Professional Ethics

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Today's society demands that organizational management emphasize issues related to social
responsibility and ethics when making business decisions. The implementation of social
responsibility activities reflects the willingness of the organization's management to improve and
maintain the welfare of the entire community. Over the years, the community has given support
to the business activities carried out by an organization. We cannot deny that organizations
should prioritize and implement social responsibility activities for the community. This is
because the organization exists and succeeds because of community support. The community
always expects organizations to carry out social responsibility activities, especially in the aspect
of welfare and providing a comfortable environment for the well-being of their lives. We can see
that lately, the focus of organizations on the field of social responsibility has increased and is
likely to continue to increase in the future. In addition to focusing on social responsibility, we
find that organizations also need to emphasize ethics. In fact, ethics is a major consideration in
organizations today. Ethics can be a catalyst for managers to take socially responsible actions.
This is because ethics is related to moral values, self-identity, value systems, and beliefs, as well
as guidance for making accurate and fair decisions. Therefore, we can conclude that
organizational management needs to give primary consideration to the areas of social
responsibility and ethics. This is because today's modern management has to be responsible not
only for the success of the organization but also for other members of society such as
shareholders, customers, competitors, employees, suppliers, lenders, and the government.

The term ethics is derived from the Greek word 'ethos, which means character or personality.
According to the meaning of Kamus Dewan (1995), published by Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka,
etika means a basic system of morals, customs, behavior, or ethics. Western scholar J.L. Mackie
defines ethics as a discipline that can explain the good and bad values of an act and provide lines
of difference between the good and bad of a person. A.R. Licey and W.L. Reese, on the other
hand, define ethics as practical activities that involve behavior, customs, and ways of life, as well
as aspects of the intentions and tendencies of a person or society in doing an activity. Ethics here
can be summed up as the principles of responsible behavior that determine individual actions that
are morally acceptable. Every individual must have ethics that can be accepted by society. The
imbalance of individual ethics now leads to a lot of immoral symptoms, such as corruption and
so on. Ethics is very important in managing individuals, families, organizations, and
communities to ensure well-being and happiness. An ethical individual can build a good
personality because he maintains himself with praiseworthy qualities. Ethics also play an
important role in determining organizational stability. It can preserve the pure values of the
organization with a responsible attitude and care for each other's welfare. It can also strengthen
stability, further improve productivity, increase credibility and reputation, and guarantee the
continuous development of an organization. The importance of ethics in a society cannot be
disputed because it can maintain peace, justice, and continued well-being. An ethical society can
also create a healthy environment and avoid social problems such as dumping babies, robbery,
smuggling illegal goods, and the like. Social responsibility is the obligation and responsibility of
the organization to create something that is beneficial to the surrounding community, including
employees, customers, the community, and the environment, in addition to increasing profits.
Certo (1997) defines corporate social responsibility as the duty of management to take actions
that protect and improve the welfare of society as a whole and the interests of the organization.
Ferrell, Thorne, & Ferrell (2011 also stated that corporate social responsibility is an
organizational activity to meet the expectations of stakeholders, whether they are in the private
or public sector, large or small, at a strategic economic, legal, ethical, or social responsibility
level. The importance of the social responsibility of an organization is not simply charged
through economic aspects alone but also through other responsibilities that are more holistic.

Social responsibility emphasizes the aspect of close cooperation between the corporate sector
and the government in an effort to achieve the country's socioeconomic balance. The corporate
sector is asked to be at the forefront and in line with the government to ensure that the well-being
of the community is protected and not only shouldered by one side. In addition, organizations
can play a role in social responsibility in various fields, including aspects of education, health,
the environment, and the economy. In short, if this responsibility is realized with pure and fair
intentions, it will certainly provide a thousand and one benefits to the community.


In Europe and the United States, research on ethics and values in business is growing. Ethics and
social responsibility in the business community took place in the 1960s in the United States, with
the initial idea of social responsibility coined by Milton Friedman (1962, 1970, 1979). Among
the factors, the one that helps the development is the increase in cases of oppression by
employers against employees and fraud against consumers, as well as the emergence of other
issues such as environmental issues that are said to be caused by the carelessness of merchant
communities. Studies on ethical philosophy have produced two groups of ethical theories called
teleological and deontological theories (Ferrell, Gresham, & Fraedrich, 1989). Paraphilosophers
from the teleological group named their concept as consequentialist by laying the foundation for
good morals on good results from an action. While deontology names their concept as
nonconsequentialist, laying the foundation that is said to be wrong is still wrong, although it
gives good results (Shaw, 1991). Beekun (1998) focuses on ethics as something that is valid
throughout time because man is always watched by his Creator. Beekun continued again that
Islamic ethical philosophy has five principles: unity, equality, desire, responsibility, and
generosity. This is one of the things that distinguishes Islamic ethics from western secular ethics.
Some previous studies have been reviewed by the researcher in discussing this issue of social
responsibility to ensure that they are not repeated. Neil H. Jacoby (1973), in his book, discusses
social responsibility and corporate institutions in the United States, starting with his criticism of
corporate companies in America up to the responsibilities that need to be played by social
activists, environmentalists, and so on. Carol Archie B. (1991) has touched on several
characteristics of social responsibility that focus on the morals and management direction of
stakeholders' organizations.

This discussion of corporate social responsibility is depicted in the form of a pyramid that
includes three morals and stakeholder directions: immoral management, management that is not
based on moral standards, and moral management, especially to customers and the local
community. Abdul Manaf Bohari and Nik Mutasim Nik Abdul Rahman (2001) looked at the
concept of corporate social responsibility from the Malaysian perspective in terms of the
problems faced, implementation, and challenges. The researcher also discussed stakeholders for
corporate institutions, which include the entire society that also receives the impact of the
decisions and corporate policies of the institution. Janet L.H. Looi (2005) and Tay Kay Luan
(2005), in an article presented at the Asian Corporate Governance Conference, focused on the
suitability of corporate social responsibility for Asian businesses. The researcher also touches on
Asian businesses that are traditionally dominated by family or state-owned businesses. This form
of Asian business was initially less transparent and discriminated against outsiders. The
management of the business is unbalanced, i.e., loyalty is to the leader and not to the company as
a whole. While the community and the country with highly ethical individuals, families, and
organizations will also achieve the benefits, Society will become more progressive, safe,
peaceful, and harmonious. The country is also peaceful, developed, and has a high image at the
international level. As long as a nation can maintain a high level of ethical practice, that nation
will continue to progress and develop.n our environment, ethics play an important role in
everyday life. This is because ethics is closely related to power, and an individual will use the
power he has according to the authorized channels. For example, a policeman cannot arrest a
suspected criminal without strong evidence because he would violate the ethics and jurisdiction
of a policeman. Ethics is also linked to the law, and ethical individuals will certainly not violate
the law of the land. For example, an ethical person will not break rules such as stopping at a red
light, wearing a seat belt, not driving over the limit, and so on.

The role of the private sector is essential to ensuring efforts to ensure Malaysian education is the
best among the best. Contribution and involvement are the catalysts for realizing that dream.
Stick to social responsibility, entrusted by many corporate sectors to establish universities under
the management's own For example, National Energy University (UNITEN), Multimedia
University (MMU), and Lim Kok Wing University are among the best universities in Malaysia
and get international recognition for successfully helping to create a child's direction. The
corporate sector also contributes to creating something more 'perfect' in school education through
scholarships and the improvement of conducive school infrastructure. A good environment
definitely guarantees comfort while learning. The comfort of learning will be able to increase the
academic excellence of the students. For example, Giant supermarkets, through the Giant
Edufund program, have helped several schools through donations to upgrade libraries, purchase
computers, purchase reference books, and so on. Corporate social responsibility is not only about
education; improving the health of the community is also a very significant thing. Relying on
health-conscious factors, corporate social responsibility is highly expected in efforts to improve
the health standard of society in Malaysia. Health programs organized and sponsored by the
corporate sector can be fully beneficial to creating a society that is physically fit and intelligent.
Activities like this can increase awareness and give a wider and clearer understanding of the
positive implications of donating blood. The benefits of corporate social responsibility are not
only focused on the education and health aspects of the community. The emphasis on
environmental care is also not left aside. A clean and comfortable environment reflects the basic
life of the people of a country. Therefore, the private sector, especially those directly involved
with the environment, is required to be more sensitive when conducting their business. Matters
related to the surrounding environment should be taken seriously. The implementation of
policies related to the environment that have been created has helped to avoid the occurrence of
environmental pollution since this issue is seen as very serious in the development of the country
to move towards a more modern and high-tech country.

The active TUKAR, or Retail Store Transformation Program, is a government effort to help
small traders increase sales and further expand their businesses. This program will be able to
further strengthen the financial and economic resources of small traders. Therefore, the
willingness of large merchants such as Giant, Tesco, and Mydin supermarkets to agree to be
mentors or consultants should be commended. The success of this program will have positive
implications not only for local retailers but for consumers in Malaysia in general. Consumers
will be able to shop more wisely in a more convincing retail store environment. A perfect house
will be able to give birth to an excellent household. Therefore, the benefits enjoyed in the
Rumahku Syurgaku program as a result of Tenaga Nasional Berhad's contribution enable the
children of marginalized nations to continue to fight against the tide in today's contemporary
world. Opportunities and assistance from the private sector, which understands the current
economic situation, are very significant for the Malaysian community. This contribution is not
the community's dream to live luxuriously, but it is enough to support their economy. Grabbing
any contribution that is extended through corporate social responsibility is something that should
not be let go just like that.



An organization needs to maintain a high level of ethics and social responsibility in order to gain
the confidence of the community. In order to maintain an organization at a high level in the field
of ethics and social responsibility, several approaches are suggested that should be taken by the
organization. An organization needs to have a strategic plan to maintain ethics and social
responsibility at a high level in a comprehensive and systematic manner. This aims to make it
easier for organizations to apply appropriate approaches and strategies towards the set goals. A
clear goal makes it easier for the organization to take corrective action immediately if there is a
discrepancy with the actual target. Every organization needs to prepare a guideline or "Blueprint"
to maintain ethical management and social responsibility at a high level. The preparation of
guidelines or "blueprints" about the management of ethics and social responsibility is very
important to be used as a guide and reference for the managers of the organization, making it
easier for the management of the organization to plan and implement ethical and social
responsibility programs in an orderly and planned manner, making it easier for the organization
to achieve the targets that have been set, and making it easier to take corrective actions if there
are differences with the targets that have been set. The absence of guidelines or "blueprints"
about the management of ethics and social responsibility causes efforts towards the development
and consolidation of ethics and social responsibility among organizational members to be less
emphasized by the managers of the organization. The organization's top management should
always raise issues related to ethics and social responsibility in management speeches at
meetings or monthly gatherings. This encourages an organization to perform its appropriate role
in promoting the importance of ethics and social responsibility within the organization. This will
help the organization improve and maintain ethics and social responsibility at a high level.
Management philosophy and ideology are very important because the principles and values held
by top management will guide all members of the organization. The next approach is to use top
management as a "Role Model" in implementing ethics and social responsibility at a high level.
The concept of leadership by example is an idealistic and effective approach to influencing the
mind, attitude, behavior, and actions of organizational members towards cultivating ethics and
high social responsibility. The top management of an organization also needs to hold discussions
with subordinates to maintain the ethics and social responsibility of the organization at a high
level. This discussion will strengthen the implementation of ethics and social responsibility
because all issues and conflicts related to implementing ethics and social responsibility programs
can be resolved immediately and together. Next, all members of the organization will comply
with ethical work and carry out the social responsibility of the organization. Organizations also
need to hold internal training programs to ensure that they can maintain ethics and social
responsibility at a high level. Among the contents of the training is a movement on ethical
strategic planning and social responsibility for new members of the organization. In addition,
members who have served for a long time need to be reminded and approached from time to
time about the importance of ethics and social responsibility in the organization so that a culture
of ethical work and high social responsibility continues to be enforced in the organization.
Finally, an effective approach to maintaining ethics and social responsibility is to give
appreciation or awards to members who can practice ethics and social responsibility at a high
level. This can give encouragement to the members of the organization to continue to maintain a
culture of ethics and social responsibility at a high level. The conclusion is that in order to
maintain ethics and social responsibility at a high level, all parties in the organization, whether at
the top management level or subordinates, need to mobilize energy to make it a common goal.


Ethics and social responsibility are the best mediums for organizations to carry out their
responsibilities towards society and the environment. In relation to that, ethics and the
implementation of this social responsibility need to be streamlined and strengthened to ensure
that they can provide the desired results and effects in accordance with the goals of their
implementation. In order to ensure that ethics and social responsibility can be better implemented
in the future, all parties, whether companies, society, or even the government, need to join hands
and mobilize energy together to make it a success so that it is not just a concept. Therefore, there
are a number of recommendations that need attention to improve and strengthen their

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