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Pak Studies

History 0448
Chapter – 13 Separation of East Pakistan
Mind Mapping

What Were Sheikh Mujeeb’s Six Points? [4]

1. The Awami League won the elections through campaigning these Six Points under
Sheikh Mujeeb
2. It asked for a directly elected government
3. Federal Government to only control defence and foreign policy and all other powers
to the provinces
4. Separate currencies
5. Provinces to tax the people and send a share to federal
6. Trade power at provincial level with other countries
7. Each province to have its own military troops

What Was Cyclone Bhola? [4]

1. In Early November 1970
2. Deadliest Cyclone ever recorded hits East Pakistan
3. 500,000 People lost their lives and many displaced
4. Politicians accused W.P of neglect and unjust relief
5. Elections were right around the corner creating troyble for Yahya

What Was Mukhti Bahini? [4]

1. Indian Trained Rebel Groups In East Pakistan to fight against Pakistan Armed Forces
2. Was supplied with weapons, strategies and etc
3. Carried out mass massacre of Pakistan Armed Forces and civil servents
4. Strengthened Indo-Pak Hatred leading to war

What Was Operation Search Light? [4]

1. Protests and Civil Disobedience Movements became threatening
2. President Yahya Khan appointed General Tikka Khan as Chief Martial Law
3. He launched Operation Search Light imprisoning famous political figures like Sheikh
4. A Mass Genocide took place on Bengalis and 10 Million Bengalis escaped to
neighboring countries

Why Did East Pakistan Separate? [7] [10] [14]

Long Term Reasons:
R1: Transfer Of Economic Resources
R2: Military Neglect In Positions
R3: Higher Income In West Pakistan
R4: Economic Disparity
R6: Unfair Trade Imports And Exports
R5: Language Issue
Short Term Reasons:
R1: Imprisoned Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rehman
R2: Cyclone Bhola
R3: Operation Search Light
R4: Mukhti Bahini
R5: General Elections

Why Did Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rehman Present His 6 Points? [7]

R1: End W.Pakistan’s Economic Dominance
R2: End W.Pakistan’s Political Dominance
R3: Become Prime Minister

Why Were The Six Points Rejected? [7]

R1: Pointed Towards Seperation
R2: End W.Pakistan’s Economic Dominance
R3: Weaken Pakistan’s Military

Why Was India Successful In Both Wars Against Pakistan? [7]

R1: Weak Pakistani Strategies
R2: Indian Superiority
R3: Barely Support From Pakistan’s Allies

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