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1) 나이 든 사람들이 이제와서 교육받기엔 비효율적이다

ex) 우리 가족 중 윗 세대 사람들은 핸드폰 사용하기도 어려워 하는데, 핸드폰 제작 기술을 가르쳐 주는 것은
너무 힘들 것이다.

2) 젊은이들에게도 불필요하다
ex) 대학에 있는 젊은이들은 훨씬 전문적이고 적성에 맞는 교육을 받을 수 있음 -> 정부에서까지 할 필요가
+요새 젊은이들이 취업을 하지 못하는 이유는 기술이 없어서가 아니라 취업 할 자리가 부족해서이기 때문이다
-> 정부는 up-to-date skill 을 교육시키기 보다 일자리를 창출하는데 돈을 쓰는 것이 훨씬 효율적일 것이다.

The government is planning to spend money on a training course for all adults after
25 years old for the most up-to-date skills at workplaces. Do you think it is

There are many people arguing that the government should spend funds on a
training class for all adults after 25 years old for the most newest skills at
workplaces since it is effective for enhancing knowledge of employees and stimulate
university students to possess more ability of working. However, in my opinion, the
governments payment for maintaining training course for all adults are unnecessary
because it it difficult for older generations to attend and there are more
professional institutions providing useful structures for many adults.

First of all, it is time and money wasting to teach updated skills to old
generation. In the past, the most jobs in the company were very different with
stuffs that are required by the employees nowadays. So if the adults have to study
for up-to-date technologies, it would be totally distinct with the skills that they
learned long ago. And it would be hard for the generation to attend and keep up
with the classes of new technologies and strategies because they already graduated
from the universities long ago. Even if the government provides classes for the
generation, it would be actually unnecessary for older people to take because most
of them are already working at a stable workplaces. Moreover, since it needs much
time for the old generation to completely understand about the skills, the
government have to maintain the courses for a long time and there would be many
people taking the class, so in the long term there would occure serious financial
scarcity to pay for the teachers of the courses and keep providing places for the

In addition, it is evern more unneeded for the young generation to take the
training course as they are mostly taking more suitable and specialized structures
at the universities and academies. Most universites have more helpful and various
structures compared to the traing course of the governmnet. Even if there are some
young people are not having classes at the universites, it would be more effective
to take courses in academies rather than the course provided from the nation since
academies have more specialized and relieble professors, and it would be closer for
the youngers as it is impossible for the government to generate every class in
every area of the contry in nature. Furthermore, the most significant problem of
the employment in the society is not the lack of newest skills among young
generations, but the lack of applicaition for workers. There are many young people
stuggle from finding a job even they possess sufficient ability and knowlege of
technologies. Therefore, it would be more effective for government to spend money
on generating new workplaces for the youngers rather than offering training course.
In conclusion I strongly disagree with the idea that it is effetual for
government to provide training course for all adults for the most recent skill at
workplaces since neither the old nore young generation require for the class
because they are already having suitable jobs and it is hard for them to learn a
entirely different course, or they can attend more useful and professional class in
different places such as universites and it is more effective to solve the problem
of employment from the government.

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