For Ijalee??

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For ; My

Sweet Heart
Fr. Your Prettiest GF
My Daily Planer

Thinking about Loving you
I love you, wish u always
here with me.

Loving you so Want to kiss you

Wish For You

hope to be with you always, always, and always.

can make you always comfy when you're with me

can make you happy every time and promise not to make you

can always be there for you, no matter what the situation is

to Read Aku tuh ga pernah bisa ngebayangin
gimana aku kalau udah ga bareng

When kamu. Iya i know setiap pertemuan

bakalan ada perpisahan, tapi kalau
boleh egois aku gamau kamu ninggalin

Things aku. Ah seriously I really love you that

much, let's trust each other more and
open up to each other, okay?

Get Tough
For Your Page
First, I'm so lucky that i can meet
made with love
you in my life, and yes this maybe
for the umpteenth time i say this to
you. I'm so grateful that you're
come into my life and bring lots of
color into my life, kamu udah masuk
jadi one of my favorite person i've
And all i can say is thank you so
ever met, kamu selalu bisa buat aku much. Dan aku harap kamu bisa
ngerasain kalau aku gak useless jadiin aku rumah kalau kamu butuh
sama sekali. tempat buat cerita, sesusah apapun
masalah kamu atau apapun Aku mau nemenin kamu pas
keadaanya aku bakal coba buat kamu lagi butuh tempat buat
selalu bantu kamu, always. ceritain semua keluh kesah
kamu, I want to put many color
into your life. The words that
i'm trying to say to you is, I like
you and i lovee you so so so
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babe, u are doing amazing and IM SO PROUD OF U ! 🤍 dont
forget to smile & remember that 'EVERYONE LOVE YOU INCL
ME' :D

☆ kamu jangan kebanyakan insecure ya, mending daftar

Notes or jadi insinyur aja hehe

☆ kalo kamu laper makan mie, tapu kalo kamu kangen just
Reminders chat me.

☆ tau ngga, aku bukan babi aku juga ga buta. tapi cintaku
padamu membabi buta :D

thankyou for being my sun, moon & rainbow bubbie. 🤍

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