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Learning Objective: At the end of the lecture/discussion students are able to:

1. Learn the legal basis of physical education.

2. Define physical education.

3. Learn the history, objectives and purpose of physical


Methodology : Lecture-demonstration

Content : Legal basis of physical education

Definition of physical education

History, objectives, and purpose of physical education


What is the major goal of physical education? Explain your answer.









Legal Basis of Physical Education

Article XIV, Section 19 of 1987 Philippine Constitution

SECTION1. The state shall promote physical education and encourage sports

programs, league competitions and amateur sports including the training for

international competitions to foster self-discipline team work & excellence for

the development of healthy and alert citizenry.

SECTION2. All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities

throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.


Physical Education

- Came from the Latin word “physica”, meaning physics and “educatio”,

meaning the training of the bodily organs and powers with a view to the

promotion of hearts and vigor.

- A process through which an individual obtains optimal mental, social and

fitness through physical activities.

- It refers to the enhancement of individuals growth & development through

total body movements.

Brief History

Physical Education has existed since the earliest stages of humanity, in areas

as simple as where knowledge of basic survival.

- Primitive Era – Form of survival, hunting and fishing

- Ancient Romans – component of military training

- Ancient Greeks – Form of entertainment

- Middle Ages – sports are considered sinful

- Renaissance – sports are revived.

- 1700’s – it was promoted to masses

- 1800’s – P. E. found its way into formal schools in Germany, Sweden, United

Kingdom, and America.

- 1900’s – the most significant development was the large- scale provision of

P.E. programs for girls and people with disabilities.

Objectives of Physical Education

1. Physical development

-To be able to maintain lifelong health and high level of physical fitness, one

should actively participate in physical activities.

2. Social development

- Once can acquire desirable social traits through participation in sports

related activities.

3. Emotional development

-Physical Education activities provide opportunities for self-expression and

emotional mastery.

4. Mental development

-Individual develops his mental capacities as he learns different activities.

Purpose of Physical Education

1. To develop optimum fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable

of living the “good life” and contributing to his maximum capacity to the

attainment of goals of our society.

2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well- being.

3. To train good leaders.

4. To develop creativity and innovativeness.

5. To instill a love of and pride to our rich cultural heritage.

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