attachments on the identified priority area

Solicit funds for specific community service projects
Provide any logistical support as required by the specific community service project
for participants.
Enhance mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues via community service
Measure the output of community services provided/organized by the office.
Conducting periodic meetings with the staff to identify and manage problems in the
realm of community service .

If the university appoints me on the stated title, I will intend to map and accomplish the below
listed tasks:
Determine and prioritize areas for community service (CS) engagement
Encourage the university community to take part in prioritized CS areas
Search for funds by designing community service projects
Boost mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues via community service
Supply specified community service projects with required logistic and related
Assess the impact of offered community services and suggest for any interventions

Reporting to, and working together in a collaborative position with stakeholders

Benchmark similar institutions and proposes their best practices to the office of
community service center
Increase females’ participation in community service projects/involvement

Promote community service projects that goes in line with the current priority needs
of the country, and can be an input to the GTP. This is because policies of the country
are volatile and we need to adapt to the changing circumstances’ which is helpful in
contributing its part for the national development

Collecting and timely posting of call for proposals in community service projects.
Helping instructors to present their community service projects in the specified

Develop/review standards and guidelines related to community service projects and
submit to relevant bodies for approval in collaboration with the community service
and industrial linkage directorate and other concerned bodies.

Work in line with other stakeholders ( instructors, students, surrounding community,

facility centers etc) to enhance the quality of community service works/projects
Handle and performs matters delegated by the respective directorate office
provide professional support for the development of the office in relation to projects
and improvement in line with good national and international practices
Support and coordinate research and community service qualities

 My mission is to assure quality community service projects in the university for

generating productive community service projects/works that could solve the societal
problem and contributes a lot for the effective implementation of GTP II and New
Millennium Development goals.
 My vision is to make the office among the best offices in the University.

Having the above affirmed experiences and certifications; I will pay special attention to the
development of the office in line to the mandate of the university specifically ensuring the
participation of key stakeholders in the governance of the university and Community service.

I will work hard and make utmost endeavor to enhance the office and generally the University’s
reputation, and maintain the worthy symbol of the university. So, it would give me a great
pleasure to be the community service officer and to work with you.

My other extracurricular activities have also been very rich and various. Using my experience
and skill I will devote my time being a ‘community service officer’ to our University. Hence, it
is my firm motive and desires to work at the stated office and it is my hope your office will
consider my application.

Thank you for your consideration and time.

With best regards,

Fitsum Abrha

BA in civics and Ethical studies

MA in Development Studies

College of Social Science and Languages

Department of Civics and Ethical Studies


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