EZD6 Book of Beasts

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Book of

A female skeleton wearing a skin dress singing to her victims.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (death touch) 2 6

• Only appears at night
• Sings with a gloomy voice to announce death
• Sing Disease - all those who can hear her song must make a roll of 3+ or become
diseased (diseased make all rolls with a bane until cured)

Massive chiton armored burrowing insect-like creature.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite, acid spray) 3 6

• Boon to melee, strength, grappling, stealth
• Ambush Attack - the ankheg stays buried underground and waits
for prey to walk by then bursts forth and surprise attacks; on a hit the
target is immediately grappled (granting a double boon to melee attacks
against the held target)
• Acid Spray - the ankheg can shoot a spray of acid from an abdominal
gland shooting out in a cone up to far targets

Large six-legged lizard like monster.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (bite, claw, tail swipe) 4 3

• Petrifying Stare - if the basilisk stares at a target, the target must
make a save with 4+ or become slowed (half movement, bane on all
actions); if gaze stays on target for second round, target must make save of 4+ or be
turned to stone
• Magic ability 3D6
• The basilisk turns its food to stone and has glands in its mouth that turn the stone back to
esh during feeding; an alchemist can attempt to extract the glands to make a cure to
petri cation

Black Pudding
Large black ooze.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (Pseudopod) 3 4
• Corrode Metal - any non-magical or non-silvered weapon
corrodes; player takes Bane on all melee attacks using that weapon
• Pseudopod - if target is wearing non-magical metal armor, target must take a bane to all
armor save rolls
• Splatter - if hit with normal weapons, the ooze splatters onto nearby characters and
dissolves any armor making all armor saves 6 with a bane. Also, the ooze splits into 2
di erent oozes, each with 3 strikes each.
• Sensitive to Fire - re damage does 2 strikes per hit to the black pudding.

Large, hairy humanoids that crave battle.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (Morningstar, javelin) 2 4

• Boon to melee
• Quiet and stealthy, likes to ambush targets (boon to stealth)
• If a bugbear surprises a targets and scores a hit, it crits on a roll of 5+

Carrion Crawler
Slimy caterpillar-like creature with 6 waving tentacles.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite, tentacles) 2 3

• Can climb walls
• Boon to strength
• Paralyzing tentacles - if target is hit by one of the tentacles, perform a contest roll. If the
target looses, they become paralyzed for 1D6 turns.

Core Spawn Crawler

Small fast-moving, creatures with sharp mandibles, 4 taloned arms
and a hooked tail. Strikes To-Hit

• 4 attacks (bite, claws, tail) 2 4

• Has blind sight
• Typically lives underground, but can emerge after seismic events
• Pack Attack - if melee target is near 1+ other crawlers, the crawler gets a boon to all

(The) Devil’s Fog
An evil, red, fog-like cloud that should be feared and avoided.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (fog), cannot crit - -

• The fog lasts for 1D6 turns and spreads out 100 feet in all directions
• Visibility within the fog is greatly limited
• If the fog hits a player, roll 1D6 for e ect:
• 1 = the fog is annoying
• 2 = the body slows, movement is cut in half until fog dissipates
• 3 = confusion, you attack the closest target to you until the fog dissipates
• 4 = the mind slows, bane on all rolls for until fog dissipates
• 5 = the player is stricken with Red Dread (see Diseases)
• 6 = take 1 strike
• The only way to avoid the e ects/attacks of the fog are to get in a location that can block
the fog

Death Dog
Ugly 2-headed hound that loves humanoid esh.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (bite) 3 3
• Bite (Diseased) - in addition to the damage from the bite, targets
must succeed on a roll of 2+ or become infected with a esh-eating
bacteria; each day after the infection, maximum strikes decrease by 1 until the disease is
cured or the target dies

A graceful and beautiful female fey creature.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks/actions (club, bow) 2 3

• Magick resistance 2D6
• Magick attack 3D6
• Can communicate with beasts and plants
• Tree Stride - can step into a tree and emerge from another tree within 100 feet of the rst
• Charm - (ranged magickal e ect) can charm up to 3 creatures (rolling 1D6 per target);
charmed creatures regard the dryad as a trusted friend; requires anchoring

Elder Brain
Enormous brain with tentacles extending from it underside. Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (tentacles, mind blast) 30 3

• Magick resistance 6D6

• Magick attack 3D6
• Slow moving (5 feet per turn)
• Immune to psychic attacks, cannot be charmed or put to sleep
• Psychic Armor - all ranged and melee attacks against the elder brain must be done with
a bane
• Awareness - the elder brain is aware of all sentient creatures within 5 miles
• Telepathic Hub - can initiate and maintain telepathic communications between itself and
several other creatures
• Sense Thoughts - the elder brain can detect surface thoughts of creatures within 100
• Mind Blast - once per turn, psionic energy blasts outward in a circle hitting all up to far
range for 1 strike; this is a magickal ability
• Tentacle Attack - target must roll magickal defense or take1 1 strike of psionic energy
and become grappled (near targets only)

Fire Beetle
Giant beetle with glands that glow.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite) 1 3
• Glands glow and shed light, will continue to glow for 1D6 days after
beetle dies

Foglet (aka Fogler, Fogling)

Bipedal creature with long arms and a skull-like face with glowing
eyes. Uses hit and run tactics. Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (claw) 8 4
• Magick resistance 3D6
• Boon to hiding while fog is present
• Invisibility - can become invisible until it attacks or looses anchoring
• Death Fog - works like a spell requiring anchoring; fog rolls out encompassing all within
near range; while players are in the fog, they must make all rolls with a bane, and each
turn must roll anything but 1 or take 1 strike
• Rejuvenation - when the foglet is killed, a will-o’-wisp appears from the corpse and
attempts to escape; if successful, it will reanimate a corpse in 24 hours and retain all prior
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Gelatinous Cube
All but transparent ooze that clears paths in dungeons.
Strikes To-Hit

• Slow-moving 3 6
• Near transparent, players must make roll of 4+ to spot unless

looking closely, otherwise surprises the players
• Engulf - if the ooze hits a target, the target becomes engulfed; if engulfed, the target
takes 1 strike of acid damage per turn until the target can escape by rolling a 6; other
players can attempt to pull out engulfed target by rolling a 5+, and if the player fails, the
player attempting the contest takes 1 strike (miraculous save to avoid)

Incorporeal soul of a once-living being.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack/action (necrotic touch, terrify, possess) 2 4

• Magick attack 1D6
• Magic resistance 1D6
• Necrotic Touch - drains 1 strike of damage from target
• Terrify - all living creatures nearby must save with a roll of 3+ or become frightened and
will attempt to ee; frightened targets can attempt to save at the end of each of their turns
• Possess - (magick attack) one humanoid within melee range becomes possessed by the
ghost who will control the body but the target is still aware; the ghost cannot be targeted
by attacks or spells (except turn undead) while possessing a target; the possession
continues until the host body is dead or the ghost ends the possession
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Undead that hunt in packs for living esh.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (claw, claw, bite) 2 3

• Cannot be charmed or poisoned
• Claw - if the target is any creature other than an elf or undead,
target must succeed with magick resistance against 1D6 or become paralyzed for 1D6
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air
Ghouls are ravenous and hunt in packs. They will take down the weakest target rst and
feast on its esh in a feeding frenzy.

Giants are descendants from ancient immortal beings. Although many think that giants are
related, the giants do not consider di erent types as brethren. They often live out their long
lives with little to no contact with humans… even when living in relative proximity.

Giant (Fire)
Larger of the giants with thick skin resembling dried lava.
Strikes To-Hit

10 4 5
• 1 attack (Sweep Attack, rock throw [ranged attack])
• Double boon to strength tasks
• Immune to re damage
• Cold attacks against the re giant get a boon
• Double Damage - 2 strikes of damage per hit
• Sweep Attack - the re giant can strike at all targets within melee range that are in front
of the giant
• Fire Rage - when enraged in battle, their body temperature rises and any creature within
melee range must roll 3+ with 1D6 or take a strike

Giant (Frost)
Lanky giants with icy blue skin. Disrupting the beauty of their frigid
home draws their ire.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (axe, rock/ice throw [ranged attack]) 10 3

• Double boon to strength tasks
• Immune to cold damage
• Fire attacks against the frost giant get a boon
• Infrared Vision - the frost giants are able to see in blizzard and low-light conditions
• Blizzard - in combat, snow and ice swirl around a frost giant; if there are 3 or more frost
giants together, a blizzard forms nearly blinding all in far range (double bane to attackers)

Giant (Hill)
The smallest of the giants, but no less mighty... but they are stupid.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (club, st), crits on 5+ 8 3

• Double boon to strength tasks
• In ghts, it can be easy to distract a Hill Giant
• They will often trade valuable ores for inexpensive items or food
• They like to play ghting games… don’t get caught in one

Giant (Stone)
Reclusive, peaceful, and artistic giants living in caverns and mountains. Although they
respect dwarves for their stonework, they feel dwarves have lost focus (too much ale and
ghting, not enough crafting). Stone giants have some limited ability to tap into Druidic
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (club, rock throw [ranged attack], Erupting Earth, 12 5

Entangling Vines, Fling Creature)
• Double boon to strength tasks
• Stone giants prefer to use ranged attacks in battle
• Their gray-brown skin is rock-like and helps camou age them (boon to stealth)
• Stone giants craft materials and stonework of great worth

• Double Damage - 2 strikes of damage per hit (club, st, thrown rock)
• Fling Creature - in melee, they may grab and ing targets high into the air and let gravity
do the work (contest roll to grab; if successful, roll 1D6: on 5+ see Sure Death rule,
otherwise in ict 2 strikes)
• Erupting Earth - a fountain of earth erupts from the ground within far range; targets must
roll magick defense against 2D6, hits do 1 strike of damage; can hit small groups of
targets if they are next to each other
• Entangling Vines - Within far range, a stone giant can summon magickal vines to
entangle a target; the target must roll magickal defense against 2D6 or become restrained
— to escape the vines, continue to roll magickal defense against 2D6, if successful, they
escape from the vines

Giant (Storm)
Largest of all giants. Benevolent stewards of sea and sky.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (great sword, rock throw [ranged attack], Lightning Strike, 20 5

Control Weather, Fling Creature, magick attack/ability)
• Magick ability 4D6
• Magick resistance 4D6
• Double boon to strength tasks
• Can levitate
• Able to detect magick
• Able to breath underwater
• Immune to cold, lightning, and thunder damage
• Double Damage - 2 strikes of damage per hit (sword, st, thrown rock)
• Fling Creature - in melee, they may grab and ing targets high into the air and let gravity
do the work (contest roll to grab; if successful, roll 1D6: on 5+ see Sure Death rule,
otherwise in ict 2 strikes)
• Lightning Bolt - (magick attack) a streak of lightning shoots outward striking up to 4
targets within far range
• Control Weather - (magick ability) a storm giant is able to control the weather within 5
miles; this weather can make conditions di cult to those opposing the giant leading to a
bane on actions/attacks

Storm giants are contemplative seers that live in places far removed from mortal civilization.
They like to recall the ancient glories of the giant’s empires. With their historical knowledge,
prophesying, and reading of omens, they have learned vast secretes and troves of lore

Hyena-like humanoid that inhabit borderlands and attack in packs.

• 1 attack (bite, spear, bow) 2 4

• Very fast moving
• Pack Fury - crits on 5+ when target is surrounded by 2+ gnolls

Small humanoids that are individually weak, but powerful in
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow) 1 3

• Hide - boon to hide; may use this e ect after an attack if
reasonable cover is available

Gray Ooze
Formless biomass that absorbs their prey.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (pseudopod) 2 3
• Corrode Metal - any non-magical or non-silvered weapon
corrodes; player takes Bane on all melee attacks using that weapon
• False Appearance - while ooze remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an oily
pool or wet rock
• Pseudopod - if target is wearing non-magical metal armor, target must take a Bane to all
armor save rolls

She gets her powers through dark and malevolent means.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 actions/attacks 5 3
• Magick resistance 2D6
• Magick ability 3D6
• Poisoned Dagger - (melee attack) the target must make a miraculous save or become
poisoned (target looses 1 strike per turn until a miraculous save is made, or an antidote is
• Festering Talons - (melee attack) the festering talons impart a wasting sickness; on the
following day, have the target make a 4+ strength roll or fall ill; if ill, rest will not heal
strikes and the victim loses 1 strike per day until healed or dead
• Hex - (ranged magick attack) the target makes all rolls with a bane for a scene
• Blind - (ranged magick attack) the target is blinded for 3 rounds
• Confuse - (ranged magick attack) the target becomes confused and cannot make any
meaningful actions until a miraculous save is made
• Necrosis - (ranged magick attack) causes target to lose a strike
• Dark Shroud - (requires anchoring) casting dark shroud causes shadows to swirl around
the hag making her harder to hit (To-Hit becomes 5)
• Soul-Linked - if any allies are near the hag, the hag can drain 1 strike from an ally
(possibly killing them) and gain one strike for herself
• Villain Die - the hag has a “villain die” that works like a Hero Die.

Red/orange skinned humanoids that love battle and warfare.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow) 1 5

• Beast Friend - many have beast companions
• Fury - crits on 5+

Craven, small reptilian humanoids that worship evil dragons.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow) 1 3

• Pack Attack - if melee target is near 2+ other kobolds, kobold
attacks with a Boon
• Unless special circumstances, kobolds will ee or surrender if battle turns against them
• Cunning - they often employ traps and tricks

Kobold Chieftain
Larger, stronger kobold who leads with brutality.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (axe) 1 3
• Pack Attack - if melee target is near 2+ other kobolds, kobold
attacks with a Boon
• The presence of the chieftain prevents other kobolds from surrendering or eeing
• Boon to melee

Kriv Walker
Fast-moving undead warriors with glowing white eyes.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, gnaw) 3 3

• Magick resistance 2D6
• Players attacking the Kriv Walker without magickal or non-silvered
weapons must do so with a bane
• If killed by non- re/radiant damage, roll 1D6; on a roll of 5+, the Kriv Walker rises on it’s
next turn with 1 strike
• Gnaw - the Kriv Walker must roll a 6 to hit a player, but if successful, the player must
make a miraculous save or have their maximum strikes decreased by 1 permanently
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Humanoid with a tentacled mouth, which it uses to suck out and Strikes To-Hit

consume humanoid brains. 6 4

• 1 attack (tentacles, mind blast, extract brain)
• Magick resistance 6D6
• Magick ability 3D6
• Boon to grapple
• Can levitate
• Mind Blast - psionic energy blasts outward in a circle hitting all within near range for 1
strike, crits on 5+ (magick attack)
• Tentacle Attack - target takes 1 strike of psionic energy and becomes grappled (magick
• Extract Brain - if target is grappled by the illithid, the illithid bores into the skull and
extracts the brain of the target (see sure certain death rules)

Illithid begin life as a parasitic tadpole hatched from eggs. Most tadpoles do not survive to
reach maturity, but the few that do are inserted into a humanoid host captured for this
purpose. The tadpole then burrows into the host’s brain eventually replacing the brain. The
body then begins a transformation that takes 3-4 months. During this transformation period,
the illithid is vulnerable and weak lacking its feared attacks.

When an illithid dies, its brain is removed in a sacred ceremony and placed into the
spawning pool and absorbed by the Elder Brain. It is a great punishment to be denied
joining with the Elder Brain upon death.

Gaunt and skeletal humanoid.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack 20 4
• The lich starts with 3 random scrolls that it can use during combat
• Magick ability 5D6
• Magick resistance 4D6
• Boon on resisting turn undead
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air
• Paralyzing Touch - (melee magick attack) target becomes paralyzed for 1D6 turns
• Death Tether - the lich shoots out a tether of cracking dark energy to one creature it can
see in near range as a magick attack; while tethered, the creature takes half the damage
in icted against the lich; at then end of the creature’s turn, roll magick defense to end
e ect
• Call Undead - lich rolls magick against 2D6; if successful, 1D6 undead rise from the
ground under the lich’s command; roll 1D6 for type: 1-3 = skeleton, 4-5 = zombie, 6=
• Disrupt Life - (ranged magick attack) causes 1 strike of damage to up to 6 targets
• Life Drain - (melee magick attack) causes 1 strike of damage while healing 1 strike to the

• Rejuvenation - a destroyed lich will gain a new body in 2D6 days if its phylactery is intact
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air
• Villain Die - has 2 “villain dice” that works like Hero Die
A lich must feed souls into its phylactery in order to preserve its form. If it fails to do so, it
begins to physically fall apart and make become a demilich.

Primitive reptilian humanoids that make swamps their den.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (bite, club, javelin) 2 3

• Respect and fear magic with a religious awe
• Worship dragons and speak Draconic

Regular foot soldier.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (pole arm) 2 3

• Basic foot soldier

A once beautiful woman, now a terrifying visage.
Strikes To-Hit

• Tail Attack - she will try and grapple those nearby and force them 5 3
to see her gaze; if her gaze fails to work, she will try to bite target
(bite does no strike damage but target is poisoned)
• Bow Attack - will re arrows to force victims into tail attack range
• Magical ability 3D6
• Petrifying Gaze - If you meet her gaze, roll magic defense; avoid petri cation with
success, but gain a bane to all actions for encounter

Massive beast with hooves and horns that live for the hunt.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (gore, axe) 5 4

• Gore Attack - if target hit, must make a roll of 4+ or be knocked
• Boon on melee and strength

Strikes To-Hit 11
Mountain Lion
Large tan feline that is fast and strong.

• 2 attacks (claw, bite) 1 3

• Boon to stealth and ambush attacks

Huge brutes whose strength outweighs their wits.
Strikes To-Hit

• Giant Club Attack - crits on 5+ unless a 6 is required to hit, then it 3 3

must be a 6
• Boon in strength, grappling, and melee

Piggish faced savage raiders.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow) 1 3

• Boon to strength tasks
• Deep hatred of elves, boon to melee attacks against elves

Bear-like creature with jaws that look like a beak.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (claws, bite) 4 3

• Boon to strength, sight, smell
• Boon to ambush
• Typically hunts at night

Rat (Giant)
Giant vermin with red eyes and sharp needle-like teeth.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite) 1 3
• Cannot crit
• Carry Disease - if the rat’s attack roll was a 6, the target becomes
diseased (miraculous save to avoid); disease lasts 1D6+1 scenes; roll 1 D6 each scene
and on a roll of 5+, player loses a strike

Strikes To-Hit
Undead amorphous shadow creature.

• 1 attack (Life Drain) 2 3

• Holy or radiant attacks against shadow have a boon
• All non-magickal attacks against the shadow have a bane
• Immune to necrotic and poison attacks
• Cannot be grappled, paralyzed, petri ed, frightened, knocked prone, or be restrained
• Sunlight Weakness - while in bright light, the shadow must make all rolls with a bane
• Shadow Stealth - in dim light or darkness, the shadow can hide (4D6 contest roll against
enemies) after making a move or attack
• Life Drain - (melee) causes 1 strike of damage; players killed by Life Drain will give rise to
a new shadow in 1D4 turns
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air
A shadow quickly attacks then quickly hides to avoid being hit.

Decayed corpses turned magic automatons.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (often rusted weapons) 1 3

• Skeletons are brittle and will shatter if hit
• Parts continue ghting, free attack if destroyed near an enemy
• Mindless - mental powers are useless on skeletons
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Spider (Giant, Black Widow)

Voracious and fast predators seeking bigger prey — you.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite), cannot crit 2 3

• Poisonous Bite - player becomes poisoned (player takes a strike
each turn until making a miraculous save to end e ect)
• Scurry and climb on anything but slick surfaces
• Sticky Webs — if player stuck, roll 4+ to escape

Tiny magickal fey humanoid being with wings of a dragon y.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (sword, bow) 1 3

• Magick resistance 3D6
• Magic ability 3D6

• Heart Sight - if the sprite touches a creature, it will know their surface thoughts and
intentions; this is a magickal ability
• Invisibility - can become invisible until it attacks, casts a spell, or looses anchoring
• Poisoned Arrows - if a creature is hit by a sprite’s arrow, roll magickal defense to avoid
falling into a deep slumber that lasts 2D6 turns
• Hatred of Evil - sprites will do everything the can to thwart evil (boon on attacks against
evil creatures or those attempting to do evil)

Large bat-like beast with long snout to suck blood.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (blood drain) 1 3

• Blood Drain - on a successful attack, the stirge attaches to its
target; on the following turns, it drains 1 strike of blood; after
drinking 1-2 strikes of blood, it will y o to digest the meal
• Able to y

Beautiful winged female humanoid end with a barbed tail.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack/action (claw [in true from only]) 6 4

• Magick resistance 3D6
• Magic ability 3D6
• Can y in true form
• Shapechanger - the end can use its action to polymorph into a small or medium
humanoid, or back into its true form; without wings, the end loses its ying speed; any
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies
• Charm - one humanoid the end can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a save (4+)
or be magically charmed for 1 day; the charmed target obeys the end's verbal or
telepathic commands; if the target su ers any harm or receives a suicidal command, it
can repeat the saving throw, ending the e ect on a success. If the target successfully
saves against the e ect, or if the e ect on it ends, the target is immune to this end's
charm for the next 24 hours; the end can have only one target charmed at a time; if it
charms another, the e ect on the previous target ends.
• Draining Kiss - the end kisses a creature charmed by it or a willing creature; the target
must make a miraculous save or loses 1 strike permanently

A sentient tree-creature.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (slam, rock throw) 4 3

• When still, it is indistinguishable from a tree
• Boon to strength

• Normal weapons attacks against treemen have a bane
• Fire Hatred - the use of re against them causes the treemen to go into a rage allowing
them to have 4 attacks per turn
• Slam - melee attack that does 2 strikes of damage on a hit
• Rock Throw - ranged weapon attack
• Animate Plants - (once per scene) a treeman can animate vines, trees, and other plants
within far range

Large, boorish humanoids fond of tearing enemies to bits.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (claw, claw, bite) 5 3

• Boon in melee, strength, and grappling
• Regeneration - regains 1strike per turn; if hit with re or acid,
regeneration is stopped for 1 turn; freezing temporarily stops regeneration

Lord of the undead. Drinker of blood.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (claw, bite) 12 4

• Boon to strength, charisma, grapple
• Magick resistance 4D6
• Able to climb walls
• Blood Bite - if the target is grappled, the vampire bite causes paralysis for as long as the
bite is maintained and drains 1 strike of blood per turn
• Regeneration - unless hit by holy water or other holy force (e ect lasts 1D6 turns), the
vampire regenerates 3 strikes per turn
• Charm - once per scene, creatures nearby must roll magick resistance against 3D6 to
avoid being charmed and open to the vampire’s suggestions and requests
• Sunlight Reveal - a vampire in sunlight is revealed in its true form: a hideous fanged
humanoid beast; in the dark, it appears as an attractive humanoid matching its origin race
• Vampire Creation - if the vampire drains a creature of blood completely, it may spill its
own blood into the mouth of the immediately deceased target; the next night, the target
will rise as a vampire
• Control Undead - the vampire is able to control all nearby undead
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Vampires are territorial creatures that rarely tolerate other vampires in its area. This often
leads to violent con ict leaving one or more vampires dead.

Large segmented centipede-like creature that spits a highly caustic venom and has a nasty
bite. It will do hit-and-run attacks till its quarry is dead.
Strikes To-Hit

3 4
• 2 attacks (bite [+3 to hit] and venom squirt [+3 to hit])
• Boon to melee, grapples, and stealth
• Can t in tight places with its attened exible body
• Can climb like a spider
• Venom Squirt - caustic venom causes painful burns and gives a bane to the survivor's
next round action

Warp Ferret
Small mammal with sharp fangs and claws, crackles with energy.
Strikes To-Hit

• Zap Away - can only be hit on a con rmed crit 1 6

• Spoiled Pet - can be distracted for 1D4 rounds by chicken or other
• Inside Out - this is dreaded by anyone facing a warp ferret; for 1D4 rounds, it shakes and
sparks violently until it attempts to warp inside a target; this is a 1D6 magick attack; it will
take 1D4 rounds to chew its way out of the victim (use sure death rules); while in icted,
the victim takes a bane; another hero can pierce the victim in attempt to hit ferret — in
this case, the victim takes a strike and the ferret To-Hit roll has a bane.
• Magick resistance 3D6

Watcher Fiend
Large oating endish head with central eye and 6 eye stalks.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (bite, 2 eye stalks) 20 5

• Magick attack 4D6 (re-roll any 1’s)
• Magick resistance 5D6
• Boon to melee and strength
• Can levitate
• Bite crits on 5+; if attacking a paralyzed or asleep target, consider rst roll an automatic 6
• Anti-magick Cone - the large central eye creates a cone of anti-magick out to 120 feet;
anyone in the cone cannot cast or use magick
• Eye Rays - the watcher end shoots 2 random eye ranged magickal attacks:
1 Paralyzing Ray - the target is paralyzed for 1D6 turns
2 Fear Ray - the target is frightened for 1D6 turns and attempts to ee
3 Telekinesis Ray - the watcher end can move the target 30 feet in any direction
4 Sleep Ray - the target falls asleep for 1D6 turns, can be awakened by shaking or an attack
5 Petri cation Ray - the target creature is turned to stone
6 Death Ray - in icts 3 strikes against a target

The watcher end will use telekinesis to raise a target into the air and let them fall (see Sure
Death rules).

Watcher ends are highly intelligent but also very paranoid and a bit crazy. Each watcher
end believes that it is the most superior being in the universe. They must feed regularly and
dispatch their minions to capture humanoids and return them to the lair. The ends like to
eat their food alive and will use paralyzing rays or the minions will chain a humanoid to a
feeding post.

Undead warrior that was once a mortal chasing dark desires.
Strikes To-Hit

• 2 attacks (sword/bow, Life Drain) 3 4

• Bane to all rolls while in sunlight
• Immune to poison
• Magick resistance 3D6
• Players attacking wight without magical or silvered weapons do so with a Bane
• Life Drain - (melee) causes 1 strike of damage while healing 1 strike to the wight; players
killed by Life Drain rise 24 hours later as a zombie under its control (unless body is
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

An undead creature that is an ephemeral sphere of light.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attacks (shock, consume life) 2 4

• Cannot be grappled, poisoned, restrained, or paralyzed
• Magick attack 3D6
• Magick resistance 2D6
• Shock - (ranged magick attack) the target is enveloped in electricity
• Consume Life - (melee magick attack) the target has life drained from them, and the Will-
O’-Wisp gains a strike
• Invisibility - can become invisible until it attacks; requires anchoring
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air

Usually an understudy of a hag. More dangerous than they appear.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (dagger, hex, blind, confuse, poison) 3 3

• Magick attack 2D6
• Magick resistance 2D6
• Hex - (ranged magick attack) the target makes all rolls with a bane for a scene
• Blind - (ranged magick attack) the target is blinded for 3 rounds
• Confuse - (ranged magick attack) the target becomes confused and cannot make any
meaningful actions until a miraculous save is made

• Poison - (melee attack) the target becomes poisoned (target looses 1 strike per turn until
a miraculous save is made, or an antidote is provided)

A small (size of a horse) dragon-like creature. Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (1 bite, 2 claws, 1 stinger) 10 4

• Can y
• Boon to melee and strength
• Stinger - (melee attack) deals 1 strike of damage and the target becomes poisoned (on
the next turn, target looses 1 strike per turn until a miraculous save is made, an antidote
is provided, or the target dies)

Animated corpses. Terrible in vast numbers.
Strikes To-Hit

• 1 attack (bite, gnaw): cannot crit, 4+ to hit 2 3

• Slow, easy to outrun
• Gnaw - the zombie must roll a 5+ to hit a player, but if successful, the
player must make a miraculous save or have their maximum strikes decreased by 1
• Unliving - needs no sustenance, sleep, or air
• Mindless - their rotten brains cannot be a ected by mental powers, fear, or persuasion

Black Death
• Infected are covered in black boils that ooze blood and pus for 2D6 days.
• The infected take 1 strike per day.
• Potential cure: dryad’s saddle fungus, honey, crushed garlic, and blue cheese. If ingested,
roll 1D6, on a 4+, the infection is cured.
• All that come in close contact with an infected person must roll 1D6 — on a roll of 1, the
contact becomes infected as well.

Cavern Cough
• A frequent and persistent cough caused by spores found in caves and underground
• Cough lasts 1-2 days.
• It is impossible to remain stealthy or hidden due to the cough.
• Can be immediately cured by drinking pine needles steeped in hot water with honey and
dried and crushed blister fungus.

• Cholera is a disease that causes an impressive and disgusting amount of vomiting and
• Disease lasts 1D6 days.
• The infected is unable to travel.
• Unless the infected is attended to and given water and salts daily, they will take a strike.
• Anyone attending to the infected has a chance of becoming infected as well: roll 1D6
daily — on a roll of 1, the attendant becomes infected.

Ogre Fly
• The ogre ies are large (palm-sized). The males have a red abdomen, the females have a
green abdomen. The have a painful bite, but the females have a fang-like organ on their
abdomen where they lay their eggs into a host.
• In areas where ogre ies are found, roll 1D6 daily. On a roll of 1, the target becomes a host
for ogre y larvae.
• Hosts will develop a classic, easy to recognize rash. The red blotches progress to blisters.
The blisters erupt and a developed larvae falls out to continue its life cycle.
• Infection lasts 2D6 days.
• While infected, all rolls are made with a bane.

• Most people can recognize the rash and will not allow the infected to be anywhere near
others. They know that the infected could lead to ogre ies in their area.

Red Dread
• The victims eyes turn blood red and they develop a pronounced tremor. The tremor
causes a bane on all tasks that require any dexterity (e.g. ranged weapon use, lock
picking, etc).
• Symptoms last 1D6 days.
• At a random time each day of infection, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the infected falls to the
ground and has a seizure. A new Devil Fog pours fourth from the mouth of the victim.

• Beastmen are savage mutant humanoids with the head of a beast and the body of a man
and often have hooves and claws.
• Beastmen are created from humanoids that come into contact with the proto-magick of

Roll 2D6 for head (once for general type, once for speci c appearance), and 1D6 for body.
Roll Head Body
1 Mammal: (1) bear, (2) pig, (3) goat/ Covered in boils dripping pus
ram, (4) wolf, (5) rat, (6) cougar
2 Reptile: (1) snake, (2) lizard, (3) Hunched back with spikes
alligator, (4) turtle, (5) gila monster,
(6) chameleon
3 Insect: (1) ant, (2) roach, (3) y, (4) Scorpion-like tail (gives extra attack: target
mantis, (5) spider, (6) maggot must make magickal defense against 1D6
or become poisoned)
4 Avian: (1) crow, (2) hawk, (3) owl, (4) Wings (either insect or bird) allowing
turkey, (5) chicken, (6) vulture beastman to y
5 Amphibian: (1) frog, (2) salamander, Extra thick hide (add 1 to the To-Hit value)
(3) axolotl
6 Random: (1) lamprey, (2) octopus, Deformed with extra appendages, mouths,
(3) slug, (4) tardigrade, (5) pus or eyes
caterpillar, (6) bat

Roll 1D6 three times; once for each column.
Roll Number of Attacks Strikes To-Hit
1 1 1 2
2 1 1 3
3 1 1 3
4 2 2 3
5 2 2 4
6 3 3 4

Special Abilities
Roll 1D6 for number of abilities, and 1D6 for ability feature.
Roll Number of Ability Feature
1 None Magick resistance 2D6
2 None Dark vision (can see twice as far in dim light)
3 1 Boon to melee
4 1 Boon to strength and grappling
5 1 Boon to ranged attacks
6 2 Can hurl either re or ice as a magickal range attack (magick
ability 2D6) against up to 3 targets per turn

Named Beasts
The beasts on below are single, named beasts. These monsters are a “one and only”
monster and not a general race of creatures.

Fraendril the Dark

Old, massive black dragon.
Strikes To-Hit

• 4 attacks (bite/breath/magick, 2 claw, tail) 35 5

• Magick ability 5D6
• Magick resistance 5D6
• Able to y
• Immune to acid and poison attacks
• 2 boons to strength, melee, lore
• Bite, claw, and tail attacks in ict 2 strikes each
• Acid Breath - all in the near area in front of the dragon are potentially hit (treat as magick
• Disease of the Mind - (magick attack) a spectral worm invades the target’s mind; each
round roll 1D6: 1 = in ict 1 strike of damage, 6 = target is cured of the worm
• Dominate - (magick attack) target becomes charmed and will comply with reasonable
requests; e ect ends if the targets rolls a 6 at the end of its turn
• Villain Dice - Fraendril has 2 “villain dice” that work like Hero Dice.

Large endish humanoid monstrosity.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (bite, 2 claw) 5 4

• Blood Rampage - when the Grendel takes damage, it makes one
attack with its claws against a target within reach
• Boon on melee
• 3D6 magick resistance
• Magick Armor - normal weapons do not harm the Grendel, only magick e ects or
magickal weapons can cause a strike
• Villain Die - has a “villain die” that works like Hero Die.

A rolling pool of black ooze covered in eyes that appear and get
Strikes To-Hit
resorbed. Called forth from a dark place of existence.

• 3 attacks (any combination of below attacks) 20 4

• Magick ability 6D6
• Magick resistance 4D6
• Only magick attacks and magick weapons can damage Shoggoth
• Immune to charm, sleep, psionic attacks
• Create Tendril - a tendril appears shooting out from the main body (up to 50 feet from the
body, then can move 30 feet per turn); see below for tendril attacks
• Submission - (magick attack) single target becomes charmed and will follow reasonable
suggestions; at the end of the target’s turn, can attempt to overcome e ect using a
contest roll
• Terror - (magick attack) single target becomes terri ed and attempts to ee; at the end of
the target’s turn, can attempt to overcome e ect using a contest roll
• Cripple Mind - (magick attack) single target within far range takes 1 strike of psionic
• Envelop - (magick attack) if a target is restrained by a tendril and is within 5 feet of
Shoggoth, the target becomes enveloped and consumed; the target takes 1 strike for
each round it is consumed; to escaped being consumed, the target must make a contest
roll with a bane against Shoggoth
• Villain Dice - has 2 “villain dice” that works like Hero Dice.

Tendril (1 Strike, To-Hit 3)

• 1 attack per tendril
• Spear - melee attack
• Grapple and Restrain - target must make contest roll to resist or be come grappled and
restrained; restrained target can attempt contest roll at the end of it turn to overcome
e ect
• Enter and Control - (1D6 magick attack) if the target is restrained, tendrils enter the
target through the nose or mouth and the target becomes a puppet under the control of
Shoggoth and will do any bidding; only severing the tendril ends the e ect

Tul’Gazeen (Nightscream)
Large humanoid with long claws, and a skull-like head.
Strikes To-Hit

• 3 attacks (bite, claw, claw) 10 4

• Corrupting Touch - if grappling player, drains 2 strikes per turn
• Bane: in the presence of near light, it has a bane to all attacks
• Boon: all strength and grappling e orts
• 3D6 magick resistance
• Immune to poison
• Unholy Screech - twice per scene, it can emit a terrifying scream that extinguishes all
light sources with a roll of 3+ per light source (both natural and magical)

• Fetid Cloud - all players in near range must make a D6 roll of 3+ each round or become
overtaken with dizziness and nausea for that turn (all actions by the player must be done
with a Bane)
• Villain Die - has a “villain die” that works like Hero Die.
Tul’Gazeen, also called the Nightscream, does not remember when it came to be.
Perhaps it was the Primordial Ones that brought it forth. Perhaps it formed itself
from the Chaos. Regardless, it has been on this world for millennia. It feeds on both
the dead and the living. Feeding on old corpses and carrion sustains it, but does not
give it pleasure. The joy is the fear, panic, screams, and pain from ripping
something living apart.

If defeated, Tul’Gazeen will eventually return rising from a pool of dark ichor
located in a foreboding forest at the base of a mountain far to the north. It will be
very hungry and must feed. After that, it will seek revenge on those that
vanquished it.

Grendel’s mother: a daemon disguised as a beautiful woman.
Strikes To-Hit

• 4 attacks (claw, bite) 4 3

• Boon to melee and stealth
• Crits on 5+
• Magick Armor - normal weapons do not harm the Grendel, only magick e ects or
magickal weapons can cause a strike
• Quick - can move fast (60 feet per turn)
• Enthrall - if a solitary male is in her presence, he must make a miraculous save or
become enthralled; he will do her bidding (primarily mating with her to create a new child
monster, but she provides a reward of increased wealth, a permanent extra strike, and an
additional Boon to any 2 inclinations)
• Magick resistance 5D6
• Villain Die - has a “villain die” that works like Hero Die.


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