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Philippine Normal University


Term 1, SY 2020-2021

Complete Name: Balicat, Zulliene Rhezzy C. Rating:

Year/Section and Program: OBTEC I-3 N/A
Date Submitted: December 28, 2021

Direction: Read through the following self-reflective questions to ask yourself. Write your
insights on the space provided.

Who am I, really?

I was once a girl who believed that life was simple, but as time passed, I discovered that
there are times in our lives when we must face challenges in order to grow. Through all of
the experiences I've had, I've grown into someone who is capable, understands the
importance of time and tranquility, and is aware of her actions.
I'm aware that there will be many problems ahead in my life, but I see them now as
opportunities for growth and advancement. I also validated my own feelings and allowed
myself to grieve through difficult times; this has helped me deal. The nice thing about me
is that, no matter how upset I am, I know how to get back up and continue sailing the seas
despite the massive waves. I am pleased with how my parents raised me with respect and
principles, and I try to emulate them whenever possible.
Furthermore, people may believe that they deserve all of the praise because they gave it
their all. Yes, I agree, but I believe that I owe everything to God. In every step of my
journey, I feel God is my enabler and supplier. I know how to humble myself since I am
nothing more than a sinful human saved by God's grace.
Finally, and most significantly, I am someone who values a small number of pure
individuals in my life: God, family, myself, and a few true friends that assist me in my

What am I doing about the things that matter most in my life?

The most important thing in my life is that I accomplish my purpose, which is rooted in
God's will. To completely function as a person who follows a purpose given by God, it
takes a lot of trust, confidence, and surrender. When I'm going to make a decision,
especially about my mission, I always think of God. If I discover a reason why I'm doing
these things, I always check in on myself to see how I'm doing. I also surround myself with
individuals who support the route I'm on, while keeping a safe distance from those that
lead me astray from God's purpose.
Maintaining a strong relationship with my parents and siblings is very important in my life.
What I do is always ensure that there is honesty between us and that we correct one
another so that we can develop and learn in life. Quality time is also important in
maintaining a healthy relationship, so we constantly make sure to set aside time to catch
Philippine Normal University
Term 1, SY 2020-2021
up and check in on each other. We support one another in all of our decisions and
endeavors, as long as they do not harm anyone or ourselves.
In my life, the last thing that is important is maintaining my mental health. It is true that
maintaining peace in such a chaotic society is difficult. But, in order to put my mind at
ease, I examine myself first before doing anything. With those around me, I also select my
fights and exposure. This allows me to remain calm despite the presence of toxins around

What do I need to change about myself?

What I've seen about myself is that I'm prone to trusting those who reveal only a portion
of the truth about themselves. Perhaps I should adjust this in order to avoid being taken
for granted and betrayed. My previous experiences taught me to be mindful, aware, and
selective in whom I place my faith. I used to be easily misled and blinded for the sake of
love, which I now regard to be a bad thing for my mental health. I'm not working on
carefully filtering those trustworthy people and being sensible at all costs for my own
good now that I've realized these things. Knowing God also aids in keeping me safe and
secure on this path.

Kindly submit this worksheet through the Learning Management System (LMS).

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