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You are on page 1of 1 NPTEL » Biology for engineers and other non-bi Unit 4 - Week 2 Sous outing Assignment 2 omer tot “The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2019-08-21, 23:59 IST. ee, meee Deca eee — 1 © The ability of water to naturally exist in all three states of matter © High specific heat of water oa Saas Se ae eee = = oo ‘Carbohydrates, ‘Score 0 os ——— ee ey = Sa ee — a ’ — = Biomolecules: ‘Siyeomics cones a — So as ery —— awa ce an was ee eee err — Lesson 21. Cet © Amino Acids - Protein ‘stucre and ineton Nucleotides - Nucleic and ~Eukenyotes| ‘Quz: Asstonment 2 (Ci,0- — Al of te above No, the answer's ncarect. Wook 4 Sssre'0| ‘Acoptea Ancvers TEXT TRANSCRIPTS Al ofthe above 4) Ione unt of Ape ot minute at pH 8.0. then 4 point ap vt hucoamylase prodoes 1 jm of glacose pe . oil © tts enzyme specity © one ioe session) ts unt ot acy s ne his wnove nurber i one © Al ofthe above No, the answer is ncarect Ssore'0 ‘Accopted Answers {ts unt of acttyis one 5) Which ofthe folowing statements obout amino acid re tue 4 point ‘amino eid can e bath potar and non-polar ‘The amino acid units are joined by the peptice bond © Twenty mina acids occur naturally © Al ofthe above No, tne answer is ncoect. Secie:0 Accepted Answers ‘Alo the above (8) Forte folowing structure dently point A aso 8. Carponyarate oH OH © & Pyrimidine, 8 -Ribose © A: Pyrimidine, 8 -Deoryrbose A. Purine , & Deaigyibose of tne above No, the answer is incoect. Sere: 0 ‘Accepted Answers: A: Pyrmiine . B bose 7) Selec the best combination from the folowing options 1 point © Pyrimidine - Uracil, Thymine and Guanine ueteosce - pentose sugar +Ntrogenous base* phosprate group ‘ecion vansport prosphoryatlon of ADP — rayne medkated frmaton of ATP © imlecutar cxmposton of chromosomes DNA -Protln complex No, the answer is incomect. Secre:0 ‘Accoptod Answers: ‘Blomolecular composition of chromasomes DNA -Prtein complex 18) Choase the eorectstrictural hierarchy of chromatin structure 1 point DNA —+ Nusleosomes -> Chromosomes DNA chromosomes —> Nuctoorlda Histone—>Nucleotide—> DNA © None ofthe above No, tne answer is ncoect. Secie:0 ‘Accepted Ansvets ‘DA nuatoosames > Chromosomes 9) The foatute of auxarye cas a0 2 point ‘Membrane bouns organctos © single cecuar DNA © Lack of nucleus © A ofthe above No, the answer is noe. Score’ 0 ‘Accepted Answers: ‘Membrane bound organetes {o)Maten tne towing a point A Mathanogens (0 sue at high tomporature 3 Halophiles (@) surdve in acide conction © Thenmophites (H anity to proauce metnane 1D. Acidophiies (oy sundve at high salt coration © AA), BW), C- (and D-H) © Adil. Be Gu), C- Gi) and O- Gi) © Fei. 8: (v7), C=) and D> (i) 0, 8 (WD, C- (ane D-(™) No, the answer is incomes Sere 0 ‘Accepted Answers Ai), 8 (4) C= () 25 D>) 11) The Endoplasmic ticki pests 4 point © Light harvesting © syrthesis of membrane and secretory proteins chromosome algnment A or te above No, the answer's none Scare 0 ‘Accepted Answers Syriests of mentrane and secretary proteins 22),aIn a mena of 4 point © Intermediate flaments © Microtubules ‘Moroniaments fof tne above No, the answer is incomes Secre’0 ‘Accopted Answers: Microfiarnonts:

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