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Quantity or WATER Types of demand ~ domestic, industrial, fire @ variation of demand @ population forecast © per capita demand e simple numerical problems. 3.1 Water Demanp : Types of DEMAND In community water is used for various purposes as described below : (i) Domestic water demand Gi) Commercial and Industrial demand (iii) Fire demand (iv) Demand for public uses (v) Live-stock requirements (vi) Industrial demand (vii) Waste and losses Per Capita Demand : For the purpose of estimation of total requirement of water, the demand is calculated on an average basis, which is expressed as so many litres/capita/day. If Q is the total annual quantity of water required by a town in litres, and the population of the town is P, the per capita demand will be, : __@2 , Per capita demand = $7 litres/day The per capita demand of the tovin depends on various factors and will be according to the living standards of the public and the number and type of industries in the town, the number and type of the commercial places in the town, etc. The average daily consumption per capita is divided into four main heads, as shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Various Types of Water Consumption 3 fees 1. Domestic demand (drinking, washing, bathing, flushing of water closets, urinals, domestic cattle and floor washing). 135 - 200 2. Industrial and commercial demand including manufacturing processes, commercial complexes, hotels, dairies, and so-on 45 — 180 3. Public demand including fire protection, gardening, parks, lawns, schools, hospitals, jails, railways, swimming pools, markets, and so on. 30 — 70 _———_— 5) Scanned with CamScanner GINEERING 40 WATER & WASTEWATER EN ———— er Water unaccounted for, due to loss and wastage, due to bad Plumbing, damage of meters, valves, leaky mains, bursting of pipes and unauthorised tapping. constant opening of taps, Total demand Source : Table LW 225 - 500 7 3rd ‘ster Supply and Pothution Control by JW. Clarke, W. Vieseman, and M. Hammer, 3rd Edn. id Row Publishers, New York, 1977, For an average Indian town, the requirement of water in various uses is as under : Table 3.2 Average Water Demand of Indian Town Harper an (a) Domestic use 135 Iped (b) Industrial use 50 Iped (©) Public use 10 Iped (4) Institutional and commercial use 20 Iped (©) Losses, wastage and thefts 55 Iped Total 270 Iped Total quantity of water required by the town per day shall be 270 multiplied with the total population in litres/day. 3.1.1 Domestic Water Demanp The water required for actual household activity is known as “domestic demand’, This includes the water required in residential houses for drinking, cooking, bathing, lawn rinkling, gardening, flushing of toilets, ete. The demand depends on habits, social status and elim: conditions. In Indian towns or cities, the domestic water consumption of Water und 1 condition is taken as 135 litres /eapitaday (as per I$ : 1199" 1983) [for details vide Tables evel en ies, the water demand is ye, y hi . 3.3 & 3.4]. In developed countries, is very high (as at to their advanced life style, A) dae Table 3.3 Minimum Water Supply Requirements for Domestic ang Non-domestic Needs 1. Urban residences with flushing fa , estic needs, minimum) 2 one Income Group (LIG) and Economically . Lot Weaker Section of Society (EWS) Scanned with CamScanner QUANTITY OF WATER 4a at lation cea ea 3. For communities with popu (a) Above 1,00,000 (b) 1,00,000 ~ 20,000 (©) Up to 20,000 4, Rural communities with population up to 20,000 (a) Service connections (b) Supply by handpumps or central standposts with service connections 150 — 200 100 — 150 40 - 100 Not less than 70 — 100 Not less than 40 Source : Handbook on “Water Supply and Drainage", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1987 and Manual on “Water Supply and Treatment", 3rd Edn., CPH and EEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi, 1991, Table 3.4 Details of Domestic Consumption Drinking 5 litres 5 litres Cooking 5 litres 5 litres Ablution oa 10 litres 10 litres 30 litres 10 litres 25 litres Cleaning of utensils Washing clothes Flushing water closets 45 litres 70 litres 25 litres 200 Veapita/day 30 litres 50 litres 10 litres 135 Weapita/day (or for latrine and urinal) Bathing Others like house washing Total 3.1.2 InpustRiAL DEMAND For small industries within the town, the water required is included in the per capita rate itself, The ordinary per capita consumption on account of industrial needs of a city is generally taken as 50 Ipcd, which may suffice only to meet the water demand of small-scattered industries, without catering to large industries, Some of the industries may develop their own water supplies, and may place a very little or virtually no demand on the public supplies. However, if water is required from the public water supply, then the water required depends on the type Scanned with CamScanner = TEWATER ENGINEERING WATER & WAS. as the cost of water, and size of industry, es involved. Hence the The requirement also depends on factors such availability of water, method of waste disposal and the type of proces demand for each industry has to be examined individually. In industrial cities, the per as 450 litres/eapita/day OF so. a finally be computed to be as high | requirement of 50 Iped, apita water requirement m ! s compared to the normal industria 3.1.3 Fire Demanp ai lated by certain The quantity of water required for the fire fighting is generally calculated by empirical formulae, the most common ate : (@) National Board of Fire Underwriters Formula: Q = 4637) P(1-001V?) (b) Freeman Formula : Q= 1136.50(£+10) where Q = Fire demand in litres per minute P = Population in thousands. ¢ formulae usually give quite high results which are not suitable for Indian herefore following formula of Kuichling gives satisfactory results. Q = 3182VP litres per minute The above high quantity of water for fire fi short time of 4 to 5 hours only. If this quantit amount which will not much affect the total should be 1 ~ 1.5 kg/sq. em. which should using fire hydrant. For Indian conditions, in a large city where population is say 50 lakhs, a moderate allowance of | Ipcd for fire demand may be quite sufficient. Generally in a moderate fire breakout, three jet streams each fire hydrant (one on the burning property, and one each o of the burning property). The discharge of each stream sh Hence, in a big city having population $0 lakhs, if six fire: stands for 3 hours, the total quantity of water required sha 6 * (3 1100) x (3 x 60) [ie., No, of fires x Dj ; = pec litres/day. Scharge x Time of each fire) The quantity of water required per person 3564000 _ 3564000 < y pug ~ 50lakhs 500000 ie., the per capita demand i nored while computing the sot uirement of a city. However, in small cities, We see that the fire Ee ordinary domestic demand. So there the design demand wilt The abovi conditions. TI ighting is required few times a year and that too ty is calculated on yearly basis, it will be very small requirement. The minimum pressure at fire hydrant be available even after 4 to § hours of constantly are simultaneously thrown from n adjacent Property on either side ‘ould be about 1100 litres/minute. s break out in a day and each fire all be given by tal per capita water ‘mand is much higher than © the fire-demand, Scanned with CamScanner QUANTITY OF WATER 43 ———— eeeeeeeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSSSSSSSSSSSMSha The Manual on Water Supply and ‘Treatment pub M ed by the Govt. of India recommends the provision of a quantity of water for fire demand obtained in Kilo-litres/day by the use of the formula 100/P, where P = population in thousands. This formula is to be adopted for communities with population larger than 50, 000. About one-third of the quantity required for fire-fighting needs is to be kept in service reservoirs, ic., the reservoirs from where the water is to be distributed to the town. Water for: the remaining requirement is stored in several tanks provided at important places (if possible, at strategic points). These tanks are filled up by tankers fetching water from nearby ponds, canals or streams, Indian Standards (IS : 9668 - 1980) recommend that the fire reserve should be provided at the rate of 1800 Ipm for every 50,000 population and an additional 1800 Ipm for each 1 lakh population more than 3 lakhs. For towns of population 1 lakh and below, the total requirement should be doubled. The fire reserve should be maintained for at least.4 hours. 3.2 VaRIATION OF DEMAND The per capita demand, which we have studied in the previous articles, is the average consumption of the year. In practice it has been seen that this demand does not remain uniform throughout the year but it varies from season to season, even from hour to hour. Variation in rate of demand may be termed as : [i] Seasonal or Monthly variations, [ii] Daily variation, [iii] Hourly variation. [i] Seasonal variation : The water demand varies from season to season. In summer the water demand is maximum, because péople will use more water in bathing, cooling, lawn watering, street sprinkling, etc. This demand goes on reducing and in winter it becomes minmum, because less water will be used in bathing and there will be no lawn watering. This fluctuation may be up to 150% of the average annual consumption. [ii] Daily Variation : The rate of demand for water may vary from day to day also. This is due to the habit of the consumers, climatic conditions, holidays ete. Water demand on Sundays is generally more than other days of the week. On Sunday everybody takes bath leisurely, cleans his clothes etc. Moreover on the day of mass marriages or some fair (or festival), the rate of water demand will be more. On hot and dry day water requirements will be more as compared to a rainy day. Maximum daily demand = 2.5 x average daily demand, The maximum daily consumption may be as much as 180 percent of the average annual consumption. Hourly Variation : The rate of demand for water during 24 hours does not remain uniform and it varies according to hour of the day. Maximum hourly demand = 2.5 x average hourly demand. A typical graph showing hourly rate of consumption is shown in Fig. 3.1. Fs Scanned with CamScanner 44 ——— WATER & WASTEWATER ENGINEERING \.AVERAGE RATE OF PUMPING PATE OF CONSUMPTION i2 4 8 12 MIDNIGHT NOON MIDNIGHT 3.1 Hourly Rate of Consumption On Sundays and other holidays the peak hours may be about § A.M. due to late awakening whereas it may be 6 A.M. on the other working days. The peak flow hours may be between 6 A.M.~ 10. A.M, and 4 P.M, ~8 PM. and minimum flow may be between 12 PM. midnight — 4AM. Certain industries may be working in day and night shifts and consuming more water. Itis therefore necessary to study the characteristics of the district before deciding upon rate of consumption. The maximum hourly consumption may rise up to 200% that of average daily demand. {mn general. for designing main and branch pipes, pumps, storage tanks ete, the maximum hourly demand of water is taken as 3 x average hourly demand ; for desi branches and feeders etc., it is= 2 average hourly demand : w chamber, filtration and other purifying chambers the maximum as 1.5 to 2 » average hourly demand. igning service pipes, hile for designing sedimentation hourly demand of water is taken 3.3 Factors ArrectinG Per Capita Water Demanp The following are the various factors that affect the rate of demand : 1. Climatic Condition : The demand is more in summer and itis less in w demand varies according to hot and cool places. The demand is more oy and it is less on a cloudy or a rainy day. 2. Cost of Water : If water tax is implemented by providing water mete; consumption of water will be less. The consumers will control the wi their own interest, Therrate of tax also will affect the demand, ‘Ths, t the lower will be the consumption and vice versa, inter. Again, the na very hot day, t, then the ‘stage of water in the higher the cost, Scanned with CamScanner QUANTITY OF WATER 45 4. Habits of People : Due to advanced life style water consumption is very high in the high alue premises. The rate is average in middle class zone and the rate is low in slum areas. 5. Industry Every industry requires much water for operation ‘and maintenance. So, the presence of absence of industry in a town or city affects the rate of demand. 6. Quality of Water : The good quality of water increases:the rate of demand, whereas the bad quality decreases the rate 7. Sewerage System : The existence ofa sewerage system in a town or city consumes more water for cleaning, ablution and flushing of toilets and urinals, 8. System of Supply : Ina continuous em of supply, the consumption of water is more, as there is every chance of misuse or wastage of water. So, the rate of demand is more. In an intermittent system of supply the water consumption is less, as water is supplied only in some specific periods of the day. There is little chance of misuse. So, the rate of demand is low. 9, Public Services ned cities, towns and townships require a considerable amount of water, for watering of parks, gardens and hospitals. Availability of Supplementary Sources : If adequate groundwater is available, people use their own resources, reducing the municipal demand. 3.4 PopuLaTION FORECAST After deciding the quantity of water required by an individual, the next step in the design of water supply scheme will be to find the total quantity required by a community. For this after fixing design period, the next sequential task is to determine the population in various periods, because the population of the towns generally goes on increasing. The correct present and past populations can be obtained from census-office. The future development of the town mostly depends on trade expansion, development of industries in surrounding country, discovery of mines, construction of railway stations etc. These elements may produce sharp rises, slow growth, stationary conditions or even decrease the population. For the prediction of population, it is better to study the development of other similar towns, which have developed under the same circumstances, because the development of the predicted town will be more or less on the same lines. The following are the standard methods by which the forecasting of population is done : 1. Arithmetic Progression method. 2. Geometric Progression method. 3. Incremental Increase method. 4. Decreasing rate of increase method. 5. Logistic Curve method 6. Graphical Extension method, 7. Graphical Comparison method. Among these methods, the first four will be discussed in details as per syllabus. © Arithmetic Progression Method + ng at a constant rate. ‘his method is based on the assumption that the Scanned with CamScanner : WATER & WASTEWATER. ENGINEERING des, (say) for a n calculate the We take the for the future We study the past census records of population y 10 years oF deca township. We note the population at 1971, 1981, *99t0 a 2001. ‘Then we an inerea: ach decade, It may be different in different decade sence d average of these. The assumption is that the same average value will hold goo ‘ades also. fam 1981 199) 3001 55 Sum 14.5 Average 145 +3 = 4.833 t 15 +2= 0.75 Let Yo = Initial population. and K = the average increase for all the decades (per decade) Then Yn = population after decades yo + Kn 2 first three columns of Table above (for this method) Yoo5) = 22.5 + 4.833 x 3 [Here = 3 as we are to calculate the population from 2001 to 2031] = 37 thousands. © Incremental Increase Method : Let r be the increase in population per decade and Ar = incremental increase per decade. If ¥, be the initial population, then after Ist decade the population will be Y, = ¥y + (r + Ar), After 2nd decade, it will be ¥p = VY, + ("+ Ar) + Ar= ¥y + (r+ Ar) + (r+ 2dr) Yy + r+ (1+ 2)Ar Afier nth decade, the population will be Y, = Yo t mrt (1424 ee mar ay, + nr MUD Ar Using the same data as in Table above, by incremental increase method 3341) Yo031 * 0.75 [Here n = population from 2001 to 2031] = Al. 3 ticansds, = 22,5 + 4.833 x34 > 3 as we are to calculate the Scanned with CamScanner QUANTITY OF WATER 7 4 © Geometric Progre ri the same data as in th i sed, the population by geomet eee dis on method would be found out. (0% 41.67 «32.35 1991 apart 2001 Taking the arithmetic mean of % increase in population, we get = 41.34% In this method, geometric mean of the three values of % increase per decade will be taken. The geometric mean 40.69% is considered as constant increase (geometrically) for the next decades. s Yaoi, = 22.5(1 + 0.4069) Yo021 (1 + 0.4069)? 2031 = 22-5(1 + 0.4069) = 62.67 thousands. This is much higher than the other two methods. Generally this method is adopted when the township is growing, new developments and so influx of people is occurring. When the township is more or less established, we follow the Arithmetic Progression method. However, we generally use the Incremental Increase method, which gives more rational value than the other two. © Decreasing Rate of Increase Method : The geometric rate of growth gives higher result and any city’s population curve will not follow in geometric pattern beyond two to three decades. Later on the rate falls down. In decreasing rate of increase method the fall in percentage increase is considered in the form of average decrease, and is then subtracted from the latest percentage increase for each successive decade, as explained below, using same data as before. This method is however, applicable only in cases, where the rate of growth ultimately shows a downward trend. 7; ee | a | Bere. 4 50% 5 167% 1991 a 2001 2.5 Eo 32.35% Sum 17.65 ‘Average 17.65 + 3 = 8825 Let us assume that, for future decades, the population increase is decreasing at a constant rate of 8.825%. Scanned with CamScanner 73.525] _22.5(1 + 0.23525) = 2775 as = 147 27.793(1 + 0.147) = 31,879 8.825 3 525 ate) 75, [31.879(1 + 0.05875) = 33.755 8.825 14,7 = 8.825 = 5.8 In 2041, the decrease but actu; Will remain s, This y Population increase will be negative, i.e, mathenetialy the ees ally it means that population has reached the saturation state, ie., ame Lie. 33.752 thousand] alue is more or tess Near to that obtained from Arithmetic Progression method, * this decreasing + ‘ate of increase method is more rational. incl methods to be followed for population forecast are not ee : Tequire to be s ing Arithmetic Progression, Incremental Increase & Decreasing Rate of ‘> Problem 3.1 ? A small town has following Population fi: igures : Year 1931 1941 1951 Population 5609 6270 6790 1961 | 1971 | 1981 | 1991 7430 [ 8015} 8407 [on What will be the projected population in the year 2021? IWBSCTE Annual Exam (Old) 1993] A Solution : 1951 1961 7430 1971 8015 1981 8407 i991 [9011 Sum__|} Average Ee Scanned with CamScanner aa QUANTITY OF WATER i 4 Projected population in the year 2021 by Arithmetic Progression Method. Yogn1 = Yyoo1 * Ken = 9011 + 567 = 3 [where K ; 10712. By Incremental Increase Method, 567 & n= 3) p+ MED Ap [where m= 3, 7 = 567 & Ar = 11.4] 3+1) 2 = 9011 + 567 x 3 + x (11.4) = 10644, However, Decreasing Rate of Increase Method would be most suitable to find projected population for this type of data. 991 | = 7.18 9011 2001 0.92, 718 — 0.92 = 6.26 | _9011(1 + 0.0626) = 9575 2011 0.92 6.26 ~ 0.92 = 5.34 | _9575(1 + 0.0534) = 10086 2021 0.92 5.34 — 0.92 = 4.42- | 10086(1 + 0.0442) = 10532 Projected population in the year 2021 by Decreasing Rate of Increase Method will be = 10532. \ Problem 3.2 : Estimate the population of a town for the year 2031 whose census data are given below : Population 8500 8750} 9450 | 10000 10450 | 10950 11400 11950 Year 1921 1931] 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 | aE [WBSCTE Annual Exam 1999] A Solution : 1921 8500 3 0 +450 5.06 1931 8751 an ; 5.0 1941 9450 —150 2.18 350 5.82 1951 10000 ad =100 132 1961 10450 =) 50 a 0.28 1971 10950 0 -50 nae 0.67 1981 T4004 __1 100 pa Fo 1991 11950 550 4.82 Sum 3450 | 300 =1.88 ‘Average 3450+ 7=493| 300+6=50 =1.88 = 6 = -0313 Scanned with CamScanner .si01 “apmetic Progres by Ari agg = «on the year 203 Projected population ne a 493 x4 [where Faas = Mio ©" "3022 1 Increase Method, 72.493 & Or = 50] By Incremental nat) gy fwhere mee 4, tart Yoox = Moo fi = 14422. 44+), 50 = 1442 = 11950 +493 x4 + a * Decreasing Rate of Increase Method voy, However, due to negative value of average rate, give much higher value, 1991 2001 0313 4.82 + 0.313 = 5.133 513340313 =5.446 | 12563(1 + 0.05446, 2011 -0.313 2021 ~0.313 5.446 +0313 =5.759 | 13247(1 + 0.05759) = 14010 2031 0.313 5.759 + 0.313 = 6.072 | 14010(1 + 0.06072) = 14861 Projected population in the year 2031 by Decreasing Rate of Increase Method will be = 14861. % Problem 3.3 : The census data of a small township are given below : Year 1951 | 1961 | 1971 | 1981 | 1991 Population | 72000 | 800001 90000 94000 [ 100000 [i] Estimate the future population of the town i i Esimat town in 2021 A.D. using the ‘Incremental Increase’ | ; [ii] Calculate the capacity of a water Feservoir suitable for this population. A‘ the ulation. Assume community will use the flushing system, ‘A Solution : {i) (WBSCTE Semester Exam 2006] i ay = an saa Oe 1961 80000 [__1971 90000 1981 94000 1991 100000 6000 ‘Sum! “Average 72000 + 3 = 666.7 Scanned with CamScanner QUANTITY OF WATER 51 By Incremental Increase Method, Y, 2 = Vigo) tr + mae) a, [where n = 3, r = 7000 & Ar = 100000 + 7000 x 3 + 33+ Ds (-666.7) = 117000. Hence, the future population of the town in 2021 A.D. will be 117000. [ii] Assuming the community will use the flushing system, the daily requirement of the town shall be 270 Iped. Future projected population for which this water reservoir is required = 117000. So, the capacity of the water reservoir = 270 x 117000 = 3,15,90,000 litres = 31.59 ML. 6 QUESTIONS WITH HINTS 0 O Descriptive type Questions : 1. What are the different types of water demand that are to be taken into account for a water supply project ? Ans. See Article 3.1. 2. What do you mean by per capita demand and domestic demand in connection with water supply project ? [WBSCTE 1996, '98, 2004 (Semester)] Ans. See Art. 3.1 and Art. 3.1.1, 3. Give a break-up of the quantity of water required in different uses under the category “Domestic use”. [WBSCTE 1998, 2004 (Annual), 2005 (Semester)] ‘Ans. Write Table 3.4 under Article 3.1.1 4, Write notes on : (i) Industrial Demand & ({i) Fire Demand. Ans. (i) Art. 3.1.2; (ii) Art. 3.13. 5. What do you mean by variation of demand in water supply? [WBSCTE 1993, '95] ‘Ans. Art. 3.2. 6. State the factors which directly affect the per capita demand in a community. [WBSCTE 2004 (Semester)] Ans. Art. 3.3. 7. (@) What do you mean by population forecast? [WBSCTE 1999} (b) State the names of different methods by which population forecast is done, ‘Ans. (a) Write First Paragraph under Art. 3.4. (b) Name different methods as in Art. 3.4 below First Paragraph. 8. The population of a town in four consecutive decades received from the census report were found to be 40,000; 48,000; $7,000; and 67,600. Calculate future increase of population for the next decade by Incremental Increase Method, [WBSCTE 2004 (Annual)]} ‘Ans. Expected population for the next decade = 78,100. 9. The population in 2 town in the years 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 was 72000, 79000, 89000, 98000 and 112000 respectively. Predict the population in the above town in the year 2021 using Incremental Increase method. [WBSCTE 2004 (Semester)] ‘Ans. Expected population in the year 2021 = 1,39,000. . = 10. The population of a town in four consecutive decades (1971 to 2001) received from the census report were found to be 80,000; 1,20,000; 1,68,000; and 2,28,580, Predict the population in the above town in the year 2031 using Decreasing Rate of Increase method. ‘Ans. Expected population in the year 2031 = 4,13,700. Ro Scanned with CamScanner

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