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10 Interview Questions

1. What are 3 words you would use to describe yourself

I would say creative, adventurous, and determined

2. Give an example of when you showed good teamwork with co-workers

During my part time job at a burger shop there was usually only one or two other people with you on a
shift. If it got busy, closing, and daily tasks, and general work things needing to communicate quickly and
clearly with co-workers are a main part of helping to keep each other on task and working well. During a
rush, being able to estimate the next steps of the other person you are working with is a way I can keep
us on track and ensure things run smoothly.

3. Name a conflict that has happened with a customer and how you went about solving it.

With any job there will be situations that produce customers and being able to figure it out quickly, and
without any big blow ups from either side. A main time I remember while working at my retail job we
had different sale signs on each product, and we were always changing them. Accidentally a sale sign got
put with a different product that was more expensive, and a customer came up ready to buy it at the
cheaper price. I did not see the mistake before and due to this I had to let her know that it was wrong,
and it was a different price. The customer started to get worked up and to avoid letting it blow up more,
I ended up giving it to her for that price and then let my manager know about the switch. Everything was
fine in the end since I knew that making the customer happier was the priority.

4. Give a time you worked well under pressure

During any job there will be times that it could be insanely busy or dead. At my retail job most of the
time there was a lot of downtime, unless it was a holiday. During Christmas or any major shopping
holiday there was always more chaos, and more sales and being able to deal with the constant
customers is a hefty task. Being able to sense what everyone is doing as well as making sure everyone is
working with their strengths makes rushes less stressful since it is not all on one person.

5. What would you do if you saw your coworker not following the code?

If seen, I would bring it to my coworker's attention and talk to see why they are doing this. If nothing
changes or push back happens, the next step is bringing it to whoever is next in charge and letting them
know what is happening and letting them take care of it.

6. What are your strengths

Throughout school or jobs, I have always been a leader, as well flexible and a quick learner. Being able to
lead a team to success is something I have been learning and developing throughout being a supervisor
or lead at school. I have found being able to task orient and plan are great skills that help being able to
keep a group together and working without conflict. I have found that watching someone do something
a few times helps the process and I can repeat it after a few tries without too much help. Being flexible
and willing to learn helps all these processes since nothing is going to be perfect the first time around
7. What are your weaknesses

One of my main weaknesses while working is trying to multitask too much and ending up giving myself
too much on my plate to deal with. While there are always many tasks to do during a day being able to
siphon off different tasks that I may not see myself being able to finish during that time is something
that I am trying to work on

8. What are you most proud of in your career?

My most proud moment is finally being around other people who share the same passion as I do, and I
can compare and discuss how to keep making each other better and to have people see that I am doing
something I love and take pride in doing.

9. Lead me through how you would go about having to deal with a conflict between coworkers

First, you must take personal relationships out of the picture and focus on figuring out the conflict. You
hear from both sides to figure out what truly happened and find the conflict. Once you know the
problem it is much easier to deal with as much as either just keeping the people separate or sitting them
down to talk to each other to make the environment less stressful for anyone.

10. How do you deal with stress

The main way I deal with stress is being able to keep myself on track for the day. If I can create a list of
everything I may have to do during a certain amount of time, it makes it easier to see it. TO be able to
figure out how long each task could take and planning for that.

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