Noc19 Ge31 Assignment Week 1

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You are on page 1of 1 NPTEL » Biology for engineers and other non-bi Unit 3 - Week 1 Course outline Assignment 1 ‘The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2019-08-14, 23:59 IST. ‘As per our records you have not submitted this assignment. How to access the 2) Following are some iue/false statements about biomiiary 4 point A. The nose design ofthe high-speed Shinkansen electc train is based on the shape ofthe Kingfisher’ beak. Valerie a company that created and produces a frst commercial hack and loop fasteners which are inpiation from eat feet Lesson 2, ©The black wings ofthe rase buttery have inspired the design of a more efiient wind mil Inrodton Which of the following choices is valid? Ogandc Aanas alone OB ame No, tno ansuor is mores ‘lomolecutes- Liptas sSeure: 0 ‘Accepted Answers (Qua: Assignment 1 nen) Wook 2 2) Which of the folowing cells can be cultured via bioreactor to produce bio product? 4 point a] ‘Mammalian cats Seung week a Bacteria O Yeast ‘TEXT TRANSCRIPTS, No, tne ansuor is incomes DOWNLOAD VIDEOS secre 0 Live Session '3) Complete tne olonmng sentence using tho options gwen below tho sontance as A, B,C, and E. 4 point Ac No, the answer is incomes Secre'0 ‘conte Ancvers cD 4) The flowing table lists the ype of Ip vith ts chemical composition. Select he most accurate combination. 4 point Lipa Chemical Composition ‘A, Phosphotiid Tracleer 8. Cycoipd Lipid Sugar © Cholesterol ‘coh + Steroid Alo hese cony © pony Onc No, the answr is noone Seore'0 ‘Accopted Ansvets Bc '5) Which ofthe ftomng isthe best way to seize heat sensive solutions ike antibiotic and grouth hormones 2 point souton Dry noat utocave © Passing hough 40.22 pm fier © Al ofthe above No, tre ansiar is ncoect Score: 0 ‘Accepted Answers ‘Passing through @ 0.22 um iter 6) Harod Urey and Stanley Miler expenmentaly proved 4 point “The ears ion yeas © Spontansous synthesis of smal organic molecule from existing molecule © Bath () end) © None ofthe above No, tne ansiar is ncoect Secie0 Accepted Answers: ‘Spontaneous syrtnests of smal organte molecule from exsting motecule 7) Which motecule might nave been ine eaest genetic material? point Na NA Protein © A ofthe above No, tre ansiar is ncoect Score’ 0 ‘Accepted Answers: RNA £8) An example of abote syntheses a point Joining of two organ’e monomers to form a polymer ‘Separation of polymers to form monomer © Synthesis of simple organic molecule in early earth environment © None of the above No, the ansinr is incorrect, Score’ 0 Accepted Answers: ‘Syrhesis of simple organic molecule early earth erwronment 19) Select tne comect statement. 4 point © The early earth nad oxidizing endronment © The eatly earth was covered with rom when it wes formed ‘There was no presence of oxygen in the eaty earth atmosphere ‘actona was tne rst mwng organism evolved inthe eary earths atmosproro No, the ansiar is incorrect, Sere: 0 Accepted Answers: ‘There vas no presence of otygen inthe early earth atmosphere 20Phenotypes are 4 point © Pyscal appearance Genetic make up Metabo feature fo ne above No, the answer is incomes Secre' 0 ‘Accepted Answers: ‘Physical appearance

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