Workplace Habits Adventurer (ISFP) Personality 16personalities

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07Workplace Habits
In the workplace, Adventurers seek out
positions that give them as much wiggle
room as possible to do things their own
way. Button-down environments that
revolve around tightly held traditions and
strictly enforced procedures are unlikely
to appeal to Adventurer personalities.
Spontaneous, charming, and genuinely
fun people to be around, Adventurers just
want a chance to express those natural
qualities, and to know that their eBorts
are appreciated.

Adventurer Subordinates

People with the Adventurer personality

type don’t like to be controlled, and this
can be quite clear in subordinate
positions – they loathe being
micromanaged. At the same time,
Adventurers aren’t well-known for their
long-term focus, but rather their
adaptability and spontaneity. They’ll use
unconventional methods, sometimes
risky ones, and existing rules are just
someone else’s way of doing things. Still,
Adventurers Gnd a way to make things
happen. To manage Adventurer
personalities successfully, there need to
be clearly set goals, and otherwise an
open sandbox.

If this balance can be made to work,

Adventurers show themselves to be eager
learners and passionate problem-solvers,
especially if they get to deal one-on-one
with other people or to tackle a problem
solo. People with this personality type are
humble, even shy, and unlikely to put
themselves on the spot by volunteering
their help. But Adventurers do love to feel
appreciated, and if assigned a task, they
work hard to earn that appreciation.

Adventurer Colleagues

Among their peers Adventurers feel most

comfortable. Working with equals and
giving some advice in order to solve
practical problems is right where
Adventurer personalities like to be. While
they may exhaust themselves if their role
requires an excessive amount of social
interaction, they are otherwise quite
charming and have excellent networking

Adventurers are tolerant and friendly,

and usually just do what needs to be
done regardless of whether their
colleagues pull their own weight. At the
end of the day though, Adventurers are
sensitive and need to know that these
eBorts are appreciated – a well-placed
compliment goes a long way. Adventurers
do let their personal goals aBect their
approach to their work, which can make
them a little unpredictable, but this is
balanced by their desire for harmony and
willingness to Gnd win-win solutions
whenever possible.

Adventurer Managers

The position that feels most unnatural to

Adventurers is management. They are not
a domineering personality type, and take
no joy in exerting control over others,
planning long-term goals, or disciplining
unsatisfactory behavior. But just because
it feels a little strange, doesn’t mean
Adventurer personalities aren’t good at it.

Adventurers’ sensitivity allows them to be

great listeners, helping them to align their
subordinates’ personal motivations with
the task at hand. They also give their
subordinates the freedom to do what
needs to be done to solve what needs to
be solved on any given day, and
Adventurers are likely to dig into that
work right alongside them. This gives
Adventurer managers a marked style of
inspiration and cooperation, and they’re
usually well-liked.

Career Paths Conclusion


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Turbulent Adventurer (ISFP-T)
1 week ago

This info'll make things easier in life. Basically

proving what I thought about myself and makes
me feel a bit better about the way others react
toward me :|

Turbulent Adventurer (ISFP-T)
2 weeks ago

That was scary how accurate it was

Iryn Shu
Turbulent Adventurer (ISFP-T)
3 weeks ago

Wow..I'm still here wondering how accurate this

test is.. that's practically me

Turbulent Adventurer (ISFP-T)
9 months ago

Fairly accurate for this stage in my life. Not 100%

accurate as to what I identify as but accurate
overall for the most part.

Turbulent Adventurer (ISFP-T)
10 months ago

Great test! Not 100% accurate, but I didn't expect it

to be as accurate as it was! Awesome job!

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