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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ist Sessional Examination

SUBJECT: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics M.M: 20


Section A
Attempt any two questions
1. What are the limitation of first law of thermodynamics?
2. Explain PMM-1 with neat sketch.
3. Explain the term Entropy. Write the expression for Clausius inequality

Section B
Attempt any two questions
1. Explain the working principle of Thermal Power Plant.
2. Write the expression for steady flow energy equation.
3. A heat pump is used to meet the heating requirement of a house and maintain it at 300K. On a day when
the outdoor air temperature drops to 275 K, it is estimated that the house loses heat at the rate of 75MJ/hr.
If the coefficient of performance of the heat pump under these conditions is 2.5, determine:
(a) the power consumed by the heat pump
(b) the rate at which heat is absorbed from the cold outside air.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ist Sessional Examination
SUBJECT: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics M.M: 20


Section A
Attempt any two questions
1. What are the limitation of first law of thermodynamics?
2. Explain PMM-1 with neat sketch.
3. Explain the term Entropy. Write the expression for Clausius inequality

Section B
Attempt any two questions
4. Explain the working principle of Thermal Power Plant.
5. Write the expression for steady flow energy equation.
6. A heat pump is used to meet the heating requirement of a house and maintain it at 300K. On a day when
the outdoor air temperature drops to 275 K, it is estimated that the house loses heat at the rate of 75MJ/hr.
If the coefficient of performance of the heat pump under these conditions is 2.5, determine:
(a) the power consumed by the heat pump
(b) the rate at which heat is absorbed from the cold outside air.

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